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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10386410 No.10386410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would things be like if Homu were our meido?

>> No.10386413


>> No.10386417


>> No.10386421
File: 17 KB, 186x183, 1304015315184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people have spoken

>> No.10386421,1 [INTERNAL] 

i am not allowed to respond to these threads anymore under penalty of banishment so i will just say - awesome.

>> No.10386421,2 [INTERNAL] 

and there you have my tripcode #what!also872lol

>> No.10386421,3 [INTERNAL] 

too busy having fun in the sun in hawaii going to show the local girls my sicks ass muscles on the beach tomorrow

>> No.10386421,4 [INTERNAL] 

have fun

>> No.10386421,5 [INTERNAL] 

A few years ago I saw a girl in Hawaii wearing a sailor uniform. No idea what school she went to but it was quite a surprise. Also convenience stores carried a lot of Japanese stuff and some stores accepted yen. There were also more Japanese tourists than I would have thought.

If I were ever going to stop being NEET I'd move to Hawaii and try to find some job that requires Japanese language skills. Maybe I could work in a hotel or be a tour guide or something.

>> No.10386421,6 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.10386421,7 [INTERNAL] 

Use [aa][/aa]
