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1041933 No.1041933 [Reply] [Original]

So, what the hell? It seems /jp/ is up. That's not possible.
I guess Elona is still a matter of interest?

>> No.1041943

cool perfect and elegant mage bro

>> No.1041945

Nope, we're done.

>> No.1041946

>That's not possible.

Why not?

>> No.1042270

nice chara

>> No.1042313

What horrible equipment, I was loaded with Miracle stuff when I was level 10. Granted, most of them were stolen off the top 10 adventurers, but you should still be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.1042323

Well I'm pretty unlucky (even with the Ehekatl bonus); can't manage to find a lot of Miracles or Godlies out there.

>> No.1042334
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Me and my pets equips at Lv 7

Thank you, Top Ten Adventurers.

>> No.1042346

I just found a rod of domination with 2 charges. What should I use it on?

I figure I could use one charge for whenever another silver cat spawns, so I can finish that quest, but that leaves one charge left plus however many more a bless scroll of charging will give me.


>> No.1042367

How do I get my loli to love me more?
No more room for engagement crap...
I fucked up my char, need some genes.

>> No.1042381

what kind of pet do you want? fast? strong?

>> No.1042386

I was thinking maybe a quickling of some kind, but I have no idea where they spawn or what quickling type is best. I very much open for suggestions in all categories, though.

>> No.1042404

quickling and quickling archer, melee and range.. base level is pretty high which means they only spawns in higher level dungeons, if you want easier fast pets go for a bell, silver is faster as the golden ones.. if you want a strong tank like pet get a golem (adamant is the best.. close to 200 base con stat) and high hp

the last "basic" class are mage pets, the best "normal" mage pet is the silver eyed witch she has a magic bolt attack (dont worry she cant die from overcasting) which makes good damage

>> No.1042420

Quickest and most boring way is to slaughter low level mobs forever for the random tiny affection boosts. Anywhere you can kill mobs and not risk her dying it will go up slowly but steadily. Love potions work, too. Either mix them in food or just throw them at her.

>> No.1042435

Depends what level you're talking about. If you're doing midlevel stuff, quicklings are pretty good, but mine died enough at higher levels that I don't use him anymore.

>> No.1042467

I ended up getting a <steel mass> from a scroll of ally that was 8 levels higher than me, had fucking awesome stats, and had over 45 in every single skill. Too bad they only come with 40 life, so crap HP, but the great PV generated from the godly level Shield Skill and a few pieces of armor with good resistances will fix that..

>> No.1042478

Did anyone ever figure out what type of damage spiral kings did? Someone mentioned it was just an absolute piercing attack, so a pianist like me with crap hp is kind of fucked. I'd like to be able to complete Loyter's quest SOMEDAY.

>> No.1042540

they use normal melee attacks + status change attacks (fear dim and blind or something similar) and they have a AoE chaos, mind or nerve attack skill

train him proberly and he wont die..

>> No.1042650

Silly man, the real trick is tossing them multiple potions of cure corruption and then stealing the potions back.

Why bother levelling Pickpoocket up with Platinum when level 1 will suffice?

>> No.1042656



>> No.1042673


You can do that with level 1 pickpocket if you teleport everyone away like you're supposed to, it just takes a ridiculous amount of turns and you need to pray they don't come back before you're done.

The real awesome in pickpocket is to put something strong you're fighting to sleep, then steal all their armor so they have crap PV (or if you can't put them to sleep, just steal everything below 0.5s), then resume fighting to find it's gone from an epic struggle to a brutal slaughter.

>> No.1042683

I got a silver bell from a scroll of ally before. What good is it? It never attacked, so it wasn't any good in combat, and I couldn't breed it for gene engineering.

>> No.1042686


It's to distract enemies (it distracts your pets when you fight them). In other words, just slightly less useless than a Nurse.

>> No.1042821
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I have decided that the only way to play a Snail Tourist successfully is to use your first 15 PP to get Riding and go all Master-Blaster on your Little Girl.

>> No.1042829

Silver Bells drop PP when you kill them. I think you know what you must do.

>> No.1042868



I know you usually get a random result when breeding, but is there a higher chance of the offspring being of the type of either parent? If so, I'm breeding two silver bells and then slaughtering them.

>> No.1042869

Oracle says Scentful Panty was created in Party room. So how can I get it now? Do I just play in front of nobles and hope for the best, or is the room recreated every time, meaning I can't use that information for anything?

>> No.1042875


Randomly generated. You're fucked.

>> No.1042876

You can't breed bells. Breeding is also done with a single parent anyways.
It was from a scroll of ally. killing them doesn't cause them to drop items.

>> No.1042878

...you need two animals to breed?

>> No.1042884

Nah, just 1. However, Pretty much every "rare" monster in the game has a breeding power of 0 anyway so you can't get multiples.

>> No.1042894

Really? I've only seen that on the god pets, all the high level stuff I've experimented with has single digit power (usually 5 or 7, oddly) and will pop out another one in a couple of months. Or are you talking about the <bracket> named mobs?

>> No.1042900

Nevermind, my quickling archer does have zero. My cat sister has 3, surprisingly enough, though.

>> No.1042907

I know that some people have succeeded at breeding the god pets, although maybe that was in an earlier version; maybe you can get offspring from 0 breeding power critters?

>> No.1042920

I don't think domination rods can be recharged

>> No.1042931
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Apparently it is possible. I think my luck god cat had zero, but my fairy has two. It takes between 3-4 months for my Yith to breed, so you'd have to be fairly patient, I guess.

>> No.1042933

Can domination rods dominate anything, or are the limits? Is it based on level, or what?

(I want to dominate Shena's Ass, if you know what I mean.)

>> No.1042952


I don't think you can dominate named people like Shena (sorry), and bosses.

>> No.1042961

can't dominate those <special> mobs, never tried on a named NPC though. dominated Yith, wyverns, golems fine.

>> No.1042980
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>> No.1042981

I finally got an NPC adventurer to join me, long after it would have helped at all. In case anyone is interested-
1)Get them to soulmate
2)Get a house with a maid (I have a castle, dunno if any others work).
3)They visited, gave me a "cheap gift" (seems worthless, much like marks of friendship).
4)Ask to join, success.

>> No.1043006


i hate those traps. most depressing traps ever.

>> No.1043007


>> No.1043011

I've got the black cat from Ehekatl. What does it do other than act exactly like a little girl?

>> No.1043034

It casts, and makes you throw things at your monitor as you attempt to figure out the arcane way to make it lick anything.

>> No.1043075
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>> No.1043154

anything special about them?
Are they treated just like pets? Or different?

>> No.1043162

I can just bless my stuff with holy water. Why do I need a cat to do that?

>> No.1043179

It casts bolts and use shootan weapons.

Yeah, the cat is bugged at the moment.

The cat doesn't bless, it enchants (e.g. +1).

>> No.1043186


>> No.1043185


Because regular drinking water is really fucking rare in this backwards world called Elona.

>> No.1043194
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Thank god I always carry around at least one rod of teleportation...

>> No.1043197

Or her.
Or it.


>> No.1043217


Yeah, but those free statues of Lulwy are really good to use during heavy rain/snow/etherwind if you have short tele or dimension move.

>> No.1043238

uh. what quest is that?

>> No.1043240


Also good for stealing.

>> No.1043267

Around level 18 or 19, I always get fucking stuck at an impasse where I can't seem to do shit.

I go to danger level 15 to 20 dungeons and I get raped by breathing monsters. I can't find enough resist gear to deal with every single element in the game.

I can't acquire new armor or weapons.

What do I do?

>> No.1043281


Learn to pickpocket, gather gear from other adventurers.

>> No.1043277

Challenge quest. Basically, you have to find and take out an ether mutated monster (monsters similar to the arena monsters when you get above arena rank 10 or something like that). It's not that bad unless the monster is like an ether mutated level 91 green dragon that deals 150 damage per breath attack.

First of all, you can't steal anything in panic/challenge quests. Not even on the monster(s). It gives you a no time for it message.

Second, I actually prefer having the heavy weather (unless I'm doing a delivery/escort quest). It allows me to read my training books for my low level skills.

>> No.1043285


Then they're good to use to make heavy weather?

>> No.1043287

Eat food to build up your resists (and stats).

Use weapons that allow you to one or two shot the breath attack monsters.

Get pets that can slaughter the breath attack monsters before they can breath.

>> No.1043292

Too random. Not to mention, the heavy weather they make if they make one usually doesn't last for long either.

Oh, and forgot to say, Lulwy refuses to touch Etherwind. She calls it dirty wind so...

>> No.1043308

How do I get money from my museum? Do I need to put a salary chest in it or something?

>> No.1043313

No, the money it generates is automatically added to your salary. Just keep throwing figures and cards inside (but anymore than 2 duplicates of a figure or card doesn't add anymore value to your museum).

>> No.1043320

Shit, so my Gwen exposition is virtually useless.

>> No.1043323

So I've been playing this for a short while now, but I haven't actually met other people yet. I saw people here talk about stealing from adventurers, are they talking about NPC's or something?

>> No.1043329

not >>1043267
but whenever I eat food for resits (i.e. scorpion for poison), I end up losing it in one of the dreams. Is there any way to prevent that?

>> No.1043352

Yeah, it's not an online game.
Adventurers are easily differentiated from regular NPC's; they have their own sprite, and you can trade with them (option "Are you interested in trade?"). Obviously, they often have nice gear.

>> No.1043358

How do I suck less?

Seriously, I'm not exactly new to Roguelikes, but this is what happened when I tried this game:

- New game as Dwarf Fighter
- Followed the Hint about doing the first few Story Quests
- Went into the first Dungeon for the story (the lvl 2 one)
- Started killing stuff, no problems
- Kobold (or was it a Goblin) appears, kills me in two hits
- I lose my weapon or armor, no chance on regaining them since I die all the time without them.
=> I just lost the game

Did a few more attempts, even got to about Lvl 5, some Mobs in the first cave still kill me with only 2-3 hits (No time to run away).

Seriously, what am I doing wrong? How do I avoid getting killed in two hits by some monster in the first dungeon? Halp

>> No.1043366


Aaah okay, thanks.

>> No.1043367

Not that I know of. Exorcist might but I'll have to get another 4 levels before I can get another feat to test it out.

IMO, those dreams are rare anyway if you sleep in a good (good = heavenly/godly with a superior quality material like spirit cloth and the bed has to be something like a King's bed or Luxury bed) bed.

>> No.1043377

I just ran into the band of bandits "Pleasure Sex Army".

>> No.1043385


kobolds (the white wolf guys) are horribly overpowered for their level, just run away if you can.

>> No.1043393

Do some delivery quests or escort quests to get some money so you can actually buy something with more defense and a strong ranged weapon.

Take up a couple skills like negotiation, weight lifting, traveling if you don't already have them.

If all else fails, get a bit of charisma, go to Derphy and then start hiring slaves.

>> No.1043394

What determines whether or not you are spotted while pickpocketting? Like, if I try to steal something from a fellow adventurer.

Is it pickpocket skill or something else?

>> No.1043400

Well, that's what I try, but usually get me before I reach an exit. And even then, I never reached the end of that first dungeon because I always run into one of them, and sooner or later I either die and lose my weapon, or I run out of food (and out of money to buy new food).
I know you can get fruit from trees, but those rot way too fast to be useful in dungeons, and the other food you can find (eatable leaves etc.) are barely enough to survive, let alone build some kind of stockpile.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.1043410


learn cooking and fishing

>> No.1043413


teleportion rods are nice too as well as potions of blindness, confusion, paralysis, ect.

>> No.1043423

Cooking food helps make food not rot so fast. IIRC, dwarves come with cooking in this game so use it (on fruits and stuff).

Dwarves aren't exactly the ideal first character to make either IMO, but of course, that's just my opinion.

I'm still on my first character which is a Yerles Warrior so...

pickpocket skill determines the speed of which you steal stuff. The higher it is, the better chance you'll have of stealing something before people see you. Everybody tends to see you rather fast no matter what. If your pickpocket skill is rather low, you should use a rod of teleportation to teleport everybody who's not sleeping away, and then give some bottles of crim ale, beer, whisky to the intended victim you want to rob. Sleeping people and drunk people can't see you stealing after all.

>> No.1043429

Where can I learn Pickpocket? The wiki fails me.

>> No.1043437

>Dwarves aren't exactly the ideal first character to make either IMO, but of course, that's just my opinion.
So what would you recommend? I'm a complete noob, and this game looks fun but as mentioned above I suck at it, so any suggestions would be great.

(In b4 some super hard race/class combination disguised as noob friendly)

>> No.1043451


Yerles for almost everything. Pianists get Juere.

>> No.1043464


Go to the other towns and start doing delivery quests, I mad around 20000g that way, after which I could just buy food from the innkeeper everytime.

>> No.1043484

Tourist Snail, do it

>> No.1043489

Inside the thieves guild. In order to join it, you'll have to spend 5 months of not paying taxes (which will cause guards to attack you whenever they see you).

The alternatives are to:
1. Get a rod of teleportation and a scroll of incognito/disguise kit. Teleport the thief guard away from the stairs in Derphy, go downstairs, use the scroll or disguise kit and then talk to the trainer downstairs to learn the skill.

2. Get it from a wish.

Snail Tourist ftw. Yerles Warrior, Fairy Claymore, Eulderna/Fairy/Elea/Lich wizard if you don't mind grinding for spellbooks and crumbling in one hit if you make a mistake.

>> No.1043606

I'm such an idiot, I just realized that the job board has more than one page.

>> No.1043654

Just got a wish. How do I properly wish for a material kit? Can I specify the material I want, or is it random and I gotta hope for the best?

>> No.1043682

Material Kit

You can't specify the type however, same as any other wish.

>> No.1043701

A bronze material kit appears.

Fuck. Well, I can still use it on a raw godly cloak I found.

>> No.1043718

Is chat down or is it just me?

>> No.1043727

it's been down. Same with voting and every other network function

>> No.1043728

The whole network is down. No chat, no vote.

>> No.1043739

Ah good, I thought I had fucked something up.

>> No.1043751

This sucks. There goes my 40 rank in voting and a good boost to salary.

>> No.1043770

Noa said that in 1.14 the network server IP address won't be hard-coded, so that this kind of shit won't happen.

>> No.1043835

How can I get a potion of cure corruption?

>> No.1043843
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>> No.1043844
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>> No.1043899

Is it possible to buy rations?

>> No.1043900

How are there people that still don't know this? Lets go through this again:

-Win five rounds of Blackjack in a row
-Take the letter to the King
-Get Married

>> No.1043904

I think they sometimes come up to buy, but I mostly find them as random loot.

>> No.1043916

You should really save up for a farm and make horse jerky instead; it's better for your stats.

>> No.1043918

You mean a ranch? I has a little girl ranch, and I don't want to make little girl jerky.

>> No.1043924

http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Elona_Wiki will answer almost any question you may have, it's great.

>> No.1043925

Get a second ranch. You can never have enough ranches. Every single world tile that is not a dungeon or city should be a ranch.

>> No.1043954

What is the point of a little girl ranch? The jerky isn't any good, and since you can only have seven pets total you reach the point where you can't use any more. Not to mention that there are better pets to have.

>> No.1043967

The fact that it's a little girl ranch.

>> No.1043968

Can't you sell them off into slavery?

>> No.1043976

also a yith was bred.

>> No.1043989

Uhhh, what're you talking about? You can have more than 7 pets... Every 5 cha = +1 pet slot. Get more charisma.

Jerky lasts a long time without rotting which is why ppl make jerky. Of course, if you don't have the "doesn't mind eating human flesh" mutation, eating little girl jerky is not a good idea.

>> No.1043993

So I have a fairy pianist at lv 9. I'm stuck doing low level dungeons with my pets, but the real problem I've been having is that I can't find any equipments with weight less than 1 that's better than what I have already. I have 300k gold, performance at lv 31, and pickpocket at 3. My str is less than 10, so stealing anything heavier than about 4 is impossible. Am I fucked, or what should I be doing?

>> No.1044018

Invest into magic vendors in different towns and then check up on them every week or so to see if they sell scrolls of superior material and/or flying scrolls.

Change things to spirit cloth and/or use flying scrolls (flying scrolls lower PV in addition to weight though).

Also, to steal slightly heavier stuff, drink potions of hero.

>> No.1044025

when you eat horse or anything else that's good for a stat, does it raise the stat by a decimal or does it increase potential?

>> No.1044036

fairy pianist at lv 19 here

search for other adventures for trade
money is no problem invest in some blackmarket
only problem= cant do dungeons higher than 10 the bottom monster just rape me and my whole team

>> No.1044051

Seems like food that raises stats raises it by a number that can be a decimal based on the potential of the stat. Or at least, that's what it seems like.

And there are some food that raises both stats and potential (like hand of murderer and stuff) while there are some foods that only raise stats and some food that only raises potential.

>> No.1044085

hmm. do you know which horsemeat belongs to? Raising them would be easy. I got a ranch with nothing better to breed, since it made me plenty of centipedes (they teach Eye of Mind. Awesome). Raising potential would be more helpful, but I supposed I might as well breed em anyways. Off to Yowyn.

>> No.1044095
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could more people post their chars?

>> No.1044103

The wiki says constitution so I guess they improve constitution potential...

>> No.1044110

actually getting "sanity" over about 100 adds that mutation automatically

>> No.1044118

Does the "join me" option when talking to adventurers ever work? I tried using wizard mode to test it out by getting enough fame to be #1 and throwing love potions at adventurers to get their affection up to soul mate. But the join me option still gives the "Huh? I don't even know you" dialog.

>> No.1044134

Errr, but you could get over 100 sanity from whoring yourself out... Doesn't getting over 100 sanity make you suicide or something?

I would but I'm too lazy to piece together all that crap

>> No.1044180
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>> No.1044194

How much praying and offering and reading scrolls of faith does it take to get the god's weapon?

>> No.1044204

For me, it was at 45 faith, full favor (when you get the pet and special item, it seems to take away some favor) for both Kumiromi's scythe and the lucky dagger.

>> No.1044375
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I spawned some mass monsters in vernis which then proceeded to slaughter the town

i couldn't get anywhere in vernis afterward

so i nuked it


>> No.1044393

It does. I got one to join at Soulmate after just adventuring with her a couple times. My fame wasn't anything spectacular.

I have no idea why it worked with me but not for you.

>> No.1044419
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>> No.1044465

everyone over lvl 20 rapidshare your save datas (no wizard modo)

>> No.1044491
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>> No.1044495

What item do you want to sell?
Silver armor - 3gp
Chicken skin - 64gp

Interesting economy they have here

>> No.1044570

trade routes

>> No.1044569

This is what I hate the most. How the hell do you make money in that game without doing shitty quests?

>> No.1044572


>> No.1044574

Museum, Shop, Ranch.

>> No.1044577
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You can sell stuff for much more in your shop than to NPC shops...

>> No.1044576

Trade routes? Does this have something to do with the cargo stuff?

>> No.1044583


also just got the luck thing from sleeping, time to savescum blackjack and mass cure corruption potions hehehehe, and earn some equipment while im at it.

>> No.1044608

the best one I've found so far is Kapul -> Derphy. Buy all the inner tubes, robes, and barrels you can fit on your cart (or, if you don't mind having your speed cut to 10, buy them all) and sell them at derphy. With a decent negotiation you can make 100gp on each inner tube, and they only weigh 1.5s. The best part is that Derphy -> Kapul is also profitable. Graves, Coffins, Canvas, and snowmen can be bought at Derphy and sold in Kapul for a profit. If you overload or just don't have seven league boots, you should be able to do this indefinitely because the other town should restock mid trip. Just make sure you ALWAYS carry several scrolls of teleport to escape from bandits. If you're lucky you can end combat in about 5 turns. Do not try to attack them with 10 speed unless your pets are godly.

>> No.1044630

Goddammit, the author certainly doesn't know the word "balance"

My level 4 dwarf just got his helmet melted off his head by some wizard dude.
On the first floor of Puppy Cave.
When I checked the threat: "You will be killed unless a miracle happens".
Level 2 danger my ass.

>> No.1044635
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>> No.1044636

Ummm, when your cart is overloaded, it should only affect overworld map speed... when you're in an ambush, shouldn't it count as no longer in overworld map? (that is, you should have normal speed unless you're too burdened or overweight)

>> No.1044651

It doesn't say "level" 2

>> No.1044657

>Approximate danger level: 2

>> No.1044660

It doesn't say "level" 2 as in player level. Danger level is different.

>> No.1044685
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Miku the Singing Surprise Dagger, the original surprise was that she was using a claymore.

>> No.1044689

Forest lvl 4 with a Big Daddy

>> No.1044694

Funny, because the tutorial says otherwise.

>> No.1044695

AFAIK negotiation doesn't affect cargo sales.

>> No.1044732

I've had my speed reduced to 10 when picking up the cargo from the killed rogue boss. I don't otherwise overload my cart, so I'm just assuming it cripples your speed if you enter with overloaded cargo, and not just overload your cargo on the map.

I think it does. Post some prices you're seeing and what towns you're seeing them at and your ch and negotiation.

>> No.1044747
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Well, just to test it out, I just overloaded myself with cargo in Yowyn just now. My speed is unaffected by the cargo (speed reduction from being burdened only)

>> No.1044748
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My Quickling Archer pet is the storngest

>> No.1044751
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Left Yowyn and...

>> No.1044753

overloaded cargo makes your traveling on world map MUCH slower.

>> No.1044756

Whisky in Derphy, 1630, 10Cha 6 Negotiation.

>> No.1044757
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re-entered Yowyn and...

>> No.1044761

oh, I know it doesn't affect it in town. I mean it lowers it when I'm in the wilderness, either on the world map or from an ambush. It has never affected my speed in town, but I'm saying it probably will affect your speed en route, which is when you get attacked. Try going into the wilderness and pressing enter on a random square and see if your speed returns.

>> No.1044765

What god do I worship with a yerles thief who fights with guns?

>> No.1044767

That machine spirit one. I think there's an altar in the cyber house

>> No.1044769

Aha, no, nvm, I see what the thing is. Apparently, the cart isn't taken into towns and dungeons. So therefore, cart burden speed does not affect you in towns or dungeons or anywhere else that carts can not go.

>> No.1044785
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Wish I had some [x,50] shield or armor

The real punch here is the lvl26 mitra with her 3 weapons and shield bashing shield and Saber the golden knight who keeps her healed. I just sit on my horse spamming Swarm and my little girls look pretty

>> No.1044811

no one seems to use "vindale" items... so how do you get around the ether wind?

>> No.1044813

DV or PV for stacking?

>> No.1044824

my favorite trick is to cast return as soon as it starts and wait it out in my home. Grind mining or bring a textbook. Eat food in your salary chest, or stock up the freezer before hand so you don't starve.

>> No.1044826

1. Hide ASAP
2. get lots of cure corruption potions

>> No.1044835

Learn to avoid it.

>> No.1044852
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Etherwind only shows up at most 4 times a year anyway. No big deal. Well, I use a vindale cloak anyway but for the people who plan ahead, at most, they waste 40 days out of a year if etherwind doesn't show up.

Anyways... might as well post my char since so many ppl were posting theirs. Yes I know my stuff sucks. Shush.

>> No.1044858

>tutorial says
>To eat beggar's corpse
>To wear cursed bow
>To pick open a chest with no skill

>> No.1044861

sorry, meant to say, 40 days out of a year at most.

>> No.1044867
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Might as well post the rest of the crap.

Top left = my salary
Top right = Cute Fairy inventory (Kumiromi pet)
Bottom left = Quickling Archer
Bottom right = Minotaur King

I have a bunch of stronger stuff for my pets but the gear I have on them now have all the immune to fear/blindness/aliens/floating/confusion/etc...

Cat sister in shop, too lazy to run to, Black cat in ranch, too lazy to run to, rest of my pets are waiting in town and never getting called upon. When I feel mean, I guess I'll sell them to the slave tra- er, find them new employment.

>> No.1044879


To this day I still cant open that chest but I bet its full of shit and vomit anyway. The first time Lomias spawned in a party, I fucking bashed the shit out of him and stole his bow.

>> No.1044884

Has anyone actually done the story in the game?

>> No.1044886
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>> No.1044905
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>> No.1044907

Just curious, is it possible to get the Minotaur King that you are supposed to kill for the quest, or just the random spawn ones?

>> No.1044909

what are some good food to raise stat potentials up?

>> No.1044983

No, it's impossible to get him as a pet. Ungaga (or whatever his name was, forgot) is like a named NPC so he can't be captured/dominated. You can however, get a <Minotaur King> (which my minotaur king is) but that's about as close as you're going to get.

>> No.1045029


how to custom portrait

>> No.1045072

Put a 80x112 picture in bmp format in the Elona/User/Graphic folder and rename it to Face1.bmp or Face2.bmp, Face3.bmp, etc...

>> No.1045085

i see fireproof blankets also coldproof blankets what do they do?

>> No.1045100

They protect the items in your inventory from being burnt to ashes like what happened to >>1044630 or losing items due to them shattering from ice bolts. Basically, protects inventory from firebolts/balls/breath and icebolts/balls/breath attacks.

>> No.1045233

I just made 11 cure corruption potions by savescumming blackjack. Fuck yeah.

>> No.1045260

Shop NPC actually sells cure corruption potions? or they are only some random drop from monsters?

>> No.1045271

Shop sells them at like 91k, also random drop from mobs/dungeon chests.

>> No.1045281

>Shop NPC actually sells cure corruption potions?

They do, but very rarely and for a damn good amount of cash. It costs about as much as a deed of cozy house, iirc.

>> No.1045287
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Not going to piece my pets together, but here's what I've got. I've done a lot of experimenting, as you can probably guess from the skills.

>> No.1045333

how do you increase "ler" i been reading books but still its really low

>> No.1045339

While savescumming blackjack, try to win 15 hands in a row. You get Seven League Boots if you do, so you can save yourself from wasting a wish on them.

Too lazy to screenshot my wimpy character, but I'm a level 11 mutant thief. Only thing I've really got going for me is my earth plate mail <Glittering Spider> (4,152). With just body, back, and arm slots I'm at 195 PV. If I take my pet's (5, 31) shield, it jumps to 275 PV. So melee enemies just bounce off of me. I was going to toe-to-toe with <Utima> at level 9, but it was a stalemate - neither of us could do any damage to the other.

>> No.1045474

The Skill of Marksman increase shooting damage... so this works if i use Bows/Crossbows ? or only with Guns/Photon Guns?

>> No.1045490

Mostly crafting stuff. 90% of my points came from gene engineering, but if you start cooking or gardening early they could just as easily come from there.

>> No.1045527
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I've also got the Steel Dragon Ring. It reduces my speed and I have no real use for PV, what do I do with it?

>> No.1045531

Give it to a pet, or save it for when you need to lug stuff around, it has a nice bonus to weight lifting.

>> No.1045542


It sucks enemy blood when it has no melee weapon. This does nice damage.

>> No.1045568
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why are your stats so low?

>> No.1045627

what is deepest level on the character screen?

>> No.1045767

1. There are no mutations to increase magic

2. Because I am not a goddamnfucking fairy


>> No.1045783
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How deep you've been in the dungeons. The lowest level you've gotten to, with the first area being level 1.

Also, another use for black cats. Something like the Yith's sanity attack.

>> No.1045787
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i forgot my resistance

>> No.1045798


how do some people get to level 96?

>> No.1045810

... What?

>> No.1045849

Haha, well, it's a funny story how I got to level 96 that one time. Let's start with the beginning;

I kind of ran into Shub-Niggurath in this one dungeon, and apparently there are things man was not meant to know! So I ended up in the ninety-sixth level.

>> No.1045869

Cooking doesn't seem to gain points properly, i've been cooking all sorts of crap and my skill never increases.

>> No.1045877

the highest level of the character you've had sex with, what else

>> No.1045889

Yeah, people have been complaining to Noa about how slowly cooking levels up; maybe he'll get around to fixing it for 1.14.

>> No.1045947


insanity and sound ball. you cannot do anything about the insanity attack but you can blind them so they won't use it or any other attack for that matter.

>> No.1046071


What tabletop rpg is that? Can I buy/download it from somewhere?

>> No.1046102

I broke down and just started this, I hope it's up to the hype but /jp/ anons haven't steered me wrong yet.

>> No.1046488
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it's not that hard to get NICE resists
well I lack a bit in some others, but I'll get them up when I'll have time...

>> No.1046566

You only get points to cooking when making "succesful" meals, grotesque, smelly, charred etc don't count.
Use food processors, ovens, kitchens when you're starting to upgrade cooking skill since those help improve it.
Mine's at... 18 and I rarely make "bad" meals with my portable cooking tool anymore.
But I still prefer to use food processors and the like whenever I'm in town/near my home.

>> No.1046709

good to know
