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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 400x300, pd_icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10450639 No.10450639 [Reply] [Original]

Is perfect dark compromised or not?

I heard it was crack, and there have been people arrested for using it but not many in total.

>> No.10450646

cracked, I mean, not crack.

>> No.10450678

We're cool dude, we're cool.

>> No.10450711
File: 95 KB, 244x257, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad!

This has been an amazing thread already.

>> No.10450713

Extremely cute image dude.

>> No.10450716

I have heard that the people who were arrested were able to be caught because they were posting their uploads on some fort of bulletin website that made their information publicly available. But I don't know whether that's true or not. I've never seen a source that the program itself is compromised, only that some company claimed that they did it. Whether they were telling the truth, I don't know.

>> No.10450719

some sort*

>> No.10450724

ah, so you think it'd still be fine to use and everything?

It's probably exactly the same as torrenting where nobody cares but I always get paranoid using new programs.

>> No.10450738

I think if you don't live in Japan, it doesn't matter at all. People in Japan have to be concerned because of possible criminal charges, and that can't reach you in another country as far as I know. I'd also say it's not really the same as torrents, since when you use torrents everything is publicly exposed by default for anyone to look at, whereas even if PD were compromised I don't think the situation would be exactly the same. Anyway, like I said I can't confirm that the stuff I posted is true or not, so take it with a grain of salt. My Japanese isn't that great at the moment so I imagine I'm cut off from the relevant information.

>> No.10450741

I thought it was free?
Also people were probably getting arrested because of the new Japanese file sharing law thing. What was it, if something took more than half an hour to download (I guess seeding and the like constantly is included too) and it wasn't legally obtained there's a chance your ass could get thrown in jail? Something like that.

>> No.10450750

Yes of course that's why downloaders might be arrested (uploading was already illegal). The issue OP is asking about is whether the security built into the program has been cracked so that police can view what you are doing.

>> No.10451084

I'm becoming increasingly concerned about using PD. By simply running it in the background I download and upload data I know nothing about, be it CP, footage of real-life violence/murder/rape, or recent American pop music hits RIAA is after. This is the same issue as with running an exit node in the TOR network, and I've read that some people have already be arrested for this in the news. Try proving to your local police that you were not the one to willingly download this content if you end up serving it as the exit data point to an arrested pedo or a RIA victim. With Share or other P2P software you download and upload only what you explicitly opt in to.

>> No.10451093

Yeah, that's why I don't use it. It's a good concept, to force everyone to contribute like that, but I would only be comfortable with it if the files that were being shared were controlled somehow, to prevent stuff like what you said.

>> No.10451139

Unity is encrypted isn't it?

>> No.10451166 [DELETED] 

Can give a proof it is encrypted and there is no known way to extract it? Besides, is your computer 100% clean of CP (maybe unintentionally cached) and pirated content to make a difference when inspected by the cops even if they fail to extract the file you uploaded to the criminal? If you live in such a jolly place, you are good, I guess.

>> No.10451169

Can you give a proof it is encrypted and there is no known way to extract it? Besides, is your computer 100% clean of CP (maybe unintentionally cached) and pirated content to make a difference when inspected by the cops, even if they fail to extract the file you uploaded to the criminal? If you live in such a jolly place, you are good, I guess.

>> No.10451179

I can't prove anything since I don't into cryptography, but information on PD says the Unity is encrypted and I don't see a reason to doubt that. Especially considering the insignificant number of arrests, and the fact that those arrested are always arrested for piracy and in Japan.

Of course my system isn't clean of anything illegal, but that only matters if they have reason to suspect me. If they can't see what I'm uploading there's nothing they can accuse me of. They could catch me doing any number of the illegal things I do. Plausible deniability is also a thing.

I've downloaded actual CP off of PD, several times, yet no party van.

>> No.10451205

>Of course my system isn't clean of anything illegal, but that only matters if they have reason to suspect me. If they can't see what I'm uploading there's nothing they can accuse me of. They could catch me doing any number of the illegal things I do. Plausible deniability is also a thing.

Even if they can't see what exactly you are uploading, they can certainly notice unusual network activity and identify all end nodes correctly with the help of your ISP. Suppose there is a criminal who has a collection of illegal content obtained from PD. Now suppose he has been apprehended by the police for posting said CP somewhere on the Internet or for a real-world rape or something. After an inspection of his PC they will find out that 1) he possessed illegal content 2) he had PD installed and 3) some strange network activity was spotted by his ISP which was most likely the source how he obtained said content. After an inquiry of your ISP they'll obtain a list of all PD exit nodes he's been connected to, let's say 4 of them were in Japan and one was in his country and were you. Now guess which of these 5 suspects in distributing illegal content they will want to visit.

You are correct, though, that it appears no foreigner has ever been apprehended for using PD, but it seems only because PD is too unpopular outside Japan to care about it while there are torrents most people use, not because it uses some super clever distribution and encryption techniques.

>> No.10451208

Reported directly to Obama. I'll see you in jail, you child rapist.

>> No.10451215

>I can't prove anything since I don't into cryptography,
I think Kaichou has never even explained how exactly sharing process and encription work, so the entire network is based on nothing more than belief in good faith and clever network/crypto design. I'm sure people must have studied the protocol, but I don't personally know what practical use these studies lead to so far.

>> No.10451217

>I've downloaded actual (...)
I am curious to know if it is good quality. Please.
Just say yes or no if you don't feel like elaborating.

>> No.10451244

>I'll see you in jail
Why will you be there?

>> No.10451247

Guilt by association.

>> No.10451249

Because I'm the boss of the jail.

>> No.10451293

I compromised your mom last night.

>> No.10454861

How come I only have 9mb of unity after 48 hours?

>> No.10454876
File: 14 KB, 446x403, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your ports open? Are you actually seeing it downloading?

>> No.10454925
File: 7 KB, 399x286, ss (2013-02-06 at 06.40.04).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10454963

Post your encrypted IP to be added to the world.

>> No.10454986

This is what you get when you let proprietary monkey to secure your software. Japanese are retarded if it comes to computer/network security or electronics generally.

>> No.10454989

Where do I post it?

>> No.10455000

Post it here and someone will add it. Hopefully you will be connected to peers you're not already.

>> No.10455005

What do you get? Some people getting arrested for posting stuff on BBS?

>> No.10455052
File: 55 KB, 402x386, not so perfect dark blossom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get my PD to work. I suspect the issue is a closed port since it displays a message: "perfect dark is online. open port NOT confirmed". I use a Tp-link router and a dynamic IP (I heard somewhere that dynamic ISP's for wan connection is default in my country). I tried forcing my IP to be static by tinkering with my router settings and I believe I've been successful. I've also tried opening a port, and I don't know if I was.
This was after reading many guides about PD and ports and IPs in google, but I can't into informatics.
Someone please help me!

Another question: Under settings, I am using port 33333 and interface port 33334. When I went to "add ip address/port" I put my own computer IP, which is different from the IP that sites tell me it is, supposedly because I am using a router. I've then put again the port 33333 in the port field and pasted the nodes in the encrypted text field. I think that I've opened this port 33333 (if I was succesful, which I don't know). Anyway, this at least caused a reaction, because before the program was offline and now it displays the message which I mentioned and is this ss. I still don't even have any search terms though.
Please anon, any help is appreciated. I will gift you the best way I can if I can solve this.

>> No.10455063

>This was after reading many guides about PD and ports
I also have problems with getting PD to work. Can you perhaps give me lins to these guides? So far I've only seen one PD guide I think, and I also still don't now where the fuck I find out what port I'm using.

>> No.10455077


Please don't hack me.

>> No.10455081

>>10455052 >>10455063

I think you'll get more luck with your problem if you make a single post with an image where all relevant screenshots are joined together, such as the PD port settings and the port forwarding setup in your router. It is much more convenient than reading long textual descriptions. Also, I think this looks more like a /g/ question to me, even though the program is kind of obscure...

>> No.10455088

After entering this I'm online, but my open port is not confirmed. How can I change this, and how can fill up the unity memory?

>> No.10455093

oh yea I forgot to add the question dumb me.
Which port do you have to open:
Is it the one you put under settings, or the one you put when you click "add ip address/port"? In my example case, I used the same port nº for both and tried opening it, to no avail (or maybe I didn't open it?). Also what IP do I use? My own pc's or the one ip-tracing sites tell me, which is supposedly my router's?

Here's a SS of my router settings showing the supposedly open port. Worth to mention that I am not using Windows firewall at all (it is disabled)

There used to be a renowed guide here until recently, but I think it vanished and I have no idea why. I get "pageok" error everytime I try to visit it, try it yourself.
Here's another one: http://www.jcafe24.net/index.php?tic=518.135;wap2
There's also these discussions I lurked:

>> No.10455095
File: 56 KB, 706x391, router.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.10455117
File: 666 KB, 2493x998, perfect dark guide 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2 must have died with my hard drive.
I don't know why the creator made them this way either

>> No.10455155

> Is it the one you put under settings, or the one you put when you click "add ip address/port"?
The port in the settings is your port, the "add ip address port" button adds other peers' IPs from the Unity. This is needed for a successful bootstrap during the first run since PD needs to know some running nodes to obtain information about the rest from them. I suggest that you find an up-to-date IP list and add it and then wait for a while. I would have checked your PD settings, but you ignored my message, so screw you.

>> No.10456118

Recent Perfect Dark related arrests

>> No.10456156

PD relies completely on security through obscurity. Using it for something that could get you arrested and thinking you're safe because you don't know how it works (and then assuming no one else does) is idiotic.

>> No.10456158

Glad those fucks have been arrested.

>> No.10456209

> Using it for something that could get you arrested
The way Unity works, using it for _anything_ or just leaving it on may get you arrested.

>> No.10456642

tfw share doesn't work on win8

>> No.10462903


>> No.10463295


Nosir. Chapped Penis.

It's what you get when you fap too vigorously.

>> No.10463306

If you don't have atleast a 100kb/s upload speed, which most americans don't have, you cannot download from PD.

>> No.10463312

>100kb/s upload speed, which most americans don't have

Yeah, maybe if you're stuck living in the year 2000.

>> No.10463316

>If you don't have atleast a 100kb/s upload speed, which most americans don't have, you cannot download from PD.
Yes you can. You just need to have gathered 2gb of unity cache to download.

>> No.10463384

I have barely half of that and I never had any problems downloading.
The actual problem is usually finding shit, but that's probably because I also only use PD if I can't find something somewhere else

>> No.10463532

It's usually uploading, if anything, that will get you fucked when it comes to p2p matters. PD is inherently flawed in that it forces you to upload quite a fair amount of data.

Like with drugs, you're more likely to get fucked in the ass if you're a dealer than a user.

>It's what you get when you fap too vigorously.
I've had this problem before. It was not fun.

>> No.10463532,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where do I find IP's and nodes?

>> No.10463532,2 [INTERNAL] 


Like the one tutorial site I was using is dead now.
