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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 490x539, bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1035779 No.1035779 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, who were you back in high school?
I was that guy that hated everybody and read in the library during lunchtime.

>> No.1035786

I was that guy that raped the teacher after class every day, not knowing that she actually liked it.

>> No.1035789

You were a fucking loser, and always will be. Die in a fire.

>> No.1035792

I was the quiet guy that suppresses his power level.

>> No.1035790

School Bully Apparently Became School Bully After Being Molested

>> No.1035795

I was an air conditioner.

>> No.1035796

I was president of the student council, so I guess I was kinda popular though I didn't really have many friends. I played baseball for a couple of years too.

>> No.1035797

I was the guy who was friends with absolutely everyone but never close friends. Never close friends.

So alone.

>> No.1035798

Because only really cool dudes visit /jp/, amirite?

>> No.1035802

I was the cool guy and unreliable guy until my second year of High School when I became just the unreliable guy.

>> No.1035804

I was the guy who was bullied and hounded out of two high schools. At the third one I was very introverted whose real social life revolved around the internet and online video games.

Now I'm at college while the degenerates are either at prison or are teenage fathers.

>> No.1035805

I was the main character's perverted friend.

>> No.1035807

I was the genius of the class, everyone BAWS (bows) before me.

>> No.1035810

I was that guy who wanted to help everyone and become a superhero. My parents are dead by the way.

>> No.1035809

Someone shop Tewi's face into OP picture.

>> No.1035808

Yes. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1035806

The quiet guy who people wanted to get close to but didn't know how.

>> No.1035812

Better than being the guy with no friends at all. Not even acquaintances.


>> No.1035813

I was that guy who was shunned from most groups in a smaller outcast group during the first half high school, who then being miserably decided to try and man up and actively persued friendship with EVERYONE until I was the 'bridge' between many groups and was quoted to be 'friends with everyone' in the year book. However, as a result, although I was invited to most parties and whatnot, I didnt develop or maintain any best friend relationships...

>> No.1035814

I didn't go to high school. I dropped out six months into seventh grade.

And now I make $20 per hour working for a cell phone company. Yay.

>> No.1035818

I was the quiet one in most of my classes. Except English, I was one of the jokesters.

>> No.1035820

I was phone.

>> No.1035825

Well, fuck. There weren't any requirements for your job at all?

>> No.1035824

>>1035813 here, youre just like me...

>> No.1035827
File: 41 KB, 1049x755, cirnohooray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1035829
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>> No.1035837

Be a warm body on the phones, pretty much is it.

I'm lucky because I got hired for my company when they were hiring at rates WAY inflated compared to what people in my region usually make. As soon as they realized "Woah we could be taking on new hires for a lot less money than we are now", they cut way back.

But I'm grandfathered on the old payroll, so I make bank. I can afford a mortgage while working part time lol.

>> No.1035840

I had one good friend with whom I would watch movies every weekend. He was ugly as fuck but at least I wansn't ronery thanks to him.

>> No.1035842

I was the guy that only hung out with a few other people, one of which being my incredibly perverted and rebellious friend (we've been friends since grade school) and my cute yet caring female upper-classman.

>> No.1035843

I was the genius clown of my class, but they can't tell whether I am a genius or a clown anyway.

But enough talk, this isn't even remotely a /jp/ topic to begin with.

>> No.1035848

>I can afford a mortgage while working part time lol.
The amount of hatred I have for you knows no bounds.

>> No.1035855

I was the guy that was cool with almost every faction in school: Played baseball and trained with the football team during Winters, so I was cool with the sports jocks/cheerleaders. Had a few friends in band, so most of the band/choir/orchestra band members got to know me. A few of those band/baseball members played chess and computer games (MOTHERFUCKING UNREAL TOURNAMENT FTW!) during lunch, so that eased me in with the nerds. Worked on newspaper/yearbook crew, so got well know all over because of interviews and shit.

My school life LOOKS like it should've cancel each other out, yet it all worked out somehow.

>> No.1035859

I was the smart unsociable guy who didnt give a fuck about the school. Or anything actually.
I have friends (very weird ones) but they were from other class.

>> No.1035866

I was a quiet unsociable mecha.

>> No.1035864

When I was in high school, I moved to a small town where the school only had a dozen or so people, me being one of the few males. Even moreso, everyone there were all different ages, but we still got along with each other very well. I was particularly friends with these really hot twins from a very high-class family as well as a couple of the younger students.

>> No.1035863

And I totally deserve it.

>> No.1035868

>I was that guy who was shunned from most groups in a smaller outcast group during the first half high school

Me during all of High School

Then in University I am/was the guy who hangs out with his best friend from HS (from the outcast group) and has everyone in his class as acquaintance, just not as close friends.

>> No.1035870
File: 84 KB, 500x640, quiet unsociable mecha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1035873

Honestly... pretty normal. Had a few close friends, most of whom I've managed to hang on to. I was sort of quiet -- who here isn't -- but my perceived intelligence and physical attractiveness (humor me on this one) shielded me from ever being bullied or picked on. I even managed to date a few not-blindingly-hideous girls.

>> No.1035874

God, don't create limits where there don't have to be any.

If this thread goes without being banned, that's one less type of thread a new board has to be created for.

I can see it now. /baww/.

>> No.1035878

Popular funny guy, class president and honors student that secretly hated everyone around me.

Which explains why I'm here.

>> No.1035880

Do you know Oyashiro-sama?
