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10361447 No.10361447 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the worst visual novel?

>> No.10361449

Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.10361454

don't take it personally babe, it just ain't your story

>> No.10361456

The Dandelion Girl.

>> No.10361467

The worst VN is probably something so bad that will never be translated to english. Or maybe it's original language IS english. I'd say that "<3" might be close to being the worst VN ever.

>> No.10361473

F/SN is really, really just fucking garbage. It's far too long shonen bullshit. No, I couldn't sit through the first fight scene. I couldn't give a shit about how Archer was getting magic swords and ducking then stabbing, then about to be stabbed but ducking and stabbing some more. There is nothing there for me. The entire premise just sucks.

>> No.10361478

The worst thing I read was the English version of Ishika to Honori, but I'm still an English-only peasant for the most part.

It was a surrealistically bad experience.

>> No.10361481

>shonen bullshit


>> No.10361483

I´ll never understand the obsession with FSN. It´s horribly written.

>> No.10361485


>> No.10361490

Have you read it in Japanese?

Just asking.

>> No.10361494


Don't know how else to call something that just revolves around typical battles and magic powers.

>> No.10361500

yes i have

its still shit

>> No.10361522

Genre: Action, fantasy, supernatural.

Shonen refers to demographic which only applies to manga and even that isn't a good reference to the content because it's gleaned from the magazine it's published in.

>> No.10361539

Shirou doesn't use condoms. I bet he has herpes

>> No.10361540
File: 12 KB, 150x200, Arianna Avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo, look at this badass. Insulting a canadian VN.

>> No.10361567


The author did a really good job of overblowing internet culture because I couldn't play this one for more than 10 minutes

>> No.10361687

This image is still less homo than new priest Shirou

>> No.10361694

>Shonen refers to demographic which only applies to manga

The adolescent boy demographic doesn't just apply to manga.

>> No.10361739

To what else is it applied? Wikipedia only applies the demographic labels to manga. I haven't heard it applied to anything else, not even anime.

At any rate, the demographic label has does little in describing content to which genres are much better suited.

>> No.10361740

Thats too subjective.

I'd say Katawa shoujo simply because of how it single handedly ruined any new visual novel fans now and for years to come since many first time readers will be tainted by how painfully average it was and thinking that it was the best the medium has to offer because "it is so popular. I call it Apple syndrome.

Many just h-games are pretty bad as well, with retarded stories. Some can be pretty creative and fun though, or have neat mini games.

You can't really define "worst" story wise because what 1 person might hate in a story, someone else might really enjoy, it's all preference.

>> No.10361758

Poorly written and bad art.

>> No.10361755

I think When They Cry 3 was a masterpiece.

>> No.10361762

I was tempted to check out KS, but I decided against it due to the onslaught of "BEST VN EVER" across the shitboards. Fucking ">feel" shit everywhere and I was already tired of the spam and drama during its production.

I'm not even into VNs all that much, but seeing this level of ignorance is a little disheartening. I can only wonder how VN enthusiasts feel when such people encroach upon their hobbies like this.

>> No.10361779

People that can read japanese probably don't give a single shit about "peasants" enjoying things such as KS. In fact, if I could read japanese (I'm studying very hard everyday so in a few months I suppose I'll be able too) I'd probably laugh at them for thinking that KS is the best VN ever.

>> No.10361798

If KS was a Japanese game you'd just accept it as another run-of-the-mill sort-of-enjoyable game with passable art and music that was mildly entertaining but forgettable. A solid 6/10.
Instead you faggots treat it like trash because of all the circumstances surrounding the game. I get that those do matter, but they don't alter the content of the game any more than if r07 turned out to be a neo-Nazi. Worst visual novel ever? Are you fucking serious?

>> No.10361827

If it were a Japanese game, it wouldn't have nearly as many people "feeling" all over the game.

>> No.10361839

I don't care much. What gives my soul cancer is that these people, these KSfags, don't seem to want to move on. The entire point of introducing yourself to a new medium or a new genre or a new thing is that you go out and explore it, not instantly dub the first thing you encounter as the best thing you've ever experienced regarding that particular topic and never bother to look deeper.

>> No.10361847

They're still discussing it in /vg/, or pretending to while sucking each other off
I tried pointing some of them to other VNs but there wasn't a lot of interest

>> No.10361860

>it wouldn't have nearly as many people "feeling" all over the game
And for a glorified gimmick, no less.

You probably wouldn't like that anyway. Those kinds of people are the last thing I'd want near my hobbies. Their behavior alone is enough to suggest that they only care about circlejerking "feels" rather than actually reading anything. They're fucking tourists.

>> No.10361861

Why does /jp/ always allow the fanbase of something to ruin there view on it?

Most people have moved on. There's probably a maximum of 30 people on there now at any given time. you shouldn't really count them as the fanbase of the game

>> No.10361871

As always, they're just the vocal group, the rest of us just don't care so you never see our opinions.

>> No.10361888
File: 2 KB, 200x133, japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does /jp/ always allow the fanbase of something to ruin there view on it?

I have to pretend to hate a country I actually quite like because apparently liking that country is fashionable among people /jp/ doesn't like, therefore /jp/ doesn't like me.

I'm in a pickle here, guys.

>> No.10361907

No one really cares if you like Japan as long as you don't speak in broken Japanese or think the country has no faults.
Sure, you'll get called a weeaboo on /jp/ but insults don't mean anything on 4chan.

>> No.10361969

Insults always mean something
