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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 817 KB, 2550x1750, 1329510816411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10457653 No.10457653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one?

>> No.10457661

Which one what?

>> No.10457662
File: 989 KB, 2550x1750, 1360211505243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I circled in red is pretty cute.

>> No.10457668

Me on the left

Me on the right

Me in the center

>> No.10457665

Nasty japs.

>> No.10457666

She reminds me of Lain a little.

>> No.10457678

The teacher in the sweatshirt.

He strong.

>> No.10457681

Cutest girl, though she probably sucked 20 dicks.

>> No.10457683

Japanese and Korean people take horrible school pictures in America everyone gets dolled up for picture day.

>> No.10457690
File: 230 KB, 1210x617, 1360176044669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one?

>> No.10457694

Nice try weeaboo.

>> No.10457696

Bottom row, fourth from the right. I'd go drinking with that dude.

>> No.10457698

students aren't allowed to wear makeup so they look like crap.

>> No.10457703
File: 127 KB, 991x442, 1360176117569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10457709

Very top row, to the right, is that a gaijin? What's he doing there? Where is that picture from?

>> No.10457710

Bottom row, first on the left. She seems like she'd have a few interesting stories to tell.

>> No.10457720

Think of it this way. If I were to decide who am I going to see every day I wake up for the next 20-30 years, I prefer to see their natural looks when making selections.

>> No.10457724

Anyone have the class of /jp/ version with titles and everything?

>> No.10457740

how do you pronounce this?

>> No.10457747

The one with the Chopper doll.

What I said is funny because there's more than one student posting with a Chopper doll

>> No.10457749

Are you referring to the teacher? That's 内

>> No.10457750

nevermind, i'm an idiot

>> No.10457751

Was there any reason to use spoilers in your post? What's the reason for using them like you did?

>> No.10457759

He was hiding the punch line.

>> No.10457762

does anyone know where to get more of these?

>> No.10457765

That wasn't funny at all. I hate you.

>> No.10457788

That's not a reason to use spoilers.

>> No.10457800
File: 58 KB, 604x453, 1332176705835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly, this was the only other one I could find

>> No.10457834

Fourth in last row.

>> No.10457840

lmao they r grabbin my balls

>> No.10457841

Fourth from left, that is.

>> No.10457888

is it just me or are all the girls various shades of hideous? Seriously, though, what is up with those genes?

she looks like some fugly aunt, and not the sexy kind, but the kind that you don't enjoy visiting.

>> No.10457930

>Just looking at these pictures will brighten your days
Is that message intended for normal, non-hideous people?
Because I'm actually grateful I'm not that ugly.

>> No.10457934

Gives you a lot to be thankful for huh?

I thank you OP for showing me that things could be a lot worse.

>> No.10457938

She looked kind of bitchy to me so I thought she was cute.

>> No.10457945

hey nip, no need to get so defensive.

>> No.10458481

Wow I wonder how many of those people have committed suicide already

>> No.10458502

Man I wonder what kind of person can be so interested in something from Japan yet acts so /pol/ about it at the same time. The cognitive dissonance must be insane. Pathetic really.

>> No.10458552

You must be new here.

>> No.10458558

How is it hard to understand? Gooks are shitty and ugly so they make escapist cartoons and cool porn.

>> No.10458559

Liking something should not mean you are blind to it's faults.

>> No.10458653


>> No.10459166


I honestly think they're all alike but for some reason when you and other anons said the circled one in red is cute, I can't help but suddenly agree. ;_;

>> No.10459194

look at this nerd using big words like hes some kind of fugging professor

>> No.10459970


First off, OP, why are you scanning your English students yearbook and posting it on 4chan?

Second off, since they were your students, should you be answering your own question? I'm waiting:

But to answer your question, OP, and after looking through them all 5 times over, (it took 5 times because I couldn't feel any instant sexual attraction to any of them), the best I can do is 友愛ちゃん (which btw is a very usual name; I'm guessing the reading is Yui) the one to the left of the Westaboo English loving freak (probably the one that likes you, the English Teacher, AMARITE OP?).

>> No.10459987
File: 67 KB, 535x298, suredoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure does.

>> No.10459997

There are few pretty girls in that pic. If they wore make-up they'd look more attractive, though.

>> No.10460081
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top row, middle

>> No.10460090


>why are you scanning your English students yearbook and posting it on 4chan?

Are you retarded?

>> No.10460110

How can you have a class with only one hottie?

Man must such to be in such a situation.

>> No.10460114
File: 51 KB, 212x340, 1360211505243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl looks badass

>> No.10460142

Look at those old women, whitening their face so much

>> No.10460144


>> No.10460227

I downloaded the picture and I was gonna circle the cute girls and boys, but then I thought about the people I wouldn't circle and how bad they'd feel if they somehow managed to get their hands on my selection, so I stopped and deleted the picture.

>> No.10460336

Thank you for not bullying.

>> No.10460353
File: 9 KB, 138x222, Андрей Осененко.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10460357

he's dreamy

>> No.10460358


>> No.10460405

Class Rep.
Bottom row, fourth from right.
She's cute.

Bottom row third from left is close second.

>> No.10460537
File: 255 KB, 739x416, 2011061112301753f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10460549
File: 131 KB, 739x416, DSC03471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10460728
File: 710 KB, 1448x4144, tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10460739

Is there a reason why the Japanese love making the V sign so much? I get really bothered every time I see it in my Japanese cartoons and games.

>> No.10460789

the americans that occupied japan during the ghq days made that popular when they took pics of themselves in front of places they took over and didn't explain why they were doing that. so japanese took that as the american thing to do when taking pics.

>> No.10460798

It came from some war time think in like wwII or something and it just stuck with the japanese people.

It's basically the equivalent to the thumbs up gesture in the west.

>> No.10460805

Who is that in the white? Their sensei?

god, she looks like she is craving a peepee. I wish I could give her mine.

>> No.10460816
File: 206 KB, 739x416, DSC03500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10460832

This looks like one of those all-girls-school turned co-ed anime.

>> No.10460856

What's with /a///jp/ and looking at these Japanese student pics?

>> No.10460861

bet there were crazy mad nosebleeds all over the place nigga

>> No.10460924


cute! more? sauce?

>> No.10460999

They all look really old.

>> No.10461130
File: 177 KB, 739x416, DSC03528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

radiation sickness

>> No.10461143


Translate it.

Or at least let me copy and paste the language into Google translate.

>> No.10461149

I saw two cute Japanese girls on the subway today.
It was a little strange, going to Japan this spring is going to be quite the experience.
I'd like to have sexual intercourse with one of the kind.

>> No.10461164

Nope, just devalued education.

>> No.10461165

> Boss
> Kawaii
> Could probably be cuter
> Good pick
> Trash
> Can't be helped

>> No.10461167
File: 19 KB, 212x307, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you fuckers is this?

>> No.10461173


>> No.10461218

why did they print the same picture 44 times

>> No.10461277

No they dont?

Way to be fucking retarded.

>> No.10461435

So what is this about? Future Battle Royale candidates?

>> No.10461441

Being too old is completely subjective.

>> No.10461448
File: 61 KB, 378x276, 1351482862652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never join JET and be their cool gaijin teacher

>> No.10461480

I applied because I figured why not, a week before the deadline. I got rejected though.

>> No.10461487


joined and ditched after a few months. God that was a horrid experience.

>> No.10461492

That bad?

>> No.10461496 [DELETED] 

disgusting race traitor.

>> No.10461575


>> No.10461668

To be perfectly honest, American High School kids don't look much better.

>> No.10461686








>> No.10461698
File: 179 KB, 1039x728, kasaoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10461700

I suppose your high school was filled to the brim with super models then. Mine didn't.

>> No.10461708

Maybe people in your area are just ugly or below average? Ugly people tend to congregate together.

Do you also live in an area of poverty?

>> No.10461714

At least my American high school had a really short, flat-chested, childish-looking girl. For being such a cliche in galge, you think it would be more common in Japan.

>> No.10461713

>board about japanese culture
>making fun of others for embracing japanese culture

>> No.10461721

It isn't about japanese culture, it's about otaku culture

>> No.10461722 [DELETED] 

oh hello there, newfriend.

>> No.10461724


>> No.10461727


>> No.10461729

Does this look like Japan/General to you?

Take yourself to >>>/int/ or >>>/trv/, kudasai!

>> No.10461735
File: 15 KB, 512x419, 1353739772619 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/q/ueer-neo/jp/ies please go back to /v/ and /pol/

>> No.10461742


>> No.10461748

Why /pol/?
/pol/ is the politics board, people here don't discuss politics.

>> No.10461754

You can tell from the /pol/ memes.

>> No.10461755

/pol/ is not a politics board either it is "politically incorrect discussion retard.

>> No.10461760

Ron Paul is cute, what have you got against him?

>> No.10461770

>Nasty japs.
>Japanese and Korean people take horrible school pictures in America everyone gets dolled up for picture day.
>is that a gaijin? What's he doing there? Where is that picture from?
>how do you pronounce this?
>hey nip, no need to get so defensive.
>Man I wonder what kind of person can be so interested in something from Japan
>Gooks are shitty and ugly so they make escapist cartoons and cool porn.
>Is there a reason why the Japanese love making the V sign so much?
>It came from some war time think in like wwII or something and it just stuck with the japanese people.
>the americans that occupied japan during the ghq days made that popular when they took pics of themselves in front of places they took over and didn't explain why they were doing that. so japanese took that as the american thing to do when taking pics.
>I saw two cute Japanese girls on the subway today.
>It was a little strange, going to Japan this spring is going to be quite the experience.
>You will never join JET and be their cool gaijin teacher

all this discussion about countries and culture i dont give a fuck about, let me play my VNs in peace

so many boards you can spam this shit on, why pick /jp/?

>> No.10461778

Who are you quoting, /a/non?

>> No.10461789

Even /a/ doesn't misuse the quote feature that much any more, thanks to some /jp/edos.

>> No.10461792

You reek of /a/, all that pent-up anger, frustration, and irrational hatred aren't as common here, but i guess being a tranny does mess up the way you think, right?

>> No.10461803
File: 7 KB, 190x252, 1359930107649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like fuck am i adding back post numbers, i gave up halfway through the thread

it would have been moar epic winrar if you replied with "HMMMM I WONDER WHOS BEHIND THIS POST" /pol/ meme

>> No.10461811
File: 537 KB, 720x946, MC-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the touma-esque archetypes of MC's in anime was just far-fetched bullshit.

>> No.10461819

>like fuck am i adding back post numbers, i gave up halfway through the thread
And instead you "greentexted" them, congrats.
But why do you think that those are /pol/ people?

>it would have been moar epic winrar if you replied with "HMMMM I WONDER WHOS BEHIND THIS POST" /pol/ meme
Transexuals are pretty common on /a/ and are really heavily supported by that board.

Nice, you decided to use a rika picture, truly /jp/ material right there.

>> No.10461821

You're welcome.

>> No.10461830


what does that mean? i know its literal meaning is big meat but?

>> No.10461831

>Nasty japs.
>Japanese and Korean people take horrible school pictures in America everyone gets dolled up for picture day.
>is that a gaijin? What's he doing there? Where is that picture from?
>how do you pronounce this?
>hey nip, no need to get so defensive.
>Man I wonder what kind of person can be so interested in something from Japan

that's as far as i go

u will have to suck my cock if you want me to finish, stupid janitor

>> No.10461842


Don't be rude....

>> No.10461848

Trannies are disgusting

>> No.10461850


I lol'd at this response. I must say I am pretty impressed by some people's Japanese skills in /jp/ now days. It seems /jp/ has progressed a lot and actually learned a lot of internet/conversational Japanese rather than just only textbook Japanese. The tier list post was also pretty funny and good, "shou ga nai" tier also made me laugh.

Now if just the rest of you fucks would learn Japanese properly than we can enjoy more Japanese language humor on /jp/

>> No.10461857


But I have been an English teacher in Japan before, for many years in fact. Also, there are quite a few /jp/ that are currently in Japan and teaching English.

>> No.10461854

You don't have to bring them up if nobody is talking about them though...

>> No.10461865


You are probably going to hate me then but could you clarify his response? I interpreted that to be "that's me lol".

>> No.10461870

You hang out with disgruntled expats who complain about how Japan isn't like America or [insert European country here] in bars or post on Gaijinpot?

>> No.10461880

Rest in RIP, smalldaikon

>> No.10461886

You're right.

>> No.10461892

I hate those people because they scare off potential good teachers from going to Japan (Usually these assholes only want to party and marry some Japanese girl instead of actually teaching proper English to the students like they are paid to do.)

>> No.10461906



>> No.10461908


Do you retarded fucks not realize how retarded you are? Moot included. Go on, go suck his dick some more faggots.

Otaku is a, BIG SUPRISE, Japanese word, used to describe "anime nerds". And get this, Anime is ALSO Japanese terminology and made in Japan and is apart of Japanese CULTURE. And since all things normally discussed on this board contain elements from Japanese culture (for example Reimu is a Miko which relates to Shinto) talking about Japanese culture in otaku culture is a GIVEN.

Yes, the board is not "supposed" to be as board based as "Japanese Culture" just because that faglord Moot said so, but look at the fucking reality of the situation and threads. Threads about Buddhism, Taoism, Japanese pop/rock singers, locations in Japan, TV personalities, Japanese teas, etc, etc.

>> No.10461909

Look at this queef. He can't even cross-board link.

>> No.10461916

>Yes, the board is not "supposed" to be as board based as "Japanese Culture" just because that faglord Moot said so
You're right, this board is supposed to be /jp/ - Touhou and Visual Novels.

I'm glad that we've cleared that up and all other aspects of Nip culture are now irrelevant.


>> No.10461920

>Otaku is a (...) Japanese word

>used to describe "anime nerds"

>> No.10461923

A-and VOCALOID....

>> No.10461926

Vocaloid is less relevant now than Touhou is.

>> No.10461927

People who bump threads with metadiscussion should be taken out and shot.

>> No.10461930

you interpreted right. >>10461850 is just easily impressed.

>> No.10461934

But I'm using nokosage! Please don't beat me, senpai.

>> No.10461942

Vocaloid prints more money than Touhou ever will.

>> No.10461945


Thanks. Fair enough. I was just a bit puzzled at the kind of "Japanese humor" in question.

>> No.10461946

Then I wasn't referring to you. Although when making blatantly meta replies, you should use a visible sage so as to encourage other people to sage also.

>> No.10461953

P-please don't turn this into a fan war thread by accident...I think toho is highly profitable too...

>> No.10461955


Yes, you translated it right "in basic", but it's more than that. It's the nuances the anon-kun used:

He used "nan" instead of just saying "ore da" or "ore desu" (which would have sounded gay). Adding the "yo" on the end is also significant along with the multiple "w"s.

So basically it's all the little nuances that make conversational and internet Japanese a lot different from standard textbook Japanese.

>> No.10461958

Both are cancerous.

>> No.10461959

No, visable sage just encourages people to age to piss the sage posters off.

>> No.10461963

Touhou is doujinsoft, that's not a fair metric.

>> No.10461965

If you're going to bump a shitty thread to piss people off, you're going to do it whether or not somebody used a visible sage.

>> No.10461970

Type-Shit VN fan please go away

>> No.10461971


No, I was not one of those types, both when I was there and afterwards.

And when I was there in Japan, I didn't hang around only other gaijin like most other teachers do, who btw end up using English 24/7 and never learn any Japanese while in Japan.

I went to hang out with the Japanese people, like going to small ma and pa restaurants.

>> No.10461976


Thanks. I had an intuitive feeling that was it and I do understand what you're and anon-kun are saying with this type of humor. But, I don't know, I just don't find it "funny" rather just an amusing response.

>> No.10461981
File: 79 KB, 400x400, 1348429932120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Threads about Buddhism, Taoism, Japanese pop/rock singers, locations in Japan, TV personalities, Japanese teas, etc, etc.

Don't forget sucking cocks, glory holes, Judaism, transgenders, camwhoring, greentext stories, Twitter, etc, etc,

>> No.10461987
File: 256 KB, 1272x700, 1359956742705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10461995


Do you retarded fucks not realize how retarded you are?

Clearly not so let me break it down for your simple mind:

>/jp/ - Touhou and Visual Novels

But even by the argument that is going on, you are a wrong, wrong little faggot since it is OTAKU culture, NOT just Touhou and Visual Novels.

Then again your post just PROVES my point and post which pointed out that this board's content is determined by its users rather than just because fagmoot relabeled it.

Furthermore, you are truly a retard since your mentioning of Touhou as part of /jp/ as being part of "otaku culture" but somehow not Japanese culture is proven to be retarded with my OP: >>10461908 statement of:
>(for example Reimu is a Miko which relates to Shinto)

Also your own last statement of:


Just really makes you look like fullretard since it is Japanese and Japanese language is closely tired to its culture (true for any language).

But then again, I don't expect a retarded, uneducated fuck like you to really understand these concepts, so I shouldn't even bother trying.

>> No.10461999

>I shouldn't even bother trying.
You could have figured this out twenty sentences ago and saved yourself a lot of trouble.

>> No.10461998


>used to describe "anime nerds"

It isn't modern usage, yes it is you faggot.

And I challenge you to prove otherwise rather than just saying "you are wrong!!1ones"

>> No.10462003

Train otaku.

>> No.10462005

VNs and 2hu are why /jp/ exist, sperglord.

>> No.10462004


>puzzled at the kind of "Japanese humor" in question

Because "ore da" would just be like saying "It's me."

While "ore nan da yo ww" is more like saying: "It's me you fucking retard lolol!!11ones!! (derp)"

>> No.10462006

Otaku is still used describe a variety of people (Car otaku being the most popular) just because it is bastardized by western people doesn't mean that they decide it's meaning.

>> No.10462007

Let the weeblord wallow in is infinite semen drinking.

>> No.10462011
File: 93 KB, 634x810, sukihomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meeiiddooo denkaaaa~!!!

>> No.10462012

This is not a Japan board end of discussion.

If you wish to discuss Japan head over to ( >>>/int/ ) or ( >>>/trv/ ).

If you have a problem with the rules head over to ( >>>/q/ ).

>> No.10462013


See: >>10462004

Also, I guess it was also just amusing to me because as I said in my first post about this discussion, I am glad (and found it funny) to see /jp/ come so far with their Japanese and be able to impersonate a Japanese high school kid.

>> No.10462022

>impersonate a Japanese high school kid.

Don't get the wrong idea when I ask this but, are you implying this humor is well high school level humor?

>> No.10462025


Thanks. There seems to be a lot of nuances to get there.

>> No.10462045


>Don't forget sucking cocks, glory holes, Judaism, transgenders, camwhoring, greentext stories, Twitter, etc, etc,

Yes, which is all in good fun, and IMO acceptable since /jp/ is such a fucking dead and slow board anyways.

If /jp/ was really how your autistic mind really envisioned it with ONLY being NOTHING BUT 2hu and VNs then not only would it be 1000% MORE autistic than it already is, but it would have only about 20 threads with replies taking days to get responses to and the same threads lasting months.

In my opinion /jp/ is more fun as a place where like-minded individuals (those interested in otaku AND Japanese culture [since they are strongly related and can't be separated anyways]) hang out and talk about whatever. And since as I said, with like-minded individuals, the topics will still mostly connect even if they don't fit perfectly into gaylordmoot's definitions.

2 points:

If /jp/ was a super active board then, off-topics would get pushed off so fast anyways.

If /jp/ was a super active board, then this discussion wouldn't even be happening because of point 1.

But the issue IS because it is a slow fucking board.

Also think about how conversations and discussion with your IRL otaku fags go. If you are all talking about 2hu, then suddenly one of your fag friends breaks topic and says "dudez! i found this weird growth on my penis last night? wut do?" People will shift to that topic for a moment because they are friends and okay with breaking topic to help a friend out for a moment before returning to the main topic instead. IRL you don't shout: "LOL!! OFF TOPIC KILL YOURSELF OUT OF REAL LIFE!!11ones!1"

tl;dr = Stop being a fucking lord of the autistic

>> No.10462054

>In my opinion /jp/ is more fun as a place where like-minded individuals (those interested in otaku AND Japanese culture [since they are strongly related and can't be separated anyways]) hang out and talk about whatever.
/jp/ is a board for topical discussion, not for you and your friends to hang out. Some people have no interest in Touhou or VNs at all and still come here just to participate in shitty off-topic threads. Which is what happens if you decide people should talk about anything.

>Also think about how conversations and discussion with your IRL otaku fags go.
/jp/ is not a real-life chat with your friends. Threads have topics, and they can be derailed.

>> No.10462058


Look you faggots, do you not understand the concept of "context"? We are on 4chan, which is born out of the "anime otaku" context.

>> No.10462065

/jp/ is not about anime either so nobody cares

>> No.10462067

>VNs and 2hu


>> No.10462072


In general, no. In context of the post and thread. Yes.

>> No.10462080


You are right you faggot, I forgot that the internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS! since no one uses that meme anymore on 4chan.

What a fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.10462081

/jp/ is not about Japan you may learn about it in your spare time but threads directly related to Japan will not be discussed here.

If you wish to directly discuss Japan feel free to visit ( >>>/int/ ) and/or ( >>>/trv/ ).

If you dislike /jp/'s rules please visit ( >>>/q/ ) and ask the moderation about it.

>> No.10462084

>You are right you faggot
I'm glad we were able to come to this conclusion together.

>> No.10462091
File: 1.61 MB, 1408x951, 2009%203-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10462095

They are Korean

>> No.10462097

since /jp/ isn't about japan.

>> No.10462099

When will they transform into SNSD's replacement batch?

>> No.10462101


>anime is solely in reference to anime TV shows and movies

Just how retarded are you, son?

Anime is also a STYLE, of which both 2hu and VN is a part of since they are both decidedly draw in Anime styles.

>> No.10462106

/jp/ is not about Korea if you wish to continue posting Koreans please use ( >>>/int/ ) and/or ( >>>/trv/ )

>> No.10462107
File: 1.06 MB, 1224x827, B011968-R1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see some possibilties in this pic

>> No.10462112


So, mister janitor-san, if that is the case then why not just delete this thread since it is neither 2hu or VN related. Go on, now, use your mighty janitor powers to CLEANSE the holy /jp/!

>> No.10462119

SNSD discussion is not permitted on /jp/ if you wish to continue your discussion of SNSD please go to ( >>>/mu/ ) and/or ( >>>/int/)

>> No.10462127

I am not the Janitor but if you have a problem with the staff please visit ( >>>/q/) and share your heart.

As of now the rules all say this is not a Japan board so it is not.

>> No.10462140

how can you tell they are korean?

>> No.10462145

>I am not the Janitor

So you are a Janitor/Moot whiteknight faggot then?

>> No.10462151

What a fucking loser, wow.

>> No.10462153

They look Korean. Their hair looks Korean, their faces look Korean, and their uniforms look typical for Koreans.

>> No.10462165

If you have a problem with my posts please feel free to use reply hiding.

If the rules do not permit it I do not think it is right for /jp/.

>> No.10462188
File: 64 KB, 516x339, 1358987969810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related.

BTW, FAGGOT, it is also /jp/ related since it is a 2hu image

>> No.10462196

Does anybody not have a school picture of a Foreing school in japan

Heard from my teacher that her niece goes in a foreign themed school due to not getting bullied and so forth

>> No.10462200
File: 579 KB, 1373x1027, 1331849972160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself out of /jp/, faggot.

>> No.10462198

Actually the Janitor will submit a ban request for ironic badposting and complaining about moderation.

Please just be happy with /jp/ rules the way they are.

>> No.10462229


Yes, we are all aware how dictatorial 4chan and /jp/ has become, but we aren't going to shut up about it you little bitch.

>> No.10462229,1 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you all realize why this was deleted

>> No.10462229,2 [INTERNAL] 


Did you SERIOUSLY just use my fucking image??

>> No.10462229,3 [INTERNAL] 

Oh whats that anonymous, I'm using your image? Oh dear, whatever will I do~

>> No.10462229,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10462229,5 [INTERNAL] 

Laughed so hard I ate my sleeves. Good show.
