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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 800x600, Superior Asians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10437632 No.10437632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Evidence :
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtXgX4hXM
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDBgz4I3U
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_alQnRLz8 Your western females are look like males.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv9Ih2w1Y Even by faking your western facial & body form you racist westerners still look ugly.

The western males losers are very jealous of us Asian guys because we Asians guys not only got the best girls which are our own Asian girls but their own western girls are very obsessed at us Asian guys, who shamefully make blogs and videos including in youtube of themselves confessing their love towards us Asian guys, making topics in online forum asking if we Asian guys love them including even making websites such as hey-ai . com to promote themselves to us Asian guys. In comparison our Asian girls never make shameful blogs, videos, topics or websites like that to get attention from the western males losers. This fact shows that it is not that we Asians guys can't get their western girls but we Asian guys are proud of our own Asian girls and prefer our own Asian girls, so much that their western girls are desperately trying to get attentions from us Asian guys by making blogs, videos and websites to get attentions from us Asian guys.

As for the western girls they should stop on being obsessed at us Asian guys and should be proud of their own western males by stick to their own western males. Those western girls should also stop on trying to act and trying to look like our Asian girls including stop cosplaying our Anime/Asian girls characters, because their action not only racism [ impersonating other race are racism ] but those western girls also only end up ruining our Anime/Asian girls characters.

>> No.10437647

thread reported.

>> No.10437655


More rike cospraying!


>> No.10437668

Anyway, remember that I'm not a dumb, ugly and fat westerner like you who massacres over 500000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bomb, massacring over 100000 Japanese in Tokyo, massacring over 50000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa while doing over 32000 mass rape all over Japan and still continue on doing all kind of crimes in Japan to this day, so there is no reason for Japanese to hate me or my peoples. You westerners are the less evolved race, that is why you westerners look much closer to homo sapiens than other races which can be seen at the deep set eyes, long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form you westerners born with also being hairy and smelly [ produce more sweats ]. As for us Asians we Asians are the most evolved race because human evolutions lead into a more smaller frame, of course have to be balanced so midget are not included.

>> No.10437680

pity reply

>> No.10437687

Shouldn't you be shitposting on /int/ with a proxy right now?

>> No.10437704

Cool, he made new videos.

>> No.10437729

A++++++++++++ THREAD


>> No.10437735

It would appear you have a very strong inferiority complex. Would you like to talk about it?

>> No.10437737

I will never forget the Japanese attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

>> No.10437738
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1339709588973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that same sandnigger who pretends to be asian and used to go to /a. years ago about pig disgusting western cosplay?

>> No.10437759


Remember that they are not your uneducated, unattractive and fat western girls because all of them are our smart, attractive and cute Asian girls. Also remember that from all of you westerners in the world there is none of you westerners who can be/look like them while there are millions of us Asians who look like them and even better than them amongs us Asians.

Simply put, only we Asian guys who can play harem with real Anime girls while you western males losers will be frightened by your ugly western girls when trying so hard to act and to look cute like our Anime girls.

>> No.10437768

It has been 2 years since I saw the last thread you made ;_;

>> No.10437777

The one who have inferiority complex are you ugly dumb westerners for example when claiming our superior Anime characters to be based on you because you western losers can't make any Anime while love to imitate our Anime characters than your shitty cartoon western characters which you dumb western losers made based on yourselves.

You western losers are ugly, you racist westerners admitted it yourselves that you racist westerners are ugly by prefer on imitating our Anime/Asian characters rather than your cartoon/western characters, of course we Asians also believe that you racist westerners are unattractive which is why we Asians prefer cosplaying our own Anime/Asian characters. The reason you racist westerners prefer cosplaying our Anime/Asian characters is because you racist westerners find our Anime/Asian characters which we Asians made based on our own Asians facial & body form of almond shaped eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form to be more attractive compared to your cartoon/westerners which you racist westerners made based on your own western facial & body form of deep set eyes, long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form.

Go stick to your shitty cartoon ugly western losers.

>> No.10437779

77777 get.

>> No.10437785
File: 86 KB, 515x589, 2 THUMBS UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10437788
File: 53 KB, 525x385, cool starry bra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too long, didn't read. Nice quads.

>> No.10437814

This whole thread is poo that is simple minded propoganda. Don't make me laugh you Korean OP

>> No.10437826

You westerners = You can't Cosplay

Go stick to your shitty ugly cartoon/western characters ugly racist western losers.

>> No.10437834

I don't cosplay. Is it bad to me to like ay nee moo, mun-go, laito noveru ando visuaru nuveru?

>> No.10437835

Jesus, is the anime, porn and other crap worth this people roaming free? I say yes but someone should nuke the rest.

>> No.10437856

Remember that I'm not a dumb, ugly and fat westerner like you who massacres over 500000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bomb, massacring over 100000 Japanese in Tokyo, massacring over 50000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa while doing over 32000 mass rape all over Japan and still continue on doing all kind of crimes in Japan to this day, so there is no reason for Japanese to hate me or my peoples.

>> No.10437860

So.. no?

>> No.10437869


>massacring over 100000 Japanese in Tokyo

Didn't know about that one. Awesome, did the little yellow monkeys scream? Did they cry?

>> No.10437873

What about all the raping and killing you did in Korea and China?

>> No.10437875

As long as you westerners not imitating our Anime/Asian characters then no problem. No harm done to us Asians and our Anime if you westerners only watch our Anime, read our Manga, collect our Anime, Manga stuff, etc except for cosplaying them.

>> No.10437890
File: 42 KB, 433x266, 1312661664472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, angry Asian~chan, I've seen Milk cosplaying so I guess you've a point, but you should make this thread in /cgl/ since most of us don't cosplay, and if we do then it happens inside our homes, alones where no one sees us.

P.S: Are you cute? Post picture if you're.

>> No.10437905

It seems more and more of you western losers are taking pride on looking like us Asians, I mean when I browse for Cosplay topic on the internet I often found a question from your fellow racist westerners who ask which Anime characters they can Cosplay while boasting they have Asian like eyes, face, body and even hair.

the fall of your western society will be less than in 5 more years.

>> No.10437907

Can we cosplay western characters like 4/5 of JJBA's cast?

>> No.10437913
File: 181 KB, 873x700, guru guru daze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cosplay as a fat Guts from Berserk at my next anime convention.

What are you even going to do about it?

>> No.10437918
File: 36 KB, 590x443, girl_before_and_after_makeup_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mei mei is that you? Come back home mei mei! Ni hao is miss u and think ur brain too crazy

>> No.10437941
File: 485 KB, 1024x768, 1359239592614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad kid
