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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10441673 No.10441673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just don't understand why you guys are so obsessed.

>> No.10441690

Don't care actually.

>> No.10441683
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>> No.10441685

With what?

>> No.10441691

/jp/ - My First Troll

>> No.10441692

With what?

>> No.10441693

Fucking weeaboos took over.

>> No.10441712

The one group of people I can feel superior to as a NEET are /pol/ fags, especially the ones that can't keep their crazy in their own board.

>> No.10441717

Oh I hate the Japs too. I just like some of the stuff they produce.

>> No.10441723
File: 24 KB, 307x200, reaganmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I majored in economics at Princeton.
>mfw little weeaboo who lives with mommy thinks he's superior

>> No.10441726

Grr. Japan is my spiritual homeland. ;_;
I'll get you Americans for nuking it 70 years ago. >:T

>> No.10441731

Where are you working now? Or are you getting your PhD?

>> No.10441742

He's working at McDonald's to pay off his student loans.

>> No.10441743

He's working at /pol/. It's a full-time job really, just like /jp/.

>> No.10441744

muh 9/11

>> No.10441746

>We just didn't give a fuck about how humane the bombs were, they made our victory easier

No they didn't. The military didn't give two shits about civillians getting mass murdered. They only surrendered to the americans because the russians didn't renew their non-aggression pact with the japs and were starting to move in on japanese territory. The emperor felt his status had a better chance of being kept if he surrendered to the americans rather than to the soviets.

>> No.10441752

wow, what a loser!

>> No.10441756

The place really is a shitfest. I spent six hours posting consecutively there once before deciding that I would rather actually not have anything to do with the place.

>> No.10441759

I've been working as a financial analyst at Microsoft for the last 3 years.

>> No.10441764

I also like some British shows without giving a fuck about Britain. Crazy, huh?

>> No.10441761

Which campus?

>> No.10441771

I've told you enough already you wapanese faggot.

>> No.10441769

It's fun to lurk sometimes. They get so excited and worked up over the littlest of things; it's kind of cute really.

>> No.10441772

Every board on 4chan is cute in it's own way.

>> No.10441773

Yeah, that was a lot of fun for a few hours, but it got old fast when I realized that the ride never ends. They have threads about the dumbest shit in /q/, too. It's amazing.

>> No.10441780

Suit yourself, love.

>> No.10441800

Well except for papercraft and origami. Those guys are sick fucks.

>> No.10441813
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>> No.10441828

Long live glorious war crimes and savage murders
(to show that humans are fucktarded creatures)

>> No.10441861



>> No.10442031

We've never really given a shit about Japan getting nuked. I personally don't even like the Japanese, just their media.
