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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 480x640, f73e8f13ea9e2762db0ab06531793c5d1356919797_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10447466 No.10447466 [Reply] [Original]

Japan showing their technology advancement again.
We now have working prototype of the sketch that was shown months ago.

>> No.10447512

Is there an even lewder layer?

>> No.10447515
File: 201 KB, 640x989, 3a1b20cd18bb2986360453bab055cad11356919657_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No interchangeable bra or pantsu though.

>> No.10447524

I'd be too shy to take off any of the covers.

>> No.10447706
File: 76 KB, 802x607, you gonna get observed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am eagerly awaiting a Comet version that comes with separate head and body covers, such that you can sleep with your arms around the head-pillow and your body kept warm by the body-pillow.

>> No.10448061

In the distant future, this will be remembered as the most pivotal invention of the 21st century.

>> No.10448552
File: 408 KB, 686x1000, bedae1215cb21af103eb8a2cdea12754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever she is, I love her hair. Pretty cute.

>> No.10449574
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, [Hiryuu] Girls und Panzer 09 [Hi10P 1280x720 H264] [5758FE51].mkv_snapshot_13.30_[2012.12.20_03.02.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari from Mädchen and Tanks

>> No.10449590
File: 88 KB, 768x768, 6ca322a6917961ad71c8dbb1808a69fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been meaning to watch that. Is it like Soro no woto or something?

>> No.10449600

Imagine Sora no Woto, but not boring, real tanks, and every character is wonderful.

The 3D effects are bad on the first episode, but after that it isn't that much of an eyesore.

Every main character is wife material.

>> No.10451509

where can i get this

>> No.10451513
File: 2.84 MB, 550x319, 1350363911025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fucking tanks playing deathmatch and kill the flag tank. They probably laugh at them.

>> No.10451549

Just some more years and the dakimakura will hug you.

>> No.10451573

Your /a/ is showing. Go back there.

>> No.10451579

It sounds like great fun when they show picture when only the clothes are concerned. Imagine having a hollow half-daki with the severed torso of your favourite character, smiling and lifeless.

Not to mention where to put the outer layers once undressed, and the seams; because your eyes won't be seeing a comercial photography, but the real thing instead.

>> No.10451584

I will not.

>> No.10451602


>> No.10451715
File: 211 KB, 624x1000, 0533447ed8382b02593dc735b20e98561356919569_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try YAJ
It went for 17000yen in C83.
I bet it is close to 50k in the after market now.

>> No.10451792

daki+pillow cover = win

genius idea

>> No.10451869
File: 2.44 MB, 480x270, 1354507243880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's technically a sports anime. Only the sport is what is basically a team deathmatch/CTF with restored WWII tanks. It's a fun, moe, non-serious anime with surprisingly accurate detail in the tanks (The writers did their homework), and absolutely phenomenal animation. The first two episodes lack the quality control that the rest of the series does, but that changes quite quickly with the introduction of the first tank battles. For what was the best selling show last season, I believe it deserves that spot. There is more focus on the tanks and tank battles than the girls, but only by a small margin.

Now to answer your original question with that all in mind; No, it is nothing like Sora No Woto. However, if you like tanks, and you like cute girls in tanks, then the show is a must watch in my opinion.

>> No.10452002 [DELETED] 

Will these girls be enlisted to the army as the best tank crew in the world and sent to Iran or Afghanistan where they die heroically? Or will they kill each other during WW3? Is this the twist they are going to?

>> No.10452045

Will these girls be enlisted to the army as the best tank crew in the world and sent to Iran or Afghanistan where they die heroically? Or will they kill each other during WW3? Is this gonna be the twist?

>> No.10452096





>> No.10452631
File: 121 KB, 350x466, 329490-w300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No
I would not be so confident. Genre shifts have happened many times before. Considering how much of weapon and military nut the writer is, the chances should not be very slim.

>> No.10452957


A writing shift that massive though would make absolutely zero plot sense. From my understanding there are no wars currently in action in GuPverse, all things are settled in sensha-do, and there is no underlying sub-plot or foreshadowing to build off of.. It would also make no sense for the studio to do so either as it would change the core values that makes the series such a huge hit in the first place.

I'm not saying it won't happen, because the second series hasn't aired yet, it's an original anime, and I doubt a 12 episode season will be entirely dedicated to the last round that we're at now so they do need to introduce more plot. I just think a padagrim shift of that magnitude would make zero sense to both the setting and established story that we have come to see so far, as well as turn off a large majority of the fanbase.

I don't believe any massive grimdark shift will happen, but no, I can't say it will not in any certainty.

>> No.10453161
File: 1.97 MB, 1114x1200, 611822e27dde77de367f62f184a7aa5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate when such incredibly pretty girls are part of a show that features and almost promotes real life weapons created during dictatorial regimes with the sole purpose to kill real people. On top of that, the show has stereotypical foreigner teams and the tank models are distributed between the teams in the way that is more or less historically accurate, despite the premise of a different and peaceful world where the events are taking place.
I can't believe I'm complaining about this after years of denouncing any argument that compares fiction with reality, but I'm really starting to believe that things like that distort perception of the mistakes made in history and fasten stereotypes even more than they are now.

>> No.10453214


I've read your post three times and I still don't get what the fuck you're trying to say.

>> No.10453215
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 1356670408444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen these before.
I'd say this one looks better.
Then again, Eirin is simply better to being with.

>> No.10453945

He says it's like the holocaust all over again.

>> No.10455376

And you're saying that it's like a bad thing.

>> No.10459933

Maybe the problem is only with me hating shows depicting such "alternative versions" of WWII. Every fucking country keeps distorting the war in its history books in so many different ways that you've got more than enough contradictory fiction already. If 戦車道 was only about competition, all teams would have identical vehicles (or at least they would be distributed randomly by the writers) and foreign clichéd teams wouldn't wear outfits similar to actual WWII uniforms. Since this is not the case here, I'm concluding that the show wants to exploit the cheap thrills of having a WWII styled competition with the fixed outcome satisfying an average viewer's fancy.

>> No.10459955

Looks like Arios art.

>> No.10460079

So, what, it's essentially just another pillow case?
Why the hell do you need a prototype for a pillowcase?

>> No.10460095


This. Also the only thing that amazes me about this development is that it TOOK this long to make this development.

>> No.10460669
File: 196 KB, 600x854, japan starting war again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show is a military propaganda to entice NEET and otaku losers to join their tank crews.

>> No.10460699

It took them what? Roughly 20years or so for them to make naked dakimura and then various removable clothes to put them over the daki.
Why didnt you thought of it first?

>> No.10460710

I'm already rich.

>> No.10461232

Oh God, it's the Iron Cross. I fear the German Army will harvest all those unemployed people in Southern Europe and then create a gargantuan Neetmacht to invade the Senkaku Islands. If Argentina doesn't get them first.

>> No.10461359


I read your post once, and I finally get what the fuck you're trying to say. I actually agree with you to an certain extent. I however do not take those thoughts into account when judging anime. Anime is, in a broad relation, a very niche hobby; the idea that it's distorting WWII history to fuel it's own plot is only mildly true. It's not an opinion of Japan, nor an accurate depiction of what WWII is actually like. Your opinion in my opinion is simply a way to vent out your own frustrations regarding the global view of history using a forum that's know to you. GuP is a proverbial victim of crossfire in your accusations. Denouncing the correlation between fiction and reality isn't just something that you have to do to enjoy quite a bit of animation (日本 or not), but is part of the appeal of animation, it can subvert reality without need for explanation.

Maybe you're thinking over this too hard, or maybe you have some underlying thoughts on a much more prevalent issue.

>> No.10463329

> Anime is, in a broad relation, a very niche hobby
Pardon me, but this show is not a niche otaku product. This is what was aired on a popular cartoon channel during prime time and what MANY teenagers watch and talk about. I have great faith in their high level of education and ability to discern reality from fiction, but even that in my opinion does not stop some associations of "coolness" or "righteousness" of certain political forces and historical events leak under the human's skull, and that, I think, is horrible (I'm talking here from my rich personal experience as a person being brainwashed during my early youth with "flavoured" history and fiction I was forced to read and watch).
> vent out your own frustrations regarding the global view of history
Yes, I'm sorry for going off-topic. There are many things in the entertainment industry, politics and society I disagree with but learned to ignore. Similarly, I should just ignore this show, especially since compared to many other issues it is such a small deal. I think I started this rant in a vain hope so that someone would come in and convince me that I am absolutely wrong and the show has zero correlation with the reality except for the now harmless tanks which look cool and symbolize teamwork, because the animation samples I've seen and the character designs looked so damn pretty. Oh well. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started this pointless debate, especially in a pillow hugging thread.
