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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 256x256, Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10468209 No.10468209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you do your reps yet /jp/?

>> No.10468217 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Is this a new daily dose?

>> No.10468223

I'm not a fucking weeb.

>> No.10468221

I liked the ones with the colored people. Colored people are funny.

>> No.10468225

Colored people are not funny.

>> No.10468226

All done, get off my back.

>> No.10468233

>Why not? Polite form is a big part of the language. You can't just ignore it.

I'm not saying ignore it, obviously. I think it's better to start out with casual, and then build everything upon that base, learning how to conjugate to polite forms. Otherwise it's like you have to learn to conjugate backwards.

>> No.10468236
File: 17 KB, 521x493, ss (2013-02-09 at 11.30.18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing em'.

>> No.10468244
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>> No.10468253 [DELETED] 

that's funny because people think Arc being black is hilarious

>> No.10468620

Does anyone else need double the time to properly memorize a kana only word as opposed to one that uses kanji?

I fucking hate this shit. I instantly get what it is after reading the sentence, but before doing that it's all blank in my head.

>> No.10468658

Yes. I think kanji words (on-yomi) are easier to memorize.

>> No.10468687

With jukugo I can think "this kanji means X and this kanji means Y" and then figure out the word. I can't do that with kana.

>> No.10468706
File: 3 KB, 268x34, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10468730

Try and make mnemonics. For example ぴかぴか, I think of a shiny pikachu, and ぺこぺこ I think of a starving bird pecking at food.

>> No.10468759

I find it funny that you would have to do something like that for an onomatopoeia, which is supposed to have a built in mnemonic

>> No.10468795

It isn't an onomatopoeia though, all things that are new and shiny for example, do not make a specific sound.

>> No.10468821

It is to the japanese. Although I guess you could argue their definition of オノマトペ is pretty much "stuff you can write next to objects in manga"

>> No.10468831

Actually, stuff like ぴかぴか isn't technically onomatopoeia. Things like that are called "mimetic sounds" (擬態語 in Japanese, while 擬声語/擬声語 is sounds that creatures actually make, aka onomatopoeia). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_sound_symbolism

>> No.10468844

Whoops, wrote 擬声語 twice. It's also called 擬音語, meant to write that instead. It's also worth noting that the distinction isn't very clear in Japanese, and there are multiple things it's called by, including

「擬声語」 - 『新英和大辞典』 研究社
「物声模倣」 - (同上)
「声喩法」 - 島村龍太郎 『新美辞学』
「擬声法」 - 『日本百科大事典』
「写音法」 - 黒岩大訳述 『雄弁美辞法』
「声喩」 - 増田藤之助 『英和比較・英語修辞学講義』
(ripped straight off Japanese wikipedia)

In any case, when speaking about it in English, I would use the word "onomatopoeia" carefully.

>> No.10468884

But ok, I guess I shouldn't call the onomatopoeia in english

>> No.10468895



Seems like it's not 100% clear. Makes sense, because Japan doesn't have much reason to separate and classify them, I guess.

>> No.10468898

Get a load of this nerd.

>> No.10469749


>> No.10470041

I started a new deck, and am 3 days behind. Just gonna go through them now.

>> No.10470117


>> No.10470125


>> No.10471810

Doing them!

>> No.10471821
File: 8 KB, 193x52, 猪?雅人.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this second kanji? 叉?

>> No.10471847


>> No.10471881 [DELETED] 


>> No.10471916
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>> No.10471952

I really hope you guys don't start every sentence with 私 or あなた in real life when you speak Japanese.

>> No.10471958

Omission is essential.

>> No.10471961


>> No.10471969

I don't really see what else it could be, even through the dot is on the wrong side, and going the wrong way... I even checked for Chinese characters!

>> No.10471970


I thought it was slowly reaching even the most deluded dweeb that you can't compare Japanese personal pronouns with their European counterpart, but no matter where I look, I always see constructions like "私はあなたを *".

Seriously, don't do that.

>> No.10471980

Fuck. I mean オナニー

>> No.10472020

I wonder if my vocab will ever become situational.

Sometimes I just feel that kunyomi word combinations are just too abstract to be understood from their key compontents that build the whole word up. Some are pretty straightforward while others feel way off.

>> No.10472052


Stop thinking about kanji, it's enough if you can read them. You aren't an etymologist.

>> No.10472091

Who else presses hard on everything? I want to really know it and scared of forgetting.

>> No.10472099

That's not how SRS work.

>> No.10472527
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>> No.10472564

It's funny because that's detrimental to your progress.

>> No.10472572

When I remember it as soon as I look at it, I click on easy. When I see something that I know either the onyomi or the meaning, or I take a long time to remember, I click on good. When I forgot completely, I click on hard. When I take too much to remember, I also click on hard.

>> No.10472733

not him, but how is it bad?

>> No.10472748

What does


mean? Or, please direct me where to ask.

>> No.10472751

It's here.

>> No.10472760

"It's here", Kitaa!, a general expression of excitement that something has appeared or happened.

>> No.10472766

I see. Thanks.

>> No.10472785

No, I start them all with 俺はなぁ,

>> No.10473170
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>> No.10473177

Guys, what do you do when you travel and you spend a lot of days without doing your reps due to not being able to? Will it be hard to go through them when the time comes? Should I study ahead to make up for the lost time?

>> No.10473186

I almost always omit watashi. If I want to be polite, I just conjugate verbs to their respective polite/humble/honorific forms. If I want to use something to refer to myself, I usually use boku.

>> No.10473200

You should get out of /jp/ if you need to leave your house for anything.

>> No.10473203

So how long does it take until I can struggle through VNs with a dictonary? That's all I really want.

>> No.10473218

After you learn kana, so like a day?

>> No.10473231

Well damn, that's cool.

>> No.10473237

Sorry dude.

>> No.10473258


>> No.10473278

You don't belong in /jp/ if you have a phone, let alone a smartphone.

>> No.10473279

It's a 又. That thing on the second stroke can be seen on some fonts.

>> No.10473312

You don't belong on /jp/ if you exist.

>> No.10473313 [DELETED] 

You don't belong in /jp/ if you exist.

>> No.10473345

Good thing I'm a ghost.
Fuggin fleshies messing up this good board.

>> No.10474167

Right, thanks bro!

>> No.10474195

i have a mobile comp[uter . hihihi

>> No.10474377

Given that he used です it is safe to assume that he wanted to polite. As such, it would be しませんでした, retard.

>> No.10474758

So I've heard that the first couple of cards in the Japanese Core 6K are useless business related terms. Will I be at a loss if I just delete them?

>> No.10475010

Not him but....If your wasting time on things you already know it takes away time to learn new things imo.

>> No.10475014

You've heard?
Look at the cards yourself, and decide whether you want to learn them.

>> No.10475465

It depends on what you want to read. Why don't you just make a deck with words that appear in what you want to read, so then when you read it, you know the words.

>> No.10476017

He might not want to do that because then he will have to create thousands of cards himself, and will have to do it for every single new word that he reads from now on.

>> No.10476052

Going to finish them tomorrow, because no time today.

>> No.10476095

Isn't that a form of memorizing the word though?

>> No.10476109

Let's see, I have the option of grabbing the corePLUS deck, that already have 25000+ cards made for me (and then just make cards for the few words I run across that aren't in that deck), or I could fucking make 10,000 or so cards on my own. Why the fuck would you waste your time doing that? Also you're going to only be limited to knowing the words you've come across, you won't be learning words in advance. I'd rather learn and read than spend MORE time dicking around with Anki.

>> No.10476490

But in reality, you'd be the one spending more time on Anki learning words you don't need to know. Have fun learning the word for urban prefecture after only a couple thousand cards.

>> No.10476512

I'll take a few words I don't know in exchange for not making 10,000+ cards myself.

>> No.10476516

don't need*

Also if you are sure that a word will be useless to you, you can just suspend or delete the card. You're not being forced to learn it. Likewise if you come across a word early you can reschedule it to the front.

>> No.10476886

You'll also take a lower retention rate.

>> No.10476907

Please provide proof that copy-pasting shit from a dictionary website into Anki increases your retention rate.

>> No.10476923
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>> No.10476926

Why would you copy and paste? If you going to manually add shit, go all the way.

>> No.10476932

Because they are words you will actually use and therefore see them outside of Anki. I don't need proof for such an easy concept.

>> No.10476943

Please provide proof that typing shit from a dictionary website into Anki one time, when you create the card, will increase your retention rate.

And I've already shown how that is meaningless because if you use a prebuilt deck you can rearrange and suspend the cards however you want. They're just already made for you.

>> No.10476957


No but I did your mom today

>> No.10476960 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 243413-crysis_psycho_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go there

>> No.10477055



>> No.10477721

But time enough to post on /jp/?

>> No.10477772

Of course. First thing in the morning, every day.

>> No.10477854

Being able to specifically tell that he was from /vg/ means you go there too.


>> No.10478159

It was a guess. You were slightly cute, but your logic is incorrect.

>> No.10478213

Do you mark your cards as failed or hard when Rendaku gets the best of you and the voicing is slightly off?

>> No.10478227

I mark everything as hard!

>> No.10478282

That's what you want to think

>> No.10478322

"I was wrong, but I'll respond anyways"

>> No.10478337

If you are wrong, and you have no clue, mark it again. If you knew and you were just acting blonde, mark it hard.

>> No.10478349
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>> No.10479206

4 days
No reps done

>> No.10479943
File: 30 KB, 640x360, jiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to do that.
HTML/CSS deck when

>> No.10479958 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 273x349, niggynogggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10479975
File: 345 KB, 931x1500, 1360091724537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After RTK1 and Tae Kim should I go with Core 2000/6000 or Core Plus?

>> No.10480036

How do I start my foray into kanji

>> No.10480075

Open up a book and start reading.

>> No.10480210

CorePlus has Core2k/6k in it, along with the rest of the JLPT words. I'm pretty sure it says what is in the deck under the description.

>> No.10480693

Is it even possible?

>> No.10481929

Seems he is using .css so if you can actually edit that, then a lot more than that would be possible.

>> No.10484743


>> No.10484780
File: 1 KB, 253x57, 332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's new cards were easy. I'm off to do some sentence analysis now.

>> No.10484792

is coreplus the reccomended deck or should i just make my own?

>> No.10484807

Supplementary grammar resources:

All three Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar
An Introduction to Modern Japanese
Japanese the Manga Way

>> No.10484821

Why do you retards even ask this? Why you would want to make thousands and thousands of cards on your own when people have already done the work for you? You can rearrange the cards however you like if the order bothers you.

>> No.10484847

>All three Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar

Thanks. Earlier today I was thinking that I would like to read those and wondering if they were uploading.

>> No.10484851


>> No.10484864

What can they provide that Tae Kim doesn't?

>> No.10484875

The grammar dictionaries will go more in depth and would be something useful to read after going through Tae Kim. I haven't looked much into An Introduction to Modern Japanese but it has some errors like です = polite だ that Tae Kim points out.

>> No.10484889

Also I just checked and it looks like the Basic Grammar Dictionary does that too. So be aware. Definitely read Tae Kim first.

>> No.10486249
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1351736621693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your reps, bakas!

>> No.10486347

I was doing RTK with meaning/keyword only and my anki blew up with the computer and I have no online backup. Would I be fucking myself over by just skipping grinding kanji keywords and moving straight into Tae kim and then afterwords grammar? Im not saying the kanji grinding was a complete waste of time, it just feels that all its helped me so far is in being able to tell kanji apart and I feel I have that down.

>> No.10486373

I think it's fine if you feel that you've gotten your benefit from it. I posted my experience with RTK a few days ago, but here it is again:

I'd like to post my thoughts on RTK if it might help anyone. I went through it in about 3 months and I learned to write all 2200 kanji with about 90% recall after they had become mature. However, it left me unable to recognize them when I saw them, for whatever reason. I mean, easier ones I'd get straight away, but other ones even if I tried to break them down I still wouldn't be able to recall what they were. I also feel that being able to handwrite them ended up being fairly useless, but I guess it might be good in future, who knows? Anyway, I stopped reviewing the deck because it had clearly become a waste of time, and took time away from vocabulary, which is actually reinforcing my kanji knowledge in a beneficial way.

That being said, though, I feel that if I had not done it, I would have never been able to progress. I tried going straight to vocabulary and was simply unable to do it. Kanji were a huge barrier to me, and Heisig allowed me to get used to them and it gave me an eye for spotting the differences between them, even if it didn't give me good recognition ability, if that makes sense. I think it was essential for me, but I don't think it did all that I thought it would. Vocabulary is going fine though, even though I didn't learn readings.

>> No.10486428

I just wanted to make sure Im not screwing myself over in the long run by trying to take a "shortcut"

>> No.10486433

Just make sure that you start grinding vocab now. It will reinforce all of the kanji that you've learned because you'll be seeing them over and over in words.

>> No.10486527

I know a Chinese guy who does. Sounds weird.

>> No.10486565

Tell him to stop.

>> No.10486587


>> No.10486600

But anon, RTK *IS* the "shortcut"

>> No.10486605

The true shortcut is going straight to vocabulary, but that's pretty hard if you don't know anything about the kanji you're looking at (e.g., meaning). Not everyone can do that.

>> No.10486615

shortcut != "shortcut"

>> No.10486656

"shortcut" != 〝shortcut''

>> No.10486917

Some LN reading material. They are in txt format so looking stuff up will be easier.

Kino 1-9
Spice and Wolf 1-13

>> No.10487349

Thanks for this.

>> No.10487547
File: 279 KB, 511x2053, 出ない順.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you should learn from RTK is the 214 historical radicals. There's no point in drilling to pre-recognize kanji that you can learn while doing vocabulary using the radicals.


>> No.10487599

So instead I should build a vocab deck, as I read shit?

>> No.10487615

Just get corePLUS and make the deck proper by modifying the default card layout, because it's useless otherwise.

>> No.10487640

i havent checked it yet but what makes it useless? and how would suggest to make changes to it?

>> No.10487689

In Kanji Damage, I kept hitting the max limit of 100 reviews/day, and after several days it reached the point that the FOLLOWING day would have over 100 reviews, in addition to the reviews due TODAY that I didn't get to since they were beyond the 100-review limit.

I increased the max number of reviews to 200/day. That ought to last me awhile, especially since I'm throwing in extra 'Cram' practice as well for extra reinforcement.

On the Core 2000 Vocabulary side, is it acceptable to only remember a word after you've read the accompanying sentence? I've been reading whole sentences for awhile, and when I tried to remember words without reading the sentence, it was an absolute nightmare and I couldn't get anything done.

>> No.10487853

Why would you ever limit the amount of reviews you do? And why would you cram instead of just finishing your actual reviews?
>is it acceptable to only remember a word after you've read the accompanying sentence
No because you are just remembering the sentence, not the word.

>> No.10487872

I don't feel like going in to details. But you'll make notice of it the second you open the deck and start grinding.

>> No.10487901

You could try comparing it with the layout of the Core 2k/6k Optimized Japanese Vocabulary deck. I think that one is pretty good.

>> No.10489006

IIRC the deck has the reading of the word and the word audio on the front. You need to move those two things to the back of the card.

>> No.10489009

Set your max reviews to 9999, retard

>> No.10491644


>> No.10491718

Just a tip for you guys: Get a cheap Android smartphone for the Ankidroid application.

Even if you never leave your house, it makes doing your reps much easier. You can do it while relaxing on your bed (or in my case floor), while you're sitting on the toilet, while you're cooking food, etc. You'll end up spreading your reps throughout the day and it will barely feel like an effort.

>> No.10491830

I've wanted to get one for a while for shit like this. The only problem is they fucking cost hundreds of dollars even on ebay.

>> No.10491951

I bought the app on my iPhone even though I only leave my house a few times per year. I woke up this morning and did 150 reps before I even left my bed.

>> No.10492005

Well, I got a ZTE Blade II (700 NOK→125 USD) which I think is a fair price. My father gave it to me as a random present as he felt sorry for me using a 10 year old motorola. It's not the best, but I love it to bits and I have yet to find an application that it cannot run. I don't think I'll be upgrading in the foreseeable future.

I read that he charges for the iPhone version, but I was shocked to see that the Android version was free. Maybe because of the high ratio of pirates on the Android platform.
But there you have an excellent example of its usefulness.

>> No.10492022 [DELETED] 

If I have a really large dick is it still possible to do my reps? I don't mean horny; I just mean a big dick in general. Please help.

>> No.10492078

Also, I'd like to mention that if you get any pre-Jelly Bean (or pre-Ice Cream Sandwich, I don't remember) Android devices outside Japan, Japanese Kanji characters are going to be displayed with Chinese fonts. This can be very annoying and you'll need root access for a system-wide fix, which in my situation (non-existant "/system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml" and "/system/fonts/DroidSansJapanese.ttf") was as simple as copying the "DroidSansJapanese.ttf" font file (downloaded from the internet) to "/system/fonts/" and rebooting.

If you don't want to take the time to root your phone or don't require a system-wide fix, you can simply change the font inside Anki.

Lastly, in Jelly Bean (or ICS) you need to change the display language to Japanese to get the Japanese fonts. There exist workarounds for this, but they probably require root access.

>> No.10492673

I just got a lot of cards wrong. That's the only thing makes me want to give up, is getting a bunch wrong. I mean, it's really not that bad, I missed 34, so I got 85% right, but I feel like that's not good enough. I hate forgetting shit.

>> No.10492711 [DELETED] 

bless you sir

>> No.10492855

Just think that in a month you will probably remember them all.

>> No.10493073

If you really want it to be higher you can just press hard more often. But I have no idea how you personally answer you cards (ie. how strict).

>> No.10493421

85% is kinda low. I've never fallen below 90% personally (usually average around 95%). Granted I only have 3750 cards.

>> No.10493431

my only issue with this is i make it a point to write down the kanji on my recall cards so doing reps while im up and about really isnt an option.

good to know anyway though.

>> No.10493436

Yeah, you're probably right. Most of the cards I miss are normally ones from earlier in the week. Later on I stop missing them.

I mark everything as hard.

Yeah I normally get higher as well, just sometimes I fuck up. I mean, I consider myself to have missed a card if I don't get the definition ver batim. So sometimes I will say the definition slightly off and that still count as wrong. There are very few cards I come up totally blank on. It's normally a small mistake on the definition or I fuck up the reading a bit. But yeah I'm normally around 90-95%.

>> No.10493439

>I mark everything as hard.
How often do people like you need to be told marking shit that you got really easily as hard is actually detrimental to your memory?

>> No.10493441

I guess he'll just need to mark that fact as hard so he can review it again.

>> No.10493442

Why would you expect better from people who use flashcards as their main learning method?

>> No.10493444

On another deck I marked most things as good because I got them right and ended up forgetting tons of shit once the cards matured. I need to see the material a bit more often.

>> No.10493532
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>> No.10493536

I'd do her reps if u no wut i meen

>> No.10493544

What do you propose we do to acquire large amounts of vocabulary in a short time?

>> No.10493552

Write the kanji on suppositories and shove them up ur bum

>> No.10493555

Does that work? I know things are absorbed into the body easier through the anus, so I guess it could work with knowledge.

>> No.10493577

I never thought of that. Amazing.

>> No.10493581

Maybe reading the language?

>> No.10493588 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 812x755, NOCRYMUSTACHIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried & cried....

Then I was told to toughen up! I guess most people are used to rear entries :\

>> No.10493604

So I should just find something to read, be forced to look up every single word I come across, and then magically absorb them because I don't have a way to review them regularly to make sure I can recall them, other than the off chance of seeing them again in a text?

>> No.10493609

>other than the off chance of seeing them again in a text?

If you don't encounter a word in text, then why are you concerned with knowing it?

>> No.10493613
File: 407 KB, 686x441, 1360841496893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I delete duplicate cards?

I can search for them and delete them manually one-by-one, but that's a fucking massive waste of time when I'm dealing with a 15,000 card deck.

>> No.10493615

>be forced to look up every single word I come across, and then magically absorb them

Human memory doesn't work except for things written on little paper rectangles? Did you also use this method to learn everything else in your life, or are you just stupid about Japanese?

>> No.10493616

You know there are words you just don't see all of the time. I'd rather not have to continually look shit up over and over when I can just learn the word. I'd like to eventually be able to read without using a dictionary continually.

>> No.10493618

You didn't deal with anything that I said, so I'll assume you have nothing of use to say.

>> No.10493621

The implication that you can memorize things by seeing them repeatedly in anki but not by seeing them repeatedly in a story must have been too stupid to properly respond to.

>> No.10493624

By gaining vocabulary purely by reading I have no way to ensure that I will see words regularly. That is the difference that you are ignoring. Also as I've stated this puts me in the position of looking up every single new word I come across. It is preferable for me to learn these words in advance.

>> No.10493630

Not the guy you're arguing with, but
>By gaining vocabulary purely by reading I have no way to ensure that I will see words regularly
is just incorrect. If you don't see it regularly, it's not worth memorizing. That's the whole point.

>> No.10493631

Test question: how did you learn English? By memorizing a dictionary, or by encountering words and remembering them?

>> No.10493635

By living in a fully immersive environment in which every word that I saw was English, every word that I heard was English, reading and listening to English almost every moment that I was awake. I cannot do that for Japanese.

I disagree. There are many words in English that I see very rarely and it benefits me to know what they mean regardless. I would prefer not to purposely decrease my vocabulary because of what? Disliking flashcards?

>> No.10493638

You don't have to be completely immersed in Japanese to learn words from context. You're always going to encounter words you don't know. It's best for you if you learn to deal with that, rather than trying to learn a bunch of words in isolation. That isn't decreasing your vocabulary.

For what it's worth, I actually do use flash cards, but only for active recall (i.e. using the words when writing/speaking). Passively learning words while reading comes very naturally after a while.

>> No.10493643

Of course I'll always run into words I don't know, but I'd like to minimize this. Honestly you haven't given me any reason to give up grinding flashcards. All you've basically said is, "I think this words too and I don't like flashcards." That's great but I would prefer to steadily increase my vocabulary through means other than looking shit up on a dictionary site.

>> No.10493645

>words too


>> No.10493646

If you can't read yet, you shouldn't be worried about those obscure words. Certainly they are worth knowing, but you shouldn't be trying to memorize 灰燼 before you can read basic sentences. If your main learning method is flashcards, you aren't at that point yet.

>> No.10493649

I don't know about the other guy, but I find it much more effective to go reading>flashcards than the other way around. If you pull words from your own reading, they have much more immediacy and you'll remember them better. You also know that the word(s) you're learning have relevance to what you want to read (i.e., the word is something YOU personally care about). If you grab a deck of cards, they're just floating around in space and you don't have any real context for them. At best, maybe you've got a couple of example sentences.

Languages are context based, we don't think of words in isolation. If you learn the words that surround other words, you begin to establish the mental web that a native speaker has. That's important. If you literally cannot read anything beyond basic sentences because you lack any vocabulary at all (not to criticise; everyone is there at some point) then flash card grinding has a place, but if you're trying to digest everything in a JLPT 1/2 deck without having any readings to back it up, you're not going to retain it as well.

Also this >>10493646

>> No.10493654

As a non-native speaker who taught himself English by reading, reading and even more reading, I assure you that you can, at least to an extent sufficient to learn the language. Use your free time to read manga, then LNs/VNs, watch anime, play games. It just werks.

>> No.10495225

It's nice when you do all your reps and add 100 words within the first couple hours of the day. Now I have the rest of the day to practice reading and listening, and maybe cram the new cards a couple times. Life is good.

>> No.10495280

So a japanese friend I know is helping me learn language, mostly the spoken portion. The thing is he said going through rtk or kanji damage is only helpful if you cant grasp the kanji themselves. He said you should start with grammar and learn the kanji through radicals and basic vocab and build upon that and use RTK and KD only if you fail that way first. I know they learn their language different than we do, I'm just wondering if you can actually learn jap without learning the kanji by themselves. It seems counter-intuitive to me but im far from knowledgeable on this topic.

>> No.10495325

need advice.
I learned the katakana and hiragana and now I'm learning the kanji with the RTK1 book. Then I will learn the on- and kun- readings of all kanji and then I will learn the tae kim grammar.
Is the order okay?

>> No.10495358

Sounds like he has good advice. I recommend reading through a couple hundred kanji on RTK or kanjidamage though just so you get a feel for how to think about them. Then you can move to vocab and decide for yourself what works for you

>> No.10495483

No you're supposed to actually learn words. Drop RTK and just add words to Anki.

>> No.10495862

>I will learn the on- and kun- readings of all kanji
Don't do this. Learning readings will come naturally as you learn newer words. Doing RTK 1 is pretty damn useful, on the other hand.

>> No.10495940

Don't listen to him, do it, but only learn the onyomi, like KD tells you to.

>> No.10495947


No, no, no. Learn onyomi together with compounds. Learn only the kunyomi.

>> No.10496031

so what do you guys think about ajatt in general and learning sentences without direct translations in particular?

>> No.10496039

> Learn onyomi together with compounds
> Learn only the kunyomi.
Put differently, just learn words.

>> No.10496830

You can do it, but reps are still a great supplement to language-learning.

For whatever reason, unless I have actually learned the word beforehand and I look up the word while reading a VN or LN or whatever, the sentence just doesn't click. However if I studied the same word beforehand then for whatever reason the sentence makes loads of sense. Basically the reps system doesn't deserve the hate many people give it. In fact, I think it's best to grind a vocab base of a decent amount of words and then dive into serious reading, because then you'll derive more enjoyment and pick up words easier because you have a better understanding of them (readings and such).>>10495947

>> No.10497205


You're screwing yourself by stopping your reviews. The reason you don't understand the benefits of RTK yet is because you don't know Japanese yet as a fresh graduate.

>> No.10497223

I have no use for the ability to write them, and the ablitiy to write them is not helping me recognize them. The thing that is doing that is seeing the kanji over and over through vocab. Looking at the keyword and reproducing it is just making me spend extra time in Anki for no discernible reason. Virtually every time I come across a kanji that has not been used in a word I know, I have to sit there trying to figure out and eventually just look it up because I can't piece it back together from just having done RTK. I can reproduce it if I see the keyword, but not vice versa, if that makes sense. Conversely, learning more vocab is increasing my recognition of kanji. I don't see how stopping RTK review can hurt me.

>> No.10497229

is it harmful to have too much information on your cards?

I found with the kanji damage thing it was just a hellstorm of info instead of key points or readings.

>> No.10497232

No one is forcing you to memorize every piece of information on a card.

>> No.10497234

>ablitiy to write them is not helping me recognize them.
Bullshit. Mechanical repetition helps memorization.

>> No.10497243

Oh, okay. I must have been misunderstanding all of the difficulty I've had recognizing kanji once I started vocab. It didn't happen, I guess.

>> No.10497244

well what would warrant the most attention then?

>> No.10497249

Depends on the deck you're using. Most people who are going through KD will just memorize the mnemonic, thus getting the meaning and onyomi. You can do more if you want but the essential thing to get if you've decided to do KD is meaning and onyomi.

>> No.10497251

Oh, and I'm not the first person to say this. I've read at least one other person on /jp/ who said that Heisig left them with poor recognition abilities. I read it a while back when I was still going through Heisig and I disregarded it, but I guess their experience was similar to mine.

>> No.10497253

well I'd like to know at least one onyomi for everything but because some kanji have so many readings it starts to seem impossible sometimes.

>> No.10497256

Just use the mnemonics he gives you.

>> No.10497349

KD teaches you to recognize Kanji, remember their basic meaning and onyomi.
Learning Kanji through vocab gives you a vocabulary and an association of Kanji to their onyomi and kunyomi. You will also probably get reading practice depending on how you go about it (you should be building a deck from shit you read, as well as combing decks for vocab you haven't bumped into).

>> No.10497354

>(you should be building a deck from shit you read, as well as combing decks for vocab you haven't bumped into)

If you just get corePLUS, when you run into a word that you don't know in your reading you can just find it in the deck and move it to the top so it will be next n your reviews. You don't have to do the cards in the order they're given. That way you'll only have to make very few cards, if any.

>> No.10497361

This is a good tip.

>> No.10497372

By the way if anyone doesn't know how to do this, in the Anki 2 browser, just search for the card, click on it, then click Edit->Reposition at the top. A window will pop up that should say Start Position: 0 etc. Click okay and it will move the card to the top of the list

>> No.10497382

Is there a "search cards" option in anki?

>> No.10497398
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>> No.10497411
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Thank you.

>> No.10497419
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>> No.10497440

Do you guys reposition your cards if you come across words you don't remember while reading? Like if you forgot something like 機能 would you reschedule it to be shown the next time you do your reps?

>> No.10497444

No, too much trouble.

>> No.10497654

which deck I should use to learn kanji ?

>> No.10497734

Why would you do reps in Anki instead of just reading?

Did you learn English words by doing flash cards? No you fucking didn't. Go to your local library and get some kids' books and start reading.

>> No.10497763

Who said that you can't do both? You need a foundation to start on.

>> No.10497766

Did you learn English by reading taking Ulysses and a dictionary and reading both for months at end? No? That's because you were surrounded by constant 24/7 exposure to the language. Your developing child-like brain did not need to connect words to other words, because it simply had to soak words up and store them like fucking magic.

I can easily take my eroge and spend hours giving myself carpal tunnel copying and pasting text into my Jisho dictionary, however I'd rather grind a few thousands words and then do so, so it will be less of a fucking asspain.

>> No.10497767

I do both. You do not understand how flash cards, language, or memory work.

>> No.10497809

I should be going over the stuff I have a test on tomorrow, but I also want to have this answered and figured you might know the answer.

I have the Anki iPhone app and have set up the stuff to sync from my PC version. It worked fine while I was home, but a few weeks back I got to Japan for study abroad and it's stopped working. I think it has to do with the internet for my apartment have a ID/Pass, so anyone know how to get Anki to go through it? I want to be able to study from my phone in the classroom before the tests and while on trains (implying I'll get courageous enough to attempt to navigate the JR alone) too.

>> No.10497828

Erm, maybe an option to set up a password/id in your phone wi-fi settings for a particular network.

>> No.10497844

It's the PC version having issues syncing. It'll give me a connection error whenever I try to sync it with my online ID. My phone goes through a wifi USB thing that sets up a shared internet connection through the broadband connection. (that sounds really complicated, but point is, my phone can hook up fine)

I feel like the way to get anki to have the id/pass is probably easy but I just haven't found it out of stupidity

>> No.10497858
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same anon as this

would it maybe be this part down here? I know what to put in the ID/Pass fields, but what would I put into the host/port fields/how do I find the info to put there?

>> No.10497872

Just try it.

>> No.10497911

I guess it should be said that just inputing the ID/Pass into >>10497858 didn't work

I looked at Anki's manual thing and apparently it should be detecting it automatically but whatever, it's almost midnight here and I need to get to sleep so I can get up on time for class, oh well. Maybe I'll figure it out sometime.

>> No.10497918

are you still using Anki1?
They stopped the sync servers for that a few weeks ago

>> No.10498335
File: 2 KB, 474x31, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do them now!

>> No.10498355

>Did you do your reps yet /jp/?
no. i gave up because nothing works. i have like 30gb of ebooks and unlimited resources and i still can't remember any of this shit.

i'm also sick to death of people linking me to ajatt. there is absolutely nothing of value on that site and they charge like $30/mo for their ugly, broken cloze flashcard system.

>> No.10498362

>gave up because nothing works

That's just a rephrasing of the word laziness.

>> No.10498372

sorry you don't have any talent.

>> No.10498381


forgot to mention the majority of /jp/ and every faggot in those daily japanese threads had zero good advice. you losers always turn the threads meta within 20 posts anyway.

thanks for nothing you useless shitheads. keep your fucking secrets i bet they're worthless anyway.

>> No.10498386

Calm down and take your pills, Mr. Fox. It's not our fault that you're mentally retarded and can't follow simple guidelines.

>> No.10498680
File: 985 B, 212x29, 247n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done, now I just need to add 70 new cards.

>> No.10498703

How many words are you at now?

>> No.10498833

Just under 4000.

>> No.10498938

You seem upset. Perhaps you should kill yourself until you're reborn as somebody with the talent required to learn Japanese.

>> No.10499891


how to learn japanese
1.learn hirigana
2.learn katakana
3.learn about 2000 kanji
4.learn grammar
5. watch a fuck ton of japanese tv/anime for listening practice
6.translate some shit from japanese into english but never english to japanese
7.daily upkeep with a minimum of 300 flash cards per day
8.get anki for your phone
10. go on /jp/ and complain about people who spoonfeed
11. nagisa dies at the end of clannad

>> No.10499918
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>> No.10499925
File: 62 KB, 780x368, sentence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, I've reading Phenomeno, and it's going pretty good so far. But I stumbled upon this sentence which really fucks with my head a little bit.

The part of the sentence which really throws me off is 「走らないとコンビニもない」. According to the official fan translation it's supposed to mean "It takes ten minutes of biking to reach a convenience store."

I get that the 「走らない」 in this context is referring to travelling because of the predicate 「自転車」 being involved.

Is this supposed to be a double negative fused with a conditional or what the hell?

I'd really appreciate if someone could break it down to me.

>> No.10500006

I think I'm the last of my friends to learn moon. I really do feel like a fucking entry-level faggot about it. It's kind of ridiculous.

It's like I feel guilty.

>> No.10500020

My grammar isn't that great, so sorry if this is wrong, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

Is it possible it's using a construction similar to: negative verb + と + だめ etc., meaning you have to do something?

>> No.10500055

If you don't go 10 minutes by bike
there won't be any convenience stores
AとB being just like an If,then clause

>> No.10500064

This. They didn't translate it literally because it would sound awkward as fuck in English.

>> No.10500063

Pretty much what I thought then. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.10500090

we could always become friends tripkun and then i would be the last of your friends to learn moon

>> No.10500117

You can't call yourself a truOTAKU, if you don't learn Japanese you know!

>> No.10500139


>nothing of value on ajatt

everyone, ignore this autist, he obviously can't read

>> No.10500230


>> No.10500239



>> No.10500251



>> No.10500269


>> No.10500281


You can't use だ with i-adjectives, アホ.

>> No.10500307

this seems like a really common problem that i see often. i guess he didn't go through the grammar guide since it is mentioned often throughout the guide if i remember correctly.

>> No.10500319


>> No.10500775

You'll kick yourself later. As I said, at your current stage, you're incapable of understanding why it hurts you.

>> No.10502044


seriously though, get anki for your phone. it's free (unless your an ifag, then it costs 25 bucks) and makes it so you can grind out stuff when you've got nothing else to do. for instance, walking between classes, on the toilet, eating lunch, on the train, on the toilet, when you're waiting for someone, on the toilet, when cooking, when waiting for the bus, on the toilet, and when you're waiting in line at the grocery store.

did i mention on the toilet?

>> No.10502067

An iFag on /jp/? If there are any, there is a 100% chance they hacked their phone. On that note, does the program actually work properly if pirated, in regards to the whole sync system it has going?

>> No.10502093


fuck if i know. it works exactly like the desktop version(at least the droid version does).

it's actually one of the greatest designed apps out there because of how remarkably easy it is to use and how well you can configure it.

>> No.10502763

I have a question on anki.
Lets say I have done my dayly Kanji, but I want to learn some more.
How do I do that if I want to practice some of my old Kanji?

>> No.10502766

Is it possible to migrate my anki stats from a computer to another?

>> No.10502815


>> No.10503268

You're missing the point of Anki.
It's supposed to minimize the amount of reviews necessary to remember your cards.
If you have more time, add more cards instead of reviewing old ones

>> No.10503275

I've been doing my reps for one year but all I can read in Japanese is eroge.

>> No.10503296


and if you're afraid you'll forget the cards if you don't review them again, add more steps to the learning mode or just fail them when you actually do forget them instead of wasting time reviewing cards you already know

>> No.10503306

I did but I forgot because I barely ever compose Japanese.

>> No.10503313

It would be nice if you could tell me why it is going to hurt me rather than saying, "Keep doing all that seemingly useless shit for a long time and then you'll know!"

>> No.10504343
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