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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 338 KB, 1240x1746, Ore.no.Rearu.to.Netoge.ga.Rabukome.full.1235971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10399935 No.10399935 [Reply] [Original]

What Netoge are you currently playing /jp/?
What are you looking forward to?

>> No.10399951

The only Japanese netoge I have been playing is PSO2. Preparing myself for the NA release.

>> No.10400200
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>> No.10400222

Light novel titles are too ridiculous, not in a good way.

>> No.10400355

I'd be playing Wizardry Online if it wasn't a piece of shit.

>> No.10400656

How so?

>> No.10400816 [DELETED] 

Well, it's a piece of shit.

>> No.10400829

It's not even been it's final release yet.
On a different note I'm considering giving Mortal online a go since it's free

>> No.10400852


I thought it was shit. I don't even like TES as much as I used to, but I would rather try TESO than that shit game.

>> No.10400862

What about Cabal online?

Really I just wish wizardry would add duels and fix the body proportions

>> No.10400983

I don't like that game either.

>> No.10400984

Do you like any game?

>> No.10401100



>> No.10405568

I'm playing TERA right now on the unlimited trial in preparation for the full free to play release.

EME servers, server name Mount Tyrannas.

>> No.10405597
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Waiting for this and PSO2 english release.

>> No.10405605

I am a bit interested in PSO2, I hope the buisness model isn't too bad.

>> No.10406482

Judging by the Japanese version, it's alright. It's not perfect because despite the fact that the cash shop is purely for cosmetic items, those who buy said items can sell them in the game and it shits the game's economy a bit.

The game itself is pretty fun but it gets boring way too fast.

>> No.10406487

I'm not sure how it gets boring to you. Were you an original PSO player? The game was very limited and I played it to death, offline-only even.

>> No.10406500
File: 110 KB, 751x908, phantasy star_lisa (pso2)_mitsumoto jouji_1girln face_looking at viewer_maid_maid headdress_neckerchief_pale skin_pantyhose_red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did play Blueburst on that one popular private server but I'm not sure that counts.

To be fair, I got bored rather quickly from that too so maybe the problem is with me but the game does get pretty grindy later on and it's repetitive too.

If I had to say though, if you spent so much time playing the older games I can bet you'll spend a lot of time with this too.

>> No.10406518

planning on playing TERA free until pso2 goes NA

i didnt know there was an unlimited trial. can your character progression carry over when it goes f2p?

>> No.10406527

Is anyone still playing Wakfu here? Has the horrible class balance been fixed?

>> No.10406597

Not that person, but yes. Also, my plan is the same as yours. I've put more hours into PSO than into any other game.

>> No.10406740
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, lewdest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone playing this lewd game?

>> No.10406792

Well, you didn't mention what game it was.

Is it Scarlet Blade by any chance?

>> No.10406814

no they censored the lolis so it is shit and dead game.

>> No.10406832 [SPOILER] 
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Yes Scarlet Blade

What censoring?

>> No.10406856

I got an Alpha invite the other day but have not installed. I am kind of interested in the lewdness but is there any other redeeming value to playing it? Alternatively, is it so lewd as to make it worth playing? My plate for the next month is going to be full with Fire Emblem and EOIV arriving stateside so I didn't really want to get absorbed in anything else unless it is worth it.

>> No.10406864
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>> No.10406873
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The ingame dialogues are interesting, to say the least.

>> No.10406883

Open Beta? Is it any fun?
I don't mind giving it a shot but >Aeria games.

>> No.10406931

I started playing Tera again since it went free to play.
No telling how long I'll actually stick around, but it's pretty enjoyable for the time being. Decently populated too due to the influx of new players.

>> No.10406982

In Close-Alpha now, just that you can register for Open Beta

>> No.10407631
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Seems the advanced classes will be in Wizardry JP pretty soon.

Now if only they could kill off the horrendous pay2win scheme of it so I could enjoy a fair game.

>> No.10407641

When's the release anyway? I was waiting until the 16th because I liked the beta but by now I've kind of lost interest.

>> No.10407654

Delayed till Jan 30th at least.

I loved the CBT, but I think I'm done with the game. Such an intense cash shop in a PVP / semi-competitive game kills all desire I have to play it. Quite a shame since the dungeons were pretty interesting.

>> No.10407658

It was pretty much the only thing I was planning to play so now I've got nothing if the cash shop is too bad by release.

Well, Tera is going f2p I guess.

>> No.10407688


Why on earth would you play the NA version that will be swarmed with cheaters, have less content, update slower, probably be censored, and likely wont have glorious Luna Prophecy available once its released on JP servers.

>> No.10407705

from what i've heard, people who liked PSO were often disappointed with PSO2. I never played PSO but i loved PSO2. im just taking a break until NA release so it stays fresh.

[citation required]
it will probably be behind JP in terms of content progression, but i'd like to start over again anyway.

>> No.10407709

It also won't have any cut symbol art.

>> No.10407712

It also won't have any cute symbol art.

>> No.10407718

Luckily for me, I'm going to be super distracted by FE and EO4, so I'll be able to pretend Wizardry Online doesn't exist anymore.

And yeah, Tera might be fun to mess around with for a bit. My computer really sucked when I played the JP beta, so I'm looking forward to trying it again when I'll likely be able to max the graphics.

>> No.10408105

i downloaded and installed TERA, but it says i have no active accounts when i log in with the account i created to get into beta.

how do you activate a free trial account?

>> No.10408121

Just make a new account.

>> No.10408229

ah ok

>> No.10408309

>full free to play release

I didn't even know about that! I guess then it's decided what I'm going to play for a pretty long time.

>> No.10408771

Are you guys going to be playing on NA or EU Tera? I think I can play either from my location, but it's such a huge download.

>> No.10408794
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Yes. Luna Prophecy was glorious.

According to Japan, completely appropriate for CERO B.

>> No.10408880

Huh? Been playing since beta and the consensus was the complete opposite of what you heard. Maybe you're thinking of PSU?

>> No.10410125

I'm going with NA. Don't make me download it again, anon!

>> No.10410516

i remember seeing people complaining in every thread about how its supposedly nothing like PSO.

i started a character on the NA PVP server. im always a slow leveler though.

>> No.10410533

Anyone playing Path of Exile?

>> No.10410547

I tried Tera, but couldn't even stand it for more than an hour, even RO2 made me play a bit longer
Maybe I really can't enjoy mmos anymore
Downloading those 30gb sure was worth it

>> No.10411491

I am, seems okay. I'm splitting my time between TERA and it though.

>> No.10413138

TERA is such a terrible game only good for elins. Do you have any idea how dead this game would be without elins?

>> No.10413151
File: 17 KB, 275x274, 1353015817506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are non-japanese mmos allowed now? Anybody playing gw2?

>> No.10413179

Who cares if they're Japanese - are you a weeaboo or somethin'?

>> No.10413199

Guys, Tera is South Korean. Please read this mod's post:

Take your Tera discussion to /vg/:

>> No.10413205

Because it's the rules, you fucking retard.

>> No.10413205,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit I owned that janitor so hard.

>> No.10413205,2 [INTERNAL] 

Should have kept it all Japanese.

>> No.10413205,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the janitor such a pu$$y?
