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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 10 KB, 300x300, someone_make_this_cuter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10380279 No.10380279 [Reply] [Original]

We are making a simfile pack for StepMania.

ITT list songs you would like to see in the pack. Songs should be related to /jp/ or /jp/-related media in some way.
Later I will set up a poll where people can vote for songs to be included (if necessary).

If you are a simfile or artwork creator, please say so. Use a tripcode if you are comfortable, and state your preferred method of contact.

Most collaboration will probably take place on this wiki:

Also feel free to bicker about what type of pack it should be, and how difficult.

>> No.10380306

Do you guys have BeForU songs in a stepmania pack? I've been looking for a while but I can't seem to find even a few.

>> No.10380318

I'd say a pad pack, but I don't think many people here have the means to play that way.

>> No.10380324

Could be pad up to a certain difficulty then keyboard?

I'm going to assume a /jp/ pack would get people who haven't played StepMania before to play it, and even with a keyboard, pad packs are a good way to start.

>> No.10380324,1 [INTERNAL] 

How long do you give this project, /ghost/?

I say a week.

>> No.10380355

I would love some nice touhou songs for pad to play on my phone.

The original songs would be wonderful, but can I request some songs by Yuuhei Satellite? They are my favorite circle. I generally enjoy Electro arrangements.

Of course, the pack isn't being made solely for me. I don't care if my request gets shot down, but if there are more people who request it, please consider it.

>> No.10380366

Can it have a few pumpitup related songs.

I don't really play ddr anymore.

>> No.10380385

Yeah, pad + keyboard charts would be ideal. In which difficulty slot would keyboard charts be placed, that I don't know.

>> No.10380434

Pad: Light / Standard
Keyboard: Heavy / Challenge

>> No.10380437

Go do something productive somewhere else normie

>> No.10380445

Sure. If I actually do something, I might include PIU packs. Although that might be a bit unlikely since I'm a lazy retard.

>> No.10380481

This is not something productive, sperglord.

>> No.10380486

Things that should probably be stepped >>10371370

Now we should discuss about VN and Touhou music.

>> No.10380497

As it was said in that thread, we should probably avoid songs that already have simfiles.

In fact if we could get spootybiscuit involved, that would be nice.

>> No.10380505

Bad Apple!! has already been stepped about fifty times, but we should do Bad Apple!! [Cristina Vee English Version].

Also parityjam.mp3.

>> No.10380522

A lot of people hate the Cristina Vee version. I really like it, but people seem to get pissy when others like what they don't like.

>> No.10380519

If anything Spooty should review charts and give advice of how they can be improved. After all the creations should come from the /jp/ community, not just him.

>> No.10380532

I am awfully curious on how this will result.
How many /jp/ers actually have experience simfiling? Especially for those that want pad files.

Well, I've had experience with seeing how people enjoy simfiles just for the songs and not how technically well they're done anyways so it might not even matter.

>> No.10380534

True. I'm not saying bring in outsiders and ask them to do /jp/ songs, but he did mention he comes here (just not often) and he likes our sort of music.

It's okay, we'd be doing it ironically.

>> No.10380548

Feel free to ask him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

>> No.10380552

Lots of Touhou ones that have videos that haven't already been done.

I particularly would like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCeWrnviawQ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fInicHQ4LP8..

Oh yeah and the Sanae Hisoutensoku one!

>> No.10380569

It goes without saying that the pack needs at least one U.N. Owen song.

I'm thinking of COOL&CREATE's a cappella version. In fact I wouldn't mind stepping that one. At least a pad file.

>> No.10380573

I'm going to nominate EastNewSound's 1st Anniversary Remix. Playing StepMania to that song sounds fun.

>> No.10380597

This is a nice idea.

I'm a simfile creator and I'd be willing to work on denpa songs for the pack.

I don't know how good /jp/ is at Stepmania but I'd vote for a keyboard pack.

>> No.10380619

Kobaryu - VIP STAR(Tenchu Remix)

>> No.10380620

Denpa stuff will obviously be included. It's part of /jp/, so worry not.

>> No.10380623

Also voting keyboard.

>> No.10380627

this, please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J508FnJowIo

I tried making a simfile for it ages ago, but failed due to lack of experience

>> No.10380637

also for keyboard

>> No.10380644


>> No.10380645

A few requests for keyboard:


>> No.10380648

I mean pad.

>> No.10380653 [DELETED] 

Sanay a slot ecks dee


Don't know if it's been stepped already.

Also this


Same as previous one.

>> No.10380661


>> No.10380662

Sanay a slot ecks dee


Don't know if it's been stepped already.

Also this


Same as previous one.

>> No.10380664

Anything by Shibayan would be cool.

>> No.10380671

>Dieses Video ist in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, weil es möglicherweise Musik enthält, für die die erforderlichen Musikrechte von der GEMA nicht eingeräumt wurden.

Oh come on now, you gotta be shitting me.

>> No.10380677

Toromi is a goddess

>> No.10380675

Search for Romantic Sanae Love

>> No.10380684

That's weird, it's just a doujin track, why would they block that

>> No.10380691

This one I would even be willing to step a keyboard chart for. There's even some suggested pattern in the video itself.
Although I don't know if I can get off my lazy ass and finish a simfile after all these years.

>> No.10380714

The icing on the cake is that's not even something that was illegally uploaded like 99% of doujin tracks are, that's their own official PV.

>> No.10380724

Remember not to just request stuff you like merely because it's doujin music. It has to be things /jp/ identifies with, or stuff that could pretty much only be enjoyed ironically, like what >>10380662 suggested.


Do your best.

>> No.10380729

>Romantic Sanae Love
>Tewi-ma park
>stuff that could pretty much only be enjoyed ironically

Go fuck yourself, trash.

>> No.10380733

Many people here like it, because you don't doesn't mean people are enjoying it "ironically".

>> No.10380735


>> No.10380744

lmfao ru a sissy fruitcake or wat dat shits girl music u kno

>> No.10380755

I'm completely certain that you are misquoting. The alternative; that your reading comprehension is that terrible, is just absolutely unthinkable.

>> No.10380769

Eat shit, faget.

>> No.10380772

What? He said those songs could only be enjoyed ironically and I said many people here actually enjoy them.

>> No.10380782

You must be pretty homosexual to like that unironically d00d.

>> No.10380785

Please check who you are quoting, again. The post you quoted (mine) was in absolute agreement with you.

Please don't tell me your reading comprehension really is that fucking awful. I wish to retain a small shred of faith in /jp/.

>> No.10380793

Fuck man you're right, >>10380733 was meant to quote >>10380724, sorry.

>> No.10380800

Are you OP? Because what he requested is denpa, especially Romantic Sanae Love, and you said denpa is a must so I don't know what you're talking about. If you don't want to include it that's fine though.

>> No.10380820

What that anon probably meant is silly sounding stuff, something IOSYS seems to enjoy doing fairly often. Some people like that stuff in an ironic way, believe it or not.

Whether you like it ironically or not, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.10380821

He isn't. I'm listing everything down, though I was actually about to ask for some more denpa recommendations.

It will come down to voting and what simfile creators actually want to step, but it would be nice to have a variety. This is a /jp/ pack, not just a Touhou pack.

>> No.10380830


>> No.10380841
File: 210 KB, 720x900, 1290357771128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, can requesters upload at least a V0 quality of the songs they want? I guess I could find a copy myself but that takes effort.
I don't like effort.

>> No.10380847

I think the songlist should be decided first.

But yeah, requesters should do that as courtesy.

>> No.10380864

We'll solve that problem when we narrow down our song choices. Most of the songs listed so far are readily available. We can have a general rule of thumb like "highest quality MP3 you can find (preferably V0 or higher)".

Perhaps we can get the /jp/ radio folk to help us.

>> No.10380859 [DELETED] 

People doing things on /jp/ makes me feel uncomfortable. I will try my hardest to derail this project in any way I can.

>> No.10380860

I can make simfiles, but I can't cut the motherfucking songs.

>> No.10380884

Yeah, I was just quoting that guy, the one that wanted Tewi-ma Park though, because I was going to start on it before my will wanes down.
Don't really care if it gets in the pack or not though.

>> No.10380891

I'm not good at artwork but I used to make a lot of stepcharts years ago, and I can also cut songs, so I'd like to help with whatever I can. I don't mind the contact method, IRC, wiki or anything so count me in.

>> No.10382570

Got linked from the other thread. These are just placeholders, since they're awful.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1eEFWU-Y6c might be cool to step

>> No.10382615

Seconding Satori Maiden arranges.

>> No.10382722

Aha, I was about to ask:
What should we name the project? "/jp/ StepMania Simfile Pack"? "/jp/ Community Simfile Pack"?

This looks good but it doesn't look very /jp/. We shouldn't go for meme density or anything like that, but I think the logo/banner should stand out as something from this board.

If anyone else wants to work on a name and banner, feel free to go ahead now. We need a 418x164 PNG for the in-game banner, and ideally a couple of squarer versions for thread images (at least 250x250) and the wiki (about 128x128).

>> No.10382748


>> No.10382781

Bear in mind that although people will probably play the simfiles in a regular Stepmania theme, those who have OpenITG or have an ITG theme will not be able to see the top left of banners properly.

Watch the first seconds of this video so you can know what I'm talking about.


>> No.10382811
File: 4 KB, 418x164, BN-Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make my graphics with that in mind, using the attached image as a layer on top of my work. Those images should be fine for ITG themes, although my placing might need to be shifted a little bit on the BN.

>> No.10382891


Oh, that's excellent. Also thanks for sharing that.

>> No.10382910

Very useful template, never thought of something like this. Thanks.

>> No.10382976


This one too, onegai.


>> No.10383068

Noob question, but how do I place the banner inside that template?

>> No.10383074

It's a transparent PNG. Just paste it in a layer above your banner.

>> No.10383358
File: 6 KB, 640x480, BG-Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. I didn't attach the other template, so now you have that, too.

What >>10383074 said. If using Photoshop, you'll want just an image (Rectangular marquee tool -> Style Fixed Sized -> enter dimensions -> Image -> crop) as the Background layer. Then you go to File -> Place, and use the template you wish. I don't use Gimp, so I don't know how it works there (for instance, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have layers), but the logic should still be the same.

>> No.10383371

>pad up to a certain difficulty then keyboard

So pad on the beginner difficulties and keyboard on the ones people actually play? Just do a keyboard pack and leave the pretense of catering to pad users out. Seriously.

>> No.10383372

gimp has layering

but gimp is a pile of shit

>> No.10383384

People actually play pad files. I don't see a problem here.

>> No.10383422

Thanks for that other template and for the explanation.

>> No.10383459

・-・・ --- ・・・- ・
pls /jp/

>> No.10383475

Hey guys.

Some years ago i made a stepfile for this song :

Could this be considered /jp/ related? It's a pretty good file.

If not i might just start on Old Yuanxian.

>> No.10383544

the Alice Final Step songpack has quite a bit of 2hu and animu songs that are within the 8-13 difficulty range.

>> No.10383551

/jp/ pack for pad might be interesting. Around 8 - 9 difficulty. Some songs from KOTOKO would be welcome.

>> No.10383556

I think it should count. It is from a Japanese video game after all.

>> No.10383596



Here, try it out. If people like it, i can add a background/banner and whatnot. Oh, keyboard only.

>> No.10383621
File: 26 KB, 337x155, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.10383714


I didn't make any settings or difficulties, just the arrows. I wasn't planning on sharing it when i made it.

>> No.10383750
File: 16 KB, 217x150, play-skip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played Stepmania like two times, so I cant help there

But maybe a /jp/ osu! pack? I've done quite a bit of skinning, and the songs are either already made, or would be easy to map anyway.

>> No.10383804

That sounds like a good idea. And osu! has a lot of Touhou and Miku songs anyway.

>> No.10383808


Maybe i'm just not used to it, but beatmapping is so much harder than stepping..

>> No.10383822

You have practically free reign in where to put the notes. Stepping limits you to 4 "tunes"/"levels" unless you're stepping solo. So I think it's easier.

>> No.10383881

Are you guys really capable of playing Stepmania? I thought you were all 300 pounds immobile NEETs.

>> No.10383906

> implying anyone owns a pad

>> No.10384278

I would if Cobalt Flux hadn't died. The others just look too flimsy.

>> No.10384300

People actually play pad files on Heavy/Challenge. Still don't see a problem?

That's /a/, we're 120 pounds NEETs.

>> No.10384558

I used to play a lot of DDR back in the times of DDR MAX and DDR Extreme. And I started with 5th mix actually.

I only play IIDX, Taiko, pop'n'music and Stepmania now. I can't stand osu! though, and its Taiko and IIDX modes are a pile of shit.

>> No.10384569

Back in the days I could play shit like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b1n9-QhC6A

>> No.10384586

My first DDR game was DDR Max but before that I've always seen it in arcades and was curious. One day I just bought it and a dance pad and I loved it ever since I played all of the ps2 releases. A long while back somewhere along there I got into playing Stepmania. You don't hear about it much anymore, I thought the community was dead.

>> No.10384617

PIU tried to compensate its easy judge with tiring as fuck patterns. I remember you could press a note like 100ms later and you'd still get a PERFECT, while in DDR you could get 5 consecutive misses and you'd fail immediately, and if you had too many GREATs you still wouldn't get an AA even if you had full combo. in PIU I could even have MISSes and I'd still get an S.

>> No.10384624

>while in DDR you could get 5 consecutive misses and you'd fail immediately

This used to bug me. I guess it's there to get kids to insert more coins, but I've come to see it as one of the strengths of the series. Like a good STG, you can only fuck up a little then you have to get your shit together fast.

>> No.10384630

Actually, DDr's health bar only drained super fast if you got the bar to full, and then start kicking your ass for fucking up. Also you cannot (or at least no longer) get misses and still qualify for "S" rank. I THINK you can get a few bads, but how often do you get bads in PIU?

>> No.10384651

You need to mess up hard and not really not what you're doing to get bads on PIU. What makes up for it is more complex patterns such as inversion and "fast-stepping". You don't need to turn your body for specific patterns in DDR, but in PIU, you need to sometimes, unless you're experienced enough to "slide" your foot to the other diagonal step.

>> No.10384660

> I guess it's there to get kids to insert more coins
I think there was a different in mentality in both games (and its fans). DDR had the "if you're going to play a chart, do it well" while PIU had the "just press the most arrows as fast as you can" gameplay. I don't think either is better than the other, but I preferred the DDR's one. That's why many DDR players are so obsessed with getting AAAs (all PERFECT) instead of playing fast charts.

>> No.10384666

>You don't need to turn your body for specific patterns in DDR
There were some patterns where you had to turn your body 90º degrees like ←, ↓, →, ↓, ←, or even 180º like ←, ↓, →, ←, →, ↓, ←.

Although I admit PIU can have more variety because of the extra button, but I remember that back in the day DDR used to have more diverse charts, rhythmically speaking. I think PIU has fixed that lately though.

>> No.10384694

I wish PIU had something like ITG's R21 system because I like the idea of working with 5 panels more than 4 due to more potential for variety, and I don't really upload or share my stepmania charts. Sometimes people (and I'm guilty of this too) will make 4 panel charts with double-stepping due to not wanting to make the chart stale due to it being rather difficult to switch it up without double-stepping. It's not too bad if the songs have a lot of variety, but once you do long streams, monotony occurs very quickly.

>> No.10384721

>I could even have MISSes and I'd still get an S.

But that's wrong.

Tough back in Fiesta EX there was a supah sekrit command called XJ that enabled more difficult to the machine.

>> No.10384724

I'm pretty sure I played a ~800 note chart in an Exceed machine, I don't remember the song but I got very few greats and like 10 misses and got an S.

>> No.10384735

It was probably an altered piu, that never happened since the first international piu appearead, and the exceed and exceed 2 where like the 5th and 6th int machine, maybe you are talking about BADs".

>> No.10384790

What about this denpa stuff?

Endless Heaven

Any stuff from MOSAIC.WAV, like this (probably has a stepchart already)
or this
You could make pretty hard stuff with those.

Mhm and probably this one from Burunyanman?

ave;new project, you have speed changes in this one

This one seems nice for a stepchart too.

Or something more metal-ish so it's not all moe

or this, although I can't imagine a stepchart...

>> No.10384800

As far as I know, getting an S in PIU is like fucking hell. The game wasn't made for people to get S anyway, but A. A is usually the goal of people. After reaching that they will practice a lot to make less and less misses/bads. For example, if you ever find someone that got an S on Bemera NM (Nightmare), please tell me, because I highly doubt it.

>> No.10384808

Yeah, that's what I mentioned in >>10384660. The point of PIU never was to master the chart. And yes, maybe it was a bug or something, but I clearly remember those being MISSes because people watching went like "What the fuck?".

Then how does it work? In DDR the condition for AA is full combo + 93% or more.

>> No.10384832

>Then how does it work?
Nobody knows how PIU's scoring system works. Nobody.

>In DDR the condition for AA is full combo + 93% or more.
Full combo has never been a condition. It was 93% from DDR Max to DDR Extreme, but it was moved up to 95% from SuperNova onwards.

>> No.10384844

It's basically:

SS = Perfect run
Golden S = Perfects and greats only
S = No misses

and the other ranks are based on the percentage.

>> No.10384853

You're right, I confused it with 5th mix and lower.
In 5th mix and lower it was full combo, and MAX and higher it was 93%.

>> No.10385054

I vote for the following:






>> No.10385063

Damn it.

Not >>10380620 but >>10380619

>> No.10385171

>The point of PIU never was to master the chart
I would say that this wasn't true until NX came out and gave birth to the behemoth known as "Bemera", a NM chart that still has yet to be FCd even over half a decade later, along with the ORIGINAL Another Nightmare of Final Audition 2-2, a chart so batshit insane that it was made significantly easier in NX2.

>> No.10385973

It's pretty fun, dude. I wasn't expecting anything at all out of /jp/, but I enjoyed this.

>> No.10386005

That hurts!

>> No.10386546 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 863x863, 1303191674221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disgaea 4
>Item World
>Level 64

God damn.

>> No.10386956

Keep the suggestions coming, guys.

Don't be afraid to post something obvious. Even a couple of anime/video game songs are fine as long as they don't dominate the pack.

As a side note, I'm putting artist/circle names in English/romaji and song titles in whatever language/format the video uses. If you could post an ARTIST - SONG line with your posts, that would be helpful.

>> No.10387119

>artist/circle names

This is something that bothers me to some extent. Sometimes the artist/arranger name is listed in the artist field in the file, sometimes the circle name.

Should we have a strict policy regarding this? Maybe it's just me who cares.

>> No.10387272

Listing everything that has been suggested so far.

Post from previous thread:

Theme of /jp/
/jp/ Themesong 2
/jp/;Internet Community
Yume Milk Hotel
Song of Isolation
Hitori Bocchi
Some ZUN!bar/KoG songs to keep the shitposters happy

Bad Apple!! Crisitna Vee Version
Parity Jam

Boku No Konote Kimi No Sonote - SOUND HOLIC

最終鬼畜全部声 - COOL&CREATE

緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 -1st Anniversary Remix- - EastNewSound

VIP STAR(Tenchu Remix) - Kobaryu

Usatei 2011 - COOL&CREATE

Fall in the Dark - ShibayanRecords
アモリタチテカミトミユ - Syrufit (guest track from Shibayan)
Lotus Love - SOUND HOLIC
花は幻想の果てに (Cryu バージョン) - EastNewSound

Dunno how to list this. Check video.

Romantic Sanae Love - IOSYS
Endless Tewi-Ma Park - IOSYS

Your Eyes (Uncle Mugen Vocal Version)

UNDERGROUND☆PETM@STER - Dangerous Mezashi Cat

Dew of Trauma - IOSYS

・-・・ --- ・・・- ・ - ShibayanRecords

The Second Truth from the Left - Hiroki Kikuta (Seiken Densetsu 2 OST)

and this >>10384790

Some of the songs' names are translated. Don't know if you will prefer to keep them like that or stick with romaji. Or maybe you're indifferent.

>> No.10387313

Neat. I've been keeping a list since the thread began, but I've probably made a few mistakes:

As long as people understand which song is which, we should be fine. We can fix any blunders when it comes to making the actual simfiles.

>> No.10387377

Forgot to include Mugen's song artist. It's Cook da Books.

>> No.10387456

I see no Graze Dat on the list.

>> No.10387471

>Dew of Trauma
>My Face When it's not Du Torouma

>> No.10387495

Gonna search them in Bancho for the /jp/ osu!pack.

Also I'm open for skin suggestions.

>> No.10387574


Where's O.M.E.N?

>> No.10387606

>mfw what the fuck is du?

also if you include this song it might force me to download it

>> No.10387635

Add whatever others missed.

>> No.10387710


Looks like we'll have to do guite a lot of mapping after all.

>> No.10387774


So you guys are making both Osu! and Stepmania files? I don't get it.

>> No.10387878

Requesting the flanfly song. Can't remember the name now.

>> No.10387903


>> No.10388403

This, can someone explain?

>> No.10389101

can you ensure you get the right version of COOL&CREATE - ウサテイ please? it's the 2011 one much better in my opinion, thanks

>> No.10391408

NX was the start of the shitty stepcharts from Andamiro, even though I enjoyed the adventure modes, most of the new songs were over the top as fuck, there wasn't a proper transition between Zero and NX, and because of that, NX2 was the same thing but with easier songs.

Though Vaccum Cleaner is now the most difficult song.

>> No.10391556

Should be noted that the a cappella version was suggested. And I agree with that one.

>> No.10391565

DJ Costo - Padrefa
DJ Anakardo - piopio
DJ Isma - Pokipii
Fortuny - West Side style
DJ Valera - Wardia Xivil
DJ Purito vs DJ Chirris - Smokin
DJ Mantell - Alcoholic remix

Please please please

>> No.10391652

This needs some VN music. Don't know what to suggest though.

>> No.10391716

I think it would be better to stick with Romaji since some themes use custom fonts that might not have all the symbols but I think StepMania automatically changes it to Romaji so I'm not sure.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frZvrgKNLec is my suggestion but I'm not sure if it's /jp/ related enough.

>> No.10391784

In the stepfile you add both the romanized and kana names so Stepmania decides for you what to show. #TITLE and #TITLETRANSLIT, #ARTIST and #ARTISTTRANSLIT etc. something like that I think.

>> No.10393516

Since we are talking step-mania.

Did any of you change the note skin so it wouldn't be arrows anymore?
I want to do that because it feels weird to use the arrows when I'm not using the arrow key.

>> No.10393540

Orbular has a decent following.

>> No.10395064
File: 49 KB, 692x800, getsumento heiki miina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to throw a bunch of weeb music I like down and hope you pick at least one of them. I feel like they are all relevant to VN discussion but not popular.

Tentacle Lord
Can you love Monster girls?
Fuck who knows
Shit quality MAD, but I'd still like it sir.

Can't find the full version for this with 720p or higher but here's a shit quality full version:
