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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 592x218, 2013-01-24_190934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10403545 No.10403545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Japan is mai pure waifu~

>> No.10403571

Oh sorry, forgot to clarify this for adolescents in high school

>> No.10403574

Dat low total fertility rate.
Dem Japs dying out in four generations.

>> No.10403581

Now let's see white-only figures for the US.

>> No.10403585

So we're going to turn into something like China?

>> No.10403596
File: 72 KB, 819x567, 2013-01-24_191708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is as close as I have

>> No.10403606

It needs to be lower for whites because we're being genocided.

>> No.10403611

Embrace the Ai'lah!

>> No.10403699

>japan slowly dying out

Light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.10403727


The barbaric jjokbari are finally dying ^__________^
Must be the curse of being so barbaric.

>> No.10403749

Japanese chicks are some of the dirtiest, nastiest sluts there are. I'd imagine most women 14+ have worked in the sex industry at some point.

That's what happens when your society is centered pornography, dehumanization, and sick fucks.

>> No.10403760

US teen pregnancy rate is so high for multiple reasons, primarily the high level of minorities, but also the efforts of anti-sex-ed crusaders who dedicate their lives to making sure kids never learn about safe sex in school, about condoms and birth control. Those people are truly the scum of the earth.

>> No.10403786
File: 165 KB, 500x500, Ahe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yuri and Yaoi culture breaking up our humanity


>> No.10403791

>but also the efforts of anti-sex-ed crusaders who dedicate their lives to making sure kids never learn about safe sex in school, about condoms and birth control.

Stop promoting slutty behavior to children, liberal scum.

>> No.10403792


It's only rates for high school students genius


Yes, I'm sure your hentai manga give a complete and accurate representation of real japan. Just like Die Hard does for murrika


Cool biased, ignorant, opinions bro. see >>10403596 Also, you sound like an obvious white middle class seeing as how you shift blame and believe other people should take responsibility for teaching your kids sex-ed. As if you're completely incompetent and incapable of doing it yourself ... which might not be so far off.

>> No.10403794

Only like 2 girls in my high school got knocked up, both of which were from the trailer parks.

However, teen pregnancy is a stupid statistic. I'm 22 now and at least 75% of the girls I went to high school with have at least one kid or are about to have one. Is it truly any better to get knocked up at 21 vs 16 or 17? You aren't going to be any better off.

>> No.10403800

lol dumb white kids get super-pregnant too. Thank Christianity.

>> No.10403812

Honestly, I think the only way you can argue against sex-ed without holding a theological viewpoint about it is to completely ignore the reality of the situation. Sexual activity is going to happen at those ages whether you like it or not, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Also parents seem to be utterly incapable in large levels of teaching their kids about this or instilling any king of sensibility in them that perhaps they shouldn't be doing these things at this age. Given this, it makes sense to educate about them about the things they need to know that will help protect their well-being. Taking a policy otherwise clearly is hurting young people because they are left in an ignorant state and are reaping the consequences of it.

>> No.10403814


>> No.10403817

The removal of Christian influences and social conformity are why kids are getting pregnant.

>> No.10403823

Except that's not true in the least. The white demographic with the highest teenage pregnancy rate is Evangelicals and people who live in areas influenced by Christian educational/legal efforts.

>> No.10403829

Explain yourselves white people

>> No.10403835

Explain what?

>> No.10403834

> Sexual activity is going to happen at those ages whether you like it or not, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

That's funny because 100 years ago when sex ed was non-existent teen pregnancy rates were lower than they are today.

They also have the lowest abortion rate, much lower than people in liberal states. Naturally demographics who were against child murder aka abortion, would have higher pregnancy rates.

>> No.10403838


Liberals cause problems and then present solutions that make the problems worse.

>> No.10403845

>That's funny because 100 years ago when sex ed was non-existent teen pregnancy rates were lower than they are today.

And we no longer live in that context. We have to deal with the situation that we are in now.

Do you have anything to say at all to my argument? I'm not a liberal.

>> No.10403840


What an idiotic ignorant comment.


Most of pornography is produced in America.

>> No.10403841

And as a result: more poverty, lower academic performance, more crime, substance abuse, etc.

Christianity doesn't work.
Being a leftist is cool.

>> No.10403849
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>more poverty, lower academic performance, more crime, substance abuse

The majority of blacks live in the south.

>> No.10403855

dumb white sluts are fucking blacks without condoms and skewing results

>> No.10403856
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>And we no longer live in that context.

Because of this kind of "well kinds are gonna have sex, it's inevitable!" sexualized culture that the left has brought to the country. The answer isn't going farther into degeneracy, it's re-embracing the morals the worked originally.

Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent teen pregnancy and STDs.

>> No.10403853

We're talking strictly among whites here. Southern conservative Christians are more or less niggers to us.

>> No.10403858

Whites, Koreans, and Chinese beat Japan. Haha.

>> No.10403863

Let's see the citation.

>> No.10403870

You can present that solution all you want but it clearly is not working. People have been trying to force this for some time and the situation is not changing. There is no reason to continue to try something that is not working when there are alternatives that will help young people more directly. No one is advocating to tell them to go out and have sex. You know that, right? But if they are going to do it, how is it not preferable that they be informed about how to be safe about it, that we can help decrease the massive numbers of teen pregnancies? What you're saying doesn't make sense and it's not working.

>> No.10403881

if we lowered the minimum wage for teens more of them would be working instead of fucking

>> No.10403886

>Teenage births remain high in more religious states. The correlation between teenage birthrates and the percentage of adults who say they are “very religious” is considerable (.69). The 2009 study posited that attitudes toward contraception play a significant role, noting that "religious communities in the U.S. are more successful in discouraging the use of contraception among their teenagers than they are in discouraging sexual intercourse itself."

>Teen birthrates also hew closely to America’s political divide. They are substantially higher in conservative states that voted for McCain in 2008 (with a correlation of .65) and negatively correlated with states that voted for Obama (-.62).

Conservatives = monkey same

>> No.10403893

Schools that hand out condoms to their kids report more sexually active students than those who don't, so you're not just "making sure that when they do it, they're safe". You're encouraging it.

Japan has the lowest teen pregnancy rate, but guess what, they don't hand out condoms at school. They just have a conformist culture which we used to have until liberals destroyed it.

I just informed you that that demographic also has the lowest abortion rate. If they chose to have the child instead of kill it, teen pregnancy will be substantially higher. Vastly more abortions take place among women in leftwing communities.

Also, the citation I asked for was regarding your claim that Evangelicals commit more crime and do more drugs than the average person.

>> No.10403903

>Schools that hand out condoms to their kids report more sexually active students than those who don't, so you're not just "making sure that when they do it, they're safe". You're encouraging it.

Source? Also I'm not sure I agree with the idea of handing out condoms. That seems to be encouraging things. I am for informing kids that abstinence is the only foolproof method, but also explaining to them how to be safe.

>Japan has the lowest teen pregnancy rate, but guess what, they don't hand out condoms at school. They just have a conformist culture which we used to have until liberals destroyed it.

Why do you keep saying this type of thing? People are trying to push things backwards and it is no longer working. Pushing for total abstinence is not working. Trying to force children to hold moral values that were prevalent in the past is not working. The state of things in the past is simply not relevant, and earth is not going to spin back 100 years anytime soon. Like I said, I think you are ignoring the present situation and are just pining for the past instead, at the expense of people who are actually being harmed.

>> No.10403904

It's funny watching americans argue about teen pregnancy and abortion and shit.

>> No.10403907


>They just have a conformist culture which we used to have until liberals destroyed it.

We still have a conformist culture, just that it advocates fucking like rabbits

>> No.10403912

I know

>> No.10403923

I've known really nice girls who were pressured into losing their virginity. Even if virginity doesn't have some mystical quality to it, this is the worst thing to watch happen.

>> No.10403924
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Leftists created the problem by promoting degeneracy and slut culture, and now you come offering a solution. I'm not just advocating for abstinence, that's not nearly enough. Sexual advertisements need to be banned, computers need to come automatically programmed to block all 18+ material unless unlocked with an adult ID card, schools need strict dress codes.

We need to go much, much further than just abstinence. Pic related, what America was like before the far-left.

>> No.10403927

It's not all about your shitty jap porn cartoons kid. Take a stroll in Tokyo and look at how many soapland, massage, dick-sucking, penis rubbing adverts you see in plain view. The porn ads, porn videos and mags in every normal store and 7-11. The sexualization of the very young on terrestrial TV, and don't even start to think about satellite stations.

Every "well to do" major corporation has their hand in porn or soft porn, be it real or cartoons/comics. Every. Single. One. Junior idols, guro cartoon porn, and the sickest shit fart puke animal pig fucking porn you'd never even want a human being to conceive is sold by major organizations like Yahoo, Amazon, CD Japan, and others.

Top it all off with their retarded ass culture and views on human emotion, sexuality, work ethic, and respect for the group, and you have a nation that's doomed to burn in the coming decades. Japan is, literally, fucked out of its mind. And it's going to die.

>> No.10403930

Are you troubled by the current state of affairs where females get to choose how much they sleep around without consequences? Responsible sex is free and empowering entertainment. If you think that girls and young women are too foolish to make wise decisions, why aren't you more worried about their education and well-being? Do you oppose the idea of powerful women? Why? Please respond.

>> No.10403935
File: 23 KB, 300x462, ba_abortion3211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10403933


Sure is tumblr ITT.

>> No.10403938

I don't care about what leftists did. Whatever they did has already been done and trying to turn back the clock, as I've said over and over, is clearly and demonstrably not working. You have to deal with the situation that exists now, and abstinence only policies are having an adverse effect. Your solutions are incredibly unrealistic and won't happen. I will stand by my claim that you are ignoring the present to pine for the past. You can have the last word because I don't think this is going anywhere.

>> No.10403948


Did you know that 3/4 of the type of porn in Japan is illegal in a country like the US? So, once the US starts to turn into an herbevoir society where half the young adults don't want to have sex because they're so coked out on weird ass unimmaginable fetish porn, you'll have a case.

In case you missed my point, porn isn't bad, nor is it the only problem. But you're retarded so you couldn't glean that from the post.

>> No.10403945

I've been on /jp/ since late 2009, and I'm a 24-year-old male NEET. I don't like the idea of holding others back to make myself look better.

>> No.10403947

Schools uniforms, stricter restrictions on advertisement(we already have some), and computers with built-in filters to block all 18+ content isn't unrealistic. Boys and girls should also be in different schools.

>> No.10403952

Murrika already is a herbevoir country

>> No.10403956

>Responsible sex


>> No.10403958
File: 38 KB, 443x450, little-girl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telling little girls that getting a train run on them by the football team is NOT empowering isn't holding anyone back you leftist scum.

>> No.10403962


You don't live here.. do you? Nor do you know what's going on in the world.

Or you're trolling. In which case GJ. I like you come to my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.10403965

You're opting for censorship. This doesn't solve the problem, it pushes it underground. Obviously it'll reduce some statistics but I don't think it's an effective long-term solution. We need something more organic, like a pop star who doesn't fuck people and starts an internet meme about how it's hip to not be a slut.

>> No.10403967

I'm going to impregnate so many of them. They need to be having more babies, regardless of whether or not a father is there to raise them.

>> No.10403969


Get a load of this guy. How deep into your ass did you have to dig to get all of that shit out? Are you gonna start talking about the live bestiality displays they have on a daily basis? Ho all the teachers and company executives rape and blackmail the women? You sound like a retard that's read one too many henati old man. Try providing some evidence for your delusional claims ... and then I can proceed to rip you a new one if they are even slightly legitimate.

>> No.10403970

The same way banning murder pushes killing "underground".

>> No.10403971

But it's true. You're only form of "masculinity" is blood thirsty niggers and crazy spics, lol.

>> No.10403972

Haha, no it's not.

>> No.10403973


>> No.10403977


Defend Japan with all you got. You got nothing, babe.

>> No.10403978

I wish the world would just educate the shit out of everyone while being mindful of their mental health. The future shouldn't belong to luddite brutes who prefer reward-seeking action over thinking.

>> No.10403980
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Daily reminder that the wrong side won.

>> No.10403982

yo dude. that was even propaganda in that age.

>> No.10403983


So, you have nothing then? No evidence. No proof. Do you at least have schizophrenia? I genuinely want to know if you are a troll or seriously that retarded and angry. Did Japan kill your dog?

>> No.10403985

>wrong side won
>germany going to gobble up europe with the EU
lel, no

>> No.10403994


It's all the feminazi's "empowering" the women. They had no idea what to do with the power so they just did the one useful thing they knew how, reproduce

>> No.10403997

Rest in piece Germany, it's such a shame that the bad guys won WW2, now Germany controlled by Left wingers, and Jews

>> No.10404016

Third picture
Second farthest to the right
The Nipponese one
Dat ass

>> No.10404019

Germany is the only one that can save Europe from the Muslims now. If they can than they will have cleared their name or have regained their balls in the eyes of Europe.

>> No.10404022

It's like the basement racists don't realize in a eugenic society they'd be sterilized.

>> No.10404024

"I'm a big baby because other teenagers disliked me because I was a big baby and now I'm trapped in childhood forever. Everyone should be treated like a child because of my fate. To be honest, sticking my dick in a child would be cool."
-- Anonymous, 2013

>> No.10404029

It's like you don't realize I never want to have children.

>> No.10404028

Shouldn't the bars for female and male be equally high?

>> No.10404033

"Sex is the only way I show adulthood because I'm a child in every other way."
Anonymous Slut, 2013

>> No.10404040


>basement racists

They don't have to be sterilized. Nobody is attracted to anti-semites and misogynists because their personality and appearance tend to be repulsive as their beliefs.

>> No.10404046

At least they seem to have realized that feminism and social security are peaceful ways to implement eugenics. In the good old days, large-scale wars took care of removing the weak from the gene pool.

>> No.10404047
File: 98 KB, 650x650, 1345235632655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10404053


Justin Bieber has a girlfriend.

The "Aryan" keyboard warrior who made that picture forever alone.

>> No.10404057

Protip, did you ever notice the amount of military presence in the right?

It's because war is good for development. Children are brought up healthy and disciplined and adults are forced to be productive, else they may lose everything they own, including their life, to the flames of war.

Fear is a powerful tool when used right.

>> No.10404058

You're the one who's posting le funny comics instead of words.

>> No.10404061

What's with you crossboard normaltrash, why are you here?

>> No.10404063

Propaganda is sure way to win argument.

Right on my reddit bros! Huzzah

>> No.10404068

You're the one who's name-calling because you have been intellectually decimated.

>> No.10404075

What makes you think I want to date some whore?

>> No.10404077
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Wanting to live among your own people isn't racist.

Japan for the Japanese, Africa for the Africans, white countries for everybody!

>> No.10404079

>It's because war is good for development.
Look at this. Let's print this and ask war veterans what they think about it. Preferably World War II veterans.

>> No.10404088


They're all so ugly. Look at the one second to from the right trying too hard

>> No.10404095

Any WWII veteran I've talked to has been proud of their service and felt like they accomplished something worthwhile and good for the world, and that it helped to make them a better and stronger person.

>> No.10404097

Same with the one on the far left. It's clear they weren't beat enough as children.

>> No.10404102

>white countries for everybody

It's karma.

>> No.10404106

Now go talk to the ones in mental asylums.

>> No.10404109

I've talked to one (1) WWII veteran and he made it clear that wars are absolute madness. He had to fight because the Soviet Union decided to invade the country.

>> No.10404128

Being proud of doing what is right in the face of individual necessity is perfectly admirable. However, you missed a relevant point: did they say what they thought of wars as phenomena?

>> No.10404129
File: 63 KB, 186x196, youknowwhatimean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disagree? retarded!

lol sure


Better than who consider owning warfare weapons a right while you need to pay to have some basic healthcare.

>> No.10404136
File: 84 KB, 537x720, 1359049387174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sadie, 11-Year-Old Transgender Girl, Writes Essay In Response To Obama's Inauguration Speech


>Sadie socially transitioned from male to female in kindergarten. She was home schooled until this year and is now in fifth grade and attending public school. A vegan, she loves anything that "protects the environment," as well as reading, swimming, basketball and texting her friends. She listens to Lady Gaga, Pink and Justin Bieber and wants to work for Green Peace when she grows up. She also wants to be a mom.

Thanks liberals.

>> No.10404147

Hey, blame the girl. Not liberals.

>> No.10404150
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1333322762258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She also wants to be a mom.

But he has an X and Y chromosome.

>> No.10404154

Is this a boy with a pussy or a girl with a cock? Also it's fault of the degenerates in the left.

>> No.10404156

Yeah, because she's totally old enough to fully understand what the fuck she's doing. She's the product of a fucked up degenerate society, and probably far-left parents.

>> No.10404163

Ew, white guys shouldn't try to become girls, only small girly asian guys.

>> No.10404159


Did he tell you how women he raped while he was stationed in germany/japan?


That's actually a real disorder caused by androgen malfunction during neonatal development you ignorant idiot.

>> No.10404165


Sorry, I'm not going to tolerate liberals telling boys it's okay to cut off your cock and become a girl. That's not healthy behavior.

>> No.10404169

>Did he tell you how women he raped while he was stationed in germany/japan?

What? Would that be a problem? Women are subhuman filth.

>> No.10404177
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>That's actually a real disorder caused by androgen malfunction during neonatal development you ignorant idiot.

>> No.10404178

So because a child has a mental disorder they should be encouraged to have their genitals mutilated and take hormones to try and change themselves into a female?

>> No.10404183


>Thanks liberals

Oh my god she loves nature and wants to dedicate her life to preserving it. Those monsters!

>> No.10404190

Her parents are American. You guys take your freedom up to eleven anyway...

>> No.10404188

How in the fuck can someone in kindergarten be able to decide that they're not their biological sex. How the fuck does this make any fucking sense, kids that age think they're fucking super heroes for fucks sake.

>> No.10404189

Today I saw /jp/ actually complaining about someone wanting to turning themselves into a little girl.

I don't know what to believe in anymore

>> No.10404192

Did you miss the part where he's pretending to be a girl and planning on cutting off his cock and taking drugs based on his 11 year old whims? Cool permanent life decisions.

>> No.10404193

Stop trying to fit in so hard, grown men and kids in kindergarten are two different things.

>> No.10404205

ITT shut ins and jobless manchildren laughing at an intelligent and caring girl who'll be successful in life

>> No.10404198
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1343018266099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There a difference between wanting to be a cute 2D loli and actually being a tranny freak.

>> No.10404203
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>> No.10404206
File: 202 KB, 788x713, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /pol/ to leave. I had to double-check to make sure I was on the right board.

>> No.10404208

Magic and or imagination is the only way to become the little girl. Any real life attempts are horribly misguided.

>> No.10404210
File: 139 KB, 306x300, 1358649778627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WANTING to become the little girl and actually becoming a girl are two different things entirely.

You can want to be the little girl all you want, it's perfectly fine. It's only when you act on it that it passes the line between fine and not fine. Just like every other fantasy out there.

I like rape, that's fine. But I'm not about to go rape a real girl because of that, as that would cross the line.

>> No.10404212


You're a fucking psycho if you think 11 year old boys should be able to mutilate their cock and take drugs. And then to top it all off, liberals think this behavior should be ENCOURAGED.

>> No.10404213


My only relief is that this people don't breed.

>> No.10404215



Gender is a construct.

>> No.10404219

Define definition.

Prove words exist.

>> No.10404227

Would you act on your fantasies if 'true VR' tech was available?

>> No.10404228
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This was probably written by someone in the Obama administration, no way a little boy talks like this.

>> No.10404231

Still accepted gender neutral pronoun.

>> No.10404232

Like time and measurements and a bunch of other constructs we rely on.

>> No.10404236


Cool greentext retard. This has nothing to do with liberals or your idiotic opinions you ignorant, brainless scumbag. She decided she was a girl about the same way you decided you were a boy. Did someone choose that for you? I'm sure those dirty liberals forced you into "deciding" you weren't a little girl.


Well it's either that, or try and force her to be something she's not. She has a female brain. Look it up. If she grows up and decides that's what she wants then she should be able to.


You have to have the brain of a 5 year old if you seriously think she woke up one morning and decided "I wanna be a mom xD" and that society had any place in it, aside from that she could freely admit it. You sound like a hard right-wing chiristfag that still thinks homosexuals "choose" to be gay

>> No.10404237

>creative gender identity

I have a creative species identity, I'm a dragon.

>> No.10404241

Kill yourself back to reddit, subhuman.

>> No.10404244

Sure, at least once. I would also do a number of other things I wouldn't do in real life.

>> No.10404255

Homosexuals chose to sleep with other men, I chose to masturbate to drawings. Take some responsibility.

>> No.10404246


Please check your privilege.

I am a full galaxy with trillions of stars.

>> No.10404249

Yeah because 11 year old who haven't gone through puberty fully understand their identities and should be able to chop off their genitals while being encouraged by their parents.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10404266

>She has a female brain

Either gender is a construct or it is biologically determined. Pick one.

>> No.10404278


It's like you just stumbled onto this board otherwise you wouldn't be ignorant of how popular kigurumi and cross dressing are. HRT is just the next step.

>> No.10404286

You guys do understand that American liberals are relatively conservative when compared to their European counterparts? Even though that is the case, somehow places like Norway, Sweden and Finland haven't fallen into chaos, anarchy and depravity. One of them even has mandatory military service. It must be a real totalitarian communist hellhole...

>> No.10404289

Kigus keep to their own threads and crossdressing in your home for fun is different from having your dick surgically removed and shooting up.

>> No.10404294

Who said anything about chaos and anarchy? We're just observing that encouraging young boys to mutilate their bodies and take drugs isn't healthy behavior.

>> No.10404292


That's a brilliant counter-argument from an ignorant 5 year old child. Why don't you just pray to Jesus and ask him to smite me for you kid?


>should be able to chop off their genitals

Because she has that surgery scheduled for next week ... All this fucking retardation ...

>Kill yourself.

Irony! Ignorant scum of the earth like you are a waste of oxygen


Gender Identity Disorder. The disorder and the mechanisms are scientifically proven. Although I'm sure that the attention of the average /jp/sie can't even read past the word gender before his autism kicks in and he starts screaming liberal like women or her period.

>> No.10404297

American liberals are relatively conservative because unlike in Europe, we realize that socializing everything is retarded.

>> No.10404302
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>> No.10404298
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This thread is shit and you people should feel bad for arguing in it.

>> No.10404301
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/cgl/ posters are so easy to spot.

>> No.10404305

>Gender Identity Disorder. The disorder and the mechanisms are scientifically proven. Although I'm sure that the attention of the average /jp/sie can't even read past the word gender before his autism kicks in and he starts screaming liberal like women or her period.

You're missing my point. If gender is a "social construct" then someone cannot have a "female brain," otherwise gender is biological.

>> No.10404308

I don't see nothing wrong in this... It is such delicate age in human's life and with today's knowledge in medical science and enthusiasm in body modification. This little risk or "sacrifice" could offer great opportunity for medical science. Also it is fairly safe and good time for surgery. 11 years old...

>> No.10404309

That just means sex is biological and gender is a construct. He's still an idiot, but so are you.

>> No.10404311

I like how the /pol/ cross boarders use that girl as an example of the supposed decline of modern society instead of NEETs/themselves.

Face it most parents would rather have her as their biological child than you.

>> No.10404313


>psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder

So, /cgl/ posts facts while you post insults like a retarded, angry child? Do you think psychiatrists are filthy liberals and they just diagnosed him to further their agenda? At the risk of their careers and being sued should he change his mind later? I guess a child would think that way.

>> No.10404315

NEETdom is temporary and mostly caused by the economy anyway. What he did is permanent.

>> No.10404317

Who cares what some some baby boomer retards think?

>> No.10404318

30 years ago homosexuality was a mental disorder, now it's magically not. Psychology isn't a science and is completely dependent on cultural norms.

>> No.10404319

No it does not. If someone's brain being a certain way causes them to feel that they are a certain gender, that they are to identify as "he" or "she," then their gender is determined biologically.

>> No.10404323

If that's the case, why do you so eagerly use the words leftist and liberal?

leftist - 4 hits in this thread
liberal - 18 hits in this thread

>> No.10404324


Gender ROLES are a social construct. Gender itself as in viewing yourself as male or female is biological


>He's still an idiot

I shouldn't be surprised all children can do is resort to namecalling

>> No.10404326

Cutting off your dick has nothing to do with gender roles you cunt.

>> No.10404327


...and what's your problem with these otaku traditions? That some otaku tradition needs your approval?

>> No.10404329

I blame white female trash.

>> No.10404334

Soon Japan will pay for gaijin live there.

>> No.10404338


>30 years ago homosexuality was a mental disorder, now it's magically not.

Diagnosed by who? Your rapist church priest? In medical terms it is a biological disorder. There are recognizable differences between a homosexual and normal male brain and similarities with a female brain. It's not labeled as such because it doesn't impair normal function and to spare "hurt feelings".

>Psychology isn't a science

PSYCHIATRY is. Learn the fucking difference. Do you think he walked in and doctors asked him if he was a boy or girl and diagnosed him that way? How retarded can you be?

>> No.10404339

Cute little boy. Would molest.

>> No.10404340

I'm starting to feel like people are taking this seriously, I was just trying to start shit. I guess thats how you can spot shitlord redditors though.

>> No.10404342

Who said I have a problem with them? I have a problem with a society that tells children it's normal and healthy to want to mutilate yourself and take drugs to become something you're not.

>> No.10404347


That's why we aren't talking about roles are we? Now your reading comprehension is even deteriorating. Just when I thought you couldn't get more retarded.

>> No.10404343


You are so full of shit.

>> No.10404345

Neither are a science. Are you a tranny subhuman, by chance? You seem awfully emotional.

>> No.10404346

Do you think he still has his genitals? I don't think a hospital would remove them before he reached the age of majority.

>> No.10404349

Interesting how considerate black people are even when white people "blackmail" them so much.

>> No.10404350

Kill yourselves out of /jp/, subhumans.

>> No.10404351

Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder according to DSM standards until it magically wasn't anymore. Now it's "normal".

>> No.10404357

>reading, swimming, basketball and texting her friends

shit I spent most of my teen years watching TV and playing vidya

she'll always have plenty of friends and no problem getting into a top university. she's going to make a difference in the world unlike most of us.

i wish her well

>> No.10404358

You're the one that brought up gender not existing and then claiming that gender is genetic. This kid is a boy, not a girl, no amount of drugs or surgery will change that.

>> No.10404365

>Psychology isn't a science
You are a fucking idiot. Psychology is a social science. Psychiatry is a field of medicine.

>> No.10404376

Neither are science. Chopping off your dick isn't mentally healthy.

Put your trip back on, PotC.

>> No.10404373


And you are at this point a willfully ignorant retard that's delusional in the same way a christfag is hit with endless evidence about no god and still denies it. Everything I've posted is factual evidence that can easily be looked up. Stay retarded though.


>Neither are a science.

I seriously hope you're trolling at this point. No one can be this retarded. If psychiatry isn't science then neither is any type of medicine. Neither is chemistry or pharmacology. They just make drugs at random and give them out like candy. I hope you kill yourself because I'm ashamed to be part of the same species as you.

>> No.10404379
File: 40 KB, 704x441, no_such_thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10404381

U.S should have a lower birthrate since it is a violent country.

>> No.10404385


Strangely, it turns out causality violations aren't all that important.

>> No.10404389

>. I hope you kill yourself because I'm ashamed to be part of the same species as you.

If you're a tranny then you already aren't human.

>> No.10404390


I don't understand your VP. It's like saying corrective surgery for deformed people is wrong because it's mutilation. Modern technology is helping her become who she was meant to be and achieve her fullest potential.

>> No.10404399


Learn some reading comprehension and then read my post again. I already explained it dumbass.


>You're the one that brought up gender not existing

How's your schizophrenia?


>Psychology is a social science.

He clearly meant exact science, but your 12 year old brain is too small to catch the implication

>Psychiatry is a field of medicine
>not a science
>calling others an idiot

Oh irony! Retards gonna retard

You know what, I'm done. At this point I would have better luck teaching english to a monkey. Stay retarded and ignorant kids. Be sure to pray to jesus and ask him to kill me for you. Retarded cunts.

>> No.10404404

Holy shit you're literally a retard.

>> No.10404405
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1343017918280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are biased because you're a tranny.

>> No.10404408


I'm not. But thanks for your expected childish comment, which is the only thing you're capable of.

>> No.10404410

Okay /pol/ you've had your fun now can you go back?

>> No.10404415

Goddamn I hate trannies so much. Fucking scum.

>> No.10404412
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1341186712481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one that doesn't belong here, /cgl/. Take your social justice horseshit to le reddit.

>> No.10404417
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>> No.10404418
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>> No.10404421

Please don't misuse the quote feature or resort to insults while telling bored basement trolls things they already know.

>> No.10404423
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>> No.10404427

Epic reaction image.

>> No.10404428
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Oh man, that transvestite.

>> No.10404432

>If you're a tranny then you already aren't human.

Agreed if by tranny you mean fans of late night moe anime.

>> No.10404434
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>> No.10404439

Where there tranny during Roman times?

No, because people back then had better things to worry about than what dangled in between them.

Transcum are just another virus of the social degeneration that is ongoing in these times.

>> No.10404440

Epic, just epic.


>> No.10404454

Men did have much sex with boys back then though. Also lot of partying and using slaves as human torches etc... "sigh"

>> No.10404452
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>> No.10404455



>> No.10404467

No, really. I'm sure most of the posters in this thread are bored Warosu /b/tards and SA admirers in their late twenties. Learn the story behind niggy.png and you might believe me.

>> No.10404468



>> No.10404475

Don't tell this newfag about our secret club, you punkass bitch.

>> No.10404487


>I'm sure most of the posters in this thread are bored Warosu /b/tards and SA admirers in their late twenties.

I won't deny that but you're telling me they were all "just pretending to be retarded"? That's a lot of credit you're trying to give them.

>> No.10404497

>I won't deny that but you're telling me they were all "just pretending to be retarded"?
This is how it is every day.

>> No.10404500

Warosu and Something Awful all have ties to stormfront, vnn, and /pol/, dude. They're totally serious and don't listen to this >>10404497 guy

>> No.10404511

Yes I will. Changes are that this guy is not beyond salvation. There should be a permanent sticky that explains how things are.

>> No.10404512

Nothing here, officer

>> No.10404512,1 [INTERNAL] 

Massive amount of subhumans detected in here.

>> No.10404516

I'm sorry for the typo.

>> No.10404527

You are such a faggot

>> No.10404550

>Learn the story behind niggy.png
What's the story behind niggy.png

>> No.10404559

This isn't an exact answer:
I recommend reading some of that stuff if you spend a lot of time writing serious posts.

>> No.10404572

I'm another guy and I don't write serious posts because I am not autistic

>> No.10404577
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>> No.10404595

I don't even understand what you're trying to say sperglord, are you just trying to say they're the same person?

>> No.10404611
File: 41 KB, 640x480, illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're the same person

how deep down the rabbithole do you wish to go?

>> No.10404628

If you're saying half the shit spam is just Trevor then thats obvious.

>> No.10404639

No, but that list links to many discussions that show what the core user base is actually doing here.

>> No.10404660

Why are you trying to make this like its some sort of hidden thing.

>> No.10404667

Some guys from FYAD posted here openly. It's already been obvious something has been trying to destroy this place for years.

>> No.10404671
File: 79 KB, 682x648, 1344318701344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, he was getting bullied? I missed it...

>> No.10404683

Maybe things are more obvious for those who start coming here now. I started visiting when people wrote long walls of text about Touhou and Umineko.

>> No.10404679


>It's already been obvious something has been trying to destroy this place for years.

That's quite a delusional sense of self importance you have there

>> No.10404684

Only great people suffer from delusions.

>> No.10404694

I thought you were retarded when we started this confirmation, that post just about confirms it. If you weren't completely brain-dead you would have noticed this shit a long time ago, I've been here since the start as well so that shit has nothing to do with this.

>> No.10404702
File: 32 KB, 204x283, 1353656741818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell happened to you /jp/

back in the day this thread wouldn't have trolled anyone, but now it has trolled everyone

>> No.10404715
File: 97 KB, 512x288, 1339263170135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get trolled.

>> No.10404716

Maybe I am autistic. I wanted to stay because I had no friends.

>> No.10404722

there's other forms of birth control, this chart probably isnt factoring that in.

>> No.10404724

We have good trolls. Clever and subtle, remorseless. Combine that with weeaboo retards who are literally autistic and you get current /jp/.

>> No.10404735

I really shouldn't like that doujin...

Why must I corrupt them so?

>> No.10404742


Most self-proclaimed "great" people are actually just delusional

>> No.10404743

I don't know. Shouldn't experience harden you? Too many newfaggots I guess.

>> No.10404750

Shut up already faggot

>> No.10404746

gay sex is a thing. Some people count oral as intercourse, too.

>> No.10404760

>clever and subtle

>> No.10404753
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, 1344400719564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shouldn't experience harden you?

>> No.10404758


Make me, cunt

>> No.10404767

*whips out dick*

does THIS look like a cunt to you?

*forcefully sticks cock down your throat*

>> No.10404777


>does THIS look like a cunt to you?

Funny, I can't see anything at all. Go ask your mom and she'll tell you what a real dick looks like.

>> No.10404780

oh god, it's like i'm actually reading youtube comments

>> No.10404786

fucking newfag

>> No.10404785


>> No.10404791 [DELETED] 

You mean she'll show him amirite?
*whips out anon's mom's dick*

>> No.10404792

Those have evolved into quite hostile recently. People thumbing furiously up for sickest burn.

>> No.10404793 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 528x418, шрифт-песочница-110530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur fukin cancer bitch

>> No.10404795
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>> No.10404804

To be honest, I remember getting really disappointed in 2010 or 2011. I wanted to ignore and forget it. I kept replying because "there is no such thing as pretending to be retarded" and my posts really made the place look better.

Maybe I should switch to Reddit. I've never been there.

>> No.10404803


>> No.10404805


>> No.10404807


>> No.10404810


>> No.10404811


>> No.10404813


Post some

>> No.10404821 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 300x225, 12678937738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump :--D

>> No.10404823 [DELETED] 
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pls respond

>> No.10404827 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10404830

Oh well I apologize, I didn't really mean it I just had no idea why you were wording it like it was some super secret mystery. Sorry.

>> No.10404833 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10404837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10404840 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10404840,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wat da fug. Is /jp/ dyinged? D---:

>> No.10404840,2 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is going on? Janiturd deletes posts out of this shit thread but leaves the thread itself up?

>> No.10404840,3 [INTERNAL] 

it looks like janitors are a lot slower about deleting threads than they used to be

>> No.10404840,4 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor left my spirddo post but deleted the others.
I guess they can see my greatness and are afraid of me.

>> No.10404840,5 [INTERNAL] 

That just means one poster got banned and you didn't.

>> No.10404840,6 [INTERNAL] 

That is where you are wrong, pisshead. I saw the spurdo posts being deleted in seperate timeframes, not all at once. A ban would imply they were all deleted at the same time, which in reality they were not. Faggot.

>> No.10404840,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10404840,8 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably just that you two are the only ones who have actually been trolled.

It was very subtle.
