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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10387223 No.10387223 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread talking about Doujin culture? I wrote an article about copyright recently and I held Doujin culture as an example of how strict copyright enforcement doesn't lead to "Innovation" at all. A social contract similar to Doujin culture would actually lead to an explosion in western comic book culture, or would be especially useful in the likes of electronic music.

What do you think?

>> No.10387233

Sure thing, Aaeru.

I mentioned this in another thread, but I think the whole idea that doujin culture couldn't work in the West is false. People say Westerners aren't humble enough or we're too greedy or whatever, but there are plenty of examples of bedroom programmers making hit games, and people sell junk at Comic-Con every year (including straight-up copyright infringement like bootlegs). Not to mention this whole indie fad.

Then again, I've seen fan projects die thanks to C&Ds from Nintendo or Square-Enix or whoever. I think more companies should be willing to write a terms of use like ZUN's: you can use these characters and settings, as long as you try to get them right and don't do anything illegal or misleading.

>> No.10387266

>stupid uneducated opinions

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.10387288

>strict copyright enforcement doesn't lead to "Innovation" at all. A social contract similar to Doujin culture would actually lead to an explosion in western comic book culture, or would be especially useful in the likes of electronic music.

I don't think anyone would disagree.

>the whole idea that doujin culture couldn't work in the West is false. People say Westerners aren't humble enough or we're too greedy or whatever,

What I've heard is the fault is actually on a shitty IP laws. If you don't defend your "property" at all cost from unauthorized use, you may actually lose it to the infringer. So everyone does.

But I'm not a law expert. Don't quote me.

>> No.10387292

>If you don't defend your "property" at all cost from unauthorized use, you may actually lose it to the infringer.

Don't confuse I.P. with trademarks. Fuck off, go learn the basics and then come back and argue about shit.

>> No.10387293

I'm much more interested in the information regarding doujinshi and doujin soft throughout the years. Can the many editions of Comiket that happened throughout the years be succesfuly characterized by the types of games released and the succesful franchises and companies that bloomed from there? I can't say yes because I lack information regarding that.

>> No.10387298
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who are you quoting?

>> No.10387299

The OP that keeps samefagging.

>> No.10387307

I don't think he ever said that.

>> No.10387315

That was the actual meat of the post.

>> No.10387316

A blog post is not an "article".

>> No.10387328

He's right, though. A trademark is just a symbol that says "this is my thing." The things themselves are "intellectual property", which may or may not have a trademark.

>> No.10387330

spend your time with something useful

>> No.10387333

Trying too hard to be different. Even Usenet postings were called articles.

>> No.10387338

“Intellectual property”
Publishers and lawyers like to describe copyright as “intellectual property”—a term also applied to patents, trademarks, and other more obscure areas of law. These laws have so little in common, and differ so much, that it is ill-advised to generalize about them. It is best to talk specifically about “copyright,” or about “patents,” or about “trademarks.”

The term “intellectual property” carries a hidden assumption—that the way to think about all these disparate issues is based on an analogy with physical objects, and our conception of them as physical property.

When it comes to copying, this analogy disregards the crucial difference between material objects and information: information can be copied and shared almost effortlessly, while material objects can't be.

To avoid spreading unnecessary bias and confusion, it is best to adopt a firm policy not to speak or even think in terms of “intellectual property”.

The hypocrisy of calling these powers “rights” is starting to make the World “Intellectual Property” Organization embarrassed.

>> No.10387771

I was thinking about this stuff the other day, specially regarding trademarking and such. I remember that time when someone trademarked touhou project instead of ZUN because of some legal technicality.

Do doujin creators trademark their original content? How is this done? Do you just add TM to the name and that's it, or is there some kind of legal process?

>> No.10388688

Western indie developers are either obnoxious (Notch),suffering from unwarranted self importance (Phil Fish) or are just plain incompetent (Edmund McMillen, SORRY GUYS. NO CONTROL CONFIG GO USE XPADDER LOLOL).

Also greedy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%27s_Game

>> No.10388697

In most countries (including Japan) you apply for a trademark from some trademark office. There is usually a fee, then it's yours.

>> No.10388708


He's a Newgrounds Flash developer. Flash doesn't have support for gamepads. What do you expect him to do rewrite Flash?

>> No.10388718


Maybe he should learn another language before trying to sell games to people.

>> No.10388743

He's porting Isaac to some other language so it's not like he isn't trying.

>> No.10388741


>> No.10388744

I like that the "see also" section mentions Derek Smart.

>> No.10388747


Yet their games are appearing on Steam and other digital game outselts

>> No.10388749



>> No.10388753

And what a shame that is.

>> No.10388759


Check out Mr.Counter Culture over here.

>> No.10388762

The point is they have to sell their soul to the white devil to have westerners pay for their games, which were made for a japanese audience.

It must be a real bad situation for them. They discover their game is popular overseas but they get no revenue. But then to get revenue they have to submit to how other people want to sell it, this happening a long time after the game was relevant and people had interest in it.

>> No.10388767

Check out mister "I buy online licenses of my games through game facebook" over here.

>> No.10388775


That doesn't even make sense. Get in bed so I can tuck you in.

You're sleepy.

>> No.10388787

You aren't making any sense either. I found it much better for both of us to lower my level of argumentation to match yours. Also stop with the kinky stuff.

>> No.10388794

And you are a fucking weeaboo retard.

Using 3 developers for the source of your delusion?
Bitch please.

>> No.10388801

You mean those shitty games SA translated? EasyGameStation sucks to begin with. Of course they'd want more exposure.

Though if they keep censoring them up, other groups are gonna get wary

>> No.10388805


He forgot faux-indies who cash in on the movement/idiology/whatever it is (Jonathan Blow)

>> No.10388808

>Fortune Summoners, Racettear

>> No.10388810
File: 103 KB, 281x286, 1357178718970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry.

>> No.10388830

You forgot Toad (the guy that made DF), the team that made Jamestown, VVVVVV...

Just kill your fucking self.

>> No.10388851

wow what a fugin nerd

>> No.10388886

We're speaking noteworthy developers here (read: people who the press talk about as a representation of independent developers), most of which charge for their games. Toad and the developers of dungeon crawl are saints. VVVVV dude is in the same boat as the others, though.

>> No.10389068

They are bad and you should feel bad for liking them. Also, those are the only two games from them you know, right?

>> No.10389075

>the developers of dungeon crawl are saints.
If you mean stone soup, they are actually a bunch of fags who have run the game into the ground.

>> No.10389082

How so? Frankly, as someone who doesn't delve in the community aspect of the game and merely plays it, all I see is a game getting updated constantly. Is this about them taking out mountain dwarves or does it go deeper than that? I am genuinely interested.

>> No.10389093

Wait, Fortune Summoners isn't even from Easygamestation. I was thinking of Chantelise. You couldn't even think up two examples from them.

>> No.10389098

It's also about them adding in shitty new races

>> No.10389107

You don't know what bad game is.

You should kill yourself for insulting Fortune Summoners.

>> No.10389123

Octopede and Felid are gimmicky, I'll give you that. But they don't really get in the way of the game and there were already some gimmicky species before those (draconian is one that comes to mind right now). Again, I'm not entirely in the know of what's being done with the game on too deep a level, so my opinion is not well-informed.

>> No.10389133


>> No.10389198

Stop backpedalling.

>> No.10389212

I think you need to google that term, mate.

>> No.10389214

Stop being retarded.

>> No.10389248

No, I'm pretty of what it means
I am not.

>> No.10389260

*pretty sure

>> No.10389262

Japan has ridiculously overbearing copyright laws and its creative industries flourish at all levels large and small. The Japanese doujin culture is probably the best possible counter-argument against what you're saying. Companies are relatively lax when it comes to fair use but legal protections for copyright are more sever than anywhere and the culture of piracy is much weaker than in the West (regardless of Share and PD).

>> No.10389272


I'd just like to interrupt for a moment. Publishers and lawyers like to describe copyright as “intellectual property”—a term also applied to patents, trademarks, and other more obscure areas of law. These laws have so little in common, and differ so much, that it is ill-advised to generalize about them. It is best to talk specifically about “copyright,” or about “patents,” or about “trademarks.”

The term “intellectual property” carries a hidden assumption—that the way to think about all these disparate issues is based on an analogy with physical objects, and our conception of them as physical property.

When it comes to copying, this analogy disregards the crucial difference between material objects and information: information can be copied and shared almost effortlessly, while material objects can't be.

To avoid spreading unnecessary bias and confusion, it is best to adopt a firm policy not to speak or even think in terms of “intellectual property”.

The hypocrisy of calling these powers “rights” is starting to make the World “Intellectual Property” Organization embarrassed.

>> No.10389357

From what I've read, western attitudes toward ownership and credit really get in the way of any kind of extensive flourishing of a doujon culture. We get hung up a lot more over stamping our names on every little thing we make and are ambivalent about co-operative production of content.

Basically what I al saying is that an American Comiket would probably shut down after some fujoshit capped one of her peers because the dumb bitch totally copied her Rainbow Dash doujin or whatever.

>> No.10393798

Hello. Aaeru.

>> No.10399699

I will save this thread kudasai

>> No.10399709

Please conjugate your verbs properly when using kudasai.
