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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 800x600, Koihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10436134 No.10436134 [Reply] [Original]

choose your destiny

>> No.10436368

i choose autism

>> No.10436386

so you're going with the green button then

>> No.10436410

purple is my favorite color

>> No.10436424

Blue is mine but there is no blue button...

>> No.10436435

I chose beard

>> No.10436442

do I really need one?

>> No.10436737

Choose green. What do I get?

>> No.10436879

Purple is the colour of my waifu. Let's go with that.

>> No.10436887


>> No.10436883

In that vein, pink.

>> No.10436888

I assume you have pretty good taste then

>> No.10436944

purple master race

>> No.10436949 [DELETED] 

Having waifus is an /a/-related habit.

>> No.10436964

Green for life /n/igga

>> No.10436978

Stop being so influenced by spam please.

>> No.10437018

Everyone who matters is from /a/, and anyone who isn't is too new to be making such bold claims.

>> No.10437040

Here, I never went to /a/ even once.. I used to visit /v/ where I learned to hate everything then moved over here.

>> No.10437063

Well, it's good you have been cured of that implying habit you all have.

>> No.10437074

I still mis-use green text and spoiler tags now and then without realizing, but I've been trying my best to avoid it.

>> No.10437110

Hey faggot, green is my favorite color. I'll beat the fuck out of you,dweeb.

>> No.10437152

The spoiler thing is a joke, anon.

>> No.10439143


>> No.10439766
File: 276 KB, 814x1905, karin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10439815
File: 44 KB, 347x400, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back there, your posts are terrible.
spoiler: tru/jp/er came from /a/, back when it was hip and cool.

hating, or caring about what is /a/ related or not is a newfag habbit that has been influenced by shitposting spam and tries hard to fit in.

>> No.10440091

those tears

>> No.10440114

Fuck this end, but again the bitch deserved it.
Yeah let's kick everyone's ass, murder dozens of thousand and then... let's give back everyone their own territory only this time they are your vassals, it's not like them or their descendants will eventually cause revolts or try to take over, not at all.
The ending is a perfect representation that everything we did up to that point was fucking nothing.

>> No.10440130

You get a villain in hero's clothing with a mile-long list of betrayals, an outstanding ability to get his shit wrecked in skirmishes where he outnumbers his foes three-to-one and such an insane dependency over his sworn brothers that when one of them dies he pretty much runs his entire army down to ground in his petty attempt at revenge. Humanitarian ruler my ass.

Oh well, I guess it's better than Cao "let's present a priceless heirloom sword to the dude I was sent to assassinate" Cao.

>> No.10440162

any but the sand niggers

>> No.10440196

We'll never see the other VNs translated.

>> No.10440541

>bitch deserved it
oh fuck you big time, she is clearly the best leader out of the three
Sousou > Sonsaku > Ryubi

>> No.10440599

the anime was better.

>> No.10440639
File: 27 KB, 330x400, fdcdaa9e57f39269c7b31221b43f9442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talking shit about Cao Cao?

>> No.10440644

He has a stupid name.


>> No.10440653

I'll beat you up nerd.

>> No.10440670
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>> No.10440871

Every other plan of his ended with him shivering and soiling his pants inside the enemy lines, especially early on. He would have died ten times over if he didn't have his generals bursting into the scene and saving his ass all the time. He still thinks he's hot shit though, just look at his "only two heroes under Heaven" speech.

He also got outwitted by Lu Bu. It was just once and he had his payback, but it sure says something about how great a hero you are when you get outsmarted by a dude with WIS as his dump stat.

>> No.10441551

it was great in it's own way, but i politely disagree

>> No.10441595

It was just romanized weirdly. It's more Tsao-Tsao. Don't know why they used a "C" instead of an "S" sounding letter.

>> No.10441598

cow cow

>> No.10441650
File: 383 KB, 800x600, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10441682

auto no

>> No.10441695

>Don't know why they used a "C" instead of an "S" sounding letter.

Because no one uses Wade-Giles anymore.

>> No.10441775

do any of the games have a yuan shao route?

>> No.10441855

Nope, but you can fuck a loli.

>> No.10442257

What, Yuan Shao is a loli? His whole gimmick was being a 10,000 year old living skeleton with big dreams, troops so numerous that he could stampede all over China if he wanted and no ability whatsoever to make swift and conclusive decisions in an era where warlords survived only by virtue of swift and conclusive decisions. Is she tsundere for Yuan Shu at least?

>> No.10442388
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, [polished] Shin Koihime Musou OVA [BD 720p][3FB4CD41].mkv_snapshot_07.23_[2013.02.02_23.31.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no yuan shao is the retarded rich girl. yuan shu is the loli.

>> No.10443151

wat? technically almost everybody has a route/scenes in this game

>> No.10443333
File: 111 KB, 752x575, chr_kayuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to touch the game until she gets a route and a happy ending.

>> No.10443350

oh god the unlucky one, who gets killed, forgotten and erased after certain point in every game

>> No.10443528

you mean Enjutsu

>> No.10443540

Poor Team Dong Zhuo, they get shafted all the time even though they had some really cool officers like her and Li Ru. The latter apparently doesn't even appear in Koihime, which is a real shame.

In fact if either Lu Bu or Dong Zhuo were willing to pull their heads out of their asses, their faction would have won Three Kingdoms before it began.

>> No.10443553

It's a shame, I really liked her voice.

>> No.10443576

Female Akagi.

>> No.10443583
File: 54 KB, 335x752, 5688-1159845247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the voice the only thing that makes you care about the girl's well-being?
>>10443333 >>10443350
I think she lives in 真 reboot and that final moe harem thing? Either way, that is not an excuse for Baseson for making pretty girls kill other pretty girls (and no, real world history about sweaty old dudes is not a reason).

>> No.10443588

No, of course not. Looks are important too.

>> No.10443603

from what i remember she has a kind of husky/bit manly voice which i like also

>> No.10443629

Gi for life

>> No.10443662

I guess I'm the only one who likes the brownies in go.

>> No.10443711

I like the little girl and her sister.

The rest can stay home.

>> No.10443745

You can't choose autism, autism has to choose you.

>> No.10443764
File: 52 KB, 540x432, 1304058044338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some Koihime musou manga and light novels that have not been scanlated to my knowledge.

Think there would be interest in those for scanlation?

>> No.10443773

You mean, you have physical items you can scan or scans you can translate?

>> No.10443780
File: 189 KB, 707x1000, previewd66aeacde970e3010816754e1830bc29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have books i can scan, But I can't translate them.

My japanese isn't good enough yet for that.

So I was thinking i could go to some group, and have them translate it or something.

Any one know groups who do translation on request or something?

>> No.10443822

If you post on e-hentai and link here I could put some bounties (commission in e-hentai monie) on it for you.

>> No.10443834


Ok guess ill do that then.

Ill just need to look up some tutorials on how to debind books and scan them in.

Might take some time though, since im also busy with work and classes during the week.

>> No.10443842

You still have not said what exactly you have.

>> No.10443853

I dont think the thread would live that long but I check e-hentai almost every daily so if your scans has that cover I'd notice immediately unless it has yaoi cause I flagged that hidden. If you want to be absolutely sure you can also drop me a mail.

>> No.10443854

how many year has it been since last game? such a successful series should make a new game/bonus disc/anime

>> No.10443865
File: 46 KB, 500x428, $T2eC16RHJG8E9nyfnU,+BRDB7bCzHQ~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have the first three volumes of the Shin Koihime musou manga.

And four light novels.

I didnt take these pictures, but I have the same books as pictured here.

>> No.10443866

Define "successful"? I find the "game" part (including the MMO) very lackluster.

>> No.10443867
File: 59 KB, 500x331, $(KGrHqVHJCEE-l(KW2hhBPqQ1O!v9w~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here are the light novels.

>> No.10443871
File: 58 KB, 331x500, $(KGrHqV,!nsE9fbco7gSBPqQ+r!!Yg~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here is the last light novel I have.

>> No.10443877

holy treasure chest batman

>> No.10443883


Yeah Its pretty nice.

I sometimes check ebay for the first Koihime musou manga.

But they don't always have it.

>> No.10443903
File: 194 KB, 1024x688, 1303572456678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well its Koihime musou, So you don't have to worry about Yaoi too much.

Yuri on the other hand.

>> No.10443906

three series + couple OVA's
numerious games (including the arcade fighter)
also those manga and novel

>> No.10443923

I just hate settings where a bland MC ends up with a harem of beautiful girls who all want his dick for no good reason.

It's so cliched and overdone. Why can't someone come up with something interesting?

>> No.10443928

We all secretly want girls to randomly want our dicks for no reason. The formula work, deep down.

>> No.10443947

eh, i think Kazuto has some personality compared to certain mc's and can have fun moments and interactions with girls. not the worst mc around

>> No.10443949

I hate Keifa.

>> No.10443958

Her hands are a little scary.

At least he is not in the anime.

>> No.10443969

Maybe that's why it's worse.

>> No.10444009

i fucking love kako sisters

>> No.10444039

i'd pursue

>> No.10444123

>koihime thread
>no lu bu
what is this blasphemy

>> No.10444134

See >>10441650

>> No.10444189

well this thread needs more lubu

>> No.10444193

But this lu bu is stupid

>> No.10444216 [DELETED] 

Lu Bu was actually pretty smart, he was just too impulsive and had too big an ego to listen to good advice.

>> No.10444715
File: 17 KB, 250x250, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're mom stupid

>> No.10447100
File: 94 KB, 680x510, mousou_ss02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10449492
File: 109 KB, 752x575, chr_chousen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Chousen route?

>> No.10449629

You're a god damn serious homo.

>> No.10449640

I'm still waiting for someone to pick up Shin Koihime Musou.

Fuck, I miss this.

>> No.10449698
File: 697 KB, 800x600, 1307094811219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much dialogue for them to translate and make a profit.

>> No.10449704


I want to believe.

>> No.10451240
File: 184 KB, 526x834, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope that someone will translate this short story

>> No.10451269

how do you know so much about Chinese people

>> No.10451332

Oh god, how I want to untie and comfort her.

I so much hope I don't die or become fully impotent before getting proficient enough to read 真 without a dictionary.
