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10409719 No.10409719 [Reply] [Original]

When seeing really cute touhou pics the girl fans might get confused and experience strange feelings. Here's a helpful list of touhou characters that are completely no homo and safe for girls to like:


If you're however wondering which would be the most gay option, that would be Aya.

>> No.10409734 [DELETED] 

But Wriggle is a boy so it's not homo.

>> No.10409737

My high school sister said she liked Sanae.
Does that make her gay?

>> No.10409746
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You callin' Youmu a dude?

>> No.10409759

But where is Mokou? She is among the most manly Touhous.

>> No.10409765

What the fug, I don't follow, are you a grill or something?

>> No.10409772

She is the most lesbian touhou.

>> No.10409777

Strangely, I like Patchouli.

>> No.10409780

Why is Aya the most gay option?

>> No.10409790

I'd love her to take me like 50s Elvis fan.

>> No.10409806
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>> No.10409831
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Wriggle is safe to like because she's the best Touhou, obviously!

>> No.10409850

You high school sister likes Sanae.
Sanae likes dicks.

>> No.10409905
File: 40 KB, 258x190, clue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therefore, Sanae likes >>10409737's high school sister.

>> No.10409908 [DELETED] 

No, that's gay.

>> No.10409967
File: 152 KB, 750x825, cdd6059b8a6f0668e5580bb0fc0f92d0ae4c4994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I'm straight, it was strange feelings at first sight.

>> No.10409977 [DELETED] 

>Even though I'm straight
lmao, i bet ur so ugly that other chicks don't go near you so you can't even know ur gay.

>> No.10409984

ebic thread, i love 2hu and it totaly doesnt belong in /v/ :DDD

>> No.10410001 [DELETED] 

/v/ gets so butthurt over Japanese games that they belong to /jp/.

>> No.10410012

Yuuka's toes in your face?

>> No.10410018

why not Murasa

>> No.10410089
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Youmu is feminine!

>> No.10410099 [DELETED] 

Lesbians are feminine.

>> No.10410124

what the fug, no one is gay in Gensokyo, also she can't be feminine with that flat body of hers.

>> No.10410132 [DELETED] 

Flat is the more feminine thing there is in this world, followed by hips and tights.

>> No.10410140
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But that doesn't mean she's not gay...

>> No.10410142

I wish I looked as feminine as I feel inside.

>> No.10410149

You could as well go buy a dildo, lube and Billy Herrington's HD movie collection rather than try to justify your lust for "less feminine" bodies.

>> No.10410153
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not uh
yes it does shut up

>> No.10410215

I'm a grail and my favorite touhou is yukari. Glad I'm not gay.

>> No.10410216

Cute image dude.

>> No.10410218
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>I'm a grail


>> No.10410223
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>> No.10410244
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>> No.10411587

No she's not, faglord.

>> No.10411764

I don't get it. If they're not homo but girls like them doesn't that make them homo? No, I don't get it.

>> No.10411778
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I don't think so.
I can't resist her charm!

>> No.10411780
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You couldn't be more right.

>> No.10411783

fuck you OP, I'll be as homo as I want

I don't really care for Aya though

>> No.10411933

Thanks for this list x)

I really like reimu though :s i guess maybe im bi LOL ^^

>> No.10411945
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Yuka does that to a lot of people Anon. It can't be helped

>> No.10411984
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>> No.10412020

Threads like these are the real shitposts.

>> No.10412095

Aya fan spotted.

>> No.10412894


No. It makes her a slut, since only another slut would like other sluts.

>> No.10412919
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But wait, I love Satori and I'm a guy! Does that mean I'm gay!?

>> No.10412944


And so am I apparently,

>> No.10412955
File: 201 KB, 500x815, THE MOST EPIC MEME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoutout to my toubros on tumblr #swag #YOLO #sanaeaslut

>> No.10412959

Is a gay option if you are a girl

>> No.10413020
File: 18 KB, 431x94, janny likes sanae slut meem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot I can't shitpost against janitor-endorsed memes. I'm sorry janitor and I'm sorry everyone, for ironic shitposting with a meme that is a cornerstone of /jp/ board culture.

Sometimes I go too far and I don't even notice. Thank god for our janitor and his UNESCO-tier level of heritage defense.

>> No.10413255

Is it still safe if two safe characters are kissing?

>> No.10413261

Be more careful next time, anon.

>> No.10413449
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>> No.10413457

But opposites attract!

>> No.10413466

Why Satori

>> No.10413488

There aren't any girl fans of Touhou.

>> No.10413492

Alright, gentlemen. I bring news of the next plan of attack.

Tomorrow, at 1/27/13 6:30PM EST, we attack the front page of /jp/ with Spurdo threads.

Lately, the janitor has a bit been overwhelmed with shitposts. For that reason, this next wave of shit will surely cause permanent damage.

Prepare your weapons. Save those pictures of Spurdo. and give me fugen burger :DDDDDD


>> No.10413532
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There probably aren't many that can actually play the game well... but there are a lot who like the characters and other media.

>> No.10413548

I find it hard to imagine any girl actually playing Touhou, unless they feel obliged to because they like a certain character or something. Even then I think it's really unlikely.

>> No.10413624

>I find it hard to imagine any girl actually playing Touhou, unless they feel obliged to because they like a certain character or something. Even then I think it's really unlikely.

Playing games is okay for little girls, but when they get older they should be thinking about boys instead.

>> No.10413656

Yes there are
What the fuck?
Touhou games actually attract girls.
they just play it on easy mode.

>> No.10413658

They play the first stage on easy mode then go whore themselves out by cosplaying.

>> No.10413671

I think there should be some in Japan and other places of Asia, about western ones, they just seek the attention of the male fandom, they are so devoid of soul and personality that the only way to catch male attention is to steal 2D characters appearance and look pretty so a man can see in them something more than the disgusting skanks they are.

Truly a disgusting kind, I wish them nothing but death after they leave some lewd pictures of themselves.

>> No.10413681

Easy mode hardly counts. Why do girls never play games properly, if they do at all? A few of them play mobas and things now, and they suck without exception.

>> No.10413709

I know a few that play RPGs like MegaTen.

>> No.10413726

It's funny because the majority of Touhou cosplayers are guys.

>> No.10413736

I vote we make normal mode the new easy mode, so that you can point and laugh at people who play on it.

>> No.10413742

ZUN doesn't like laughing at people, he wants them to enjoy his music. The actual gameplay is almost an afterthought.

>> No.10413762

He laughed really loud and heartily when people tried playing Double Spoiler on stage. It almost seemed sadistic.

>> No.10413775
File: 71 KB, 759x759, Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari is so perfect that inanimate objects love her to.

>> No.10413880

Thats just probably America, here where I live in europe 30-40% of the fanbase is girls. I actually wasn't interested in touhou until I happened to see females posting touhou stuff on their blogs, before that I had only seen touhou hentai on imageboards, the girl part of the fandom enlightened me that it was an actual game with a story and not just lewd pics.

>> No.10413919

Of which country are we talking here? Sure doesn't sound like murrika.

>> No.10414197


Keep believing this myth, faggot.

>> No.10414205

Birds of feather flock together.

>> No.10414216

they're rare and dont like calling attention to themselves like the rest. a lot of the girls that fall into this category say they're guys.

>> No.10416018

But I like Aya! Why is it gay for girl to like her?

>> No.10416044
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