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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10371512 No.10371512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And so he was named Autismo, for he was king of the autists.

>> No.10371531

>Voting (Republican)


>> No.10371531,1 [INTERNAL] 

You better pay his ransom, dude.

>> No.10371532

Something about this whole thing seems fishy.
Internet NEET detectives are on the case!

>> No.10371532,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.10371532,2 [INTERNAL] 

i'm gonna declare on your shitty cybernations and nuke it

>> No.10371532,3 [INTERNAL] 

I had to register for some AP Economics class in high school and picked Republican as a joke. I'm not dumb enough to actually vote for the Jew-owned establishment parties.

>> No.10371532,4 [INTERNAL] 

The burden of thinking and acting like a criminal without any of the possible benefits. Anonymous is legion.

>> No.10371532,5 [INTERNAL] 

FishHeadswg commented 3 months ago

Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?
jgsfgsby jgsfgs • 325,689 views


The anime is Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

>> No.10371532,6 [INTERNAL] 

I'm amazed it still exists 15 years later.

A bunch of those links aren't even me. Grooveshark, abbligiamento, insurgent, empflix, moto-world, etc. and I sure as fuck never downloaded that shitty Family Guy movie unless I did it ironically.

I'm not even sure where to begin responding to this e-mail.

>> No.10371532,7 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit

>> No.10371532,8 [INTERNAL] 

If a bunch of them aren't you, does that mean that most of them are?

I should piss this guy off, maybe he'll find all my old forum accounts that I've forgotten about.

>> No.10371532,9 [INTERNAL] 

Poor Fishy. That's lots of links.

>> No.10371532,10 [INTERNAL] 

Tell me when you find me a way to buy him a pizza and then we'll talk.

>> No.10371532,11 [INTERNAL] 

Can I sign you up for some gay porno, dudebro?

>> No.10371532,12 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, that's my decade-old abandoned Adult Swim account along with the various slickdeal and other forum posts as well as troubleshooting problems and my coveted CyberNations account. I also played vanilla WoW, use github, W7, ubuntu, Opera, and Firefox, have ironically watched anime, purchased a glorious Corean monitor on ebay, watch Red Eye and Mad Men, and was a SWG JTL beta tester.

If I knew you guys were this interested in me you could've just asked. It's not like I haven't posted my street address on /jp/ along with my e-mail addresses and tons of other personal information in my various desktop screenshots of /jp/ bans. I just wish I knew an elite hacker was hiding in our midst, just waiting for me to slip up and strike.

>> No.10371532,13 [INTERNAL] 

Go for it, I think one of those links is a gay porn site someone signed me up for before.

It definitely wasn't me. Probably.

Please don't come after me, Gay Slayers. I'm on your side.

>> No.10371532,14 [INTERNAL] 

Can you post your street address again?

>> No.10371532,15 [INTERNAL] 

>FishHeadswg commented 3 months ago

>Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?

Boy, did he call that one.


>> No.10371532,16 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not living alone right now so no.

I'll be sure to update /jp/ when I find a new place so you all can come over and cover my floor in shit and piss.

>> No.10371532,17 [INTERNAL] 

The real Trevor would've posted his address.

You have been exposed, fraud.

>> No.10371532,18 [INTERNAL] 

You know what?

Fuck you.

>> No.10371532,19 [INTERNAL] 

He lives in Colorado with his brother and shitty step-mom now dude.

>> No.10371532,20 [INTERNAL] 

This scares me because a certain somebody has been recreating threads I've made after being deleted and it's starting to freak me out, as if they know it's me posting. Maybe it's coincidental but it doesn't seem like it help me please

>> No.10371532,21 [INTERNAL] 

I'll help you. Give us more information about the situation, friend.

>> No.10371532,22 [INTERNAL] 

Someone guessed my real name once and it freaked me out. I wouldn't worry too much about these things. Anonymity makes you a little paranoid but if you take a step back and think about it, so what.

>> No.10371532,23 [INTERNAL] 

Burn your HDD and disconnect your internet before he finds your CyberNations account.

Do it for your loyal citizens. You don't want them to get nuked, do you?

>> No.10371532,24 [INTERNAL] 

He's just looking out for the welfare of the people he lives with.

If I lived in his city I would seriously consider mixing up some household chemicals and leaving them in his mailbox.

>> No.10371532,25 [INTERNAL] 

People willingly post themselves doing illegal activities on Facebook with their full name all the time.

These days it's so easy to find information and there's so much of it that nobody even bothers to do anything with it anymore. Aside from our evil Jewish overlords, of course.

>> No.10371532,26 [INTERNAL] 

Can you copy and paste those links here? I can't be bothered writing all the interesting looking ones out.

>> No.10371532,27 [INTERNAL] 

I like you.

>> No.10371532,28 [INTERNAL] 

People still have mailboxes?

What is this,1997?

>> No.10371532,29 [INTERNAL] 

It's strange though, because if you look at the early days of the internet (Usenet and all that) everyone posted with their real names. The big difference is that it didn't matter. People posted transactional/interesting shit about computer science or whatever. Then the internet became pseudonymous and a little anonymous, now it's super personal. I wouldn't give a shit if Trevor Richardson was listening to music in 2013, 2003, or 1993. But now the internet has had this stupid effect where people think that sort of information matters, either because you are the most important person and everyone needs to know what you're doing always, or because if you get xXxTrevorxXx's real name you win the internet.
It's so dumb.

>> No.10371532,30 [INTERNAL] 

You say that now, but just wait until somebody finds your CyberNations account and completely ruins your day.

>> No.10371532,31 [INTERNAL] 

Were any of you around when I posted an article about how some British girls blew up a house and killed this Indian dude over some retarded high school relationship drama?

Even though I said that, I don't think I'd ever actually do anything besides think about it. Even if the point would just be to harass him a little with something mildly irritating, engaging in actual chemical terrorism over something as retarded as /jp/ would hardly be appropriate.

That's why one should always resort to time-honored, much more acceptable traditions, like throwing eggs at a house.

>> No.10371532,32 [INTERNAL] 

who gives a fuck

>> No.10371532,33 [INTERNAL] 

"i give a fuck" - u

>> No.10371532,34 [INTERNAL] 

How do you not give a fuck?

It's happening.

This is what Ron Paul was warning us about.

>> No.10371532,35 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Trevor do you go /pol/ too? Fun as heck to post threads from there on here.

>> No.10371532,36 [INTERNAL] 

Understood. Sorry.

This one's my personal favorite:

"I've been in and out of the ER recently because I keep feeling like I'm having a heart attack, but they keep telling me it's anxiety attacks since my results come back normal and I'm pretty young (23). It only started a few months ago and gradually went away, but it recently decided to come back to haunt me.

Right now I'm feeling pressure all around - head, neck, arms, feet and I constantly have to get up and basically walk it off. I've been suffering from insomnia because my heart races when I try to sleep and I end up leaving the TV on all night to try to distract myself. My chest also feels tight and the area is tender, but the doctors said my BP and heartbeat are normal. I've also noticed yellowish patches on my back, but I'm not sure that's even related.

Can anyone confirm that this is typical of anxiety and that I'm not going to die of a heart attack/stroke like I think I am? "



http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=660313&page=3 (Genmay links are nothing new)

yahoo 360


http://www.youtube.com/user/FishHeadswg Youtube
http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/remark,16852904 Dsl reports
http://myanimelist.net/profile/FishHeadswg Anime
https://github.com/FishHeadswg Github
http://s13.beta.photobucket.com/user/fishheadswg/profile Photobucket

>> No.10371532,37 [INTERNAL] 

http://my.opera.com/FishHeadswg/about/ Opera
http://www.overclock.net/g/u/295991/FishHeadswg/?sort=album_name Overclock
http://adultswim.lithium.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/250229 Adult Swim
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/members/69598/ Poker?
http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/FishHeadswg/interests Stumble
http://adultswim.lithium.com/t5/Other-Anime/Top10-Greatest-Anime/m-p/27026057#M1414751 Adult swim

http://forums.logitech.com/t5/user/v1/viewprofilepage/user-id/185316 logitech mouse
http://gzovgti.photocouncil.com/photos/FishHeadswg/2251/ art
http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,16823584 upgrade
http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1770929 ubuntu
http://www.43things.com/person/FishHeadswg demonoid
http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=58699 pci problem

http://community.boredofstudies.org/member.php?u=143254 study
http://slickdeals.net/f/5631990-ECS-PGTX680AX-2GR5-WF-V1-0-GeForce-GTX-680-2GB-Video-Card-405AR-Newegg slick
http://slickdeals.net/forums/archive/index.php/.../t-5584210.html deal
http://slickdeals.net/f/5723974-Monster-Daytona-240GB-SSD-ASYNC-7mm-120-Newegg?page=2 deals

http://slickdeals.net/f/5502338-Pre-Black-Friday-Sale-ASUS-Eee-Box-Top-GTX680-Intel-120GB-SSD-Corsair-16GB deals
http://slickdeals.net/f/5747616-GTX-670-PNY-VCGGTX670XPB-2-free-games-filler-261AR-AC-newegg deals
http://slickdeals.net/f/5771064-Sandisk-128G-SSD-MacMall-84-99-Free-ship deals
http://slickdeals.net/f/5584102-Kingston-240GB-HyperX-3K-SSD-144-99-FS-Staples deals
http://profit.bispower.com/video/4txguuFas3M/Red-Eye-Recorded-Nov-2-2012-FNCHDCF.html red eye rage

>> No.10371532,38 [INTERNAL] 

http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=29687164 steam
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=482001 steam
http://grooveshark.com/#!/fishheadswg grooveshark
http://myanimelist.net/mangalist/FishHeadswg manga
http://slickdeals.net/f/5653994-Intel-80GB-SSD-X25M-G2-39-99-AR-tigerdirect-com?page=3 slick
http://slickdeals.net/newsearch.php?searchuserid=452575&showposts=1 SLICK POSTS
http://www.overclock.net/forums/posts/by_user/id/295991 overclock
http://forums.logitech.com/t5/G-Series-Gaming-Keyboards/G15-has-no-64-bit-support/td-p/453653 logi
http://adultswim.lithium.com/t5/General-Comedy-Discussion/My-one-complaint-about-Shin-Chan/m-p/28784426 Censor

http://eztv.it/forum/28833/the-daily-show-2012-12-11-hdtv-x264-lmao/ redeye

http://forums.anandtech.com/archive/index.php/t-58699.html pci
http://windows7forums.com/windows-7-support/44345-internet-constantly-timing-out-ever-since-w7-upgrade.html windows 7
http://www.overclock.net/t/1225919/yamakasi-catleap-monitor-club/7610 overclock
http://www.abbigliamento-bologna.it/v/3EjEPbKgsPc/red_eye_recorded_dec_18_2012_fnchdcf.html redeye?

http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=29401145 steam
http://hardforum.com/archive/index.php/t-1139183.html WoW
http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=613760 middle mouse
http://z12.invisionfree.com/Insurgent_Guild/index.php?showuser=1 wow guild, insurgent
http://archive.forum.americasarmy.com/viewtopic.php?t=146646 americas army
http://www.overclock.net/t/1225919/yamakasi-catleap-monitor-club/6240 overclock

>> No.10371532,39 [INTERNAL] 

http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=310816 bookmarks
http://windows7forums.com/members/fishheadswg.html win 7
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=fishheadswg&ftab=AllFeedback ebay

http://myworld.ebay.com/fishheadswg ebay

http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/why-does-nothing-happen-when-i-try-to-get-windows7/05811088-2fb2-414d-ada1-54f18d7d70e1?tab=AllReplies dvd tool

http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,18048666 connection
http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r27072337-Best-modem-for-CL- modem
http://forums.ebay.com/db1/topic/Returns/Recieved-A-Broken/5200099327?messageID=5201376738 monitor problems
https://github.com/MayhemYDG/4chan-x/issues/842 git
http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r27049622-10mbps-connection-only-reaching-5mbps speed
http://www.overclock.net/t/1225919/yamakasi-catleap-monitor-club/7340 edited for language
http://eztv.it/forum/25429/mad-men-s05e06-hdtv-x264-compulsion/ madmen

http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=71197 cyber nations


>> No.10371532,40 [INTERNAL] 

http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=160621 launch chat
http://www.empflix.com/uprofile.php?UID=392607 Trevor's porn
https://piratebay.me.uk/torrent/3399753/Fable__The_Lost_Chapters_for_PC pirate bay downloaded this
http://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showuser=300132 e-hentai
http://beta.xfire.com/profile/fishheadswg xfire

http://www.sk-gaming.com/member/FishHeadswg SK GAMING
http://scripts.ign.com/clinkscontent/users/userList/1/users/pg423.html ign account on list
http://www.bleachanime.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3064&s=b2015d4b1bc7254a4d56eb3d82290c0b& Bleach forum
http://www.bleachanime.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-3064.html Bleach forum WG

http://www.mylife.com/c-146083169031 IN
http://fl-voters.findthedata.org/l/1755308/Trevor-Ashton-Richardson Voting (Republican)
http://img.photojerk.com/FishHeadswg <<<

PSN FishHeadswg


http://www.swgemu.com/archive/scrapbookv51/data/20070130133611/index.html Jump to light speed beta tester

Trevor Ashton Richardson was born in 1988. Trevor currently lives in Granby, Colorado. Before that, Trevor lived in Coconut Creek, FL Before that, Trevor lived in Tallahassee, FL in 2012.

>> No.10371532,41 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, dude.

>> No.10371532,42 [INTERNAL] 


The following 2 users give hugs of support to: FishHeadswg
bprapcyc (04-19-2011), Juice12222 (04-19-2011)

lol pussy

>> No.10371532,43 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't fishheadswg some guy on /mu/?

>> No.10371532,44 [INTERNAL] 

This was incredibly easy to do once I found your primary, or at least one of your primary, user names "fishheadswg". A quick google search, and 30 pages later provided these results. Over the course of say.. an hour and 30 minutes I screenshotted and pasted the urls.

At your request to step it up, of course.

I didn't do any in-depth investigation aside from link gathering, as that would take way too much time for something of minimal importance. I wasn't trying to be your buddy with the email, merely trying to understand you better to see if I was going to become the "bad guy" by releasing any of these links.

Since you have rebuffed my approach for understanding..

I'm fully aware that almost all of these links aren't exactly life-damning, but I figured I would give you a chance.

I just hope /jp/ doesn't give you another anxiety attack.

At least I tried to diffuse the situation.

>> No.10371532,45 [INTERNAL] 

It's not like /jp/ is going to order pizzas to his house or anything.
I might add him on PSN though.

On second thought, I won't. He'd just bully me.

>> No.10371532,46 [INTERNAL] 

>It's not like /jp/ is going to order pizzas to his house or anything.

Extending this to real life (or even outside of 4chan) was never my intention anyhow.

>> No.10371532,47 [INTERNAL] 

I tried this out on myself and google couldn't pick up anyting the first few searches.

Then I tried the same search terms again and it pulled up archives of fourms I posted in.


>> No.10371532,48 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,49 [INTERNAL] 


And my posting style looks way better than it does now. Being on 4chan really did a number on me.

>> No.10371532,50 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you guys bullying some poor /jp/er suffering from panic attacks?

I thought we were all friends on warosu.

Maybe I do belong on foolz, after all.

>> No.10371532,51 [INTERNAL] 


Neat site, it actually works.


>> No.10371532,52 [INTERNAL] 

A livejournal? This is why you shouldn't use the same username for long periods of time.

>> No.10371532,53 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor Henstington?

>> No.10371532,54 [INTERNAL] 

>It's so dumb.
>People posted transactional/interesting shit about computer science or whatever.
Of course. People have always used their real names while conducting decent business.

>Then the internet became pseudonymous and a little anonymous
Yes, around irrelevant or unflattering activities.

>But now the internet has had this stupid effect where people think that sort of information matters
There is no Internet. The Internet is not a thing, it has nothing to do with culture. Computer networks are computer networks and information is information. The Internet is a tool.

>People willingly post themselves doing illegal activities on Facebook with their full name all the time.
Yes, and it's insanely stupid.

You guys write as if you don't understand how fundamentally relevant logistical limitations are in just about everything. Ones and zeroes are eternal and practically free of physical limitations. This will not change. Do you know what can be done now, and more importantly, what can be done in the future?

This is why I'm so scared of people who eagerly follow fashion without being able to explain it. They think that public and private are the same thing.

inb4 Pooder rushes in to explain why NP complexity ensures that there's no problem - I'd like to remind him that a Russian hermit solved one of the Millenium Prize Problems in his chamber for shits and giggles a couple of years ago

>> No.10371532,55 [INTERNAL] 

>I just hope /jp/ doesn't give you another anxiety attack.
>At least I tried to diffuse the situation.

>Extending this to real life (or even outside of 4chan) was never my intention anyhow.

Why do you even bother to type this? You're insulting our intelligence.

>> No.10371532,56 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop. My heart can't take another anxiety attack. Onegai.

I was having panic attacks because the meds that the hospital gave me when I was sick nearly killed me and was giving me heart palpitations. I'd like to see you stay awake for 2 weeks straight while your arms and legs are swollen and your heart is constantly racing and still be thinking clearly.

Also, if you can't tell I made that livejournal (in 2005) ironically you're dumber than I thought. :tard:

>> No.10371532,57 [INTERNAL] 


Judging by your post, I'm going to have to assume that there is no intelligence.

>> No.10371532,58 [INTERNAL] 

I read that as "ur mama is ugly".

>> No.10371532,59 [INTERNAL] 


It seems you're mad.

>> No.10371532,60 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, if you can't tell I made that livejournal (in 2005) ironically you're dumber than I thought. :tard:

I never assigned any classification to it. I merely listed it.

>I was having panic attacks because the meds that the hospital gave me when I was sick nearly killed me and was giving me heart palpitations.

Sorry to hear that. If the medication nearly killed you, did you ever consider legal action for malpractice?

>> No.10371532,61 [INTERNAL] 

>At least I tried to diffuse the situation.

So, he's trying to diffuse a situation that he started and continues to propagate? Makes sense.

>> No.10371532,62 [INTERNAL] 

I'm furious. He's digging up all my old forum accounts. Now people know that I'm some sick fuck who has a medical history and occasionally plays video games.

Just imagine if you guys found out I browse /jp/. That would be embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.10371532,63 [INTERNAL] 

Everything essential was said in >>10371532,4

>> No.10371532,64 [INTERNAL] 


Propagating at his request. Nothing else would've happened if he actually tried to respond to my email civilly. I don't take any personal pleasure from this.

It's a chore.

>> No.10371532,65 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10371532,66 [INTERNAL] 

You try suing a pharmaceutical for experiencing listed side effects. See what happens.

>> No.10371532,67 [INTERNAL] 

You also watch boring porn.

>> No.10371532,68 [INTERNAL] 


Side effects that nearly killed you? It has worked before.

Of course, that all depends on if it literally almost killed you.

>> No.10371532,69 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Trev, don't leave /jp/ because of this because I enjoy reading your posts.

>> No.10371532,70 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't take any personal pleasure from this. It's a chore.

This is going to sound stupid, but..... why are you doing it, then?

It seems to me like you're making a veiled threat to him in the e-mail, too. I don't see what else it could've been.

>> No.10371532,71 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't take any personal pleasure from this.

>feelio when I'm supposed to believe this niggaturd

>> No.10371532,72 [INTERNAL] 

Where are you getting that from? The gay porn site in the links?

See: >>10371532,13

>> No.10371532,73 [INTERNAL] 

>This is going to sound stupid, but..... why are you doing it, then?

A combination of free time, and his recent attitude.

>It seems to me like you're making a veiled threat to him in the e-mail, too. I don't see what else it could've been.

Now I tried really hard to make it clear in the email that I wasn't trying to threaten or extort him, I'm not that much of an asshole. I just wanted to talk to him, maybe get to know a little more about him. In a non-information gathering sense of course.

The end goal of such a conversation? I have no idea. I legitimately felt bad after I saw his medical post, and I didn't want to post this stuff. However, coming here and seeing my offer for discussion being openly mocked by him, changed my mind.

>> No.10371532,74 [INTERNAL] 


There's no gay porn site in the link collection. It's just some generic porn streaming site that shows your last viewed videos, which are mostly just girls masturbating.

>> No.10371532,75 [INTERNAL] 

>I just wanted to talk to him, maybe get to know a little more about him. In a non-information gathering sense of course.

>> No.10371532,76 [INTERNAL] 

>However, coming here and seeing my offer for discussion being openly mocked by him, changed my mind.

This is Trevor, were you honestly expecting anything else? So much as responding to him or using an image he has posted before will get you barraged with middle fingers and images of angry chinese girls.

Your just poking a hornet's nest here.

>> No.10371532,77 [INTERNAL] 



I never wanted to be his friend. I just wanted to know what motivates him to shitpost on /jp/ for years and years. What is the grand plan here? It cant just be deleting /jp/, because there's far more efficient ways to accomplish that goal.

>> No.10371532,78 [INTERNAL] 

>This is Trevor, were you honestly expecting anything else?

Not really. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After all, most of his posts on other websites are pretty mellow when he's not putting on his act.

>> No.10371532,79 [INTERNAL] 

>I just wanted to talk to him, maybe get to know a little more about him. In a non-information gathering sense of course.
You should have talked to other kids while you grew up. Socialization generally works in a different way for widely accepted practical reasons.

>However, coming here and seeing my offer for discussion being openly mocked by him, changed my mind.
You had already gathered the information. Should he be sorry for ruining your fun?

>> No.10371532,80 [INTERNAL] 

>streaming video

I should punch you for even thinking that could be me.

I don't watch 3DPD filth, nor would I ever be stupid enough to make an account on some shitty porn streaming site so I could get barraged with affiliate e-mails.

There's more than one fishheadswg on the internet, apparently. It's like there are billions of people using the internet or something.

>> No.10371532,81 [INTERNAL] 

Fishy needs friends, so he doesn't spend all day spamming /jp/.

>> No.10371532,82 [INTERNAL] 

I usually don't flip people off when I'm asking them how to do something or buying something from them.

Crazy, I know.

>> No.10371532,83 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you. Don't sage my thread. I don't need friends. Who the fuck you you think you are?

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10371532,84 [INTERNAL] 

>You should have talked to other kids while you grew up. Socialization generally works in a different way for widely accepted practical reasons.

Great idea. As I have stated multiple times, I was not interested in being his friend. And I am not starved for conversation. If I needed someone to casually talk to, I certainly would not choose him.

>Should he be sorry for ruining your fun?

No, considering no fun has been ruined.


Really. Guess I couldn't anticipate the droves of people clamoring to use the relatively unique name fishheadswg. What are the odds that someone would slap wg at the end of fishheads? What possible association do those two letters have with fishheads?

Of course, since there's literally no way to know the truth, I'll just take your word for it.



>> No.10371532,85 [INTERNAL] 

>What are the odds that someone would slap wg at the end of fishheads? What possible association do those two letters have with fishheads?

Their initials, genius.

>> No.10371532,86 [INTERNAL] 


Thanks for the input, I'll take note of that.

>> No.10371532,87 [INTERNAL] 

Are you autistic? Serious question.

>> No.10371532,88 [INTERNAL] 

Stop saging my thread, assholes.

That fucking autistic bird image keeps getting bumped above mine.

>> No.10371532,89 [INTERNAL] 


No. Additionally, I have never been diagnosed or suspected of having any other mental problems.

I believe people are significantly over-estimating my dedication to this. The link gathering is about as simple as you can get. And I'm only continuing this conversation because it's somewhat interesting.



>> No.10371532,90 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,91 [INTERNAL] 

Do you see how this guy keeps going on and on?

The usual signs are present:

- he may or may not have assumed that masquerading this as entertainment would have been enough to win the approval of others; at least it was close, and that's enough

- no sensible explanations are presented: complete reliance on emotions and charm ("I feel bad for him, I don't enjoy this")

- gun-in-mouth diplomacy: extortion is presented as altruism

- not stopping when the project has become unsalvageable because of rigid disapproval: training is training--the "explanations" were never relevant

>> No.10371532,92 [INTERNAL] 

Signs of what? Sociopathy? Sycophancy? Autism?

>> No.10371532,93 [INTERNAL] 

u wot m8

>> No.10371532,94 [INTERNAL] 

Don't forget that he needlessly made a trip for this crap so he's obviously looking for attention.

>> No.10371532,95 [INTERNAL] 

This is /jp/. All mental disorders are automatically assumed to be autism, or in more severe cases, autismal as fuck.

>> No.10371532,96 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to alarm you guys, but the 100 GET is coming up soon.

>> No.10371532,97 [INTERNAL] 

It's always downhill from the point where a shitposter gets his medical history made public. I've seen it happen on other boards.

>> No.10371532,98 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you, I was going to steal it. Now everyone will be going for it.

>> No.10371532,99 [INTERNAL] 

fight me irl trevor-san

this is me btw

>> No.10371532,100 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,101 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,102 [INTERNAL] 

>win the approval of others

I really don't care. You could all start calling me a shithead for the next 50 posts. This is an anonymous message board, and I can (and will) drop this trip and resume normal activities after this ends.

>- no sensible explanations are presented:

What explanations would you prefer.

>gun-in-mouth diplomacy: extortion is presented as altruism

Extortion usually has a end goal that negatively affects the person being extorted. If I emailed him saying "Give me $15 over paypal if you want me to shut up", that would be extortion.

>project has become unsalvageable

I don't see how you've come to that conclusion.

>rigid disapproval

Aside from Trevor, there really hasn't been any significant disapproval. Even his disapproval is mild at best.


The reason I created this throw away trip is because in previous threads people kept replying to posts directed at me. I'm trying to prevent confusion as to who said what, and things like "disregard that I suck cocks" as well.

After this ends, you will never see this trip again. If I was looking for attention, I would probably choose a name that's a little less anonymous than anonymous, don't you think?

>> No.10371532,103 [INTERNAL] 

It's always downhill when anything gets public. I'm glad that you're here with us on Warosu.

>> No.10371532,104 [INTERNAL] 

>What explanations would you prefer.


>> No.10371532,105 [INTERNAL] 


What do you want me to explain, exactly?

>> No.10371532,106 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not about to fuck with someone who just got dubs.

You win this round.

>> No.10371532,107 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to alarm you guys, but trips are coming up soon.

>> No.10371532,108 [INTERNAL] 

>What explanations would you prefer.

Why did you:
1) gather the information
2) send that email to fishhead-san
3) come here to ensure that the diarrhea gets rubbed around real good

Please explain why these things happened. What would/may have happened without you doesn't matter.

>> No.10371532,109 [INTERNAL] 

Why you're autistically gathering tons of links from google, screen-capping and saving each page to prevent "information removal", cataloging each link by its contents, making them into images, posting it all on /jp/, sending e-mails with clear extortionist undertones, digging up some dude's medical history, and writing essays to explain why you're doing all this while actually explaining nothing.

>> No.10371532,110 [INTERNAL] 

I just noticed my name is that list of JTL beta testers, pretty stoked on that.

>> No.10371532,111 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't you embarrassed that people might find out?

>> No.10371532,112 [INTERNAL] 

>Extortion usually has a end goal that negatively affects the person being extorted.
That's wrong.

extortion (ɪkˈstɔːʃən)
— n
the act of securing money, favours, etc by intimidation or violence; blackmail

The end goal is to gain something. What happens to the target is irrelevant as long as the offer motivates him to cooperate.

>> No.10371532,113 [INTERNAL] 

SWG was fucking amazing, why would I be embarrassed? I definitely wouldn't want people to have my name from that game though, since I still use it.

>> No.10371532,114 [INTERNAL] 

I was being ironic. Do you not know who you're talking to here?

Also, SWG was shit by the time JTL came out. I actually thought it was at it's best during closed beta and then they streamlined everything and cut a ton of shit or made it a lot less fun.

Not being able to tame 3 krayt dragons and pull them out in crowded cities to crash people is bullshit.

>> No.10371532,115 [INTERNAL] 

An additional one - count the number of his revealed lies in this thread.

>> No.10371532,116 [INTERNAL] 

I realize that, and I don't really care in the slightest. I'm not going to feed your shitty attempts at undermining that other guy's work.

Meh, the game was fun all the way up to NGE, with how you act around here I can imagine how you never met a good group of people to play the game with. The CU definitely wrecked most of the game, but it was still enjoyable if you were in good company, or on a really good server like Bloodfin.

>> No.10371532,117 [INTERNAL] 

>I realize that, and I don't really care in the slightest. I'm not going to feed your shitty attempts at undermining that other guy's work.


Also, I was a "senator" in the largest PA in SWG. Look up Trinity PA and FishHead. You can have the underground google hacker who is stalking me help you find it.

>> No.10371532,118 [INTERNAL] 

I'll just take your word for it, cause I'm not interested in looking that up. I can't imagine how you didn't enjoy yourself if you with a good group of people. Even JTL was a blast, seriously one of the most fun mmo expansions ever. I didn't stick around long enough for any of the other expansions though, and by the time NGE hit I had completely quit.

>> No.10371532,119 [INTERNAL] 


(I had a far more eloquent post written up, but it was lost in a notepad accident. My apologies.)

>gather the information

Annoyance with his recent habits. His open challenges for people to find more information on him. His over all arrogance surrounding everything.

He encouraged me to step it up. I did. This second batch is more of a direct response to his request. And yes, I'm aware that it's lacking "personal information". I'm not interested in "stepping it up" THAT much.

>send that email to fishhead-san

While it may appear to be the case, normally I am not a colossal asshole and I wanted to see if there was any chance to avoid the posting of this information. The discovery of that medical problem was the main driving force in me sending that email to him.

I was also curious about his motivation and goals regarding /jp/. If things went better, I possibly would've "aligned" with him, and helped him with those goals. Forcing the "next epic shitpost maymay", opinion swaying, whatever. However this would've been a strictly "business" situation, as I know damn well if I opened up, or let a juicy detail slip, there was a big risk of me being found out. While I myself don't have anything particularly damning on the internet, it's still something I would like to avoid. Hence why I wasn't interested in becoming his "friend".

All he had to do was tell me not to post it (civilly), and I would've complied. However, when I came to the archive and saw that he posted this thread, I came to the conclusion that this is the way he wanted it, so I obliged by posting the links.

> come here to ensure that the diarrhea gets rubbed around real good

That's a good question. I'm not even too sure myself. I suppose the questions and conversations are interesting enough to keep me typing, and I do enjoy writing.

>> No.10371532,120 [INTERNAL] 


Autism gets thrown around too much. I understand that it's a hilarious meme, but it really doesn't apply in this situation.

I really can't stress how simple of a process the link gathering is.

1: Google username.
2: Open tabs.
3: Use firefox screengrab plugin.

>cataloging each link by its contents

They were hardly cataloged. I merely added a note at the end of certain links so I knew what they were.

> making them into images,

The initial information was turned into an image format for easy viewing. Much like every other picture of its type. Don't you guys remember the Tokiko one? I didn't personally make it, but that was a hell of a lot more comprehensive than mine.

>sending e-mails with clear extortionist undertones,

Wasn't my intention. I tried wording it as well as I could to not seem like that. My apologies.

>posting it all on /jp/

He originally posted the screencap of it. So I figured I would post a usable form of it.

>digging up some dude's medical history

It was one post on an internet forum.

>and writing essays to explain why you're doing all this.

I have nothing better to do at the moment. And admittedly I enjoy writing these responses. This is much more engaging that the usual 4chan one-liners.


Please compile the lies for me to see and address. I'm trying to be truthful here.

>> No.10371532,121 [INTERNAL] 

p ussy

>> No.10371532,122 [INTERNAL] 

>I was also curious about his motivation and goals regarding /jp/. If things went better, I possibly would've "aligned" with him, and helped him with those goals.

Holy christ are you ever a faggot, fuck off we're discussing SWG.

>> No.10371532,123 [INTERNAL] 


SUCK MY COK? ?dude fuk u

>> No.10371532,124 [INTERNAL] 

>I was also curious about his motivation and goals regarding /jp/. If things went better, I possibly would've "aligned" with him, and helped him with those goals. Forcing the "next epic shitpost maymay", opinion swaying, whatever. However this would've been a strictly "business" situation
Funniest thing I've read all day.

Goodnight /ghost/.

>> No.10371532,125 [INTERNAL] 


I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed typing it.

>> No.10371532,126 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

I said it was at it's best in closed beta, I still had a blast with my PA buddies until the CU. It was probably the only MMO I played where there was an actual sense of immersion.

My favorite moment was when jedis first came out and me and about 20 other bounty hunters spent an entire day trying to kill the first and only jedi in the entire game. I made a killing selling holograms to him, too.

I'm pretty sure that I quit to play vanilla WoW around then since that's where all the cool kids went.

>> No.10371532,127 [INTERNAL] 

>The discovery of that medical problem

Since when are panic attacks a "medical problem"? I have one like once a week.

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10371532,128 [INTERNAL] 

Is this guy seriously arguing that he doesn't have autism?

This is the most autistic thing that I've seen on /ghost/ in months.

>> No.10371532,129 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm pretty sure that I quit to play vanilla WoW around then since that's where all the cool kids went.

Yeah I think thats ultimately what lead to me quitting the game. A lot of the people I played with just took off around the same time, so it barely hanging on after WoW released.

Really tired, I guess I misread that comment about closed beta as you not enjoying the game afterwards, sorry. Yeah the sense of actually being a part of the game, was ridiculous. I still remember the first time starting out and going to Endor for whatever reason, the game world just felt so alive. I was a lot younger back then so maybe its part nostalgia, but I definitely felt immersed like no other game has done since.

I never bothered with the BH thing, kind of unfortunate because that was easily one of the cooler things in the game. I guess the funnest time I had was when me and another dude managed to start farming the Corvette, starting making serious amounts of money off AV-21s.

>> No.10371532,130 [INTERNAL] 


I'm sorry to hear that. You should look into meditation, or perhaps more homeopathic treatments like large doses of vitamin C. Those have been shown to significantly reduce stress.

Provided this post is legit, of course.

Anyhow, my bemusement with writing these posts is rapidly fading, so this will be my last one.

It has been interesting conversing with you guys.

>> No.10371532,131 [INTERNAL] 

>Annoyance with his recent habits. His open challenges for people to find more information on him. His over all arrogance surrounding everything.
What, are you some kind of emperor? Punishing people for "arrogance" on 4shit is a ridiculous idea.

>normally I am not a colossal asshole
Oh, I see. You're a situational asshole. Well, I guess being an asshole 24/7 for no reason would be kind of counterintuitive.

>I wanted to see if there was any chance to avoid the posting of this information
My sides!

>That's a good question. I'm not even too sure myself. I suppose the questions and conversations are interesting enough to keep me typing, and I do enjoy writing.
Whether you're lying or not, you're not right in the head.

>Autism gets thrown around too much. I understand that it's a hilarious meme, but it really doesn't apply in this situation.
I agree.

>Wasn't my intention. I tried wording it as well as I could to not seem like that.
I know.

>So I figured I would post a usable form of it.
Usable for what?

>And admittedly I enjoy writing these responses.
You know what?

>> No.10371532,132 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Farming the Corvette? If that was an instance I quit long before then.

I played every profession outside of crap like Dancer and BH was by far the most fun, right next to Sniper and Creature Handler. The only problem was that almost everyone was a BH and the whole hunting missions thing really tested your creativity.

My only regret is never making a shop and becoming a merchant. I would spend hours just wandering into cities and checking out people's shops and houses and looking for gross pricing errors. WoW's auction house spoiled the fuck out of me.

>> No.10371532,133 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah looks like it came out in Publish 7, but it was a dungeon that most people couldn't even touch the enemies in.

I played around with most of the classes except BH, smuggler, and maybe a few of the item making professions. My overall favorite was definitely CH, sucked that they just ended up completely taking it out of the game. I think I really enjoyed the TKM class as well, probably cause it was extremely good at one point.

I did the whole decking my house out with expensive shit thing, with a small shop kind of thing set up. I did the same thing though, went all around Coronet looking for all the ridiculous stuff people had for sale, or just trying to get really good deals on stuff. I spent a lot of time mining as well, just cause of how much good resources went for at times.

>> No.10371532,134 [INTERNAL] 

Is it just me or does it seem like there's a lot more people on /ghost/ than usual? 133 ghost posts in a thread created just a few hours ago?

Is everyone moving here to get away from the janitor who deletes fucking everything and allows no fun at all times?

>> No.10371532,135 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I'd say so, I'm probably making more serious posts on /ghost/ now then I am on /jp/ itself.

>> No.10371532,136 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Hot damn, I completely forgot about TKM. TKM/BH/Sniper and TKM/BH/CH was fucking ridiculous back when I played. You could solo those elder witches if you were careful and had an hour or so of free time or just go into a base and wipe the floor to farm holograms.

I also forgot about mining, I had a whole network of whatever those mining machines were called and someone in my PA ran a bot that managed hundreds of them and was the richest person on the server by a magnitude. It's amazing how much you could do in that game, I'm probably forgetting entire facets of gameplay. It was addictive as hell no matter what you chose to do.

>> No.10371532,137 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah farming on Dathomir as a TKM/Swordsman was fucking awesome, probably CH at the same time to but its been awhile.

> It was addictive as hell no matter what you chose to do.
Yeah, that more or less sums up that entire game at its peak. Its to bad theres no games out that even come close to capturing whatever magic that game had going for it.

I'm taking off now though, it was nice talking to someone about SWG; it looks like you can have serious conversations with people from time to time.

>> No.10371532,138 [INTERNAL] 

Is this what they call "SWG otaku"?

>> No.10371532,139 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Fuck you.

>> No.10371532,140 [INTERNAL] 

That guy sounds like a real jerk in the e-mail.

We should beat him up and kick him out of /jp/ for bullying.

>> No.10371532,141 [INTERNAL] 

No quarter for shitposters. I'm sending this information to your parents as we speak trevor. Be afraid as hell, dude.

>> No.10371532,142 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,143 [INTERNAL] 

His mom is dead.


>> No.10371532,144 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, dang.

Sorry about that dude and you're still 25 right now. Tough losing people that early. My dad has the flu so I know how it is to see people sick as HELL and stuff. Peace.

>> No.10371532,145 [INTERNAL] 

>My dad has the flu

I am truely sorry for your lots.

>> No.10371532,146 [INTERNAL] 

how is shitpost formed

how is shitpost formed

how meido get angry

>> No.10371532,147 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor do you live Granby, CO ironically or unironically.

On the plus side it seems like a really nice place to do outdoor type shit. The scenery looks amazing. But on the negative side, it looks like that's literally the only thing to do in that small ass town. No wonder you're here 16 hours per day.

>> No.10371532,148 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

I've said it before, I live in an actual cabin out in the mountains. I'm technically not even in Granby, Granby is just the closest town with a grocery store. I live in the "Greater Denver Area". If you look out the window it's not uncommon to see a deer or a mountain lion a few yards away.

I don't have a mailbox, either, so good luck to that nerd who wanted to put chemicals in it.

>> No.10371532,149 [INTERNAL] 

Please leave a window open for me!

>> No.10371532,150 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Don't sage my thread, asshole.

>> No.10371532,151 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,152 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

You're really testing my patience.

>> No.10371532,153 [INTERNAL] 

somehow i doubt that

>> No.10371532,154 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10371532,155 [INTERNAL] 

Thoreau, Threvor
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.10371532,156 [INTERNAL] 

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10371532,157 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Why are you using my ASCII art?

>> No.10371532,158 [INTERNAL] 

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10371532,159 [INTERNAL] 

Why did you choose a cabin in the mountains?

>> No.10371532,160 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

To get away from them.

>> No.10371532,161 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Windows 7 Forums <staff@windows7forums.com>

2:01 PM (48 minutes ago)

to me
Dear FishHeadswg,

A new LinkBack has been recorded for a thread you have participated entitled - Internet is constantly timing out ever since W7 upgrade - in the Windows 7 Support forum of Windows 7 Forums.

This LinkBack is located at:

The originating site is located at:

Here is the associated message:
redeyehttp://forums.anandtech.com/archive/index.php/t-58699.html pcihttp://windows7forums.com/windows-7-support/44345-internet-constantly-timing-out-ever-since-w7-

All the best,
Windows 7 Forums

>> No.10371532,162 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see why people are so chill about REFERER headers. They're so pervasive.

>> No.10371532,163 [INTERNAL] 

From town inhabitants? Or people in general?

>> No.10371532,164 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

You don't need to know.

>> No.10371532,165 [INTERNAL] 

i think im having a heart attack help

>> No.10371532,166 [INTERNAL] 

pls dont

>> No.10371532,167 [INTERNAL] 

"pls dont have a heart attack"?

>> No.10371532,168 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10371532,169 [INTERNAL] 


He's an ex-CIA agent trying to escape from all of the enemies he's made over the years. Unfortunately, he can't run from his dark past forever.

How will Trevor confront his foes?

>> No.10371532,170 [INTERNAL] 

By f ucking your c ock

>> No.10371532,171 [INTERNAL] 

Is he like Jason Bourne? Damn someone really should write a story about Trevor, the ex-CIA agent that spends his whole day shitposting on a weeaboo imageboard.

>> No.10371532,172 [INTERNAL] 

It would still be better than Bourne Supremacy.

>> No.10371532,173 [INTERNAL] 

This a a joke, right?

What am I even looking at? A crazy stalker threatening a crazy shitposter with a compilation of google search results?

When did /jp/ become pants-on-head retarded?

>> No.10371532,174 [INTERNAL] 

I, for one, have always believed that /jp/ is full of all kinds of interesting people.

>> No.10371532,175 [INTERNAL] 

By f ucking your c ock

>> No.10371532,176 [INTERNAL] 


Since you showed up.

>> No.10371532,177 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck I liked it

>> No.10371532,178 [INTERNAL] 

but i thot u were a gril lol

>> No.10371532,179 [INTERNAL] 

>pants-on-head retarded

What is this and why do people keep saying it?

>> No.10371532,180 [INTERNAL] 

Get the fuck out of here you fucking retard. Unintelligent subhumans are no longer allowed around these parts.

>> No.10371532,181 [INTERNAL] 

Ironically or unironically?

>> No.10371532,182 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck was that? I'm fucking sick of you, you fucking stupid cum guzzling retarded autistic piece of shit. Don't mess with me, nerd, this is your last warning.

>> No.10371532,183 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,184 [INTERNAL] 

So you were being absolutely ironic?

Thumbs up if you're a math geek who got the joke.

>> No.10371532,185 [INTERNAL] 


I didn't get it though cause I'm not a nerd.

>> No.10371532,186 [INTERNAL] 

Too late.

You already thumbs upped it so you're a nerd now.

Somebody go get the nerd paddle.

>> No.10371532,187 [INTERNAL] 

trevor do you have bipolar disorder?

>> No.10371532,188 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,189 [INTERNAL] 

I have the same thing that Carrie Fisher has.

>> No.10371532,190 [INTERNAL] 

answer the question buttfuck

>> No.10371532,191 [INTERNAL] 

"Fisher starred as Princess Leia Organa in George Lucas's science fiction film Star Wars (later retitled Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope) opposite Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford, a part she sarcastically claims to have obtained by sleeping 'with some nerd.'"


>> No.10371532,192 [INTERNAL] 

I did, shitwhip.

>> No.10371532,193 [INTERNAL] 

>I have the same thing that Carrie Fisher has.
is not a direct answer

I mean Carrie Fisher has a lot of things. A vagina for example. Do you, Trevor Richardson, have a vagina?

>> No.10371532,194 [INTERNAL] 

I have the same thing that Carrie Fisher has.

>> No.10371532,195 [INTERNAL] 

Why is accel anon so sassy?

>> No.10371532,196 [INTERNAL] 

During a routine mission in Cambodia, something went wrong and Trevor was caught, tortured, then mind broken by a local warlord. After 10 years of imprisonment, Trevor was finally released in a POW exchange deal. Mentally shattered, Trevor tries running from his past, moving from locale to locale. Unfortunately, one quiet day in his rustic home his worst fears comes true. A knock on his door, and a new mission. Kill /jp/. Despite all of his nightmares flowing back to him, he has no choice but to complete the mission.

TREVOR 2: RETURN TO THE TREV coming to a theater near you Summer 2014.

>> No.10371532,197 [INTERNAL] 

Its kind of gross when you realize its a guy.

>> No.10371532,198 [INTERNAL] 

Bipolar disorder is kawaii as fuck regardless of gender.

>> No.10371532,199 [INTERNAL] 

What if ZUN!bar and Trevor were the same person?

>> No.10371532,200 [INTERNAL] 

200 GET!!!

>> No.10371532,201 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.10371532,202 [INTERNAL] 

what a BOSSS thread

>> No.10371532,203 [INTERNAL] 

Why did fishheadswg delete that e\pic youtube song he made?

>> No.10371532,204 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor has cooled down his shitposting the last few days, maybe he got scared.

>> No.10371532,205 [INTERNAL] 

I'm busy, actually. No time to shitpost outside of warosu.

Don't worry, I'll be back to harassing our shitty nazitor soon.

>> No.10371532,206 [INTERNAL] 

What song?

>> No.10371532,207 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you, I was getting worried.

We need to keep up the good fight and hopefully he'll burn out and kill himself.

>> No.10371532,208 [INTERNAL] 

He had a song on his youtube channel about /jp/.


>> No.10371532,209 [INTERNAL] 

I think Trevor is hispanic

>> No.10371532,210 [INTERNAL] 

Richardson is a white name.

>> No.10371532,211 [INTERNAL] 

He's always making comments in spanish

>> No.10371532,212 [INTERNAL] 


Remember George Zimmerman? He was Hispanic.

>> No.10371532,213 [INTERNAL] 

You can be taught a secondary language in the great United States of Mexico, genuis..

>> No.10371532,214 [INTERNAL] 

He was of the tribe. Read the International Jew and you'll see that they often try to impersonate and assimilate.

It's a clever masquerade, but at heart they are still a jew.

>> No.10371532,215 [INTERNAL] 

He's not denying it so I'm right

>> No.10371532,216 [INTERNAL] 

>>We need to keep up the good fight and hopefully he'll burn out and kill himself.

Isn't the janitor on 4chan all day? You can't kill that which has no life.

>> No.10371532,217 [INTERNAL] 

Por que would yo nego being bilingüe, pinche nerd?

I would much rather speak glorious Castilian Spanish than some dying weeaboo language like the rest of you gaijin dweebs.

They also don't offer CLEP credit for nip speak.

>> No.10371532,218 [INTERNAL] 

fug :*(((((((

>> No.10371532,219 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,220 [INTERNAL] 

Then how did I kill all the previous janitors who had no lives?

The last jani*TARD* still has my flagpole sticking out of his abdomen.

>> No.10371532,221 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny you disappeared from the boards forever just when we got an increase in moderation.

>> No.10371532,222 [INTERNAL] 

!bar is autism paper-kun, oh my god

>> No.10371532,223 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't really seem to be that way to me. Janitors from past years were amazingly active, IMO. I even posted during AoC's reign (and I doubt anyone beats his moderation activity levels).

>> No.10371532,224 [INTERNAL] 

Why would anyone want to post on /jp/ in it's current state?

Right now /jp/ is in what I like to call a recession.

/jp/ goes through cycles of being a nazi concentration camp under the rule of the current oppressive autist and a land of freedom and creativity when the previous autistic janitor is deposed but before the next autist in line takes his place. The former state of /jp/ is a fleeting moment akin to that of a lunar eclipse, but it is the only time when one can see /jp/ truly shine.

>> No.10371532,225 [INTERNAL] 

You are objectively wrong.

>> No.10371532,226 [INTERNAL] 

>in it's current state

>> No.10371532,227 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, I meant latter state.

I can feel my autism taking over again.

I don't think I can hold it back much longer.

*starts using emotes*




>> No.10371532,228 [INTERNAL] 

You are objectively gay.

>> No.10371532,229 [INTERNAL] 

Well fuck you to nerd.

>> No.10371532,230 [INTERNAL] 

Do you usually browse /a/

>> No.10371532,231 [INTERNAL] 


Do you usually slurp feces?

>> No.10371532,232 [INTERNAL] 

I think hes just a real deal /jp/ newfag, probably never even came over from /a/.

>> No.10371532,233 [INTERNAL] 

Pienso que eres pinche estupido.

Estoy preparando mi dedo medio.

>> No.10371532,234 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever newfag

>> No.10371532,235 [INTERNAL] 

What? You want me to completely plaster you in another language, too?

Keep it up.

>> No.10371532,236 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, how about you go on about stepping on my dick while pretending to be a woman again, that would be hilarious.

>> No.10371532,237 [INTERNAL] 

What? You think I won't?

Keep it up.

>> No.10371532,238 [INTERNAL] 

I think I'll drop it for now, since you're always on /jp/, I'm sure I'll have an opportunity to see you make a fool of yourself int he future.

>> No.10371532,239 [INTERNAL] 

chupa mi verga cabron hijo de puta

>> No.10371532,240 [INTERNAL] 

Uh huh.

Keep it up.

>> No.10371532,241 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,242 [INTERNAL] 

el penis loco

>> No.10371532,243 [INTERNAL] 

what I would give to play Morrowind again

>> No.10371532,244 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking to me?

I don't even know you.

>> No.10371532,245 [INTERNAL] 

Why are YOU talking to ME?

I don't even know YOU

>> No.10371532,246 [INTERNAL] 

I asked first, and you talked to me first.

Get off my level. You don't belong here, kid.

>> No.10371532,247 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are beyond creepy.

>> No.10371532,248 [INTERNAL] 

>Get off my level

>I asked first, and you talked to me first.

>You don't belong here, kid.
You don't belong here, kid.

>> No.10371532,249 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10371532,250 [INTERNAL] 

You just can't handle all the hazing cause you're a little girl.

>> No.10371532,251 [INTERNAL] 

nice trashbins

>> No.10371532,252 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I saw Trevor's MAL before he removed everything

>> No.10371532,253 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,254 [INTERNAL] 

>not formatting your pc

>> No.10371532,255 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe I spent 30 minutes reading all that. It looked like it would only take 5 minutes tops.

>> No.10371532,256 [INTERNAL] 

What's your disability?

>> No.10371532,257 [INTERNAL] 

Sling Blade was a cool film

>> No.10371532,258 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor confirmed for homosexual.

>> No.10371532,259 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to watch it with my family but it got awkward as fuck right off the bat since the movie starts with some crazy guy talking about how he likes hair on vaginas for a good 5 minutes.

Why the fuck would they even put that in there? They basically sabotaged their own film.

>> No.10371532,260 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,261 [INTERNAL] 

All this terrible 90's fashion in Sling Blade is distracting me

>> No.10371532,262 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,263 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, you guys are fucking losers.

>> No.10371532,264 [INTERNAL] 

Stop bumping the thread assholes.

>> No.10371532,265 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor wants to be hardcore, but his board won't let him.

>> No.10371532,266 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,267 [INTERNAL] 

Has anyone else noticed that /jp/ is shit?

>> No.10371532,268 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10371532,269 [INTERNAL] 


Stop pretending to be me, faggots.

>> No.10371532,270 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,271 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,272 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, T unironically watches cartoons?

What a fucking nerd.

>> No.10371532,273 [INTERNAL] 

King of the Hill is literally better than any anime garbage.

>> No.10371532,274 [INTERNAL] 

... he even fell for the KOTH meme ...
.. wow ...

>> No.10371532,275 [INTERNAL] 

>The Big Bang Theory

>> No.10371532,276 [INTERNAL] 

Show us your VN folder. Oh that's right, you only watch anime and roleplay with yourself on 4chan (and 4chan-lite)...

>> No.10371532,277 [INTERNAL] 

What makes you think I watched those unironically? Just because I've watched it doesn't mean I liked it, which is the case for 90% of the shit in there. Elfen Lied and TBBT are in there.

I stopped reading VNs eons ago because they're nothing but shittier versions of books written by hacks who couldn't make it as real authors. The translations are also shit and I'm not a fucking weeb who would waste his time learning nipspeak. Also Message is a faggot.

[/sperg] :P

>> No.10371532,278 [INTERNAL] 

You save pictures from eons ago. You save anime from eons ago. You apparently watch anime despite it being shitty. Who are you fooling? Not us, br/a/h. :)

>> No.10371532,279 [INTERNAL] 

But I *do* do all of those things.

You're really starting to piss me off.

>> No.10371532,280 [INTERNAL] 

That's nice. What was your excuse for not having a folder of VNs you've read and not reading VNs again?

>> No.10371532,281 [INTERNAL] 

Because I deleted that folder for space to save shit I actually want on my HDD.

The only one that's seemed to have slipped through the cracks is Kagetsu Tohya, which I just deleted now to spite you. No more lucky items of the day, [i]fgt.

>> No.10371532,282 [INTERNAL] 

Things you want space for like shitty anime? N/a/isu desu ne. I bet you don't even know the difference between the Lens.

>> No.10371532,283 [INTERNAL] 

One is a beautiful Aryan goddess and the other one is a filthy nigger.

>> No.10371532,284 [INTERNAL] 

>Tertiary Drive
Trevor confirmed for tertiary scum.

>> No.10371532,285 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,286 [INTERNAL] 

Does trev even play 2hu?

He seems very secondary in his selection of touhou pictures.

>> No.10371532,287 [INTERNAL] 

/v/ picked it up from yahtzee (a guy who reviews videogames while talking really fast). I have the slight suspicion it's the same guy using it all the time, though.

>> No.10371532,288 [INTERNAL] 

I liked his adventure games. Never watched his videos, though.

>> No.10371532,289 [INTERNAL] 

You're literally pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.10371532,290 [INTERNAL] 

No, he honestly just came to /jp/ from /a/ to roleplay all over the board and no one called him out on it because we were all too busy building a meme in his likeness.

>> No.10371532,291 [INTERNAL] 

Not everything is some /v/ conspiracy

>> No.10371532,292 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.10371532,293 [INTERNAL] 

This has happened to me too.

>> No.10371532,294 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,295 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a trevor otaku

>> No.10371532,296 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gay.

>> No.10371532,297 [INTERNAL] 

Who was the original creepy guy who sent all of those emails to moot? Was he real, or was it all just a joke even then?

>> No.10371532,298 [INTERNAL] 

Dude... Trevor is so ironic he basically IS a joke.

>> No.10371532,299 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,300 [INTERNAL] 

Nice. It's like I wrote this one.

Maybe I did.

>> No.10371532,301 [INTERNAL] 

I think a lot about akarin-friend and I wish I knew more about him. I think I'm pretty good at telling which posts are his. One of the main things I wonder is if he is also the detective anon, and I'm pretty sure I know what his job is, but that's just a hunch.

I think he's kind of afraid of being profiled, probably because he is archive otaku and has seen how much information about other people can be found once profiled or whatever you want to call it. I really like him though, I don't ever want to make him feel uncomfortable asking stuff like that. There's a lot of stuff I wonder and question about him though.

>> No.10371532,302 [INTERNAL] 

How do I hire an internet detective to dox someone for me?

>> No.10371532,303 [INTERNAL] 

shut the FUCK up idiot dork. I don't want to read your g@y rambling about your wannabe e-bf

>> No.10371532,304 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,305 [INTERNAL] 

I like how wimpy and submissive he makes himself sound when in company of friends and how aggressive and mean he is when he wants to be. It's a little hot.

>> No.10371532,306 [INTERNAL] 


u mena jews?

>> No.10371532,307 [INTERNAL] 

I think everyone's like that a little bit. I've seen him get angry a few times, but there's nothing wrong with that, he's a nice person.

>> No.10371532,308 [INTERNAL] 

who's akari-kun? i don't get it lol

>> No.10371532,309 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10371532,310 [INTERNAL] 

the good old days

>> No.10371532,311 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,312 [INTERNAL] 

Back when T was fearless and had /jp/ wrapped around his fingers....

>> No.10371532,313 [INTERNAL] 

while he was pretending to be a woman and everyone insulted him on a daily basis...

>> No.10371532,314 [INTERNAL] 

Back then everybody hated me.

I have unironic fans now. Who needs fearlessness when you can have a board full of third world homos and literal foolz shitters that hang onto your every word?

>> No.10371532,315 [INTERNAL] 

Just shup up and marry us, T-Boner.

>> No.10371532,316 [INTERNAL] 

During the time that "Trevor" was doing anything interesting, 75% of the things "Trevor" posted were impersonators. His fame was built by other people. They did it for free.

>> No.10371532,317 [INTERNAL] 

trebor is my hero

>> No.10371532,318 [INTERNAL] 

That would be nice for Trevor if his kind of e-fame was constructive to him at all. If anything, it's destructive.

>> No.10371532,319 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I'm not sure its healthy for a bipolar retard like himself.

>> No.10371532,320 [INTERNAL] 

I love the internet diagnosis meme

so far I've seen bipolar schizoid and histrionic and I'd like to see more

>> No.10371532,321 [INTERNAL] 

He's the one that said he had the same condition as Carrie Fisher.

>> No.10371532,322 [INTERNAL] 

Back to Trevor school, kid.

>> No.10371532,323 [INTERNAL] 

sorry I haven't really paid close attention to the trevor meme

>> No.10371532,324 [INTERNAL] 


LOL. He's famous on a board with less than 20 unique posters a day, and its archive. Hardly e-fame.

>> No.10371532,325 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow. I haven't seen someone be this jealous of me since last week.

(At least they are finally talking about me again.....)

>> No.10371532,326 [INTERNAL] 

Is this supposed to be funny....?

>> No.10371532,327 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10371532,328 [INTERNAL] 

Good one.

>> No.10371532,329 [INTERNAL] 

Any retards here?

>> No.10371532,330 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10371532,331 [INTERNAL] 

Here's one right now :) >>10371532,330

>> No.10371532,332 [INTERNAL] 

who gnfos here

>> No.10371532,333 [INTERNAL] 

I miss the good old days so much please come back to me old w I feel so empt y inside

>> No.10371532,334 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone has moved on. When will you?

>> No.10371532,335 [INTERNAL] 

I can't w-bro the despair is too much I'm so scared of being alone please don't leave me w-bros... I don't want to be alone

>> No.10371532,336 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still here but I don't believe those days will ever come back.

>> No.10371532,337 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, I am here everyday too. I love you /jp/.

>> No.10371532,338 [INTERNAL] 

It's "every day", bro.

>> No.10371532,339 [INTERNAL] 

I post on /ghost/ every day. Posting on /ghost/ is part of my everyday life.

>> No.10371532,340 [INTERNAL] 

I check it every day, at least.

>> No.10371532,341 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you!

>> No.10371532,342 [INTERNAL] 

Look, "bro", I have dystexia. Being hikomori does things do your brain.

>> No.10371532,343 [INTERNAL] 

hey wbros let's raid /foolz/

>> No.10371532,344 [INTERNAL] 

Seeing these replies made me happy thanks w-bros I feel better now

>> No.10371532,345 [INTERNAL] 

all 4 of us?

>> No.10371532,346 [INTERNAL] 

They were all me.

>> No.10371532,347 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,348 [INTERNAL] 

It's true. We're all part of a hive mind, bro.

>> No.10371532,349 [INTERNAL] 

Buzz buzz *flies around hive*

>> No.10371532,350 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think the ``/jp/ is a hive mind'' thing is just a joke?
From Gensokyo, the Komeiji maintain mind control over the weakest humans and they intend to activate their army of remote controlled zombie otaku very soon.

>> No.10371532,351 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,352 [INTERNAL] 

T here....


>> No.10371532,353 [INTERNAL] 

What color are your panties?

>> No.10371532,354 [INTERNAL] 

How often do you poo?

>> No.10371532,355 [INTERNAL] 

Don't have any......

Once every couple days.

>> No.10371532,356 [INTERNAL] 

Will you have my babies?

>> No.10371532,357 [INTERNAL] 

Only if you're pure.

>> No.10371532,358 [INTERNAL] 

What's your favorite color and what's your favorite milkshake flavor?

>> No.10371532,359 [INTERNAL] 


>DEEPFAG’s inner circle started fucking with me, spreading rumors and jokes. I’ve even had a fake dox that was posted about me lol. The whole Nagi is a monkey is their thing and most of the hate would come from them.


>> No.10371532,360 [INTERNAL] 

Half a decade since the w's golden age began, it all came crashing down as fast as it picked up... time is truly a cruel mistress.

>> No.10371532,361 [INTERNAL] 

If it weren't for those links I would have sworn that wall of text is something I've posted in the past before using my trip somewhere. Hm.

>> No.10371532,362 [INTERNAL] 

i blame captcha

>> No.10371532,363 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10371532,364 [INTERNAL] 

Why do I see dumb nigger/gook ape-like shitskins posting on /jp/ all the time? Fuck off to /a/&/pol/, you subhuman mother fucking trashmen.

>> No.10371532,365 [INTERNAL] 

Upboat if you're still reading this in 2022.

>> No.10371532,366 [INTERNAL] 

Who the hell is Trevor?
