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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10466361 No.10466361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


No western MMOs
No MMOs unavailable to japanese otaku
No friendship or any sort of online bonding such as forming guilds. True MMO otakus play alone.

>> No.10466368

me on the wall

>> No.10466369

How about joining guilds?

Still waiting for PSO2 to be out in English, ti's a looooong way home.
Whatever happened to that MMO with that pastry chef for a healer class? I forget what it was called.

>> No.10466371

do you know what one man team is? sad.

>> No.10466372


>> No.10466373

What's the point of playing an MMO by yourself? And don't most of them force some kind of interaction?

>> No.10466377

I'm not saying you shouldn't make friends in game; go ahead. Just don't do it in this thread, thanks.

>> No.10466378

>No friendship or any sort of online bonding such as forming guilds. True MMO otakus play alone.

holy fug

>> No.10466379

Ah, my mistake.

>> No.10466382
File: 628 KB, 420x420, 13581020948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a friend

>> No.10466385

Dream Drops. It died.

>> No.10466387

Something you eat.

>> No.10466391
File: 114 KB, 700x875, 18142425_big_p15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't do any of the things that require a group

>> No.10466396

Huh? That was quick.

Pity, I wanted to force feed people cake.

>> No.10466393

Please do not make threads about MMOs without a specific game in mind.

>> No.10466395

Together, but alone. The /jp/ way.

>> No.10466397

But what if we just want to group because its makes the grind far easier than playing solo?

>> No.10466404

I don't care what you do.

>> No.10466417

I actively wait for Onigiri to enter beta. Alpha version is too difficult and full of KSing.

>> No.10466422
File: 189 KB, 1111x941, lfg fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can spend your entire day doing stuff like this and no one will bother you about it

>> No.10466436

>No friendship or any sort of online bonding such as forming guilds.
You mean no hijacking the thread to advertise your culty ingame clique? Good! We're making progress, then.

>> No.10466437

Planetside 2.

I see a lot of Japanese guys running around without an outfit. Theres your loner military otaku types. Perfect for you OP.

>> No.10466438

I'm feeling a little braver now so does that anon that wanted to play guild wars 2 with me want to try again? I won't run away this time!

>> No.10466457


>> No.10466462

stupid rules

>> No.10466468

stupid poster

>> No.10466469

You're that whining guy from the last thread aren't you? You wouldn't also happen to be Chloroform, would you?

>> No.10466476

No, that's not me. What a silly name.

>> No.10466477

Nope, stupid fucking rules just as stupid as your self you stupid stupid fuck fucK

>> No.10466481

Hilarious and a reason I can't stand MMO chats. They're generally like forums.

Even that Queens Blade game is probably going to have the chat censored and not able to say such words as "ass" and "titties". They already censored the E-cup girl because her tits weren't big enough.

>> No.10466483

They're actually worse than forums, especially in newbie areas. People just can't resist talking about /pol/ shit 24/7 for some reason.

>> No.10466488

Ain't nobody want to play shitty Japanese made mmos.
OP must be one of the worst weeaboos on this planet.

>> No.10466520

OP didn't say Japanese made. He said "Unavailable to Japanese otaku", as in don't have an official Japanese release.

>> No.10466527

Hah, Get a load of this nerd!

>> No.10466536

So is maplestory cool or not in this thread? Japan maplestory have their own unique class like wolf spirit summoner and a samurai anyway Koc character are getting a remake to the point it is so broken i dont even know anymore

>> No.10466544

not cool

>> No.10466555

Sorry but Imma have to go with >>10466544

Maplestory is never cool.

>> No.10466578

I vote no on Maplestory as well.

>> No.10466602

This thread still has no real discussion 2 hours after it was made.

Please just delete it OP.

>> No.10466607

What do you want to talk about, anon? We can talk about whatever you want.

>> No.10466609

I vote yes on delete thread.

>> No.10466619

how about ECO?

>> No.10466623 [DELETED] 

Salami-san and what the fuck is it even going on in that show. Seriously, was this just a pet project SHAFT had sitting around cause I don't know where this shit is going at all. Is the entire story just being composed by Salami-san at her desk, why she isolates herself, or is the whole divinity thing actually occuring?

>> No.10466631

No one gives a fuck about that.

>> No.10466634

Entertain me, /jp/. Find a MMO for me to play.

>> No.10466637

Oops made a mistake, fixed it here: "while she isolates herself."

>> No.10466640


>> No.10466641

Guess what? No one gives a fuck about that either.

You're boring as fuck, I'm outta here. Enjoy being boring, boredom mc borepants.

>> No.10466643

what server is /jp/ on? I likely won't join them, but to watch from afar is nice.

>> No.10466647

Is this who I think it is?

>> No.10466666

If you're thinking of who I'm thinking your thinking...

>> No.10466669 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10466670 [DELETED] 

Nice quints, nerd.

>> No.10466680

Maybe I'll play Mabinogi again since they put it on steam and that (maybe) means I won't have to deal with their shitty ass native client where you have to open the game through their website and it vomits an icon onto my desktop every time.

>> No.10466687

Does /jp/ play minecraft?

>> No.10466704


>> No.10466705


>> No.10466709
File: 44 KB, 185x160, 200px-Th08Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, finally an appropriate MMO thread for /jp/. While I think it would be fine to mention korean and western MMOs, and while this place is total shit (now), what non-total shit people that may post will be less likely to be normalfags, which is all true jp'ers can hope for now--less normalfags.

At any rate, most MMO's seem shit and I can't sink my time into them. GW2 was beatuiful looking waifu creator but the combat was shit (coming from a fighting game background). It was the first major MMO i played and i figure if that was shit, other ones were too.

Played Vanilla WoW after hating WoW forever, and Vanilla on a private server, original 1.0 xp rates, was the best MMO experience I had. It felt like a real world, and things were challenging by MMO standards--but not pointlessly hard.

Tera isn't even worth it for Loli's, and they're censored. Screw getting the uncensor patch, that game's just wasted potential, and I waited years for it to come to the US.

tl;dr enjoy your grindfests, crossboarding scum/teenage/20year old NEET/Hikki posers.

>> No.10466714
File: 48 KB, 217x317, abel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No friendship or any sort of online bonding such as forming guilds. True MMO otakus play alone.

Well this is about the best rule you could put in. These thread rules are good /jp/ rules.

>> No.10466715

This is the worst post about anything I've read in a while.

>> No.10466716

neo jp pls go

>> No.10466721

Would play that, but glorious nippon server's launcher refuses to let me properly download the game for reason unknown...

>> No.10466725

Laying out the ownage pretty had.

>> No.10466728

You would rather use steam than nexon's website? Sounds kind of dumb. Also you don't have to go to the website, you can just open the client directly.

>> No.10466742

It's been a while and I've since uninstalled it, but when I tried to open the client directly it didn't work for some reason or another. And just clicking the shortcut brought up the website with the big LAUNCH GAME button.

And at least Steam would be something I'd have open anyway instead of me closing out my browser afterwards with the alternative, but I can see where you're coming from.

The game also fucked up if I installed it anywhere but the root C: directory. I had a lot of problems with Mabinogi's client.

>> No.10466753

I'm playing wizardry with some of my none /jp/ friends. Might be playing Tera as well

Most of the time playing games just reminds me that I'm not good at playing games. RPG's and RTS's are the only games that don't make me quite feel that bad at the game I'm playing.

>> No.10466793

The biggest gripe I have with most MMO. I'm playing to escape a few hours of life, not hear about yours.

>> No.10466808

Capitalizes words at Random in the Middle of Sentences

>> No.10466817
File: 29 KB, 330x175, swgemusetupguide25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this shit alone was hard as fuck at first but now I feel like a badass.

>> No.10466819

Have they actually gotten to the point where its playable?

>> No.10466821
File: 34 KB, 520x292, some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look we've got a badass

>> No.10466822

Go away, you're unwanted.

>> No.10466823

It has been in alpha since june 2012, it's still a bit laggy and buggy but it's playable.
The only problem is the content yet to be added, like the professions that rely on pets, jedis and JTL.

>> No.10466825

Ah thats unfortunate that CH hasn't been added yet, and I never really expected JTL to ever make it in. Is there a lot of players, how about people setting up shops and such around Coronet?

>> No.10466829

>No MMOs unavailable to japanese otaku
Good job OP, you completely got the janitor once again.
It's even better than the "netoge" veil.

>> No.10466833

There is one server for the moment with a maximum capacity of 3000, usually there are between 1500 and 2500 players online.
Plenty of vendors in player cities around the major towns.
Although for now you can have up to 10 characters by accounts, and there sin't any sub fee so there are a lot of AFKers.
When the game hits 1.0 they will put back the 2 characters by accounts limit.
Cantinas in the big cities are also usually full of people.

>> No.10466840

Awesome, I'm glad to see that they're finally getting it into some sort of playable state. I've had an account on swgemu's site since 2007 but it just seemed to be taking forever for them to get it anywhere. They had made promises for years but never followed through so I just kind of stopped caring.

>> No.10466844

Yeah well they're still going at their own pace and there is no ETA on updates.
Sorta tiring, but hey I get to play one of the best MMOs ever released with a community that put any other to shame, so I'm not complaining.

>> No.10466847

Well its probably good that they're not setting dates anymore, they failed to meet quite a few over the years. They were supposed to have a play server set up two years ago.

>> No.10466910
File: 229 KB, 854x480, iruna-online-android-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Android otaku here? I play Iruna Online, by ASOBIMO.


The quests are easy, but you don't have to worry about KS because the game system prevents two players from different parties from attacking the same (passive) monster by generating a duplicate mob, giving both players a fair fight and no shared exp. It makes me glad because I can go solo and not worry about a thing, especially interacting with people outside of the trading system. It's free too.

>> No.10466936

> the game system prevents two players from different parties from attacking the same (passive) monster by generating a duplicate mob, giving both players a fair fight and no shared exp.

Just when I thought MMOs couldn't go any lower.

>> No.10466957
File: 99 KB, 801x486, blade and soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this even mean?

>> No.10466960

Started playing tera today with a friend of mine; we got off after ~4 hours because the server started lagging heavily.

>> No.10466961

it means toning down the grind by boosting exp rates

>> No.10466963

Why don't they make more MMOs like Mabinogi

>> No.10466964

True MMO otakus play alone.

>> No.10466975

When did I claim to be a mmo otaku?

>> No.10466977

Hey, it's supposed to to be played on a tablet or a smartphone via wi-fi and stuff. KSers would easily make the game very discouraging for new players.

>> No.10466983

Does anyone still play Divina?

>> No.10466995

>Why don't they make more MMOs like Mabinogi
Because Mabi is an oldschool MMO. No one makes old school MMOs since WoW.(Yeah I know Mabi is only a few months older. It's the last of its kind.) There are only hanger-ons, like RO and Eve. The anime MMO fad is kind of dying too, since it only really works for a few games, and only then because the games are actually good. If they're going to bother to make good gameplay they can give it supa realistik grafix and sell it even more.

People don't really want to DO ANYTHING, they want to be told what to do and where to go and just grind repetitive dungeons for shiny armor. They also want console style controls because pointing and clicking is for nerds.

>> No.10467000

On the contrary, games like WoW are the ones dying out. Now everyone wants to be like Eve.

>> No.10467003

sounds way too exploitable

>> No.10467005

I wish SWG or UO had been the standart instead of WoW, but perhaps those were too complex for your average MMO player.

>> No.10467014

Whatever you play, WoW will always be a netter had mmo

>> No.10467019
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x1024, 0209-064855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so excited a couple years ago seeing that this game would get a US release. Not even a year after its release and it's gone. Oh well. I had fun playing it when it launched. The company seemed greedy and strayed from the purely cosmetic aspect of clothing, and the community was sometimes annoying, but it was still fun.

On the plus side, the JP version still seems to be going, pic related. I picked Eri Kitamura's voice for this character.

>> No.10467023

WoW is shit and the reason why all modern MMOs suck.
It also killed a number of good MMOs like SWG.

>> No.10467029

It makes me sad that Mabinogi 2 is getting rid of the cute graphics and judging by it's name (Mabinogi 2: Arena) it will probably focus mostly on combat.


>> No.10467033

Project NT is what I would picture Mabinogi 2 to look like before I saw actual screenshots


>> No.10467038

It really isn't. Quite the other way around: no one can exploit shit because of it.

>> No.10467054
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1024, 0209-064741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10467083


Even if it gets rid of the cuteness, if it has as many clothes and stuff like Mabi then it'll be fine. I'm not sure how it'll be, but from what I understand, it's something else that'll try to stand on its own, like how Vindictus is a completely different game. At the least Vindictus isn't shitty, so they get my trust for a while, even if it won't really be Mabinogi 2. I don't even care about the battle system anymore since they changed Mabi 1's.

Seriously. I hope they properly implement character customization. I'll be fun to take it easy on, if so. Too bad no one will want to group up and eat at tables with each other. It also looks like one of those MMOs with "characters". I hate that.

But yeah, it does look like Mabi, and you can actually sit on objects so it'll get a play.

>> No.10467085

No clue what this is, reminds me of that game where you had likes and dislikes and it would tell you when someone nearby shared interests and carameldansen was the dance.

Don't remember the game though so I can't check screenshots to see if it's what you're referring to.

>> No.10467093

>reminds me of that game where you had likes and dislikes and it would tell you when someone nearby shared interests and carameldansen was the dance.

Sounds like Luna Online, Although Might be Eden Eternal, which that game's graphics actually resemble. I think it's Divina though.

>> No.10467097

It's Divina.

>> No.10467130

This is cute, what is it?

>> No.10467136


>> No.10467182
File: 140 KB, 600x600, 1349020699288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are MMOs even fun? Do you even role play? Are you even supposed to?

>> No.10467186

Phantasy Star Online

>> No.10467195

I did in RO and Mabi, but not in other games because they don't usually have enough skills that you have to pick and choose.

And I don't mean like typing stuff, but thinking of my characters as having a personality or theme and basing their clothes and skill around it.

There just needs to be an MMO with a billion skills and weapons and a seperate top and bottom clothing slot.

>> No.10467207

who iPhone5 otaku here, any otaku mmos for iphone 5

>> No.10467220

>No western MMOs

This should be
>No non-Japanese MMOs

Mods agreed don't bother them about it.

>> No.10467231
File: 68 KB, 578x547, 1358327963784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only recently got into Guild Wars 1 a few months ago. I really like the art-style, and it fits perfectly with what the OP says because you can really play it as a single player game since you can get AI party members and your own instanced leveling areas. The world is also huge and interesting. The main thing I like to do is explore everything.

>> No.10467240

Read the f***ing thread rules.

>> No.10467259


But GW1 is available to Japanese otaku, faggot.

>> No.10467262

It's made by Americans, you colossal cock cruncher.

>> No.10467272
File: 70 KB, 360x200, 1359262807771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GW2 was already mentioned, why didn't you go apeshit then? Just calm down brother, everything will be okay.

>> No.10467274

2,000 hours of Guild Wars random arena PvP
10 hours of Guild Wars PvE

Led to severe dissapointment in Guild Wars 2.

>> No.10467278

only Loli and Hikki are out of place

>> No.10467281

Why isn't GW2 available to japan?

>> No.10467282

OP's rules basically say "As long as it's not WoW of GW you can post whatever you want in this MMO General"

It's pretty clear who keeps making these threads.

>> No.10467286

is the NA Divina site down? I can't access it.

Its sad too, I was excited to play.

>> No.10467291

You're easier to pick on and make an example out of.

>> No.10467294


I have about 120 hours in PvE already, and haven't really tried PvP yet, although I usually don't like PvP in MMORPG games.

What's crazy about the 120 hours is that it says I've only explored 75% of the world so far (main campaign), game is so fucking huge.

>> No.10467296

You are not a true MMO game otaku NEET hikikomori as I am. Leave /jp/ immediately.

>> No.10467318


Game servers for the american version are shut down.

>> No.10467320

Haha yeah. I bet that nerd has never even pissed in a bottle.

>> No.10467322

western beanfun is dead

>> No.10467326


I used to play jRO, what now faggot?

>> No.10467357

Beanfun US is gone. Does anyone know the link between Beanfun and Gamania? You can download Divina from the Gamania's JP website, and Gamania's US website directs you to Beanfun sites to download their games, but the Beanfun JP site they direct you to is under construction and redirects you to Gamania's JP website.

It's very confusing.

>> No.10467375
File: 282 KB, 495x420, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who DnF/DFO here?

>> No.10467413

Anyone playing RO2?

How is it? I dont wanna wait for a 4 gig download if its not that great.


>> No.10467424


>> No.10467440

It's shit.

>> No.10467444

The only thing that came out of RO2 that's good is the OST.

>> No.10467608

and even that is shit when compared to the first game's

>> No.10467668

HAHA, look at this fool still pretending like I'm doing every MMO Thread ever.

Get lost you dumbass.

McCore didn't really form a very solid opinion himself because all we did was get KSed together. I did, it's generic and shitty, even the Story is generic Japanese stuff.

Deal with it and get lost already.


>> No.10467704

Both Western portals are gone. Beanfun US and UK died at the same time due to not getting enough funding for Server hosting and player count constantly declining in many games.


Works for me. I tried the JP version before you losers started drooling about it and it sucked.

Pretty much every Gamania game sucks and is generic to the max except for Langrisser Online and Sacred Shevalier.

>> No.10467908

Please don't call me a loser and please don't say the game sucks. The game is fine.

>> No.10467936

>It's even better than the "netoge" veil.

Wow maybe I should use random Japanese words everytime I want to make an OT thread on /jp/.

>What's your favorite kuruma, /jp/?
>How big is your chinpo, /jp/?
>Why aren't you gei yet, /jp/?
>ning nang ching chang ding dong, /jp/?

>> No.10468004

Loser. The game sucks.

>> No.10468085

It's worked in the past.

>> No.10468126

Try the ning nang ching chang ding dong one

>> No.10468138

Dude, you get extra points for writing all that in hiragana.

>> No.10468333

シットポスト general thread

No western type シットポスト
futaba type encouraged!

>> No.10468355


>> No.10468364


>> No.10468368

If janitor was true /jp/sie this /cgl/ rumor thread would be deleted the second it was made


>> No.10468399 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 119x159, 1302259034089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play GW2 with me. I'm on Jade Quarry. Let's meet up or something.

>> No.10468434

Should I play Mabinogi or Divina?

>> No.10468441
File: 609 KB, 627x529, innernet gurlfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut down
if you aren't on the west coast, then no

>> No.10468445


>> No.10468451

It still works fine for me. The thing about Mabinogi NA is that Nexon had a huge popularity boost recently and server is exploding from the load.

There's way too many people in during Double Rainbow and they even changed the dates of that event from 3 day linear to a specific hour.

>> No.10468465

>shut down
My Japanese spirit don't allow me to play in English servers.

>> No.10468469

It lost its appeal after G3, kinda sucks now IMO

>> No.10468479

I'm too scared to make new friends online and my MMO friend is offline but I want to play
I'm not sure what to do

>> No.10468482

G13 was really nice. You should try it.

>> No.10468488

Will do, the trading system looks pretty good and so does the skill revamp

>> No.10468491 [DELETED] 

Anyone wanna play TERA?

>> No.10468494


>> No.10468503

Totally honey, just when I got time for it.

>> No.10468526

>The thing about Mabinogi NA is that Nexon had a huge popularity boost recently

You mean

>Mabinogi EU shut down, so now NA is flooded with Europoors

Still, they did a good job recovering the population after the game almost died from hacking.

>> No.10468539

What server?

>> No.10468555

It's hotglue/tera/gw2/mmo shitposting powerhour again.

>> No.10468559


Japanese girl playing Divina

>> No.10468568

Stop posting my videos

>> No.10468570

But there's been more posts about other mmo's in this thread.

>> No.10468579


what a low trick, japs devs.

>> No.10468585

did I just teleport to 2010 whoa

>> No.10468601
File: 1.84 MB, 2250x3106, bde2a43c6c21db41ce35d8eeab8e31de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't like watching girls play games?

>> No.10468612

lol do i lookt hat stupid playing games

>> No.10468613

She could be younger though.

>> No.10468628

I don't play by society's rules, why should I play by yours?

>> No.10468631

lake of tears

>> No.10468635

toddlerkon sicko

>> No.10468636

It's not really a MMO and it's western, but I've been playing Path of Exile.

It was really fun, and then I hit a point in my build where I'm going to be canon fodder for something like 15 levels, so I kinda lost steam.

But it's still fun, and my witch is pretty cute, I guess, with all the baby-killing and whatnot.

>> No.10468640

I read today that TERA had like a $400 million budget.

What the fuck.

>> No.10468648

Have you seen how TERA looks? They failed in the gameplay part but it looks amazing.

>> No.10468659

Yeah, but not $400 million amazing, man.

Is there even enough content to justify such a ridiculous amount?

>> No.10468663

You know what would fix the game, a targeting system like Mabinogi or Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.10468666

Guys, I'm retarded
how I get into the hotglue in TERA?

>> No.10468675

ask in our IRC dumbass anon

>> No.10468683

You have to show proof of /jp/ residency.

>> No.10468723


>> No.10468737

Please stop,

>> No.10468746

In-game go into the social menu, guilds on server, search for hotglue, and then apply to guild.

>> No.10468785 [DELETED] 

thank you
now wait?
