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File: 40 KB, 600x587, 1-1234n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10361268 No.10361268 [Reply] [Original]

I glanced at the catalog and didn't see one, so, Japanese-made masturbatory assistance thread, please (because there are more things than just onaholes).

Has anyone ever used hotpowers.jp to purchase anything? I wanted to get something but as I was checking out I noticed that secure connection was only half-secure and not verified by anything, so I wanted to see if someone else had used them.

>> No.10361294

why dont you just use nls?

>> No.10361295

Use en-nls. No point of any other site.

>> No.10361302

What the fuck is that thing at the end of the hole? Is that supposed to jam into your urethra?

>> No.10361319

That RDC guy mentioned he ordered from hotpowers before.

>> No.10361325

It's not that hard. I've seen stuff like that before. They're meant to just kind of move around on the head of your penis.

They do feel quite nice.

>> No.10361345

I just got fired, jerk. Thanks

>> No.10361360

but how can you get fired if you don't have a job?

>> No.10361359 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 402x600, a13-061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a piece of plastic, you troll ass retard. It doesn't break any SFW rules.

In any case, nls would be great if it had what I was looking for, but it doesn't.

This actually might be spoiler worthy though.

>> No.10361389


You need to use their comment field if you want them to send you their items outside Japan. They send only by EMS.
If you do speak Japanese on the efficient enough level, e-mail them if you want to be 100% sure.

>> No.10361424

I'm not sure if you noticed this or not, but everyone on /jp/ (except you) gets laid.

>> No.10361427

with your mom

>> No.10361428

pig 3d disgusting

>> No.10361442

Does nls update you with any shipping/tracking info?

I choose EMS, even though they said it is estimated at 7-12 days which seems longer than the typical time for EMS shipping.

>> No.10361458

I received an e-mail with the tracking number. They took like 2 days to mail it tough.

>> No.10362255 [DELETED] 

I have never had an onahole but I trust you /jp/. What is a good one to get for an inexperienced user?

>> No.10362269

whatever you think you might like. just do a little research before you buy. lots of options for tightness, realism, materials, stimulation, aesthetics, etc.

>> No.10362983

So after a little over four months, my Secret Twin Tales is looking like it's close to the end. The entrance to the outer structure started tearing about two months in, which got to be pretty large but only resulted in a little leakage and not much else. The inner structure started tearing a little while ago, and it progressed pretty quickly, so after using it tonight, a pretty large chunk near the entrance just started tearing off. It's dangling by a thin slice of rubber, and I was going to tear it off but figure I'll let it fall off on its own. Not sure how much longer it's got to go.

Pretty disappointing, as for the most part I was only using it two or three nights a week. And I liked it a lot, too. Looking for my next onahole, preferably another double structured loli onahole that'll last a bit longer. Looking at the Tsurupettan, any thoughts?


>> No.10362989

i dont know about that version, but this one is good
if you liked the twin tales, you'll definitely enjoy it

>> No.10362997

I always wanted to buy one but I imagine these things are a chore to clean, the Tenga one looks convenient.

>No point of any other site.
and why is that?

>> No.10363001

>I imagine these things are a chore to clean
not really

>> No.10363003

Cleaning requires really nothing more than a rinse with water.

>> No.10363011

>Has anyone ever used hotpowers.jp to purchase anything?

They send you a link to pay by credit card, which is managed by an external company, something like http://www.mailcredit.jp/pay.html?param=****
They shipped with EMS and indicated the goods as "pillows" for a price of 1000JPY so no taxes and fast delivery.
I guess you understand enough jap to order from them and read their Q&A, anything you need to know is in there. You can send them a message via their form to ask question, they respond within a day.
What model are you getting? This is important.

Calm down, it was probably just a joke.

Tsurupetta is nice, I'd recomend the soft one. It's small, don't expect to fit your whole dick. Also you need to be fully errect to insert. The visual and tactile aspects are nice, and the dual layer is good too.

On other news, I fixed my girl in box by boiling it in a saucepan.
I also tried to cook another onahole by boiling it, and I have to say that they are pretty heat resistant.
Will be able to upload video once I get my computer back if you want.

>> No.10363012

>Will be able to upload video once I get my computer back if you want.
video of a boiling onahole?
yeah, i want it

>> No.10363078

>video of a boiling onahole?
IIRC there was a Chinese video where they boil and cut a dildo as a joke on a broadcast where they mistook a sex toy for a mushroom.

>> No.10363146
File: 303 KB, 700x1250, vampire blowjow woowoowoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might also recommend the girl in box or sujiman. I will order a Rina soon, I think.
Actually I think I will just order it right now along with that kuu pillow.

And on other news again, it's finally there, the new blowjob onaho from hotpowers that I spent the whole month waiting. They removed the banner the 13th but they didn't add the new one so I thought they had abandonned the project. Good news today huh.
Anyway, here's the link

I have some trouble understanding their chart (pic related) because the last one is a bit odd, but if if I'm right:
closest to a fellatio from a human (closest is left, right is least human-like fellatio)
vacuum (most vacuum left, least right)
Average lengh of faptime (left is longer faptime, right is cum faster)
Stimulation (left is most stimulating, right is milder stimulating)

As with their 被虐のアリューネ onaho, it comes with the 前 "loli and docile" themed one and the 後 "adult and sexually aggresive" themed one. I think I will go for the later, I'm not sure wether I should pick normal or hard.

For their former oral onahole, kuchiman, the hard version was longer and designed for a more "deepthroat" feeling, but it doesn't seem to be the case here, so probably normal. They don't have a bundle to buy all the version like they do with the previous Aryune onaho.

EUR/JPY seems favourable right now, I might just use some of my savings.

I will be sure to post a detailed comparative review once I get a computer back, and complete the pastebin, but it already took two hours for just that.

>> No.10363151
File: 55 KB, 700x297, 1-1059f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Rumia.

>> No.10363277

>On other news, I fixed my girl in box by boiling it in a saucepan.

I love you /jp/

>> No.10363419

Fuck, I'm getting too exited, today is only good news.
I went to check because there was no recent release, and had been waiting for some time.

Well here it is:

3 new hole from Magic Eyes
2 budget pocket onani hole (maker price 2200JPY sold 880 JPY)
They're 12cm long "pocket" model. A bit like pokemon but for onani.
Cute and ero. The appearence might remind of their monster meiki serie.

They have made a new higher-end model. Same price range as the girl in the box, and aims to be more stimulating. Total lengh is 18.5cm so it might fit your gaijin penis. It's fleshy and it clearly aims to be very stimulating.

New tsurupetta from ExE, third model, with an even cuter girl:
Also by ExE, a new love pillow. Maybe it's the rise of lovepillow again? They became obsolete with the love body, but they seem to make comeback. They aren't even trying to hide that ExE and Gproject are subcompanies of Outvision.

>> No.10363424
File: 127 KB, 1067x800, boxsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile NPG has to rely on box art and gimmicks. They seem to have abandonned dual-layer as well.

I clearly see magic-eyes as an already important, yet still growing firm and NPG as a declining one, having to resort to the same trick Tamatoys do. Their newer meiki aren't as big hit as the former were. They're quite stagnating.

NLS and hotpowers should have those prodcuts within the next two weeks; manzoku is pretty fucking big, so no wonder they are the first to have in-stock.

I don't think they ship internationally. No mention of it in their FAQ afaik, and no その以外 or other option in their order form. I might as them by email in the future; if anyone feels up to it they might just go ahead and do it instead.
Sorry for the lenghy post have some box art.

>> No.10365021

>New tsurupetta from ExE, third model, with an even cuter girl
how cute. now i don't have to feel so bad about putting off getting the tsurupeta -soft-.

>> No.10365065

Oh wow, she is cute.

>> No.10365092

I think it's supposed to be a cervix.

>> No.10365118

Does anyone know if sujiman roa comes with lube?

>> No.10365134

which onahole is that on the far right? Is it on nls?

>> No.10365142

pretty much all onaholes come with a tiny pack of lube
usually only enough for one use

>> No.10365145

sujiman rina

it probably wont have that name on nls, but just search for rina and it will come up probably

>> No.10365146


>> No.10365149

nevermind my sides are off

>> No.10365206


It does. The Kupa Roa is the best one I own, the G-spot simulator is amazing on your head

>> No.10365308

Puni Hole DX want to put penis in butt

>> No.10365317
File: 41 KB, 290x218, 1_1271298780_7_0307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means the thing that sticks out. Here's one from the side.

>> No.10365329 [DELETED] 

I've been wanting to buy one of those for a while now. Does anyone here actually have one? I live in the US and have bought onaholes before, but not ones with explicit packaging. Would there be any issues with customs?

>> No.10365686

Big brown box.
Customs rarely check packages, if your package is checked it will depend on your states laws against these type of images.

You could always ask that the lewd packaging be removed before it it is shipped.

>> No.10365712

i'd get one if the shipping didnt cost more than the actual onahole

>> No.10365772

Are there any thermal onaholes

I soak it in warm water but that only lasts about 5 minutes, then it just feels like a cold piece of meat and kills my boner

>> No.10365783

Is your dick cold or something? Onaholes tend to get warmer the longer I use them, personally. Either way you might want to try heating the lube. That should help warm things up nicely. If possible use a smaller bottle so you can warm it up more quickly.

>> No.10365795

What about that electric onahole warming rod

I believe tenga makes it but it should work with anything

>> No.10365804

I think he wants something that will stay warm. If you're the DIY type, you may try creating a sort of insulated sleeve that will keep the onahole warmer than it would be than if it were exposed. What sort of materials you'd use I have no idea.

>> No.10365839

I like to leave my fingers inside until I'm ready and by then it's usually decently wwarm

>> No.10365874

How is the new Sujiman Roa? I have been considering to get it.

If anyone knows where to get a Puni DX I am all ears. I really want one.

TO anyone who has one, do tell us how it is, and if it was worth the money.

>> No.10365927

>If anyone knows where to get a Puni DX I am all ears.
you can get them from nls

>> No.10365963

Sorry, I meant to say Cheaper than nls. My apologies for forgetting that information.

>> No.10365969

it's cheaper on japanese amazon, but i think you need a proxy for that

>> No.10366679

Only sample size lube. you will need more than what comes with it.
>How is the new Sujiman Roa? I have been considering to get it.
I'll be able to tell you by the end of the week if EMS delays are respected.
You might want to know the nukut by Gproject. It's been advertised as an onahole you can heat by putting in hot water. Not sure how it is. The structure is nothing great, but it's a classic.
>>10365963 >>10365969
You could try hotpowers, They only ship via EMS but no proxy fees at least. They also seem to be OK with removing "useless packaging" but I'm not sure how that translates during shipping, as in how the onahole is protected within the box.
Someone mentioned amazon+proxy being cheaper than NLS, not sure what shipping method they used.

As for the kuchiman (http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-956.html):
It's a really good onahole, it is a bit noisy, but with some technique you can make its usage quieter. The succion is very good, and so is the internal structure. What is amazing about this onahole, is the ammount of variety it offers. Eventhough you can't get fully inserted, you can really vary the kind of stimulation it offers; doing so does demand some practice and experience. It is stimulating, not super strong, but from below average to above average depending on how you use it; The important part is, however, it doesn't bring you over the edge super quickly, making it an indeal toy for edging. Regarding it's durability, it is fairly durable as long as you dont try to go all the way in - however be delicate when storing it, since because of the vast internal cavity, if you put weigh over it, like store an onahole above it, it will collapse a bit- It also require minor starching in order to not become sticky overtime.

>> No.10366681

Though it does have some bad point, if you don't use proper technique, you can lose the vacuum (though it doesn't happen often, and you just have to reinsert yourself), or you can have some very minor chaffing, nothing that will hurt, but inconvinient enough. Just like a regular blowjob I guess?

The fact that you can choose to go for either very small strokes focusing on the head, or going up to mid-lengh, and that you can controll the vacuum from minimum to strong makes it really good. If you want to cum fast this isn't for you, it's much more suited for lenghy faps and/or edging.

>> No.10367606

Question for the other German anons in these threads:

If you order from NLS, with DHL shipping, can you send the package to a "Packstation"? How does that work with taxes/customs stuff?

>> No.10368511
File: 572 KB, 1500x1668, 1343014426418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered sujiman kupa roa and girl in the box

>> No.10369090

Can someone recommend me a few amazing spiral pattern onas? I have the First day of school and it was incredible.I want more.

>> No.10369228

How does an inferior non-NEET who doesn't speak moon order from hotpowers? Because damn, their original stuff looks fun :\

>> No.10369232

How would being a NEET affect your ability to order from a website

>> No.10369300

dat jaypee dream fulfilled

>> No.10369301


I'm assuming (and maybe I'm wonderfully wrong here) that just google translating the checkout forms and entering info in english won't result in great success.

>> No.10369314

OK guys... I really need to purchase an onahole.

I absolutely destroyed my dick a few days ago. It was all swollen with blisters and the head had a real good weepy rug burn on it.

>> No.10369318

How would being a NEET affect your ability to read Japanese

>> No.10369448

>I absolutely destroyed my dick a few days ago. It was all swollen with blisters and the head had a real good weepy rug burn on it.
what happened?

>> No.10370407

So apparently, http://blog.livedoor.jp/hop_mikura/ achieved 1000 followers and so an onahole themed after her will be created.
Related to this http://www.hotpowers.jp/puni/top.html..

Lilith spiral wave is very good, best in the category imo. You might want to try spiral dots as well.
Neko mii nyan is also a good option. >>10365146

I will make a guide once I get a computer than can open a picture over 1000x1000 within less than 10 seconds.

It only takes a week to heal. Just don't be like me and try to fap on the third day because it started to heal. You can try to soak clothes with hot water and alcohol (diluted by the water) and wrap it around your dick to make the inflamation heal better.
Also if you pee blood like the last two droplets, don't panic; had it twice, it healed itself within a week. Swollen penis will take around a week to heal too, maybe more, maybe less. Unless it really hurts and you see a blueing/redening of the skin then get worried. Worst I had was some yellowing due to some small blood vessel exploding I guess.

>> No.10370975

Anyone ever used a site like queencat adult toys or similar? Seems more appealing to me over NLS since it won't have to go through customs which honestly concerned me.

>> No.10371034

I personally love the 2D wave from Tomax. Superb tightness and stimulation, while not aggressively so.. I'm thinking actual spiral patterns might be too rough. Any recommendations for anything similar to the 2D wave?

>> No.10371037

Anyone ever tried the Satori model by Magic eyes?

>> No.10371056

Does anyone else dislike the loli onaholes? While they're amazing in how tight and stimulating they are, I can't stick the whole shaft in (which I always do and kind of move it around for stimulation) without ripping it to shreds within a month. They also get very loose and if they don't have a molding inside they're very boring without the tightness.

>> No.10371168

Yes. I figure they're mostly meant for those that actually fit well inside. My kupa roa lost a quarter of its dual layer after first use.. it looked really nice though :<

>> No.10373061

Has anyone tried bolth the Sujiman Kupa Roa and Rina? I want to get one of them but I'm not sure which one is better, I've been away from these threads for about two months. Also has their been hit onaholes on nls these past two months I should consider and look into?

>> No.10373098


Hizashi.... need I say more?

>> No.10373115

Does your Kupa have a hole on the inside of the lip?

Toydemon is trying to tell me a 5mm deep open bubble is completely normal.

>> No.10373128

considering buying the tenga fliphole.
anyone got some feedback?

>> No.10373148

babbys first onahole

>> No.10373154

In the last thread or the thread before, people here were talking about bubbles at the entrances of their onaholes. Like yourself they thought it was a defect at first but after posting about it here and seeing others with the same bubble in the same spot they learned it was actually normal.

I dunno what model they were talking about, but bubbles aren't all that uncommon. Probably meant to imitate a urethra or something.

>> No.10373160

well it will be my first onahole.
but from what ive read on the guide its mediocre.
im prepared to pay the price for the best

>> No.10373165 [DELETED] 

so lewd

>> No.10373177

What onahole is this?

>> No.10373244 [DELETED] 

What is the thing at the end suppose to do? Go into the urethra?

>> No.10373417

If you want to get fully inserted then don't get loli onahole. Don't get oral onahole either.
They're fine to use if you dont try to bottom them out while you are twice longer.
Rina is their moost recent models, upgrasded based on the review from Roa. You do the math.
It didn't say mediocre but decent,
but if you want the best, go for meiki ZXY. Cleaning and drying is indeed more complicated than tenga, and you have to apply starch or baby powder (or at least benefit from doing so). You might also go for venus clone or venus real which are 95% as good and twice cheaper.
girl in the box
supposed to rub around the tip. It's soft and squishy. It has been answered already though.

>> No.10373448
File: 32 KB, 600x350, 1-1287i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On other news, review of magic eye's new onahole on hopa.

Looks good, I feel sad for not having the money to buy it. At least my package should arrive by tomorrow.

Lengh might seem too small, but meiki range from 12 to 13.5 cm in depth, and I dont have much trouble despite being ~4cm longer than it thanks to the soft material. Not sure how soft/stretchy that one is.

Being labeled "THE true meiki" on the package sure sounds audacious.

>> No.10373473

looks nasty as HELL

>> No.10373487

The odd thing is it was on the left side only. So definitely not. One would think that if it were a feature it would be symetrical at least.

>> No.10373527

which site would be best to order from?

>> No.10373530

I bought Roa a few days ago because I liked the box better. How foolish of me.

>> No.10373542 [DELETED] 

So do vaginas d00d.

>> No.10374350

Something similar to 2D wavy ripple, anyone?

>> No.10374950
File: 10 KB, 350x263, meiki up down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd advise to avoid buying from omocha dreams; don't know about toy demon, but they don't sound like people I'd want to order from.
If you're in the US you're lucky, I'd advise to go for the venus clone or real from queencat.
NLS is cheaper unless you get EMS shipment.
Bubbles are not normal. TD doesn't consider them as defaults because "it doesn't really prevent you to use your masturbator".
Talk about customer support huh.

Asuming you men a non-dimentional hole with some windings tunnel, basically like pic related, right? off the top of my head:
Fuwadoro meiki, meiki up/down, meiki maria oozawa, julia+, venus clone, venus real.
To a lesser extent: tsurupetta soft, meiki ZXY
Also, most of the hip replica use that structure as well.
You might also want to check:
And in a non winding but still non-dimentional, you have this one http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-921.html..

>> No.10375128

thanks. decided and made an order at en-nls for julia+ and this https://en-nls.com/pict1-29731 (the hole)
similar to the tsurupetta but at 14.5 cm more in line to what I'm looking for. At 19 bucks worth a try. Don't think I've seen it mentioned before, though. Should write impressions if I remember to. I didn't find the fuwadoro meiki, what is it?

>> No.10375185

Sweet fuck, don't tell me you're the ``e/g/in'' guy who shitposts on /anus/.

>> No.10375187
File: 32 KB, 290x220, 1_1283928889_6_0106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind found it as fuwatoro/fluffy meiki. Seems pretty weird :P

>> No.10375188

Do they have shipping to Latin America?
Please respond.

>> No.10375397

I wish there was somewhere I could buy an onehole except instead of a girl it'd be a cute shota I'd be "fucking".

>> No.10375401

Onahole, not onehole

>> No.10375404

You're trolling, right?

>> No.10375432

There's this

>> No.10375499 [DELETED] 


>The Air pillow costs more than the Onahole

Sometimes...Sometimes I just wonder about these things...

>> No.10375506

Replied to the wrong fag


>The air pillow costs more than the Onahole

Its the little things like this that make me question the quality of those ones that are over $50

>> No.10375664

"they" who? If it's queencat, then probably not. If it's NLS, you can just send them a mail, but I'm pretty sure they do. As for hotpowers, if anything EMS reach you then answer is also a yes.
Tenga and NPG definitely bradish their self proclaimed "top quality" label to justify the added value.
I have to say that the meiki ZXY is indeed one of the best onahole that I know of, but the lilith ones almost rivals it while costing only a third of its price.
And frankly, girl in box is tighter and more stimulating, it may be not as fleshy, and not as balanced, but it's a loli equivalent for almost half the price. I wonder how magic eye's new hole fare, but I'm a bit disapointed that the effective lengh is only of 12cm, considering the tunnel narrows on the last centimeter or two. Especilly since it's 18cm long.

I haven't tested the Julia+ myself but I remember reading that it was well recieved on 2ch. Getting two holes of the same kind from the same maker doesn't really gives you much diversity.

Some more info regarding that Mikura hole. Haven't skimmed through it, though.

>> No.10376227
File: 23 KB, 594x305, y-y-y-youtoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always love it that whenever I get into the mood for some Onaholes, I wind up having to pay like 90% of what i'm purchasing for the shipping.

It can't be helped I suppose.

>> No.10376247

>It can't be helped I suppose.

Buy domestic.

>> No.10376298

I'm curious, has anyone actually tested a variety of american onaholes like the fleshlight and other ones like that?

How do they compare?

>> No.10376321

You know what would be cool?

A semi-transparent onahole.

As in, bottom half would be opaque and pink, and the top half would be transparent, so when you're fucking it, it's like a you're seeing an x-ray view.

I guess it would have to have pretty thick walls for the illusion to work, though.

>> No.10376366

I tried a few, and they're all overpriced sub-par shit.
Haven't tried the fleshlight but the consensus is that it's nowhere as good as high grade onahole.

Get a higher item price/weigh ratio, shipping shouldn't be over a third of the total price, even while using the most expensive option.

Frankly, you could (and probably should) skip the last two, unless they're for collecting purpose.

>> No.10376384

Got an OL Meiki onahole and a STU Fleshlight. To be honest the Fleshlight is actually pretty good, both of them deliver body quivering orgasms. Just don't buy the plain version and you'll be fine.

>> No.10376391

I don't trust a fellow american with my dick... Besides, I can't shake the feeling that they'd be lacking in notable variety.

>collecting purpose
They're all getting the dick. I wanted something that feels like its biting my penis off and they seemed pretty suitable for the job

>> No.10377220

i have a STU Fleshlight, it's very durable, but that's about it
japanese onaholes are tighter and feel much better

>> No.10377275

On top of that, Tomax toys are VERY durable too. Also, the STU boasts itself as a 'sexual trainer' but I have lasted much longer since I've been using my 2D wavy ripple rather than something that is marketed for it.

>> No.10377280
File: 92 KB, 500x333, suika_miko_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are second hand onaholes worth buying? Anyone had experience with these before? How much cheaper are they from the full-price product?

>> No.10377287
File: 45 KB, 289x273, ruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second hand onaholes

>> No.10377320
File: 9 KB, 229x271, 1249637646399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what

>> No.10377339
File: 113 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10377377
File: 216 KB, 632x906, tip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sujiman and girl in the box arrived at the customs yesterday
stupid customs and their taxes

>> No.10377407

I had to pay 33.19 since they felt lube was very tax-worthy.

>> No.10377415

i dont know how much the tax is yet, i also ordered lube
but it should be around 24 euros

>> No.10377478

What should I do to keep the onahole material from deteriorating?

I read corn starch or something helps

>> No.10377513

To keep them clean, keep them in an air permeable bag and clean them with lint-free cloth. To keep them soft, non-sticky/tacky, use corn starch. Either way eventual deterioration is inevitable. Durability varies between manufacturers.

>> No.10377533

use water based lube
dont use soap for cleaning

>> No.10379449

My first onahole arrived today (Roa)

I don't think actually using it was super stimulating alone, but the act of penetrating or even looking at the opening really pushes the experience up a lot. Sadly the lube I ordered hasnt arrived yet so I only have what came with the onahole, but luckily I didn't use it all in my first go.

>> No.10381258

I had the same sensation when I had my secret twin tales. After using it a few times I felt the pleasure of cumming inside over the asthetics

>> No.10381276

I finally bit the bullet and ordered a Lilith Spiral Dots soft.

I was seriously considering getting it in very soft because NEW! but decided against it. I think I made the right decision.

My 17 is depreciated I dunno what to do with it now, the Lilith just blows it away in every category

>> No.10381312

I went to a sex shop today and was like "thongs... lube... vibrators... dick-shaped snack platters... waitasec an onahole?".

This is Mexico, Japanese stuff hardly ever makes it here, so I was pretty surprised.

>> No.10381336

Was it expensive?

>> No.10381680

That seems impossible to wash

>> No.10381717

I was gonna buy a onahole but the one I wanted isn't available from nls.
Is there an decent first time onahole for someone if a slight above average penis?

>> No.10381718

Well it's a single layer toy, so you can turn it inside out and thoroughly rinse it.

>> No.10381743

I'd go for one of the lengthy ToysHeart toys, or get a Tomax toy to your liking from queenadulttoys.
Until you figure out whether you like silky soft stimulation, meiki realistic stimulation or firmer high stimulation toys.

There's more to it than that, though. For example if your glans is very sensitive, better avoid things that have big nubs or spirals that are too agressive. Also, I am also slightly above average but my favorite holes are 14.5-15.5 cm. You don't necessarily need to fit whole, it all depends on what you like. Just avoid really small toys, they won't last long.

>> No.10381748
File: 84 KB, 431x486, 1178509687034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onaholes at a sex shop?

>> No.10381750

if it's only slightly above average, you shouldnt have problems with the usual loliholes

>> No.10381755

I disagree.

>> No.10381763
File: 1.20 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20121218_141854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here to remind you, wash and dry your holes properly.

>> No.10381769

Oh fuck... I have tiny little hard spec like that in the back of my Fliphole. I should be able to use it for a few more months right?

>> No.10381775

how can you even fail at drying a fliphole

>> No.10381792

I wish I was slightly above average. Oh well, at least the loli holes make me feel like a man.

>> No.10381793

Whats the proper technique for a non flip onahole

A double layer one, I just kinda take it in the shower and try to fill it up with water and then squeeze it out and wrap it up for next time

>> No.10381801

>try to fill it up with water
use your fingers to clean the insides
>and wrap it up
make sure it gets air so it can dry

>> No.10381857


>> No.10381865

Single layer

>> No.10381876

you clean double layered ones the same way
just dont turn it inside out and you'll be fine

>> No.10381909

I bought a second You're My Idol ! toy from en-nls and this one doesn't have the weak spot mentioned in older threads. I believe the new batch has far less chance to burst (which happened with my first). Excellent toy for the money (high stimulation/firmness though).

>> No.10381914

Burst? Was this due to not squeezing out enough air or just failing to accommodate for a penis?

>> No.10381918

The very end of the onahole had a spot that was terribly thin. It was disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.10381920

Haha oh wow. Check out this new arrival.

>> No.10381923

Dunno I am still using same one.

>> No.10381935
File: 58 KB, 728x476, T2PS9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10381942

>squeezing out enough air
I knew there was a problem earlier when I tried mine out for the first time and I was seeing large bulges in the sides/near the end

Hopefully I didn't cause any permanent damage

>> No.10381943

After buying one to two holes and getting fucked over by shipping, I decided to "buy in bulk" and get a good portion of my to get list. This is everything I ordered.
This month is going to be extremely interesting.

>> No.10381963

Good picks. A bit of everything, I'm sure you'll have fun.
I'm waiting for 3 seperate shipments. If any gets opened by my family I'm royally screwed. Interesting month- yes.

>> No.10381986
File: 58 KB, 844x350, wd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washing day

>> No.10381989

When I resort to these toys, I think it'll be time to kill myself.

>> No.10381990
File: 527 KB, 1108x1600, TobiKoa_p013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ueda Yuu does the boxwork for the tsurupeta girl right? I feel like I need to buy it just because of that.

>> No.10381998
File: 1.06 MB, 600x922, dfbz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10381999

I would rather eat Mao's breakfast to be honest. Food like that appeals to my inner foodie.

>> No.10382002
File: 536 KB, 600x712, nhv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10382017

What's the top one?

>> No.10382042
File: 21 KB, 522x395, ScreenHunter_01 Jan. 20 11.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10382233
File: 363 KB, 1200x600, 55c8084f5d39ab18bca2168d72d72ab4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks more like shouji ayumu

>> No.10382251

That person did the work for the prior two. Ueda Yuu does the artwork for http://shop.manzoku.or.jp/pc/detail/item.php?item_id=M2706

>> No.10382313

oh, gotcha

>> No.10384499

Oh, I remember you. Good to hear.
I guess that places ExE above TH in term of quality.
It's a very good alternative to spiraling onahole.
This. Also try using a non-coloured microfiber towel to dry the inside if yu can, but squeezing the water works well enough in most cases. I wrap my onahole in towels and then store it in my desk drawer. Never had any problem.

Except you'll end up like >>10377407 & >>10377377
I was woried about the fact that EMS was much cheaper, but considering hotpowers label the goods as pillow, you avoid taxes, so it's a good option.

That's impractical. And a bit scary.

>> No.10384791

I live in god's chosen country and he decided we don't pay taxes on imports of sex toys.

>> No.10385526

>turning them inside out
It's like you're trying to ruin them faster.

>> No.10386366

Well he has enough of them.

>> No.10386563

My first order with e-nls was big so I went with e-packet since it was the cheapest. They gave me a "free upgrade" to EMS and it took 2 weeks(during holidays) and 33.19EUR tax.
This time my package was shipped with e-Packet, shipped tuesday arrived the next monday, neat. I asked them to note items as "figures", this time no tax was required to pay. Could be luck, but this seems the way to go.
With DHL shipping, you can't ask them to change the customs description and taxes are at least as high as with EMS so fuck that, too.

>> No.10386564

Typo, I asked them to note as "FIGURINES". Customs don't care about no figurines. They probably don't care about books or comuter parts, either, though.

>> No.10386770

The Julia+ I received is pretty huge. I bet it's as big as some of the smaller hip toys. If you like curvature to play with, good toy. Stimulation-wise it's pretty gentle. Just a tad more stimulation than a single layer could offer.
The Hug Me !! budget toy I wanted to try is pretty small. At $19 for 14.5cm-232g versus something like You're my Idol $26 15.5cm-370g you.. get what you pay for. I'll leave my impressions on that one later, dimension-wise I wouldn't recommend it though. looks small and fragile.

>> No.10386939

Got any recommendations for hip style onaholes? I want to grab some chunky ass or soft tits while I fuck a slab of silicone when I'm alone.

>> No.10386946

they are pretty expensive, how much do you want to spend?

>> No.10386952


I'll probably be saving for it anyway so around the $200-$250 range?

>> No.10387012

i dont think many people here have the expensive stuff
but if you want a cheaper (130 bux) loli sized hip, the meiki cherry 2 is pretty nice

>> No.10387034


In terms of hip mass:
Gokujyo Namagoshi>Meiki Advent>Puni Hole

The Gokujyo seems to have pretty comparable canals to the Puni Hole, preferable to the advent's in my opinion. The Puni hole and Advent have a hole to flush water through. Some like that feature, others don't (lube can go through, too). The hips also leak a little oil so using them right there on your bed probably isn't the best idea either.

Buy the one you think is worth the $$

video of the Gokujyo

>> No.10387036

make that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJlCxmZ-UHU

>> No.10387059


Thanks, definitely leaning towards the namagoshi or puni hole. Also looking at the wet sucker but the lips look like shit.

>> No.10387075

with delivery the namagoshi will cost about 400 bux

>> No.10387085

I've been thinking of getting a Meiki Advent for a while now myself. I can say from experience that closed holes are a bitch to clean and in doing so they become looser more quickly. This is definitely not something you want if you're putting down that much money for one of these.

>> No.10387087

check this one out too
this site has more pictures

>> No.10387092

If you're in the US you can get it for 300 if you get it from ToyDemon.

>> No.10387105


Oh yeah I agree, have a meiki maria ozawa and I hardly use it cause I'm too lazy to clean it. But the advent's canals don't look as inviting as the others.

>> No.10388659

I was thinking about ordering a few ones and I'm a little torn about what I should get.
Anyone tried/compared the following? (yes, I have a thing for young/loli onaholes, deal with it)


Aside from the nice packaging, do they actually _feel_ good, or are the just pure marketing and low-grade products? I realize that the question is subjective, but any input is appreciated.

I already own one of the secret twin tales and loved it and it's softness (until it teared, that is). Would any of the above be a good replacement?

And in the end of the day I just want something that feels awesome around my cock. Are the Meiki/others worth getting, and do they feel the same as the "anime onaholes"?

>> No.10388672

If you want a good site for onahole ratings.


>> No.10388850

Mii nyan - heavily stimulating spiral type
17 evo - an upgrade of 17; has durability problems. popular onahole, probably good.
sujiman rina&roa - good loli hole. I personally like sujiman Rina.

>are the[y] just pure marketing and low-grade products [...]Would any of the above be a good replacement?
Yeah, they're all good onahole, durable as well, except for the 17 evo. Why don't you go for the newer vertion or the newer version's variation, though?
>deal with it

>> No.10389158

Do those massager wands work on penises? I want to masturbate without moving at all.

>> No.10389230

I wish I knew.

>> No.10389257

Remember to warm up your onahole and lube!

Slightly warmer than body temperature feels amazing. Try to get the deepest part of the onahole warmer than the rest and it will feel great when you bottom out and hit that warm wall.

>> No.10389420

So, how small are the loliholes? I'm 5 inches, so that's about 12.7 cm. Or is that too small to rip anything? w

>> No.10389431

Depends, average is 10~12cm. Your dick is basically ideal for loli holes, I bet you're Asian.
Just order any onahole you want, though longer ones may not be as good for you.

>> No.10389437

... How'd you know?

>> No.10389875
File: 969 KB, 2560x3200, Onaho Gozaimasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only used my meiki cherry about 15 times in two years.
Never seen the video with that Yami kig having spasms?
You might have meant onaho.net
Also, I recieved a box.

Sujiman is definitely worth it, and so is the vampire blowjob.
Sujiman Rina is good, durable, really tight, and cheap. Also comes with a postcard.
Vampire blowjob (post awkening) is noticeably softer than the kuchiman, and while it doesn't have as much succion, or its realism, It does a much better job at stimulating the dick. Would pick over kuchiman.
Will post more in-depth reviews in a week or two.

There isn't many products that I regret buying, but the kyuu piullow is one of them. 0/10.

>> No.10389930

Is there some sort of guide on where to buy and cleaning and whatnot? I only know about en-nls.

>> No.10389946

Yea I did mean onaho, spaced out with my cut and paste.

So the pillows are pretty meh? They seemed like they would be

>> No.10390201

Hey, how do you guys warm up your lube? Microwave it?

>> No.10390223

Absolutely not. Place the bag in warm or hot water instead.

>> No.10390231

Of course they do. An anon posted a neat tip a few threads ago: if you have a wired Xbox 360 controller, you can use Xpadder to assign vibration and vibration strength to button presses. I gave it a shot, set up vibration in 25% increments and masturbated with it. It wasn't bad, the stimulation is more than enough to climax, but I probably wouldn't use it that much over my hand, let alone my onahole.

>> No.10390240

I know I am going to take heat for this, but these things me a little gross. That is coming from a guy who doesn't know how to masturbate though. Take it as is.

>> No.10390244

>Microwave it?
only if you want to burn your dick

put the bottle in warm water

>> No.10390245

>doesn't know how to masturbate though
How do you not know how to masturbate?

>> No.10390257

Not him but I think its the same as that point when you didn't know what the hell you were doing but you knew it made your dick feel good.

I didn't use the normal technique until a few month in of touching myself.

>> No.10390260

are you that guy who had a bad experience as a kid and now refuses to try to masturbate

>> No.10390841

whats the kuu pillow thing anyway?

>> No.10390873
File: 279 KB, 1708x1045, jews did 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrived today

>> No.10390944

The new tsurupetta looks like it's going to be hella popular. It's basically a loli Meiki 005 ZXY. Awesome.

>> No.10390955

Why would they model it after a postcard anyway

Has anyone tried mailing theirs to someone

>> No.10391729

Why are these threads allowed on /jp/ anyway?

Vaginas are clearly not SFW, just look at >>10361268

>> No.10391734

lol get a load of this guy right here

>> No.10391767

Sculptures of children's vaginas are literally illegal and break global rule 1.

>> No.10391771

There's no age on depictions.

>> No.10391774

Go ahead and report it if you're bothered by it so much (I doubt anyone in the thread would give a shit).

Posting in this thread and coming out with shit like that is pointless and just makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.10392753

how disappointing, the sujiman was defective
the back wall is so thin i can see my dick through it
girl in the box also had some surface problems, but it's not a big deal

>> No.10392765

Lucky enough to own a small space heater with a fan so I put it in front of there. Definitely gets it very warm, at least warmer than body temperature.

Onahole just goes in water.

>> No.10392776
File: 371 KB, 1000x1280, shiping notice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, that sucks, my sujiman came in perfect condition.
Then again my girl in box came with a defect as well. I'll see if avoiding to buy from NLS will fix that.
This: http://www.onaho.net/pillow/kuu_pillow.html
I don't think it's going to be THAT good, but as a third version, it is going to be pretty good.
There still isn't much info on it, official release was yesterday afaik.

Also, tax evading with hotpowers.

>> No.10392785

>I'll see if avoiding to buy from NLS will fix that.
are there any other japanese places that will deliver to europe without a proxy?

>> No.10392793

I want that new Tsurupetta because of the artwork, but if I'm to believe the posts here the artwork is the one thing I can't really import.

>> No.10392806

depends where you live

>> No.10392885

Yeah, hotpowers.
I should have a working computer soon and will make a guide on how to order from them as soon as I can.

>> No.10393859

How long do you think before you can buy the tsurupetta from (en)nls?

>> No.10394072
File: 463 KB, 1048x904, kana stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened Secret Twin Tales Kana, saw this message that said "Stop!"

What's it say?

>> No.10394089

The pleasure of cumming inside is best enjoyed once per day.

>> No.10394126

Hey I didn't get that if only I knew...

>> No.10394184

Just wondering, why non-coloured microfiber?

>> No.10394406 [DELETED] 

Something like
`` オナニー 一日一回


Basically what >>10394089 said. Cuming once a day keeps the doctor away, but dont be too rough or you might damage your health.

Probably at least 2 weeks, maybe a month; but they might be faster for once, who knows. Amazon release is the 25th, it's still in preorder status.

Coloured one might stain your onahole.

>> No.10394407
File: 511 KB, 1180x916, polka dot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've seen that coming and thanks, anon.

I guess they changed the bundle package a bit, then. I didn't get the mint green shimapan as advertised, either. But these polka dot ones are still pretty cute.

>> No.10394439

Something like
`` オナニー

Basically what >>10394089 said. Cuming once a day, you might damage your health if you're too rough, let's proceed with care.

Probably at least 2 weeks, maybe a month; but they might be faster for once, who knows. Amazon release is the 25th, it's still in preorder status.

Coloured one might stain your onahole.

Some other guy got polka dots as well, they're semi-random.
I asume you got it recently. It's very fragile, be careful with it.

>> No.10394506

It's a good feeling to have a smiling loli tell me not to be too rough with my masturbating.

And yeah, it was recent -- just came in a couple of days ago. They do look less durable than panties that are made to be worn, now that you mention it.

>> No.10394515

What do you do with those panties?

>> No.10394520

No, I meant the onahole in itself is fragile, not the panties.
Hole lifespan is 6month at best. It's a good one appart from that.
Also, It's also on my box, so I don't think they changed packaging.

>> No.10394531

Fuck, I just realised that 4chan keeps on erasing the text. What the fuck with that?

>> No.10394557

Oh, oops. Yep, I'll be careful.

Anything I like.

>> No.10394592

Wear them on your face like a masked wrestler

>> No.10395184

are there some other ways to dry the inside thoroughly without turning inside out?

>Also try using a non-coloured microfiber towel to dry the inside if yu can
i'd try that but i'm afraid of tearing from opening the hole too wide

>> No.10395187


Is the size of your two fingers and a towel wider than your dick?

>> No.10395214

no. guess i just need a better towel. only no-lint towel i have grabs and pulls the material, so i'd pull the hole open and dab the tunnel instead of just shoving the towel in.

>> No.10395239
File: 19 KB, 350x263, onaho dryer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does have some kind of a point: there is no lubrication when drying an onahole.
Something like this.
Frankly, unless you intend to store it, squeezing the water out, starting from the bottom of the tunnel, going toward the entrance; squeezing water out the same way you'd milk a cow, but keep constant pressure and a progression line. I find this + wrapping the onahole in a towel and putting that in my storing drawer good enough. Never had any problem. Kinda hard to explain via text, but I'm sure you'll make sense out of it.

>> No.10395269

Does Daimaoh have international shipping?

>> No.10395317

did anyone ever get a replacement for a defective item from nls?

>> No.10395533

For drying I stuff a strip of cloth inside then repeat with the other end of the strip.

>> No.10395788

Through a proxy, not site-direct.

>> No.10396054

damn, I really wanted to buy one of those venus holes.

>> No.10396124

Do you own a "Neko mii nyan"?
Or is the photo posted at >>10363424 just a random photo you got else where?

My first and currently only onahole is the Neko mii nyan, and I was wondering how it compares to the other onaholes you've owned. I initially bought it under the impression of it being a soft and fragile onahole with low stimulation. But recently I've read reviews saying that it is actually quite hard and very stimulation.. It's also fucking durable since I've been using it for a year and it's still looking fine.

I am currently looking for something soft, durable, less stimulating and preferably loli-themed. Is Sujiman Rina a good choice?

Also, do you own ghost blowjob (www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1057.html) and the weird balloon pillow thing (www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1054.html) ? How are they?

>> No.10396300
File: 9 KB, 259x194, eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no age on depictions.

>“minor” means any person under the age of eighteen years;

>Any person who knowingly produces, distributes, receives, or possesses with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a sculpture
>Any person who knowingly possesses a visual depiction of any kind, including a sculpture
>Nonrequired Element of Offense.— It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

>Whoever violates, or attempts or conspires to violate, subsection (a)(5) shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both, but, if any image of child pornography involved in the offense involved a prepubescent minor or a minor who had not attained 12 years of age, such person shall be fined under this title and imprisoned for not more than 20 years

Check your privilege, pedo scum.

>> No.10396395

No I meant quite literally, there's no age on these depictions. Not one will explicitly say "is x years old" therefore it's all open to all kinds interpretation.. generalizing like you do is never effective or appreciated.. and I don't even like loli's.

>> No.10396412

I wish you would stop posting that quote from Cornell Law because its misleading.
The nonrequired element of offense clause HAS NOT been upheld by the Supreme Court yet. And several of the US District Courts, including the 9th have ruled it unconstitutional.
So depending on where in the US you are it may or may not be possible for you to be charged under it.
Right now if you WRITE a description of sex with a minor its protected speach, but-as written- DRAWING children having sex is not.
This is a clear violation of "equal protection under the law", but the Supreme Court has not revisited the matter.

>> No.10396452
File: 130 KB, 466x367, Blair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an anarchist! I hate the U.S.!
You know, given the thread you're in, I'm actually fine with that. You're like the ethnic right-wingers in arabia, or like North Korea, you make your enemies look really fucking good by comparison.

>> No.10396466

Did you post in the wrong thread?

>> No.10396474

Was reacting to the anarchist Hate America pic >>10396300

>> No.10396832


>> No.10396855

>Neko mii nyan [...] with low stimulation
You must have been surprised.
I don't personally own the Nekp Mii nyan, but the picture is from my internet friend.
>I am currently looking for something soft, durable, less stimulating and preferably loli-themed. Is Sujiman Rina a good choice?
Sujiman are quite hard, and tight imo; but they;re durable and less stimulating than the neko mii-nyan for sure. I personally like sujiman Rina best out of all the loli hole I tried. Tsurupetta soft isn't as durable. I have never tried out the ubu/puni virgin though.

>ghost blowjob www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1057.html
It's not a blowjob hole though.
It's the most massive onahole I've ever owned, and feels exactly like fucking ectoplasm: It's the softest onahole that exist in this whole world at the moment, the hole in itself is actually as large as a pinhead (it stretches due to it being super soft), the stimulation is very gentle and mild, it's really a comfortable place for your dick. The only drawback is that it's sticky and a bit of a bother to wash.
It's very sticky and will leave some residue on your hand if you use it for >40 minute. Maybe that's just me; my hands tend to sortof melt a thin layer of the onahole surface when I use them for a very long time.
So yeah, it's like fucking a ghost/ectoplasm in every aspect. A little expensive, if not bought as part of a set, though.

>the weird balloon pillow thing
Best onahole holder so far.
Largest space, so you can mount a meiki and even a venus in it; something which most dolls can't do. Lovecloud does have previously released 3 onahole holder very similar to this, but the space to set the onahole wasn't as large afaik, only owned one of the model. (out of the three models, only one is available on en-NLS, the two others are available on the jap NLS though)
Takes much, much less effort to inflate than a lovedoll, is more practical to use, and you can mount even the biggest onahole.
You can't mount the #1 softest though.

>> No.10396875
File: 101 KB, 665x399, pleaserespondsaten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond

>> No.10396889


I'd say no responses constitutes as a No Anon

>> No.10397020

There has been one guy who got a replacement, his tsurupeta came fucking disfigured.
Be sure to say that you didn't use the onahole, or you will not get any replacement.

>> No.10397096

it's not a defect you can see from the outside
unless you insert something first

>> No.10397281

>A little expensive, if not bought as part of a set, though.
How does it compare to similarly priced high end holes?

>> No.10397445

I know you said you would do a hotpowers guide when you have the pc capable of making pictures and such, but would you mind just briefly summarizing the procedure so I'm not blind trying to figure it out.

>> No.10397481

Well. So ended up ordering four different ones, not even that expensive in the end.
Too bad they didn't have the Neko Mi-Nyan in stock, would have bought it too.

EMS shipping though so it'll take atleast a week I think.

Why do I always feel a little dirty when ordering shit like this? Not that it's necessarily a bad feeling, mind you.

>> No.10397512

>The nonrequired element of offense clause HAS NOT been upheld by the Supreme Court yet.


>And several of the US District Courts, including the 9th have ruled it unconstitutional.
[citation needed]

The previous law was struck down as unconstitutional, and this one was enacted in its place.

If you have cartoons of children fucking and someone reports you to the police, you will be fined and/or imprisoned. This is because it is illegal. If you want to challenge the law, go ahead, but that doesn't mean the law doesn't exist here and now.

>> No.10397518

uh, where can i get one ?

seems interresting

>> No.10397526

Oh, scratch that, I see what you're saying.

Still, my point stands. Just because a federal law has not been taken to the Supreme Court does not mean that law does not exist. The reason these two people have been arrested is because they committed a criminal offense. This applies to the law whether or not it has been taken to the highest authorities on the matter. I doubt any cases of shoplifting bubblegum have made it to the Supreme Court, but it's still illegal.

>> No.10397528

Goddammit this is gross. I have to have the OP pic thumbnail custom-filtered since the extension shit is so broken and retarded.

Fuck you, j-list.

>> No.10397545

...and by "custom filtered," I mean with my ad-blocker, which I'm not turning off because WHY THE HELL SHOULD I VOLUNTEER MY COMPUTER'S TIME RUNNING ANY/ALL THE INTERNET'S VARIOUS ATTACK-ADS, HMM? Fuck, find some way of getting paid without trying to give your visitors a free "virus" ... "checker."

>> No.10397575

someone please ?

>> No.10397577


>> No.10397582
File: 820 KB, 1891x1200, DSC_6829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10397585
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>> No.10397594

You seem like a cool dude.

Sadly half my onaholes have no box art due to paranoid importing.

>> No.10397602

Not as good as a venus clone, for example. only 80% as good overall. But it's a one of a kind onahole, nothing similar to it.
Fill adress form as good as you can, not really super-duper relevant but mandatory fields. select sonoigai in the prefecture scrolling menu.
Select credit card payment (in katakana, with tickboxes, under the aderess form)

Put this in the comment field.
# in case you bought an original 2 hole set, here's an example:

- 空笑挽歌-スモーキングカウントダウン- / http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1057.html
- http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-956.html

# to indicate your adress
郵便番号:(ZIP CODE)
番地等:(STREET ADRESS; ie number and street name)

And that's it. Maybe you can add a little ``よろしくお願いします。'' at the end or something if you feel like it.
If you're a murkan, you might add a line to indicate your state.

I should have my computer working this week, though, and first thing I'm going to do is this guide.

You could have ordered it from NLS anyway, it would have added 48 hour of delay at worst.

>> No.10397613

Seems like 4chang ate the text for the second onahole name.
Anyway, there is the name of the onahole before the / (adress) in the same fashion as the first one.

>> No.10397617
File: 271 KB, 852x1116, whoahueg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus he misspelled the word "speech."

But if you wanna get imprisoned for looking at sailor moon naked or whatever, you still need to go north of the border.

>> No.10397675

Did anyone ever find a jp site that still sold or had the discontinued Daydream girl? http://www.e-nls.com/pict1-26984?c2=9999
I was thinking about adding it then it suddenly went dry.

>> No.10397701
File: 1.36 MB, 2837x2197, 1345911240462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10397802

The Mi-Nyan hole is stuck in "notify me when it is available" instead of the possibility to order.

>> No.10397935

What's a good starter onahole for a guy with a small dong?

>> No.10397949


What country do you live in?

>> No.10398019

Sujiman Rina, the newly released tsurupetta and the tomax succubus line such as the 2D wavy ripple are all great.

>> No.10398099

That feel when you get a new Onahole,cum inside it and can't bring yourself to pull out because of how nice it feels in your dwick

>> No.10398116

That's when you're suposed to use it twice in a row; feel r9-kun

>> No.10398144

Eurofag here. Where can you order a loli onahole?

all I know is en-nls, they have the Age series. however, shipping costs as much as the onahole itself. it would cost 35-40 euro, unless you're lucky with 15-20 euro taxes.
omochadreams in Germany sells for 50-60 euro plus 8 shipping. no import taxes but it's not a good deal either.

>> No.10398220

>unless you're lucky with 15-20 euro taxes.
That doesn't make sense.
In fact, your whole post is a hassle to read; Being european is no excuse for sloppy writings, especially when making a request.

Avoid omochradream. They price every article double.
Taxes are only 20% of any import of a total value (that is including shipping) over 40USD.
You can try to avoid taxes by ordering from hotpowers.
Taxes rarely trigger with e-packet (cheapest NLS shipping); In fact I don't think it ever triggered taxes for me.
Can't say the same about EMS and DHL; so if you live in Deutschland, since DHL has its nazi supremacy on shipping, you will pay taxes almost every time, it seems.

If you intend to buy the seven or eleven, you should know that they're rather boring compared to the rest loli holes.

>> No.10398233
File: 65 KB, 290x220, 1_1284537591_7_0407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That would've been nice,if only I didn't realize that I was ripping it with my girth

Its nothing short of rare with these things that I actually get one that manages to take me in full without showing me my plastic covered dick poking out but also actually leaves my dick feeling nice.

I'll have try not to be too rough next time Mizuki honey

>> No.10398223 [DELETED] 


That would've been nice,if only I didn't realize that I was ripping it with my girth

Its nothing short of rare with these things that I actually get one that manages to take me in full without showing me my plastic covered dick poking out but also actually leaves my dick feeling nice.

I'll have try not to be too rough next time Mizuki honey

>> No.10398347

Is hotpowers the only place to get the onahole holder or is it eventually going to stocked in en-nls?
I was going to make an order, but that expandable holder is exactly what I'm looking for and want it really badly.

>> No.10398434

>Taxes are only 20% of any import of a total value (that is including shipping) over 40USD.
in my country, customs charge a flat fee on top of VAT. it's 10 euro or so.
>Taxes rarely trigger with e-packet (cheapest NLS shipping); In fact I don't think it ever triggered taxes for me.
good to know, thanks

>> No.10398502

Using the built in google translator I couldn't find "sonoigai" anywhere on the list. Could you list the kanji itself so I can just search for it that way?
Also do I skip the questionare since I cant respond with anything in jap.

>> No.10398630

Godamn shipping+handling for these things costs nearly as much as the onaholes

>> No.10398653

Yes, it sucks

>> No.10398797

I checked NLS, they don't have them anymore, even on the jap website.
The clear one is made by hotpowers, so sold there only, but the three made by lovecloud have one of them quite widespread, comerciallised in the US by "california exotic novelties" so if you want that particuliar model, it's hotpowers, otherwise, you have a lot of choices.

My bad, it was その他 sono hoka .
(last option in case it doesn't show up, but I seem to have problem with katakana only)
And no, you don't have to fill the questionaire, or any field without a red asterisk (*) for that matter

Unless you're only buying one onahole and nothing else, that shouldn't happen if you aren't terrible at managing your orders.
Shipping usually represents ~1/3rd of the total price here.

>> No.10398823

I don't care if >>10397701 is more popular than my post, it's nsfw. Blatantly nsfw, too, it's not just some casual nudity at a hotsprings or some shit. Dammit.

>> No.10398834

Nevermind, I'm an idiot.
It was in onahole accesory, but not in the lovedoll section.

>> No.10398861

oh wow, a bag with a photo printed on it >_>

>> No.10399954

What exactly is the difference between dual layer and single layer onaholes? Are dual layer onaholes less durable?

>> No.10399962 [DELETED] 

Are they bolth the same thing with just a terrible picture pasted on top? The reason the other one perked my interest so much is not the shape but the dual layer expansion that allows it to accommodate larger and smaller holes; since I have holes ranging from Venus Clone all the way to small. If not I'll just use hotpowers even though the onaholes I would want to also buy are more expensive on hotpowers than on en-nls, unless the shipping is way cheaper.

>> No.10399968

>Are dual layer onaholes less durable?

>> No.10400028

What do you guys recommend for hands free onaholes?

Are those air doll/cushions any good?

>> No.10400052

>A little expensive, if not bought as part of a set, though.
Whats the set for it and how much do you save? I've always been interested in getting a slimy onahole.

>> No.10400063

Dual layer are generally less durable, but generally feel better. Composite materials. Though, there really isn't a need for dual layer in some cases, but it's a nice bonus.
I owned a couple of inflatables, and can't say it's a good idea, unless you get a full body one. love body risa, for example was fairly impractical.
Surely their recent models are better. Don't get a hybrid that is just a torso, it's not a very good idea. Either go with something minimalistic, the size of a hip replica, or a full body. Don't make the same error as me and get 4 hybrid torso only before realising they're shit.

But frankly, a doll is a lot of investment. If you just want an onahole stand to use them hands free, then use a pillow and a belt.

>> No.10400081

2hole set 7,500円 3,750円 per onahole
3hole set 10,000円 3,333円 per onahole
4hole set 12,000円 3,000円 per onahole
5hole set 14,000円 2,800円 per onahole

Only works for hotpowers original holes listed on this page: http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/set-hole47.html

>> No.10400108

So can I can mix and match any of the holes on that page or is it more of a wholesale bulk where if i buy multiple of the same item the price goes down.

>> No.10400127

Is Sujiman Rina a dual layer onahole?

>> No.10400141

You can mix several of those on this page. In fact they do say something against buying in bulk, but that's for some specific model or something. Who would do that anyway?
Yes. Pretty durable, though; or at least I haven't heard anything saying the durability is bad.

>> No.10400259

I was looking into getting the new vampire blowjob hole that just came out http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1058.html
but then stumbled upon this as well
It looks good on paper but I'm not finding any feedback on it? Has anyone bought either and can give some input on whats a better "blowjob" hole.

>> No.10400454

I only tried the post awakening and the kuchiman you just linked as far as oral onahole go.
There aren't even 10 models in total.
If you want something that feels like a blowjob (not that I'd know) I'd say go for the kuchiman; or HEPS if you've got the $$$.

The post awakening(adult one) vampire blowjob is softer than the kuchiman, and very different too; it doesn't have as much succion, and is much more stimulating. It doesn't feel like a blowjob from a human, it's more agressive in nature. They both require a bit of technique, but they're both worth it.
I haven't tried the pre-awakening(loli one), but they say it has even more succion than the kuchiman; if the difference is the same than between kuchiman and post awakening, then it's probably mind-blowing.
I can't really give a full detailed comparative review right now, I need to recover.

>> No.10400559

The new Magic Eyes toy is available as a new item on e-nls. I think I'm gonna buy it on my new order.

>> No.10400625

>They both require a bit of technique

how do you use it, hands doing pump motion?

>> No.10400828
File: 333 KB, 500x500, 1343523137403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mailed NLS about it
here's the reply:
>Thank you for your picture.
>We see it's not a defective. Usually we don't prepare a replacement for this level
but we will specially prepare a replacement for you only this time.
>We will send it to you next week.

>> No.10400898

Someone upload a video to vimeo using one.

>> No.10400919

Or do some reviews

>> No.10400927

I'll do this if I'm bored enough. At the rate these threads go it should be sometime during the next thread, probably toward the end.

>> No.10400982

Wow. Do you also need to send the other back or how does that go?

>> No.10400987

>Do you also need to send the other back
they didnt say anything about that, so i dont think so

>> No.10400989

I imagine he sent it back for them to check if it was defective or not. I hope he's careful with the replacement. There might be a pin pushed in from the back or something.

>> No.10400997

>I imagine he sent it back for them to check if it was defective or not.

>There might be a pin pushed in from the back or something.
i hope not

>> No.10402023
File: 604 KB, 2055x1781, 8 step HP order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing, there are many ways to use it, each providing a different kind of stimulation. Either focusing on the tip or not, going for long strokes or short ones, using variable ammount of vacuum.
Really, It's very atypical in usage.

On other news, here's a small guide on how to order from HP.

>> No.10402092

Is the shipping free even though its international? From my limited moon knowledge its telling me its free because my order is over X yen. I'm assuming they have non international customers in mind, but I don't see if being calculated in my total. If the shipping is actually free over Xyen then Ill probably be using them over en-nls even though their slightly cheaper on the products themselves.

>> No.10402211

Calculed with EMS rate; step 8 you see shipping cost (54000) just below total (15190)
I didn't point it out because I thought it was obvious.

However, they list the item like this >>10392776 So you avoid taxes. At least I did so twice.

They send you the shipping price along with the pay link.

>> No.10402742


Does it want my phone or my e-mail? Or both? It asked for e-mail just above.

>> No.10402934

japanese people don't send text messages (i.e. the crippeld, 160 character kind), the use real emails on their phones

but that field isn't mandatory, so you can just ignore it

>> No.10405245 [DELETED] 

So I put down only the items in my set in the comments section and not everything? Will they go in and change the price afterwords or is my cart just not not updating correctly to show the set.

>> No.10405255

So I put down only the items in my set in the comments section and not everything? Will they go in and change the price afterwords or is my cart just not not updating correctly to show the set.
Also on a side note, is there a way to check the shipping price total before completely filling out all the order info? I'm trying to figure out the weight/price difference like en-nls and other japanese shops.

>> No.10405531

>So I put down only the items in my set in the comments section and not everything?
Items in the set AND full adress.
>Will they go in and change the price afterwords or is my cart just not not updating correctly to show the set.
Can you rephrase that? The price of set is constant and doesn't depends of the items in it. They will "change" price, as in, add shipping price.
>s there a way to check the shipping price total before completely filling out all the order info?
Yeah: https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems3_en.html
>'m trying to figure out the weight/price difference like en-nls and other japanese shops
They use the EMS rate, so shipping price is independant of the shop.

Howeverm NLS does only do : 1kg 1.5kg and 2kg; and completly disregard 1.25kg and 1.75kg.

>> No.10405542

EMS fees are ridiculous.

Are there any shops that use SAL?

>> No.10405551

I have two items in my cart from the Set sale and it should be
>2hole set 7,500円 3,750円 per onahole
except that the price has not changed to reflect that. I was wondering if the reason you put it in the comment section was for them to manually change it or if somehow im messing up.

>> No.10406389

Thank you for this.
Also, I was wondering about this hole you need to turn inside out before using, seems wicked
any experiences on such design?

>> No.10406496

That just reminds me of those tenga 3D models. A good idea on paper but impracticable and useless in practice.

>> No.10406634

Alright thanks to RDC above I just made my first hotpowers purchase. Shipping was at 2-2.5x the price of NLS's cheaper delivery, so I'd recommend it only for select hotpowers products.

After making the order according to the guide, you get a payment link after a while which is fully in decent English.

>> No.10406639

Oh right this might be of interest, 16980yen+6200yen shipping. I'm probably going to regret this later.

>> No.10406732

I got extremly lucky on my end then, because I just made my 200$ purchase and only payed around 3,000 yen wich I would have probably paid more on nls. I was going to only buy my hotpowers exclusive items since each of the products are a few dollars more expensive than nls, but I got a really nice deal on shipping and would have had to make a separate order wich would have added an even larger "shipping tax".
I would go more into detail on what I bought but threads already hit bump limit ages ago and is on the 10th page. I'll post everything I ordered in the next thread.
