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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10366416 No.10366416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10366428

lacks dolljoint

>> No.10366439 [DELETED] 

Sui-chan, my Goddess.

>> No.10366441

Why is there semen inside of her?

>> No.10366446

ask your mother :D
she knows a few things about being filled with semen :D

>> No.10366447

Is that cum inside?

>> No.10366474

Anime does not belong on /jp/, no exceptions.

>> No.10366483
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let's see!

>> No.10366494

Change that one square to "You label yourself as an otaku." Scientists quite frequently label themselves as nerds, and I think that they more than deserve to.

>> No.10366495

Only Nitro+ should stay in the VN one and even so it's too forced.

KyoAny and SHAFT are fine, hipster.

>> No.10366538

junk thread

>> No.10366575

"Unable to form your own opinion" contradicts "fun as an argument". If you enjoyed a show for what it was, is it not an unbiased opinion?

'Your favorite anime is shit!'
'Yeah, well, but I had fun watching it.'

Is that not what a hobby is about? Having fun?

>> No.10366590

☑ You like K-On
☑ You like Madoka
These 2 are legitimately good show.
It is unfair to be linking them with niwaka.

>> No.10366595
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>> No.10366597

Opposite of this is hipster bingo. I'm proud to be special though.

>> No.10366606

Are you insinuating rozen maiden isnt a niwaka anime? Your show has freaking Ali Project doing its theme song and is probably one of Taro Aso favorite anime

>> No.10366625

Can someone explain is Niwaka business to someone who doesn't normally pay attention to these things

>> No.10366627



>> No.10366632

Danny choo followers and people that want to be otacool.

>> No.10366636

It's how Japan calls newfags and tryhards.

Newfags and tryhards from /a/ caught on to the word sometime last year. 1000 thousand spammed copypasta later we're where we are now.

>niwaka anime

Kind of, real connoisseurs read the manga. If you think of RM as an anime, I have bad news for you.

>> No.10366639

The manga isn't very good.

>> No.10366641

The manga is so bad that they have to reboot it.

>> No.10366655

I respect your opinion, even though I disagree with it.

It is, however, better than the anime. Here's hoping the new series will be a reboot.

You're mistaken.

Possible causes:
- you mistook the anticipation of anime reboot among fans as concerning the manga.
- you mistook a recent announcement of the (second) spin-off series as a reboot.
- you mistook the switch of the publishers that happened years ago as a reboot.

>> No.10366670


>> No.10366974


I blame Akibaranger as much as I enjoy that show.

>> No.10366993

Pretty sure that Niwaka has a more specific meaning.

Niwaka otaku aka SUDDEN otaku (Suddenly an otaku when it's seen as a cool thing to be) They are 'sudden' because they go with the tides of popularity.

I think a better translation for those subs would be "posers" or "wannabes". That way you're in keeping with the original meaning more but you're also not being too hard with your wording.

Niwakas got into anime when it was popular, which comparitively is any time after the 2004 anime boom. They only know shows from that period, they only watch the movies of Eva and don't know the series, they buy into hype easily and will watch whatever is reported to be the 'hit series' because they strive to fit in. That's why they favour KyoAni stuff, because they have this idea that they're some godlike studio because of Lucky Star, K-ON and Haruhi. Those people who liked K-ON/Lucky Star and KyoAni are now big fans of Shaft and Madoka/Bakemonogatari.

They're tryhards, but only as much as it will suit their reputation as 'otaku'. They don't care about watching old shows as it serves no benefit to them.

>> No.10367006

I want to lick the semen through her vagina while a bunch of /jp/ers jerk off into her stomach.

>> No.10367026

Imagine resting my head near Suigintou's armpits...

>> No.10367025

☑ You have watched less than 100 anime
☑ You like Madoka
☑ You think fun is a legitimate argument
☑ You read knowyourmeme.com (Wow, I used to go in that site like, 3 or 4 years ago)

>> No.10367028 [DELETED] 
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Last thread: >>10350882

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10367096


haha! i saw your mistake, nerd!

>> No.10368431
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>You think fun is a legitimate argument
Not by itself, but otherwise it may very well be depending on the context. But fun is indeed not an argument, fun is fun.
>You read knowyourmeme.com
Read, like how? I have glossed over it a couple of times. I personally wouldn't say I have "read" it as I believe that would imply I have read a substantial portion of the site, which I haven't.

>> No.10368441

I am not a huge fan of K-ON, but I really can't find myself not to like it. Watching people being happy and or in a good mood is heartwarming.

And animation is cool in general. Though that's my opinion on animation even not related to Asia or Japan.

>> No.10369522

sad how people can't just grow up, people are different than you. get over it. every1 knows your insecure and need to lash out on what other people like, just know when your doing it theres just as many if not more that think your own taste is shit.

>> No.10369550

This really needs to be revised, it has too many fucking loaded self-loathing questions on it.
>Do I hide my powerlevel
of course not, I'm a grown manchild, that doesn't mean I go around going ``DID YOU GUYS WATCH THE NEW EPISODE OF ANIME X? MOE GIRL Y IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DESUNE" but shit if people are gonna ask questions I'm not gonna play retard, I'm too old for that shit.

>> No.10369579
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>> No.10369615
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Checked fun because thats just the easy term people give to something they enjoy, seems like a pretty shitty question. Madoka had an extremely well done soundtrack and I really enjoy the whole Shinbo thing that SHAFT is rolling with, the story definitely could have used a lot of work though.

The powerlevel one is kind of a ridiculous question, I'm not sure that means in all form or just not acting like a complete retard in conversations. Seems to me the top left square is pretty much the same thing, so I didn't select it as I really never bring it up as a hobby. I do own a dakimakura as well as a dozen or so figures, so its not that I'm completely hiding it.

>> No.10369629

>You think fun is a legitimate argument
I don't see how its not, to be quite honest.

If I enjoy something, than to ME its a quality product, I couldn't care less what you think of it.
>You think being a NEET is cool
I would love to be able to maintain a lifestyle where I didn't need to go to work, so I'n my opinion it is very cool, although rare to achieve.
>You cosplay
A fine hobby, there are a large amount of shitty people who do it but that shouldn't bring the hobby down as a whole. The problem lies with you if it does.
>You go to conventions and actively participate
I think this is a troll/joke one.
>You don't want to buy figures but buy posters to show off
The amount of money you put into a hobby isn't proportionate to your enjoyment of it. Just because you have the money to buy figures or someone else doesn't think they would enjoy it as much as a poster, doesn't mean its the correct way to do things.

I think you've got some growing up to do so you can be more accepting of others.

>> No.10369663

I think the convention one is a pretty legitimate box if we're talking about American conventions.

>> No.10369678

☑ You like Madoka
☑ You don't try to hide your powerlevel
☑ You have watched less than 100 anime
☑ Your favorite studio is KyoAni or SHAFT
Almost bingo.

>> No.10374392

oh the suigintou fag still alive?

>> No.10374401
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>> No.10374407
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If my internet wasn't terrible I would probably be more involved in the medium.

>> No.10374425

why is this junk thread still -- >>10374392
oh it's you

>> No.10374697

Many thanks

>> No.10374722

I would still fuck her brains out.

>> No.10374727

is niwaka synonymous with /a/?
i like k-on and refuse to watch older anime. i also free bingo space.

>> No.10374733
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>> No.10374731

And how are you going to jam it in?
Jam it into her stomach?

>> No.10374739
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I'll put my rosa in her mystica.

>> No.10374739,1 [INTERNAL] 

I reported this thread and it disappeared!
