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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10425373 No.10425373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about Ganguro?

>> No.10425385

I'm mixed race and I'm pretty sure I inherited all the good traits from my parents while not inheriting the shitty ones.

>> No.10425393

signs point to no

>> No.10425401

You seem to have inherited the entitlement of your black mom and the attention whoring of your white dad. I don't think those are good traits.

Ganguro aren't even mixed race. Just tanned japanese people.

>> No.10425404

My father is black and my mother is white though. Also, please don't call me entitled. That's not true.

>> No.10425408

>dat sage

>> No.10425413

You are entitled because you came to a ganguro thread and talked about the supposed qualities you have inherited from your strong dark father and your independent white mother.

>> No.10425417 [DELETED] 

ur mum likes the black D
fugin whore race traitor

>> No.10425418

OP's pic mentiones racial merging. How is that entitlement?

>> No.10425422

because the jews infected glorious japan with ganguro

>> No.10425433

I'm posting this on /pol/

>> No.10425437

I have this porno GAR-230 or something, it's ganguro lesbians with these two snow-white looking girls and they fuck them with strap-ons and shit and pour green shit all over them. It's my favorite porn video of all time, and I don't watch porn much.

Is there any good torrents for ganguro lesbians?

>> No.10425438

And how is that in any way related to your life story? You're entitled because you think it was targeted at you or you thought your opinion was somehow important.

>> No.10425445

How is a picture speaking about racial merging not directly related to somebody who is the product of racial merging?

>> No.10425451

By it being targeted at Japanese nationalists.

>> No.10425461
File: 130 KB, 640x718, gillol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there's this mongrel

>> No.10425467

Epic. Simply epic.

>> No.10425465

I believe he would have mentioned his race being diluted if it were directed at Japanese people only.

>> No.10425503

What movie?

>> No.10425522

Why doesn't Rider look Greek? Mixed ancestry perhaps?

>> No.10425548

He's Macedonian.

>> No.10425578
File: 75 KB, 720x400, [HorribleSubs] K - 09 [400p].mkv_snapshot_08.11_[2013.01.29_17.06.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think ganguro is popular anymore.

>> No.10425809

Don't mistake slavshit for the Rider's Macedonia.

>> No.10425845


>> No.10425871

Look a this fag, I use the term slavshit and he redirect to those boards instead of... I'm not telling the right one since I don't want sperglords like him over there.

>> No.10425880

That, the Finnish and German boards and /sp/, it's not like there's a big difference.

Just fuck up nerd.

>> No.10425878


>> No.10425922
File: 33 KB, 242x251, 1355590980422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about Finnish, I never understood why people dislike them, they are really cool on /int/.

>> No.10427001

They spam all the time and made those dumb spurdo bear things (which people probably know as America bears or something seeing how they somehow turned from dumb finnish jibberish about Finnish youth into anti-American stuff)

>> No.10427064

it's been a good while since the last spurdospam

>> No.10427226

What do you want to hear? /jp/ is full of the Fourth Reich to begin with.
