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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 640x360, batkqlpcuaepvuc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10383481 No.10383481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In Japan, the stereotype is that all geeks are dudes. Walking around nerd areas like Tokyo’s Nipponbashi and Osaka’s Den-Den Town, the large number of guys would lead you to think that. That would be incorrect.

>Yes, there are female geeks in Japan. Of course there are! Some of them are idols or wanna-be idols, others are company employees. Some love anime or erotic games, and others are into guns or superheroes.

>What makes someone an otaku (geek) in Japan is their obsessions. They can be train otaku, music otaku, anime otaku, video game otaku, car otaku, etc, etc. What connects them all is their passion.


>> No.10383483
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>> No.10383482
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>> No.10383485
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>> No.10383486
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>> No.10383489
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>> No.10383490
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>> No.10383491

such a nerd lmao

>> No.10383492
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>> No.10383493

cool story, bro

>> No.10383494
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>> No.10383496
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>> No.10383498

Why isn't posting Kotaku link bannable yet?

>> No.10383500

I respect their passion for collecting, however the uncleanliness of their room is unacceptable.

>> No.10383501

>implying vast majority of otaku aren't males

>danny choo

>> No.10383505

They're so gorgeous it almost looks like they paid someone to stand in a room they set up.

>> No.10383506
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>> No.10383507

Is this the same guy who posted that article bitching about Japan, yet refused to actually move out of the fucking country?

Kotaku, the pinnacle of journalism.

>> No.10383516

Eat shit kotaku.

>> No.10383547

>geeks girls
Come on we already went over that in 2012.

>> No.10383593

death to kotaku!

>> No.10383598

Kotaku is on par with Shitkaku.

>> No.10383630
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>Alienware wallpaper
>Dell PC case

I find this amusing.

>> No.10383637

Maybe the keyboard is enough for her to be "Alienware"

>> No.10383664



>> No.10383670


Aww Furukawa Mirin.

>> No.10383779
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>> No.10384758
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>yes there are real girls that are otaku (and cute) and ones that like porn

More news at 11

Except that most of /jp/ is too fucking beta to know this because they never had a real gf before

They think that since new girl has every really watched a hentai movie with them that no girl EVER does in the entire world

Now, having said all that, after being with real girls it got old and boring quick and i realized that 2d girls are much more enjoyable and ez to deal with and so i prefer them over 3dcrap

So in the end, stay beta /jp/, 3dpd isnt worth it...

>> No.10384784


>They think that since new girl has every really watched a hentai movie with them

meant "no girl" not "new girl"

>> No.10384797

Yeah, you're such a fucking nerd, posing for sexy pictures for a book. Goddamn I fucking hate women so much. And everything about the "cool" nerd fad. It makes me so fucking mad.

Fuck off normalscum.

>> No.10384809

Thank you, Kotaku.
I didn't know any of this already.

>> No.10384810


Clearly you didn't read all of the post faggot.

>Now, having said all that, after being with real girls it got old and boring quick and i realized that 2d girls are much more enjoyable and ez to deal with and so i prefer them over 3dcrap
>So in the end, stay beta /jp/, 3dpd isnt worth it...

>> No.10384819

I'm sorry but I read your shitpost about "beta" nonsense and how women can be such nerds and you have girlfriends, and I will stand by my comment that you are normalscum. Get out.

>> No.10384820

Buying lots of shit makes you a nerd. Therefore the bourgeoisie are all nerds.

>> No.10384821

What the fuck happen to you kotaku? I mean you were never good, but your just the lowest denominator now.

>> No.10384827

Anything for clicks.

>> No.10384831

I thought Japs couldn't play FPS? Is that thing about motion sickness not true?

>> No.10384847
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a real nerd girl.

>> No.10384850


>> No.10384859
File: 83 KB, 800x450, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, asshole.

If you were in front of me I would fucking kill you.

>> No.10384860

Nice feet!

>> No.10384864

Whoa man, calm down.

>> No.10384867

Yeah, some attention whore on a TV show. Wow, such a nerd LOL. I swear you people that like 3D women are so goddamn pathetic, you'll eat up whatever shit they throw at you.

>> No.10384868

I would love to cum on them.

>> No.10384869

Do you really think japanese society is the same shit of ours?

>> No.10384872

She is so messy. Take some respect for what you own, like

>> No.10384875

What does that have to do with anything? Do you think women in Japan are incapable of being stupid attention whores? Do you think there is not a "cool" otaku fad? Get fucked, idiot.

>> No.10384876
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hey what the fuck is your problem, bitch?

how can I? just look at this shit: >>10384850, >>10384867

>> No.10384877

Do you blame him though? Bullying as at all time high lately. I think he and others are sick of it.

>> No.10384878

>what the fuck is your problem


>> No.10384885

If you let the bullies get your goat then they win.

>> No.10384886

how do you want to deal with this problem, faggot?

>> No.10384889

Why is everyone so fucking frustrated in this thread?

Or are they just pretending to be and behind your computer's you're all having a giggle?

>> No.10384893

if I let them do what they want, they'll just continue. this ends now.

>> No.10384897

Giggling is the best medicine, but this is actually all very serious.

>> No.10384898

how do you want to deal with this problem, faggot?

>> No.10384899

Yes, we do have to take it easy, but those darn bullies are such bullies.

>> No.10384902

I can't even tell what people are arguing about anymore.

>> No.10384905

Trying to bully the bullies will just make them bully you more.

>> No.10384912

The "no bullying" meme is really the worst.

>> No.10384919

How many of you lurk that 2ch board full of fatties without boyfriend?
There must be a lot of nerd girls there.

>> No.10384921

this post is bullying

>> No.10384924


>> No.10384930

Yeah, okay. Have fun making /jp/ even worse by making shitposters feel at home because there is a chorus of "NO BULLY PLS" whenever someone calls them out for doing anything out of line.

>> No.10384937

i look forward to the day when we no longer have to fear bullies on /jp/

>> No.10384938

Stop, please. I'm feeling really uncomfortable right now. Please, stop bullying us.

>> No.10384943

Suck my cock, nerds.

>> No.10384950

This post was rated B for Bully by the JPCBTF.

>> No.10384973

Tim Rogers moved though...he lived in Japan for 10 years. He wrote that article after he moved back. He worked for Grasshopper studios. Don't shitfling when you're dumber than the OP.

>> No.10385014

I don't even have to click the link to know that this is a Brian Shitcraft article who got it from jin115.

>> No.10385029

If you think that women can be nerds or like the thing that men do then you're a fucking idiot

>> No.10385040

This. Women cannot be nerds.

>> No.10385047

There are a lot of otaku stuff made for women.

>> No.10385053

And only men buy them

>> No.10385055

And? Women can buy "nerd" things but they are not nerds.

>> No.10385060

sageru all you want

>> No.10385064


>ive never been with a girl before and can't get a gf, so i turned gay and want to be fucked in the ass with your dick

>> No.10385071

Why are you quoting my autobiography?

>> No.10385073

Normalscum please go.

>> No.10385084


I think gay sex wouldn't be that bad.
I think sucking a thick penis would be nice.

Does that make me gay? No.

>> No.10385090



>> No.10385095

this isn't funny

>> No.10385106

Girls with "nerdy" hobbies are the worst. They are immature and selfish as a result of female hormones + autism. It's best to find a girl who likes normal things like taking shitty photos and posting them on her tumblr.

>> No.10385110


You're not funny, homosexual.

>> No.10385114

You're right, fujoshi don't exist.

>> No.10385116

It's better to just not bother with females. They are disgusting creatures.

>> No.10385120
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virgins should be banned from /jp/

>> No.10385123
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>> No.10385135

see >>10385073

>> No.10385143

I think you should go. I don't see how somebody who hasn't even had sex can have opinions on anything. You're incomplete and not an adult. Buzz off.

>> No.10385168

>You're incomplete

Typical normalscum though, that a male is not a complete person without a female. I hope one day you'll realize how much a mangina you really are. It doesn't matter that you've fucked a girl, because you've allowed the reactions of a female to determine your identity.

>> No.10385215

Not really. I just have experience outside the realm of imageboards and video games. You, on the other hand, are a very small and unintelligent person who assumes that he must be a genius simply because he's anti-social.

>> No.10385253

Yes really. If a person is "incomplete" without fucking a woman, then that means that you view yourself as a complete person only because a woman decided to let you fuck her. Pretty pathetic IMO.

>> No.10385300

>you've allowed the reactions of a female to determine your identity.

What if you raped one though?

>> No.10385329

It's still a worldview that is fundamentally the same, that a male is not a complete person without the female. That a male is dependent upon a female for the confirmation of his identity. "Normal" views about manhood are misandrist.

>> No.10385477

Not as pathetic as being a virgin :D

>> No.10385481

dubs confirm it :-DDDD

>> No.10385494

Only girls are virgins, silly. But it's not pathetic to be a virgin, it's virtuous. "The Virgin Mary" is honored for her purity: her title isn't an insult.

>> No.10385498

I dreamed about my ex-girlfriend last night... I feel like shit now...

>> No.10385500
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>> No.10385539

she wasn't real you idiot -.-

>> No.10385610
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>> No.10385647

You're just jelly she was more pure than your slutty anime characters.

>> No.10385766

QWEWEWE flamingo

>> No.10385774 [DELETED] 

10/10 LE EPIC /v/ THREAD

upvoted +1

>> No.10385794

... Did you just steal my fucking tag???//

>> No.10385794,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is it.

/jp/ is dead.

>> No.10385794,2 [INTERNAL] 

If /jp/ is dead why are you still here?

>> No.10385794,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10385794,4 [INTERNAL] 

Foi você quem matou, bostaposter.

>> No.10385794,5 [INTERNAL] 

je ne parle pas la pizza

>> No.10385794,6 [INTERNAL] 

a sua mãe aakela puta

>> No.10385794,7 [INTERNAL] 

Cómeme la polla, hijo de puta. Me tenéis todos hasta los cojones, habéis destrozado la comunidad.
