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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10462775 No.10462775 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel when finish playing a bad VN?

>> No.10462776

`I wish I never played this`
Then I complain about it on VN/general threads

>> No.10462778 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10463027 [DELETED] 
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le cross channel feel

>/jp/ said it's good so I just have to put up with it until I get to the good routes, right? There were no good routes.

>> No.10463036

Why would you finish something bad?

Well, other than being misinformed like

I finished maybe 10% of VN I started.

>> No.10463052

I don't finish.

>> No.10463067

I never finish 100% if the Visual Novel is bad. Why would i do stuff like play 2 more routes if the first 3 were all bad?

>> No.10463087

Why would you finish a bad VN?

It's not like a game that gets better when you unlock something or level up.
It's all about the writing and that generally doesn't improve or diminish over the course of a game.

I pity idiots who play through popular things that they don't enjoy just to actively bash it on the internet. But then, I can't say F/SN is fucking garbage after dropping it a few hours in without other idiots saying "but you hardly even played it!!!".

Fuck, whatever.

>> No.10463108

Is that a cute ten years old, OP?

More, please.

>> No.10463128

I've never read a good VN in my life. All of VNs I've read were bad or mediocre if they were 100% genuine. It is great that VNs come in chapters. So you can turn back without wasting your life to finish a shitty book. After finishing a shitty VN I usually laugh. Bad VNs are somehow funny.

>> No.10463152

More VNs on completed list. I tend to complete shitty anime too just to add it on my list as watched.

>> No.10463155
File: 29 KB, 650x360, Το-κοριτσάκι-που-θα-γνωρίσει-ο-Ουόλτερ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Do you still want me sit on your lap?

>> No.10463156

This. Even the best VNs have flaws. Even if everything else was good, they fail because they want to deliver on the usual VN stuff. I always feel that they should have been much shorter, that they should have just omitted the bad parts.

There are some VNs where the ending is good, the rest is crap, and they require you to read through hours upon hours of shit to be able to enjoy the ending. I would call these bad VNs that I finished.

>> No.10463160

I want her to play with me. If you know what I mean.

>> No.10463182

Who is that girl. Please tell me.

>> No.10463189

d'yu need e van?

>> No.10463200

Watch your mouth.

>> No.10463207
File: 197 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7m0f7uICd1qzdff4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't need a van. There's only one cure for his affliction.

>> No.10463219

That's a pretty funny image dude.

>> No.10463261

Moralshit detected.

>> No.10463271

you like to kill for fun psychopath?

>> No.10463274

Well, I was pretty pissed after finishing MLA.

>> No.10463276

I.. don't?

>> No.10463279

>calling others psychopaths

>> No.10463281

OP Picture is actor from Woodsman

>> No.10463287

Whats the criteria for a "bad" VN?
I can sometimes overlook lousy story if the characters are pretty.

>> No.10463289

That shitty movie about a """pedo"""?

>> No.10463294

dude, I want to kill people for fun! for love and i know that some people would like to be killed for their freewill. why the fuck am i not allowed to kill them!? you are fucking stupid kill yourself

>> No.10463298

Join the army.

>> No.10463305

Brainwashed faggot.

>> No.10463310

that is not love at all. what the fuck man. they don't want to die! THEY want to fucking kill me! in this logic you would be a rapist. or rapee

>> No.10463320

You need help, sir.

>> No.10463330
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, The Woodsman (2004) m-720p Bluray x264 AC3-microHD.mkv_snapshot_00.16.36_[2013.01.12_22.08.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was really shit, he didn't even abuse anyone

>> No.10463334

And apparently, if you have an ugly hooker friend, you can quit being a lolicon.

>> No.10463342

that's Bacon's wife you're insulting here Anon. Don't make him beat the shit out of you

>> No.10463344

He has shit taste.

>> No.10463430

What do loli tears taste like?

>> No.10468003

They taste like water.

>> No.10468013

I wouldn't finish something if I wasn't enjoying it.

>> No.10468014
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>> No.10468024


>> No.10468874

Why do we relate prepubescent kids with crayons?

>> No.10468878

they poop out crayons and smell like shit

>> No.10468899

Sometimes I don't even finish VN's that I like.

>> No.10468901

>bad VN

But honestly the only VN I've ever dropped and never picked back up was Forest. Otherwise it depends on how long the VN was. For Muv Luv I was pretty pissed and wrote that "Let me tell you why this game is shit" pasta. For shorter games it's just empty and like I should really stop playing VNs since they're never up to hype or expectations and just cheap, picture books.

>> No.10468933


Depends on the type of bad. For some VNs they are enough of a trainwreck so that I don't mind, they are memorable for that.

For many, the decision boils down to:

1) Keep reading because you're in far enough that any redemptive value you can get would be to finish it.
2) Stop reading to cut your loss.
3) Keep reading, because you hate it enough that you want to complete it so you have full justification for hating it.

Usually I go with 1. I also go with 2. I've never gone with 3 for VNs, only with Gurren Lagaan which is of course complete faggot shit. The only thing in VN territory that would justify 3 is maybe Monster Quest, but no one who likes it actually thinks it is high quality, so there isn't really anything to argue with.

>> No.10469263

>smell like shit
That's bullshit. You just hate 3D kids because you can't fuck them.

Grow up.

>> No.10469288

Not him but kids are gross you just put them on a pedestal because they are "cute". They are just as disgusting as any other person.

>> No.10469310

They smell delicious. I don't think you've ever been near one IRL.

>> No.10469311

THIS is a pedo

>> No.10469314

Stop thinking about male kids when you hear "kids", you fag.

Little girls aren't disgusting at all compared to other people.

>> No.10469321

ALL kids are dirty not just boys you deluded pedo.

>> No.10469328

How the hell are kids dirty?

>> No.10469331

My past self was pretty cute as a boy. I take offense at that statement. Plus I had this adorable bored and somewhat annoyed look in the photographs.

>> No.10469334

Kids tend to be cleaner than adults, even if they haven't bathed in awhile.

>> No.10469344

That's cute, I'd like to be his friend.

>> No.10469349

I think I was going through my "I don't want to have friends because they'll just betray you" phase I had in elementary school. What am I kidding, I still don't want friends.

>> No.10469363

No. Get out of your basement and meet some IRL little girls.

Adults make them look like annoying, dirty brats in western movies/comics/etc because they don't really love them.

>> No.10469380

Children without a bath and smell?
Your giving /jp/ ideas!

>> No.10469378

Would you return to elementary school if you could?

I wish I made some friends when I was a kid. I only had two: one died and the other became an annoying teenager in middle school. I miss the cute little girls too, I'm still in love with one of them.

>> No.10469381

Happy that I no longer have to worry about finishing it. It feels like a job well done.

>> No.10469383

Children are so sweet. I worked at a school for a while and expected them all to be annoying, filthy little shits. Turns out they were all super cute and friendly, because the world hadn't corrupted them yet. When I saw most of their parents were chain-smoking, foul-mouthed morons, it made me pretty sad that those are what most of the kids would grow into.

>> No.10469385

W-What do you... mean?

>> No.10469392

I don't know. Would it really be any different the second time?

>> No.10469403

Do you have any child-related fetishes, /jp/?

I have a thing for missing teeth...

>> No.10469406

Nothing other than the bodies.

>> No.10469414

I think that's cute, but I wouldn't say it's a fetish. Same goes for gaps between teeth (esp. incisors). It looks adorable on children, but it makes adults look stupid.

>> No.10469436

I find children attractive when they are cute. Missing teeth make them look cute. I'd say it's a fetish.

>> No.10469442

Do you fantasize about using the gap for fellatio?

>> No.10469443

I meant for me personally. It's more of a "d'awwh" thing than a sexual attraction. Then again, you can argue the two are related, and I'm secretly a huge pervert.

>> No.10469451

Nah, I don't really care about my penis.

I'd rather fap while kissing her naked body. It's weird, I know.

>> No.10469460

B-but don't fetishes have to be sexual?
Do we have any Freuds in here that can elaborate?

>> No.10469472

They don't need to be sexual if you have the ability to turn "cute" into "sexy".

>> No.10469484

You don't find all cute things sexy, though, right? Like flowers and rainbows, for example.

>> No.10469489

I think a requirement of being a lolicon is not being able to tell the difference.

>> No.10469490

Normal human sexual attraction is only experienced towards other humans, not objects.

>> No.10469496

I do not find my cute cousins sexually attractive, or babies.

>> No.10469498

Normal human sexual attraction is also only experienced towards your peers and not little girls. We already abandoned normality long ago.

>> No.10469501

Because you aren't a lolicon. It's kind of like being a queer, you're born with it.

>> No.10469506

Either that or some sort of trauma causes people to fixate on children.

>> No.10469512

Only when the cute thing is a female human being AND she isn't as completely innocent as she looks. So... she needs to be older than 6.

I don't find rainbows and flowers cute, though. They are only cute because cute little girls love them. Dogs are actually cute, though.

>> No.10469515

Because you know them since they were little babies. They don't have anything at all to hide from you, so they aren't as interesting as other little girls.

And how the heck are babies cute?

>> No.10469516

Utter bullshit. No, I don't have any proof.

>> No.10469533

Is it illegal to find cheese pizza in google by typing "family nudism", /jp/? How are those kids being abused?

I discovered this trick when I was 12-13 and it was amazing.

>> No.10469538

How the fuck could you fall in love with some little brat?

>> No.10469540

Don't quote me on it, but pretty sure nudism is legal.

>> No.10469542

Again, you need to leave your room sometime and meet some real little girls and then maybe you'll understand.

Or you're just a bad person.

>> No.10469544

Only if you can't fap to it.

>> No.10469560

No. There are websites that specialize in that sort of thing. It's legal to depict the "nudist lifestyle" for "educational" purposes. This loophole goes back to the 50s and 60s when filmmakers would make "nudist" films to get around the censors.

>> No.10469568

That long ago you could buy actual cheese pizza from behind the counter at every adult bookstore.

>> No.10469573

I can't believe it. How could the moralfags allow such a loophole to exist?

It's hard to imagine.

>> No.10469581

Something happened in the 80s that made everybody get their panties in a bunch over pedos. It wasn't considered that big of a deal before then, just a quirk that nobody really gave much thought to.

>> No.10469593

I think by 50's and 60's you mean 1850's and 60's, when art nudes were used as a way to depict tits in photography. Thats really when it started.

>> No.10469597

Yeah, some assholes rapekilled a bunch of little girls.

I don't see how that shit is related in any way to pedophilia, though.

>> No.10469602

Lolicons are considered the same as as psychopathic murderers in the publics eyes because of that. People aren't very good at differentiating things.

>> No.10469607

Wikipedia and psychologists being brainwashed doesn't help.

>> No.10469612

I just realized what cheese pizza meant...i'm really slow.

>> No.10469631

I find my cute cousins attractive.

>> No.10469638

I googled child nudists (for research purposes) a while back and still haven't been arrested.

>> No.10469641


>> No.10469643

I've only played tsukihime and kagetsu tohya.

gonna play fate soon. Hopefully I still won't know.

I probably will

>> No.10469647

Two of mine aren't blood related though so they're just cute lolis. One's a little brown girl and the other is blonde with blue eyes. The tan one for some reason wears a lot of skirts or sundresses and like most little girls doesn't know how to sit properly with those kinds of clothes so she flashes her panties a lot.

Sometimes I feel guilty for enjoying them so much but it makes my family happy that I get out of my room to go to my aunt's house so it doesn't bother me that much.

>> No.10469732

I know the feeling.

Mine are distant cousins. They're adorable. Playing with them is the only social activity I ever do. But sadly I don't get to see them very often.

>> No.10469802

My cousin is an autistic 10 years old girl. Am I lucky or unlucky?

>> No.10469809

Your lying, nobody can have /jp/ for a cousin.

>> No.10469814

Real deal right here.

>> No.10469822

I see mine a lot. For lots of holidays my family goes to their house. They come over usually just for Christmas. They live just down the block so they just casually visit as well whenever. Sometimes they spend the night, sometimes they use the pool, and sometimes they just visit because my parents keep snacks in the house for them.

Cousins are nice.

>> No.10469997

/jp/ isn’t actually autkstic, though. It just wants to feel dark and edgy.

>> No.10471114

Except children are not human just like how eggs aren't birds yet.

>> No.10471146

Do you want a loli valentine, /jp/?

>> No.10471171

Human eggs are located in the ovaries. Children aren't eggs.

>> No.10471229

Then WHAT are children? Just a miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.10471354

Why the fuck do little boys think that little girls have cooties?

I never believed it.

>> No.10471368


Because the ZOG machine tells them so.

>> No.10471410

I grew among little girls. So every boy avoided me.

>> No.10471451

You make it sound like you were abandoned in a forest and raised by wild little girls. Like Remus and Romulus or the Ashina clan, but with less bestiality and more loli incest.

>> No.10471465
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why are japanese lolis so much more lewd than western lolis?

>> No.10471518

Sort of like that, yea.

>> No.10471601

That's not a little girl.

And Japanese little girls are the worst little girls. Slavs are the best.

>> No.10471617

Their parents lie to them because "kids shouldn't find other kids attractive".

I'll never forgive them. So many years of legal loli sex wasted...

>> No.10471761

>wild little girls

>> No.10471777

I don't like non-Victorian-style white kids. Seeing them makes me angry. Terrible people, really.

>> No.10471811

Would you rape them in the ass and humiliate them in public?

I mean, you hate non-Victiorian-style white lolis. Why wouldn't you want to do that to them?

>> No.10471818
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Is it Victorian loli time?

>> No.10471825

Victorian girls are all ugly. Except Alice, but she was a gypsy.

Russian lolis master race.

>> No.10471832

Vitorian girls were not ugly and Alice was not a gypsy! You heretic!

>> No.10471948

I nanny for a family with two girls ages 7 and 4. I love them both, but the 7 year old is starting to get in the back-talking and "I don't have to listen to you" stage. The other day I told her to come pick up her toys and she responded "HELLO I'm in the middle of playing this video game!!! Isn't that obvious??? Why are you so stupid??", so I put her in time-out. I've tried talking to her and telling her that I'm in charge and I'm her nanny so she has to listen to me, but she continues to be disrespectful. When I have her sit in time-outs (form of discipline used by both me and her parents), she has been mocking me and calling me names such as "stupid"' "ugly" "mean" etc. Both her parents and me have tried everything it seems and if we take one of her privileges away, she doesn't care and barely notices. Time-out does work for her and she does not like having to sit in the corner or wherever I happen to put her, but lately she has been mocking me while in time-out. Should I just ignore whatever she is saying to me when I put her in the time-out or should I make her sit longer? What should I do to get her to listen?

>> No.10471977

Tsundere as hell, dude.
I'm sure she will stop after a good...uh,

>> No.10472054

After a good... what?

>> No.10472075

In many places it's still illegal even if both partners are underage.

>> No.10472167 [DELETED] 

Where? USA?

Also, "underage" doesn't mean anything for me. 17, 18, 19 years old... It's all the same shit.

12 is the only important age. Children become manchildren at that age and it lasts a few years.

>> No.10472276


>> No.10472436

Why are American kids so fucking bitchy? My cousins are nice and cute.

>> No.10472459

I can never get myself to finish a bad VN. I wish I could though, just for the sake of completion.

>> No.10472466

My American cousins are all nice and cute.

>> No.10472472

Where is time out? Move it really far away from where you are.

>> No.10472474

Are they fat?

>> No.10472485


>> No.10472495

You are aware that her parents would fire you if they knew you posted on /JustPedo/, right?

What game was she playing, by the way?

>> No.10472538

This ;_;
I suck at finishing VNs

>> No.10472574

/jp/ is aparently JustNormals now, though, so I can't see why they would care.

>> No.10472684

I think the normals are just a vocal minority that seem to come here just to get mad at everything they don't like, I don't think any of them would be able to stand staying here. They just always need something to hate, so in normal logic why not come to a place full of what they hate?

>> No.10472699

But if they crap up a thread enough if gets deleted, it's so cruel and soul crushing.

>> No.10472701

Eh, /jp/ is full of second rate trash otaku either way. Makes no difference really.

VN General thread posters being an exception of course, the surplus is just a giant 2hu circlejerk.

>> No.10472755

>Eh, /jp/ is full of second rate trash otaku

More like 4th rate.

>> No.10472758

Yes I just saw a nice example of that a little while ago. It's horrible how they pick so many fights and start so many arguments to ruin threads. It happens sometimes. When they start going on a moral crusade in the thread and turning it into shit, you just gotta shrug your shoulders and move on. Don't add fuel to the fire.

>> No.10472767

>ignore shitty trolls
Well, duh. If you engage them it's your own fault.

>> No.10472771

But if everyone ignored all the trolls no one would ever post on /jp/. Doh ho ho.

>> No.10473005

Things I like about /jp/:

-Little girl discussion
-Pedophilia discussion
-VN threads

Things I hate about /jp/:
-Pedos in denial
-There is a bit TOO MUCH Touhou everywhere

>> No.10473011

A lot of the people in that general have very narrow interests. Just as second rate as the rest.

>> No.10473012

All the ones who are under 13 are slender.

>> No.10473017

You can still save the young ones!

>> No.10473019

I agree with everything except the too much touhou part. I think the amount of touhou is fine, I mean this place was originally for touhou so I just expect a lot of it here. Besides the NEET threads also I think that's all /jp/ really boils down to in the end.

>> No.10473025
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What exactly defines a first rate weeaboo? Aside from being you, of course.

>> No.10473036

He's talking about general power level. Learning Japanese just to extend your horizons in the different mediums would definetely be considered a first-rate otaku.

>> No.10473331

How can you hate anything about /jp/?

>> No.10473339

A slender loli is one of the best things in the world.

>> No.10473535

God damn /jp/ stop sexualizing children.

>> No.10473565
File: 52 KB, 800x403, RustleOnTheMount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying its not God's fault

>> No.10473578

Children are sexual beings.

>> No.10473584 [DELETED] 

It's their fault for being so fuckable.

>> No.10473590

God has great taste!

>> No.10473630 [DELETED] 

That Jesus, not God.

>> No.10473635

According to Christians, Jesus IS God.

>> No.10473643 [DELETED] 

The Old Testament rejects God in human form, Jesus is a heretic.

>> No.10473655
File: 111 KB, 661x475, Baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no bad VN's in my eyes.

>> No.10473658

There are only VNs who didn't reach their full potential.

>> No.10473729

how does it feel to have such shitty taste that you cant taste the difference between diarrhea and link logs?

>> No.10473779
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>link logs

>> No.10473783
File: 99 KB, 354x388, 1267983302717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. I find something I like from kamige all the way down to the bottom of the barrel nukige. Sorry that I don't conform to the usual /jp/ elitist when it comes to porn powerpoint presentations.

>> No.10473797
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>> No.10473804

What is everyone's beef with nukige, you know it's going to suck, and all it is supposed to be is porn, not some great work of art.

>> No.10473805

VNs are an elite art form that are brought down by erotic content like that

>> No.10473811
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>> No.10473815

Why not seperate the two, that's like saying porn flicks bring down the whole medium of cinema.

>> No.10473886

No. Rustle's art is beautiful, but his lolis are just little midget whores. I want normal, awkwardly sexual children, goddammit!

>> No.10473892
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>> No.10473897

Both are fine with me but I prefer normal too.

>> No.10473903

I love that picture.

>> No.10473916 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 500x252, Kimmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the HELL do little girls become so fucking horrible when they grow up?

It's mind blowing. I can't fucking believe this. It's like the child just... dies and some whore takes over her body.

Why is nature so cruel? Ok, some little girls become proper women, but most of them are replaced by shallow dumbasses. WHY?

>> No.10473921

It's because we aren't allowed to teach them to be pure little girls.

>> No.10473927 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1272x2516, 1342010936833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A consumerist culture that values material goods over purity and chastity. There's no way in the year 2012 someone at least mildly cannot be a Fascist.

>> No.10473928

Everything about them when they grow up is bad. Even when I was little myself I always thought women were horrible in just about every way.

>> No.10473929

It's impossible to grow up while retaining your innocence.

>> No.10473930 [DELETED] 
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America before liberals.

>> No.10473931
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>> No.10473947

LauraB is one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen, ever!

>> No.10473949

So did all the girls you knew grow up to become shallow whores, and all your friends' mothers were shallow whores too?

God damn you guys need to find some better communities.

>> No.10473951
File: 21 KB, 728x1044, cination_105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read "Simulacre no Alice" by Yamato Akira? Normal lolis everywhere (except the whole Alice thing). The art is just perfect.

Also, read "Hallucination from the womb" by Mohiro Kitoh. No, read his whole work. It's fucking amazing. It doesn't really have anything to do with lolis or hentai, though, I'm just talking about it here because Hallucination from the womb is full of naked little girls (and the stories are pretty damn good).

>> No.10473956 [DELETED] 

All women are shallow whores. They are like parasites, born with a deficiency that they compensate for by latching onto rich and powerful men.

>> No.10473957

I don't know what they grew up to be but they're definitely ugly now. But my friend's mothers (more like my mothers friends)? Just get them away from me, all of them.

>> No.10473961

I haven't read anything actually I'm just saying what I like in general.

>> No.10473967

I know, I'm just amazed by that manga and want to make everyone read it.

>> No.10473974

And those who outspend or work harder than their husbands, or take care of them when they are ill or infirm?

Did you have no friends in middle and high school?

>> No.10473984

This. I liked girls my own age since I was little. I never understood why I should suddenly find them "disgusting" as I grow up. It's a retarded idea.

>> No.10473989

That bitch is fucking scary.

>> No.10474022 [DELETED] 

>Did you have no friends in middle and high school?

This is /jp/, it's a little different from your home board, /cgl/.

>> No.10474031

>This is /jp/, it's a little different from your home board, /cgl/.
I know it's popular to pretend that nobody here never had any friends ever, and have gone at least three years without social contact, but you can't actually believe that's true.

>> No.10474038

It's natural. Like you said, "I liked girls my own age since I was little." You're supposed to keep feeling that up to adulthood. That's because, biologically, liking children is unnatural since they can't reproduce.

Not trying to moralfag this thread up though, just my two cents.

>> No.10474042 [DELETED] 

The only social contact I have is with my family, it's been this way since I dropped out of high school. There are falseNEET imposters who have friends, but generally people here are happy to be isolated.

>> No.10474047

I don't think you belong here if you really think that.

>> No.10474048

The scary thing is, that is true for more user than you would think.
See, this is what happens when traditional values aren't preserved while also accepting new cultures.

>> No.10474056

We have a few. That's it.

>> No.10474062 [DELETED] 
















>> No.10474080

Please condense your post, it's too long.

>> No.10474090 [DELETED] 

-Official /jp/ reminder-

If you are currently employed, enrolled in education OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/. End of story. If you are in the aforementioned categories, please evacuate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.10474093 [DELETED] 

Unofficialy go fuck yourself and take your PSAs with you.

>> No.10474096

Not true. I don't talk to any of my friends any more. Including the internet ones. Too much effort maintaining friends. I just want to take it easy, get high, and masturbate till I die.

>> No.10474101

How many years running?

>> No.10474128 [DELETED] 

Please leave, falsie.

>> No.10474149

come march it will be my second year

>> No.10474153

I don't have shit taste

>> No.10474248

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.10474262

Why is everybody here so proud of their isolation? Why do we stop talking about cute little kids just because some crossboarder called us liars? Just ignore him, goddamnit.

>> No.10474404

Because human nature is to eliminate those who are not similar

>> No.10475901

God deamn /jp/

>> No.10476013

How are beautiful female kids fuckable?


>> No.10476048

Guys, I'm not going to the beach anymore... The number of half-naked children disturbs me. In fact I'm actually going to avoid minors altogether from now on... They're NAKED under those clothes. I can't stand the idea of naked flesh actually, even when it's covered. Well, if they're under 18 that is; if they're over 18 I'll greedily mount them, cock swaying like a shit-filled sock, man or woman, willing or openly against. But when I think of a child running around with so much as an inch of flesh showing I want to chew my fat arms off and beat myself to sleep with the gory stumps.

>> No.10476160

Lolis do not have genitals.

>> No.10476248

Can't tell if serious, very nasty normal or being sarcastic.

>> No.10476253 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 294x363, niggggggggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10476261

you are stupid

>> No.10476476

You're stupid.

>> No.10476527

Your stupped

>> No.10477752

Please don't be mean.

>> No.10480423 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 300x300, DAT ASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

