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File: 273 KB, 640x480, GiftArt__Ninja_Ai_Dating_Sim_by_Maksn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10365831 No.10365831 [Reply] [Original]

So, I was going to make a dating sim because they are easy to make and I need to work on a programming project. However, all I see is fuck dating sims and I have heard that the japanese actually make some involved shit. So, any suggestions for a serious dating sim for a reference?

>> No.10365842

How about you get yourself a real girlfriend instead, nerd

>> No.10365845

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10365848
File: 37 KB, 379x376, 1338899648635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit looks nice, did you made it all by yourself?

>> No.10365852
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, bg01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a visual novel with a "well known /jp/ user" if you catch my meaning, and it's harder than I thought, the project started about 8 months and we reached maybe a 20%.

>> No.10365864
File: 276 KB, 596x900, 1336353622014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, tell us more.

>> No.10365867

have several actually.

I'm not a regular here. I usually hang out on /g/

no, but that actually looks pretty shitty to me. I could do way way way better

I'm not a /jp/ regular. I have already fucked around with making a visual novel before. I just lacked any good ideas so need inspiration. the technical problems are not problems for me at all

>> No.10365868

please tell us more about working with mugen

>> No.10365872

Where do people get bgs like these?

>> No.10365882
File: 352 KB, 1280x960, bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a dude who wants to buy a sportbike and he's working at Mugen's Pizza, he will fall in love and he will get ntr'd etc.

Mugen is cool, nothing more to say.

I made that, search for uncle mugen background tutorials.

>> No.10365913

Get out of here, you un-virgin!

>> No.10366138

My heads always flowing with ideas cause aspie + media consumption. Don't even play a dating sim, play a game with dating sim elements or some shit.

Swordcraft Story on the GBA comes to mind, so I assume most other Summon Night games too. There's also that shitty DS strategy game with something similar.

Sorry to hear you're not a native /jp/sie. I guess it makes sense, since you said you have some kind of skill.

>> No.10366152

You know nothing about visual novels, but you want to make one?

Hm,,, You know, I was thinking about taking up professional football.

>> No.10366154

If you want an involved dating sim you need to develop your characters, since they'll be the stars, then work on setting and situation.
Since you said you have no problem with the technical aspect, rather then looking at dating sims go look at some novels or animes, like 5 centimeters, that focus on those sort of things.

If you're looking for some sort of gimmick regarding story progression, I thought Crescendo did a pretty nice job by developing past events based on your choices rather then present ones. That gives you somewhat more flexibility with the time frame.

>> No.10366160

please stop confusing dating sims with adv style galge. there's a distinction but no one pays any attention.

>> No.10366168

What, that dating sims have a gameplay aspect where you raise and manage stats and situations to get the girl, where else in galge you're just "hooking up" with girls through choices?

Yeah, no one cares.

>> No.10366181

I've never played a dating sim made in the west that wasn't awful.

>> No.10366222

a dating sim is exactly that. a game that simulates the process of dating a girl. any story with multiple girls can be considered a galge, from school days to baldr sky. it would not be accurate to call tsukihime a dating sim even though you can go on a date in it.

>> No.10366237

>it would not be accurate to call tsukihime a dating sim even though you can go on a date in it.

Yes it would. Dating sims have a certain kind of gameplay.

Please return to the Katawa Shoujo general on >>>/vg/

>> No.10366267

>Yes it would. Dating sims have a certain kind of gameplay.
how does this conflict with anything I said? tokimeki memorial is a dating sim. tsukihime is not.

>> No.10366273

It's a significant difference, so yes people do care.

>> No.10366935 [DELETED] 


Tsukihime is not a dating sim you fucking retard. People like you are the reason I can't search for new dating sims without getting bombarded with VNs.

>> No.10366944

The term 'dating sim' is also often used incorrectly in English as a generic term for romance-driven games (ren'ai games), a subject matter which is stereotypically associated with the visual novel genre. This can lead to confusion, as visual novels are considered a subgenre of adventure games and are not technically included in the dating sim genre. While the two genres often share a common visual presentation, dating sims are sometimes considered to be more statistically based than the "choose your own adventure" style of visual novels.

I don't really like using wikipedia, but this time, they're right.

>> No.10366954

Playing visual novel games =/= Making visual novel games.
In fact, most game developers are not gamers themselves.

>> No.10366965


Thank you for that completely unsourced blanket generalization about a field I'm sure you have no material involvement in

>> No.10366966

He said Tokimeki memorial is a dating sim.

He said Tsukihime is not.

Stop getting your panties in a twist.

>> No.10367119

I'm op and its true. you would be horribly unproductive as a programmer if you spent a lot of time playing games. If you read a lot of game dev blogs, its a subject that comes up occasionally and most reply that they do not game much. Your perspective changes as what makes a good game as well. Because you notice ai quarks and such

>> No.10367138

Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't play the games he makes. He even said that he prefers to play his acoustic guitar than playing anything.

>> No.10367147

Not him, but it makes me wonder how people go for professions that they aren't completely genuinely interested in.

>> No.10367155

>people go for professions that they aren't completely genuinely interested in
That's what justifies the dictatorship of neurotypical extroversion. Everything is designed to keep the normalfaggot going. As everyone can see, the system works pretty well.

>> No.10367203

They are completely interested in it. They are completely interested in programming, designing, music, art.
Playing games is an extremely different experience to playing them

>> No.10367220

designing them*

>> No.10367266

What is debugging OP?

>> No.10367264
File: 180 KB, 640x460, 9813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're referring to actual dating sims, translations for them remain practically nonexistent. The only notable one I know of is Giga's Kingdom (Koisuru Oukoku): http://vndb.org/v110

If you're referring to romance VNs, I always recommend Clannad as the most well-made example of a typical romance VN.

From my experience with game devs (being an aspiring game dev myself, talking to a lot of game devs), they are almost always gamers, though many of them don't game as much as they used to when they were younger. (Though it must be noted that I talk mainly to younger developers in their twenties and thirties; people like Miyamoto grew up without games so it makes sense for them not to be gamers.)

>> No.10367326

VN is just another word for dating sim.

>> No.10367330

Eating food =/= making food professionally.
Inf cat, most chefs do not eat food themselves.

>> No.10367328

Please see

>> No.10367333

But the entire point is the story. Without story you just have a pretty piece of shit.

>> No.10367336

Everyone must eat food. Not everyone must play games.

>> No.10367337

Are you butt troubled sperglord? Why don't you go back to /v/, lel?

>> No.10367339

Not necessarily. If that was true, there would be no other form of entertainment out there, only books.

>> No.10367340

Reading books =/= writing books.
In fact, most authors have never read a book!

Is that better sperglord?

>> No.10367342

So you're saying Guilty Crown is the pinnacle of Japanese Animation?

>> No.10367346

Story is vital to the composition of an anime, but it's not the only factor. I've never said that the animation itself is the most importnat part. You're misunderstanding me on purpose.

>> No.10367351

No, because "gamer" insinuates that the person really likes to play games. You don't need to be a huge fan of gaming to make a game, just like you don't need to read thousands of books to write one.

>> No.10367362


>> No.10367363

I think that's the thing that separates mediocre from good, the passion for the medium. The more you know about it, the better you can avoid the shit people hate and actually innovate because you know what's been beaten down to boredom.

It might just be my naive take on it though.

>> No.10367389 [DELETED] 


Play these.

>> No.10367393


>It might just be my naive take on it


>> No.10367405

Sure, but why then?

>> No.10367406 [DELETED] 

I hate games but I've wanted to be a game designer/programmer ever since I was a kid, and I've never quite grown out of it.

Unfortunately, I'd feel my lack of game-playing experience would hinder me. I've never played most classic games because I never owned them as a child, and I haven't played any games made after the early 2000s except for Touhou and a few other doujin titles.

I guess it's liberating since I would be less likely to copy things, but I also have less of a handle on how games are supposed to work. Imagine being a filmmaker if you didn't have a good grasp of how the medium is.

>> No.10367430

I'm curious, what drives you to design games then? what would satisfy you most out of it?

>> No.10367453

Emulation makes that a cinch nowadays, and as a designer using emulation and tools make you see things sometimes in the technical side of things. Sometimes I watch speedruns of games just to see how much a gamer much more experienced than I am can break their design, and then I wonder "How, as a programmer, could I have avoided this?"

You shouldn't be afraid of copying basic concepts. Nothing is 100% original except the very first thing that was ever made. In fact, sometimes using well-established forms is helpful. In programming you don't always have to reinvent the wheel from Assembly up, that's why libraries exist. Of course, sometimes you will want to create your own, unique twist to things which you are free to make.

I'm also curious about that guy's drive to make games, because if it's for money, game programmers earn shit compared to other types of programmers.

>> No.10367466

>I'm also curious about that guy's drive to make games, because if it's for money, game programmers earn shit compared to other types of programmers.
Programming games is relatively fun.
Those who program for fun program games -> they work for less dough -> people who want to get paid don't get into game programming -> ...

>> No.10367467

it depends who your audience is for your question.
A lot of the triple A titles like. say.. skyrim. Its basically just a job because major companies are super strict and as an individual your usually stuck doing the bitch work. Even as the 3d artist. Your working few like 30 other 3d artists designing plates and cups. Even if your designing armor for the main character, your liable to just get stuck doing the textures or something else unsatisfying.
indie game development is more fun because your liable to make a couple dollars, but more importantly, you get to actually have a major role in a project. So at the end of the day, after everything does not compile and doesn't work right. You get to trouble shoot every problem. Its your baby and you can feel good about how you developed everything yourself and you have absolutely no seg faults at the end of the day

>> No.10367489 [DELETED] 

As a kid I liked playing Mega Drive and SNES games. A little later I discovered I like computers. I was a logically-minded thinker though I had some great ideas for games (like every child ever), so I decided I would become a programmer and make games.

I get what you're saying. It's why I like Cave Story. pixel clearly enjoyed those Metroidy platformer kind of games, so he took what worked and made a fun, polished game. Same with ZUN and STGs.

For fun. I'm a NEET and hopefully one day I'll make something worthwhile. I'm really not a good programmer. I just have a whole bunch of unfinished projects scattered around my hard drive, from 10 year old Game Maker and MMF projects to very broken C/C++ projects I can never be bothered to fix. I reinvent the wheel a lot.

I haven't played Skyrim but I played Morrowind (probably the most recent commercial title I've really played). I got the impression that even the little guy had some creative input. Maybe it was a smaller team, or perhaps they were just given strict instructions ("Here's our design document, make this exact texture and model, off you go.")

>> No.10367503


All paths lead to Tewi gore.

Is he edgy yet, /jp/?

>> No.10367919

a bacon joke :(
