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10434245 No.10434245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here a loser?

>> No.10434253

loser at what?

loser at life? by who's measure? why is it about losing? when was life a game anyway?

anybody who isn't a childish angsty faggot has already gotten over your self defeating way of thinking op.

>> No.10434249

Do we ask obvious questions here?

>> No.10434259

I'm more questioning how they broke into arnold's bedroom

>> No.10434258

People see me as a loser, but as a truNEET receiving money from the government having all the time in the world to do whatever the fuck I want rather than waste most of my life working, I see myself a winner.

So OP, no.

>> No.10434260

So you're a loser then?

>> No.10434264
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/jp/ is only for alpha males and major players. Loser can go home.

>> No.10434265

i usually dont care, but every so often i wonder what love feels like.

then i masturbate to gook cartoon characters again.

>> No.10434268

your reading comprehension is that of a broomstick

>> No.10434272

you got something against broomsticks?

>> No.10434274

I'm pretty successful but I have no friends, so yes I am a loser.

>> No.10434276

what if I do nerd, what the FUG are you going to DO?

>> No.10434277


>> No.10434283

Somewhat. I don't know how to talk in a friendly tone, so most people tend to avoid talking to me after a few sentences. Recently uni's been harsh as well and I'm not standing out as the academic guy anymore. I always wish I could truNEET it up, but being an only child, I don't want to disappoint my parents. Should have chosen a major that isn't filled with sociopaths and people that give a shit about what you like.

>> No.10434284

how can you not like broomsticks witches use that shit to administer drugs straight into their vaginas

>> No.10434288

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch?

I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot.

The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.10434289

r u me


>> No.10434290

>I don't know how to talk in a friendly tone
I have this problem too, maybe I'm just a huge asshole. It takes some focus and restraint for me to be able to sound less angry and a bit more happy

>> No.10434293

I will always be a winner in my mind.

>> No.10434294

I have over 1000 friends on facebook. Get on my level weeaboos

>> No.10434296

i wish someone made a new one of this

where's all the creative shitposters at?

>> No.10434297


da fuq, we do it cause its easy way to get attention. not because we want to impress u nerds

>> No.10434298

Yes, and I'm trying to be a winner...

>> No.10434299

Anyone do Forex?

I wish we still had threads about it.

>> No.10434304

get a load of THIS nerd messing up the meen errow LAMO
#shitposting #YOLO #shiggydiggydo

>> No.10434301
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>> No.10434308
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No, engineering would actually be filled with people that are similar or don't give a shit. I'm in an account and financial management program so the people here are manipulative as fuck and look down upon people that don't follow the mainstream (not trying to sound like a hipster, but enjoying certain japanese media is pretty abnormal here). Funny thing is I mingle better with engineers than accountants, but I don't want to switch out since I know it's going to be lodsa money if I ever get my CPA designation. Also 2 hour class time every day is chill as fuck compared to engineering.

>> No.10434312

Loser at what?

>> No.10434314
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Don't know about that, the things I reply with are probably just bland. I've taken baby steps towards trying to figure it out though, like saying things that reflect on the other person or just full out compliments. People like hearing about themselves it seems.

>> No.10434316

No, I'm not an international bank nor do I enjoy working to give them my money.

>> No.10434319

>chill as fuck compared to engineering.
yeah for my university my engineering program was the only one that required you to have more classes than med students. it was like 8am to 6pm every day or some shit.

not that it matters now since i dropped out

>> No.10434331
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>this thread

>> No.10434323

I have a semester left, engineering sucks. Oh well, I'm gonna go to Japan in May then truNEET it up.

>> No.10434324


>> No.10434333

Seems like a universal thing that Engineers get all the shit shoved down their ass in university. Not very motivating either considering my uni is apparently considered to have the best engineering program in Canadaland.

>> No.10434338

Sorry, I sorta just picked them out since it was the last folder I posted from.

>> No.10434340
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A /jp/er is a winner in my book.

>> No.10434342

U of T? I'm taking it at U of A.

>> No.10434352

Waterloo, the place where all the fucking Asians go. Danny is probably reading this.

>> No.10434353

I have never participated in anything

So I can't lose , can I?

>> No.10434354

What have you all won?
A ton worth of semen from all these years masturbating in front of the computer? I assure you that seed could be used to make a perfect race of truNEETs! So get you're ass out there /jp/ and rape some women! The you would have won something!

>> No.10434363

please don't bully

>> No.10434369

You lose for not participating. If you have friends you lose at having free time. The only winning move is...

>> No.10434372 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure my semen is no longer effective to procreate, in the last 25 years, as a rough average, I believe I fapped ~46k times.

>> No.10434373

worst thread in the history of the internet. it's as though /r9k/ won't be stopped until it breaches the walls of every other fucking board and turns them all into a bunch of whiney faggots too.

just like 'bronies'. if you've ever posted something about feels, being a loser or alone you're cancer and you should just make a facebook account and lurk that.

>> No.10434374
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>> No.10434375

Please stop role playing I know you're capable of kicking someone's ass Anonymous.

>> No.10434381

>made in Germany
That guy probably went to Jew heaven.

>> No.10434382

not enough misogyny for /r9k/

>> No.10434387


Last time I went there there was actually a ton of females, like full on feminists.

>> No.10434388

I'm cappable of throwing semen filled balloons at you that will tear on impact.

I'm prepared a few fifty for such an occasion.

>> No.10434390

Well you won't know if you don't try, would you?
You really should be reading this post anon. Get the fuck out and rape, rape RAPE RAPE.
I wouldn't bully if you weren't a homo looooooooooooooser. Rape and gain my respect.

>> No.10434391

Oh my that actually sounds fun and kinky.

>> No.10434393
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How about this?

>> No.10434395

I'm ripped as fuck, make $500k a MONTH, yeah getting dat green babby, and currently have two super models taking turns bouncing up and down on my dick, pussies tight as fuck and shit.

So no.

>> No.10434396

>open up /r9k/ out of incredulity
>first thread is "girls feels thread"

what the fuck?

>> No.10434398

I don't know rape is becoming hard these days.

>> No.10434402

are you telling the truth?

>> No.10434410

The only hard thing in rape is your dick.
Don't puss out, a real winne can get over law.

>> No.10434419

I'd like to rape you, anon-san.

>> No.10434457


Too lewd, Onii-chan

>> No.10434474

more like oni-chan!

>> No.10434525
File: 46 KB, 459x341, 1338601157544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I get autism bux, so officially I guess I am a "loser" but that is the world's opinion and I don't give a fuck because I don't want to be apart of a shit society anyways. TruNEET life is much better.

>> No.10434536


consciously? probably.

lately, I've been starting to care less about people all around me and other times, i strangely lose memories from long ago.

I've been lucid dreaming about this girl that i have never even acknowledged since middle school. can someone explain why?

>> No.10434548

I'm only a loser in a few hard ゲム that I can't beat

>> No.10434548,1 [INTERNAL] 

The best part about Waterloo engineering is that you don't have to worry if you have no social skills because you won't have time for a social life anyways.

>> No.10434548,2 [INTERNAL] 

sick thread trev :)
