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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 5 KB, 250x299, izumi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10453818 No.10453818 [Reply] [Original]

I could go to Akihabara right now!!! (i'm in ichikawa - bored)
but it's raining, should I go. Will post pics if good ideas of things to see/do

>> No.10453826
File: 499 KB, 265x186, eri nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the robot restaurant in Shinjuku instead.

>> No.10453822


Please just go

>> No.10453832

Is this not the same as the Gundam restaurant?

>> No.10453841

Isn't that a ghetto?

>> No.10453847

we /soc/ now

>> No.10453860 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up

Do it, take pics

>> No.10453874

Keep it going

Don't take pictures

>> No.10453911

Go on.

>> No.10453913
File: 610 KB, 1600x1200, $T2eC16hHJIkE9qU3l3d0BQUL4wtT-w~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked, crossie. /jp/ isn't the board for taking photos of yourself prancing around Nip Town.

Take this filth to /soc/ with the rest of the cocksuckers, before meido wakes up and grinds your ass into the garbage disposal.

>> No.10453946

>mfw moving to Saitama soon

ww, soon, all the Japanese girls

I'm actually in Japan right now

>> No.10453950
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 1308270259074[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw left Japan a few months ago
I'll miss Shizuoka

>> No.10453956

well thanks guys. I was actually offering to get some oc for you but i cant be bothered now. not because of you, i'm still going, i'm just not taking my camera

>> No.10453965
File: 151 KB, 954x536, 1360095944897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10453971

Holy shit, when is this pic from I think I can see myself in it.

>> No.10453973
File: 126 KB, 1000x560, 1360096058856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

osaka looks dry.

>> No.10453975

did you take that just now?!?!!

>> No.10453979
File: 101 KB, 665x499, 1360096167292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just now.

>> No.10453986

ambulance just went by. did you kill youself?

>> No.10453990


>> No.10453991
File: 340 KB, 1600x900, 1360096322675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10453993 [DELETED] 

/jp/ isn't the board for your anger management problems. If pictures of Japanese trains is /jp/ then I don't see how pictures of Nip Town isn't.

>> No.10453994


>> No.10453996

Silent Hill is the most dangerous place in Japan. I wouldn't want to be there during an earthquake.

>> No.10454009

We live in an age where great information repositories concerning all matters are available to everyone with an Internet connection. This is the first point in human history where this is possible. Fifty years ago, if you wanted to find information about a location in Japan, you would have to make a pilgrimage on horseback to the city of Alexandria to visit their scroll library. However, through the miracle of progression, today you can find out information about interesting places in Akihabara by typing a query such as 'akihabara interesting locations' into the Internet search engine Google, accessible at www.google.com.

I hope you feel more secure with knowledge protecting you. Go and learn!

>> No.10454048
File: 21 KB, 511x310, clip (2013-02-06 at 01.46.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If pictures of Japanese trains is /jp/
Good news!
It isn't!

Now delete your shitty normalfag thread.

>> No.10454054


links to Osaka cams pls

>> No.10454061


>not otaku

>> No.10454086

It isn't.

>> No.10454106

That's not what I said, but you could interpret it that way. It's still correct -- the city of Akihabara is not otaku culture.

Just like New York isn't rich banker culture or London isn't poor dental hygiene culture. What's your point?

>> No.10454126
File: 128 KB, 835x505, 1360098165920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10454133



>> No.10454135

What do you look like? Which one is you? Do something for the camera!

>> No.10454157



Enjoy your boredom.

>> No.10454168


>Silent Hill

is it common for gaijins to refer to place names in Japan by their literal translations? like do you refer to Tokyo as the Eastern Capital.
Just asking.

>> No.10454174


Urawa Reds bitches

>> No.10454217
File: 89 KB, 641x481, 1360099140861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10454224
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>> No.10454243
File: 75 KB, 640x478, 1360099443903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10454257

On subway in Osaka right now. rain has stopped. Horrible weather this morning.

>> No.10454262

Your style of writing makes this seem extremely dramatic.

>> No.10455049

which one is real?
the latter one has a snowy weather while the other one doesn't.

>> No.10455053

oops the second one is not a live stream, I see.

>> No.10455055

>is it common for gaijins to refer to place names in Japan by their literal translations?

Only when it's funny.

>> No.10455204


Okay so it says its in Osaka's Nihonbashi (didn't know there was one there) but where exactly is it? Want to Google map it but need the coordinates e.g.

>> No.10456843


Pretty much, welcome to the 2000s

>> No.10456847


Nihonbashi in osaka is denden town. It can be tricky to navigate to from the station but it's much better than Akihabara, it's like old Akiba before it turned all chain-store and shitty. They have better street parades too.

>> No.10457348



>> No.10457369


Pretty much started following densha otoko and the completion of the private railway, then the massacre totally killed it (no pun intended) before being widely advertised as a tourist spot.

>> No.10459170

so where are all the pictures of OP's trip to Akiba

>> No.10459583

He moved his thread to /trv/, go check it out, you'll cum so hard from all the photos of busy intersections

>> No.10459923

What did you end up buying there? There is anything an otaku could want there. They sell everything and the most obscure things, except for a yuugi figure or anything yuugi for that matter.

>> No.10460041

You get out the station, then walk in a straight line. It's really not that hard.

>> No.10462502

Out of boredom I went to Melonbooks, some random figure shop and passed Toranoana today. Am I Danny Choo now?

>> No.10462548

I think it's cute. Personally I live in Capital City.

>> No.10462576



>> No.10462580

>I think it's cute.

Kyoto-anon, are you a girl?

>> No.10462610

I work in Shinagawa and hate otaku culture.

Ask me nanika.

>> No.10462625

Remember Pearl Harbor.

>> No.10462628


Describe your physical appearance. Pics if possible.

>> No.10462676


Shinagawa? What even is there to do there? I live close to Misakiguchi station and I literally only go there to change trains.

>> No.10462833

For better or worse, nope.

>> No.10462948

Jack shit.

>> No.10463044


It'd take you over an hour to walk from Osaka station to Nihonbashi and it's a lot twistier than it looks on a map.

Most people will take the subway and then from the subway to nihonbashi it's a pretty confusing walk too.

>> No.10465737

Some of the place names in Japan are really.

Like Nakameguro. I was thinking about Meguro and what it meant and I figured it could translate as "Black like eyes" but then I saw Nakameguro and realized how potentially metal it was.

>> No.10466661

I want a bj from her so bad.

>> No.10466672

Why the hell are you posting on /jp/?

>> No.10468655


Why is Akiba so dead at 9am on a Sunday morning?

>> No.10468827

mostly all shops are closed on sunday

>> No.10468869

Hello OP

I would like to ask you for recommendations for shopping in Tokyo.
I'm going to travel to Tokyo next april and I would like to buy some informal clothes for me (man, 28 years old, 1,9 m tall). Budget estimated: $1000

Which are some japanese clothes marks can you recommend me? And places too.

>> No.10468890

why is that?

>> No.10469669


But Sunday afternoons (from 1pm to 5pm I think) they close down Chuo-dori to become a street parade for shoppers.

>> No.10473040 [DELETED] 

