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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10356765 No.10356765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of nerds, especially otaku.
I love anime and manga since I was a kid, but I just can't stand otaku any longer...
The last year I've been to some comic conventions, all around the world, and the only thing I saw was otaku, otaku, OTAKU everywhere!! Fat, clumsy, smelly, and always fapping on loli art... Disgusting! I hope they die...
Besides, I have some japanese friends and they all confirm how much otaku are despised by the japanese society
If you are an otaku, please consider killing yourself

>> No.10356766

Which conventions? Maybe I saw you there.

>> No.10356772

I'm sick of shitposters.

>> No.10356780



>> No.10356781

I highly doubt anyone here takes this whole otaku stuff seriously.

>> No.10356782


Shitposting is the very soul of jp

>> No.10356785

is that Anaru on his monitor?

>> No.10356788

I'm sick of people complaining about shitposters.

I'm one of them, though.

>> No.10356789

Yeah. that's one of the reasons i can't stand conventions.

Thankfully, they are pretty easy to avoid outside of that.

Still, if the market was more healthy, their money would not be needed and media would not be geared to cater to their tastes. They are a symptom rather than a cause.

>> No.10356792

They're better than normal people at least.

>> No.10356797


>> No.10356798

That's what you get for going to cons you fucking weaboo nerd.
Op is a Otaku otaku

>> No.10356800

that's the spirit goy. Please keep consuming Japan's anime and manga!

>> No.10356805

its ur mom lmao

>> No.10356806

Purpose of this thread, OP?

>> No.10356808

>all around the world

Please tell me where have you been and why did you go so far for comic conventions.

>> No.10356821

But that doesn't even make sense.
Wouldn't the Jewish super conspiracy want me to give my money to them and not to the Japanese?

I'm afraid I'm just not following your logic here, /pol/.

>> No.10356828
File: 807 KB, 782x2664, 1353929842203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you consuming japanese anime manga -> you being into 2d pussy -> you not reproducing -> you contributing to the extinction of all goiim

>> No.10356834

Apart from the fact that japan is an ally nation of america, and by and large therefore israel...

>> No.10356838

"All my friends who went to Israel, either came back to Europe or moved to America. They did not like it in Israel. One of these friends being drunk dropped a cool phrase: - Can you imagine - he said, - Jews in Israel are forced into manual labor. What could be more ridiculous?"

>> No.10356841

That\s not true, OP. I don't think you hate otaku, given as you are probably one yourself. But I have an idea how you feel.

It's not what these people like and to what extend, it's what they do with that. I actually despise people who want to "express themselves"-whether it's music, books, games or anime. I tried doing it when I was 16-17...only to fail miserably. I couldn't.
If you really like something, why would you show it outside? Why would you talk with random people about it?

>> No.10356848

So? Western culture is disgusting.

>> No.10356850

Kinda like what this guy said, I think it's more likely that op is an otaku themselves, but is unhappy about the negative attention otaku receive due to the more extreme ones

>> No.10356851

>If you really like something, why would you show it outside? Why would you talk with random people about it?
To get pussy and connections, dweeb.

>> No.10356852

>I hope they die...

I hope I die too.

>> No.10356854

