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10436718 No.10436718 [Reply] [Original]

Vgperson has translated a new rpg maker game:


Does anybody have a contact address to thank her? I don't have a tumblr.

>> No.10436728

>needing translations for easy shit like RPG Maker games


>> No.10436726

You can message her anonymously.

>> No.10436757

Ah, this looks scary. Ib and Witch's House were the top for me

>> No.10436779

Has anyone played it yet for early opinions?
Favorable? Unfavorable?

>> No.10436873


>> No.10437028

It looks fairly cool!

>> No.10437058

Is this another RPG Maker horror game? It was cool the first time but can she translate anything else?

>> No.10437077

I particularly enjoy that she translates niché games. However, it would be good to have her translate some games by 'popular' request, such as other sites holding polls and stuff.

>> No.10437095 [DELETED] 

what a bunch of fucking nerds, im gonna learn jp lang to translate hit and pretend to be a girl, then tell you to fuck off when you thank me

peace nerds

>> No.10437098

Thank you.

>> No.10437109


I enjoy and appreciate it too. I just wish she'd translate things aren't RPG Maker horror games.

>> No.10437135

Why is this guy so great, I mean seriously all of his shit is simply superb and-
Say what?

>> No.10437175

If you translate games, give background and release them for free I am still going to thank you.

Remember that this is /jp/. Take it easy and enjoy.

>> No.10437176


>> No.10437181

I've been waiting for someone to translate this. Cool!

>> No.10437190

That's how it's pronounced in French.

>> No.10437193

Sorry. I meant niche (/nɪt͡ʃ/).

>> No.10437197

It's not used in past participle form like that, though.

>> No.10437202 [DELETED] 

No you haven't

>> No.10437211

It should be nicher, right?

>> No.10437234

No, it should just be niche. It's an English word as much as souvenir is.

>> No.10437237

Why? It was posted a lot in Uboachans /og/ section and seemed really interesting as it actually has dialogue and a clear plot(from what I was able to understand) unlike most yumenikki-like games. But as I see now, it's really not like yume nikki.

>> No.10439712

tumblr pewdiepie motherfuck slut die

>> No.10439728

Hey! Stop talking shit about pewdiepie, ok? He is ok guy once when you get to know him.

>> No.10439751

At least you didn't make a fool out of yourself when finding that out..

>> No.10440198
File: 177 KB, 400x4000, guide to toohoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I liked out of vgperson are these.

Although the game translations are pretty cool as well.

>> No.10440252


Jegus Fuck Vgperson's on a role. Not sure where the motivation came from, but I'm all for it.

I'd like to express thanks as well, and can only hope she drops by /jp/ on occasion to see it (didn't really see a link on her site).

>> No.10440897

I don't get it.

Do I need the mentality of a /v/tard to understand it?

>> No.10440942 [DELETED] 

It's cute and quirky dude, just check it out.

>> No.10440946

You just don't like puns. If you literally don't get any of them, then you're probably just dumb.

>> No.10440951

I get them. They're really lame.

>> No.10440948

I don't get it.

Please finish me, I feel like I've seen one of the worst things ever.

>> No.10440969

Some people are able to laugh at lame jokes.

>> No.10441077

She posted here before?

>> No.10441104

It really is just the lamest of puns. It makes me giggle for some reason though, I hate it.

>> No.10441110

This is a pretty good game.
I got up to 11 bars, but I'm stuck.
I'm watching the japanese walkthrough and their original game has a different door at the part where I am, so I'm stuck.

>> No.10441345

Just finished it. Pretty good, though I don't think it's much of a puzzler like Ib, Mad Father, etc. Largely just you running around till you find 'that' next piece, which opens up the next 'piece', and so on.
