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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10334762 No.10334762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you happy with how the internet is now?

>> No.10334764

Even if I weren't it wouldn't change anything, so
let's have a Sanae thread instead.

>> No.10334770

Lol there is a fan on the servers.

>> No.10334772

I'm ambivalent, on one hand I feel like the only thing in the world I enjoyed is being taken away from me. At the same time I realize I can't do anything about this, and my best course of action is to just take it easy.

>> No.10334773
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Short-haired Sanae.

>> No.10334774
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>> No.10334794


>> No.10334796

She should turn off some of those monitors. They're going to make the room ridiculously hot.

>> No.10334798

I wish less people with bad manners were using it but it's why better than the days of dail up and waiting forever for a page to load.

>> No.10334799


>> No.10334816

I'm sure people in the 19th century were content without internet just as I am content with the current internet. If it got even better that would be pretty cool though.

>> No.10334823

>I'm sure people in the 19th century were content without internet just as I am content with the current internet.

I think that people in the 19th century spent a lot of the time cursing their horrible lives. Even if you owned slaves, you spent most of your time sitting on a porch thinking about how damn hot it was.

>> No.10334824

this so much

>> No.10334826

No. It is corrupted.

>> No.10334833

what if they are led backlit?

>> No.10334832

They could make a good heater in the winter though.

>> No.10334845

No, it's shit.

>> No.10334854

It was better before it became so widely used. I think 2008 is when things started to go downhill.

>> No.10334861

No. Very unhappy. I should have been born at least 10 years earlier.

>> No.10334863

Why, so you could experience usenet...?

Honestly, if you're online now and in your 20s, you've grown up at the perfect time.

The next step in human evolution is coming, brothers, I feel it in my bones.

>> No.10334879

Yes, it would have been nice. But also, being on 4chan from the start. And being mature enough to appreciate this site, or the internet in general. The worst thing is, now that I'm a NEET, cyberspace is no longer worthwhile. I always fantasize myself starting my NEET life in 2001 instead of 2011. Because of the state of the internet.

I mean sure, I was online at the time, but far too young to understand what this special place really meant.

I feel like somebody played a cruel trick on me.

>> No.10334894

I was born in 89 myself and have been on 4chan since the beginning and I still feel like I got the full experience.

>> No.10335577

I got my first computer when I was around 14, around 1995. I miss the older internet. There were no normals on it at all. Speed was horrible but it felt so rewarding when you finally go something downloaded. I met my girlfriend of 10+ years on IRC back in the '90s. It was the only reason I didn't end up alone forever.

>> No.10335628

No, all my favourite hangouts have to turned to shit, I pretty much just use my connection to download anime and play games.

>> No.10335637

Does anyone have that screen-cap of Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g making a complete fool out of herself infront of Moot from the early days of 4chan?

She says something along the lines of "This is 4chan, and I'm visiting your site" along with some other crap. Can't remember the context it's used in.

>> No.10335645

I really wish I had spent more time on BBSs instead of moving to AOL like some idiot. I was 12 tho

Though now that I think about it, old AOL was still pretty interesting, with all the MUDs, warez mailing lists, hacks, etc. I guess I miss when most people who used computers were still nerds. I don't know what an equivalent space now would be, since now nerds are all faggot normals too.

>> No.10335653

Nope. The internet has gone to shit. I've been a Hiki fora long time. When I first started spending a lot of time online it was pretty easy to make friends on various forums and chat rooms. There was lots to learn and explore and more importantly "discuss"

Now you are nothing and nobody and don't have a voice unless you have tits and a vagina, pic whore yourself, or are an "e-famous" youtube or stream celebrity. There is the attention whores and their loyal underlings and anyone who goes out of line will be silenced via ban/mute/ignored or what-have-you. On some 4chan boards there are even Janitors who white-knight female tripfags. on /vg/ there is a lot of this so if you're planning on posting in a general make sure you're not rude to that particular general's special snowflakes.

Also be sure to get it trending on twitter, add/subscribe on youtube and donate donate donate! :)

>> No.10335662
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I'm content
Since I get to hang out with /jp/

>> No.10335664

>Also be sure to get it trending on twitter, add/subscribe on youtube and donate donate donate! :)
This is the biggest bullshit of all.

>> No.10335675

>now nerds are all faggot normals too
Nerds have always been faggot normals. Have you ever been to a real nerd gathering? They always shut up or start talking about boring nonsense when non-nerds arrive.

>> No.10335678
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I think the Internet was at it's best around 5 years ago. It was still pretty big back then, but it hadn't started losing some of it's more out-the-way parts. I reckon it's only going to go downhill from here, as more and more people work to push regulations onto the Internet and it's ground down into smaller and smaller chunks to fit on people's phones.

>> No.10335681

Yeah, it works well enough. I'll be pretty sad if it winds up with the cable TV sort of model I've seen thrown around to scare people though.

>> No.10335682

Better than nothing.

>> No.10335690
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>> No.10335698

Does that guy still post?

>> No.10335704


>> No.10335713

I don't really experience it outside 4chan. 4chan is like my house and /jp/ is like my room, so I'm out of touch with even the online world. What's it like out there?

>> No.10335761

I secretly dream of reunifying the internet's discussion through a modern Usenet alternative.

>> No.10335768
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>Sono kimochi io.

>> No.10335778


>> No.10335788

Nice question. The internet as a way to get informations is awesome and is getting better and better.
Talking about communities... I don't know. Many of the great ones I knew just died out, old great people disappeared and in the new younger forums I sort of feel out of place. 4chan is actually one of the best places to discuss, when people stop shitposting and pretending.

>> No.10335799
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Wish I was younger again and whore myself on cam. I'd fap like crazy with all those pedophiles fapping to me.

btw I'm a wizard

>> No.10335821

>Are you happy with how the internet is now?

No, I don't like being monitored and I wish normalfags would stay on their side of the internet. I can use software to stop people tracking me but normals won't go away.

The internet needs normalfag Jim Crow.

>> No.10335835

The internet and life in general nowadays makes me wish I was female.

I'd whore myself out so much

>> No.10335832

Is there really a large enough for that? Probably not, if you aren't a trap.

>> No.10335838

I am happy

>> No.10335841

Back in the days I started whoring myself by faking my voice with one of those programs. I spent a lot of time and effort on that and I ended up with a really natural voice. Ended up masturbating and moaning for people from time to time but in the end it sort of lost flavor, I don't know why. Probably because everyone is a complete idiot and as soon as they see someone with a girly name they go in a sort of "OMG A GIRL MUST TALK WITH HER MUST NOT LET GO AWAY" mode.

>> No.10335847

I honestly believe google ruined the internet and Youtube (with the tailored searches I can't find anything new or interesting) and all of the alternatives are subpar.

>> No.10335856

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of gay people on the internet who faps to younger boys tender asses.
Fuck I get turned on when I remember my old days using that stupid p2p cam thing windows xp had and yahoo chatrooms. I fucking hate being old and busted.

>> No.10335857

Me too. Google sucks cocks.

EVerything is getting shittier by the day.

>> No.10335893

No, not since the jews took down megaupload and caused the collapse of most ddl sites

>> No.10335899

As far as I can remember, what truly fucked up the internet was Twitter in 2009.

>> No.10335900

/jp/ was a lot better before /vg/ was made.

>> No.10335907

The eve of social networking sites is what killed the internet. I have no idea how long ago that was, though.

Absolutely. I blame a /jp/ crossboarder who spammed chen on /vg/ for that. I know this happened because they told me this on /jp/, not because I was there in person, I don't visit subhuman boards.

>/vg/ was a split from /v/

There's your problem.

>> No.10335903


How so? /vg/ was a split from /v/

>> No.10335905

I'm happier with the internet than I have been for a while.

A couple communities I used to visit have gone to shit, but there are a lot of them which still have the same people posting from five or ten years ago, and the newcomers aren't bad either.

And more stuff is uploaded these days than I can ever hope to consume, and the internet is fast enough that despairing at downloading a gigabyte or two is a thing of the past.

>> No.10335908

It made all of his translated VN friends leave, they are such high quality posters you know

>> No.10335911

/vg/ subhuman please go

It only became worse when /q/ was made.

>> No.10335912

Even if that's the case, a lot of /jp/ topics ended up moving there anyway.

>> No.10335918


Like what? Katawa shoujo, monster girl quest, and translated vns?

>> No.10335922

I want to talk to my KSbros ;_;

>> No.10335931

A lot of these are borderline material or just blatantly off-topic, but at various points in time these have included:

Katawa Shoujo, Rance/Alicesoft, Artificial Academy, Phantasy Star Online 2, Yume Nikki, Violated Heroine, Mommusu Quest, Madoka Online, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Atelier Series, World of Tanks, various fighting games, and all the translated VNs.

>> No.10335932


They're all on /vg/ with their 10,000th thread waiting for you

>> No.10335945
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>go to youtube
>every content creator isn't uploading anything
>maybe pretending to have a life
>no new content

>> No.10335941

It's not like you can't still post about those things here.

>> No.10335948

You obviously still can still talk about most of them here. It's just that the people interested in them generally don't.

>> No.10335950

Let's talk about our favourite /v/ideo games guys (I'm a video games otaku so it's board relevant). Did you get anything cool during the Steam Sale?

>> No.10335954

What does this have to do with the thread?

>> No.10335959


See all the /vg/ crossboarders here:


>> No.10335973

Two of those are me. Is there a point you're trying to make? Because I can't imagine that you are actually interested at all in the Steam sale.

To answer your question, I bought nothing.

>> No.10335984


I bought Chivalry and Fallout: New Vegas. Chivalry is pretty boring and the combat is terrible but NV is cool.

I am glad we had this discussion :)

>> No.10335991


>> No.10335994


I cross boarded your mom

>> No.10336003

vital yet also soul destroying, like some kind of parasite living in a symbiotic relationship with me

>> No.10336012
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>mfw my otaku video games culture face when

>> No.10336039

Fucking subhumans! They should just post about games here.

>> No.10336042

There are still some safe havens, but for the past 10 years the internet has been changing in a bad way.
I don't know, perhaps is because of all the social networking bullshit that has been going on, but the quality of people you can find is steadly decreasing over time.
Animefags used to have tastes and weren't obnoxious, nowadays they're all over moe shit and stuff like Naruto or that dot hack crap.
Vidya is the same, more casual as /v/ would say, and more focus on story and graphics instead of gameplay.
Hell even VN addicts have been taking a quality hit, with people claiming stuff like MuvLuv or GoreScreamingShow to be fucking masterpieces because VIOLENCE AND BLOOD AND DEATH SO COOL RITE ?.
I feel like my world is crumbling before my eyes and there's nothing I can do.

>> No.10336068

>used to have tastes
Tell us more about how the world is ruined by people who like what you don't like

>> No.10336071

.hack? It sounds like you're stuck 10 years in the past.

>> No.10336079

It's awful man, the world is going crazy.
But I guess betas like you don't know how it feels to be right and need to follow the mass even if they're wrong.

Yeah, sword arts online, I couldn't recall the name for some reason.

>> No.10336093


How old are you?

>> No.10336096


How old are you?

>> No.10336097

I guess 27.

>> No.10336099


I'm 25, now answer my question please.

>> No.10336101


I'm 25, thanks for answering my question.

>> No.10336106


No you're not. You just said that because I did

Dirty old creep anon fuck you and your old anime and your shitty early 00's anime chat rooms and .hack which is probably your favourite thing because it sucks just like you

>> No.10336111

>But I guess betas like you don't know how it feels to be right and need to follow the mass even if they're wrong.
Yeah I really must be beta if I can accept others opinion and politely disagree

>> No.10336129

Are you using beta as in insult on /jp/? Whatever happened to omega male pride?

>> No.10336132

This thread made me wonder, when did having a beta personality recieve such a negative rap on the internet?

>> No.10336133
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Get a load of this fägermeister.

Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.10336146

when normal people found out about it

>> No.10336154

Too bad he's objectively right about everything. When good things are small and amateurish, they maintain a certain kind of gentleman-like understanding of the hobbyist. Try comparing Simtex games to the best Steam games and you'll notice how much the latter resemble steaming chunks of poop.

>> No.10336155

you're all a bunch of pessimists, without how the internet is today you wouldn't be able to get all the content you want translated aswell as getting your hands on touhou artwork and the actual games.
damn it dont you guys realise that you wouldn't have /jp/ without all the shit-posting that was going on in /a/ years ago, you're all to fucking dumb to see how worthless your lives would be without "how the internet is today".
bunch of crying baby's, so eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.10336160

I'd watch that. I love slutty little boys.

>> No.10336175

The grass is often green but my confidence comes from the fact that I actually spent my youth without the Internet, just like everyone else. The Touhou games, which I greatly enjoy, work extraordinarily well without any kind of computer data networks.

>> No.10336183

>VN addicts have been taking a quality hit, with people claiming stuff like MuvLuv or GoreScreamingShow to be fucking masterpieces

The only people I've seen who claim that GSS is a masterpiece are the english only peasants who haven't read it.

>> No.10336191

but you wouldn't get your hands on them if you don't live in Japan and even if you did good luck if you can't understand Japanese.
face it, touhou is centred around the strong fandom.
>grew up without internet
you must mean the easily accessible world wide web(WWW 1991) because otherwise you're really old man.

>> No.10336193

>bunch of crying baby's
Did you forget that you are on /jp/?

>> No.10336200

I'm going to disregard areas of the internet that I don't bother with, like Facebook or Twitter and all of that bullshit. There will always be terrible shit that I have no interest in, and no one is forcing me to have anything to do with it. So I'll just skip on complaining about it and talk about the areas of the internet that do interest me.

There are negatives and positives. Places of discussion, like 4chan or forums, have noticeably declined and there has been a change in the atmosphere, if that makes sense. I suppose it's shit bleeding over from the "other" parts of the internet, or maybe it's something else. I don't know, but things aren't the same as they used to be and it makes it really hard for me to discuss things now. Even here I have trouble because of how it is different.

But there has been a great benefit in the availability of things, like things to pirate, I mean. That would be the greatest thing about the internet as it is now. You have access to pretty much anything you want with (usually) minimal difficulty. If things continue in this direction, or improve, I think I can live with the internet as it is. but if things get worse, then I don't know. I don't really know what I'll have left anymore if that happens. It's just wait and see now, I think, since there's nothing I can do about it. It's in other people's hands.

>> No.10336209

You reek of /a/b/v/, they're the ones who ironically yell ``stop liking what I don't like!'' the moment someone points out how shitty human beings they are for liking whatever trite that was marketed to them.

>> No.10336213


Stop that.

>> No.10336217

No, its true. you guys have no clue about anything and whine like a pack of kids.
you don't make sense at all. you can't agree with everything in this world, there is always things you will disagree with and you should avoid then as long as it doesn't affect you in person.

>> No.10336224
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>ironically yell ``stop liking what I don't like!''
That's not even what I did

>> No.10336232
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Hey /b/ro that's just like your opinion man, you don't need to like what I like or agree with me but don't be an autist about it like how you're doing right now, amirite guys?

>> No.10336233

decline in quality of X since...
The nostalgia goggles are in full effect.

>> No.10336240

>good luck if you can't understand Japanese.
I remember that I actually read stuff before technology enabled the option of shitposting all day long.
>face it, touhou is centred around the strong fandom.
I won't. Even if it was, CAVE games aren't.
>you must mean the easily accessible world wide web(WWW 1991) because otherwise you're really old man.
No one knew about any ARPANET nonsense before the intertubes became popular and history articles started popping out.

>> No.10336241

Absolutely! Discussion should just completely die and everyone who disagrees or provides points that disprove what other people say should just be called autists! Take it easy! If you don't like the thread, just hide it!

>> No.10336243

Do you honestly think, say, 4chan has gotten better in the past few years?

>> No.10336256


Confirmed for 19 year old internet bad ass trying to sound like an old man

>> No.10336263

>No, its true. you guys have no clue about anything and whine like a pack of kids.
No shit. You still seem surprised so I'll ask once again: did you forget that you are on /jp/?

>> No.10336267

this guy can't even hold a normal conversation, and you are the one using irony or sarcasm( as it should be called in this situation).
IRC and BBS and yes people did actually use this aswell as there are people claiming that internet was better before WWW since it took some brain to access it.

>> No.10336286

That seems to be what generally happens. Things become worse once anyone is able to do them.

>> No.10336301

It's may be so that the easier it is to access, the dumber the community gets.

>> No.10336307

Confirmed for middle class techno urbanite who had the affluence and encouragement to play with expensive gadgets.

>> No.10336325


Wow dude, I'm sorry that your family was poor. I didn't think having a computer and dial up internet in 1996 (may have been 1997) was seen as THAT much of a privilege

>> No.10336329

le epik OC and memes and well thought-out posts

>> No.10336331

>World of Tanks

Whatever happened to that /jp/ WoT clan?

Still active?

>> No.10336368

It was a matter of upbringing. Why would you let your kid do something so useless? Every minute had a price tag.

>> No.10336385


My parents loved me.

>> No.10336392

and look where you ended up.

>> No.10336409

And I loved mine. That's why I agreed with them and read fantasy novels instead.

>> No.10336429


You're not 40. Please give it up.

Also, I too read fantasy novels.

>> No.10336444

>You're not 40
If I was 40, I would have bought a modem myself when they started to appear.

>> No.10336523

I would really hate to go back to when things used to be harder. To use a more recent example, I can't even browse 4chan under its default settings anymore. I have to at least have a thread updater and the quote inline thing. I don't know how I used to do it when I first started coming here.

>> No.10336663

The internet started really going downhill 2010 when I think everyone and they're mother started using it through Facebook and discovering everything that has been on it for the past 5 years or so. These are people that would not even be on the modern internet otherwise so of course just about everything is shocking or hilarious to them and they spread the news everywhere of this massive world that exists right under their nose and before you know it everyone is here. And so it will just keep getting worse and worse in many ways. But on the other hand it has gotten better because of the massive amount of content on the internet just keeps expanding. So all in all it's now a overly social, normal shit hole with a lot more content.

>> No.10336677

Also I know social sites have been around forever but I just think it all really went total mainstream in the last few years.

>> No.10336675

>It made all of his translated VN friends leave, they are such high quality posters you know
It made half the other VN readers leave too. And it's not only that. With the VN topics of /jp/ having been so heavily shafted, lots of other things has gone missing too, of topics not even related to VNs.

It has made /jp/ stagnate badly. It truly is your typical niwaka board now, except not as most of those tend to discuss games and /jp/ often enough tend to not even be able to carry on with topic consistently beyond 30-50 posts no matter the topic.

And I am not even against the niwaka threads. It's just that even those have deteriorated since /vg/ was made.

>> No.10336934
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Not at all. I feel like that other dude, it's going away and I can't do anything. I guess this is just the natural progression of things, and it doesn't help that I'm bitter about this generation in general so I'm biased on top of it all.

>> No.10337170


Fucking copyright endorsing niggers should get shot.

And social networking has become the dominant side of the net, steering the content and rules to whatever inane bullshit sells more among stupid teenagers today.

I wouldn't like to go back to the days where I had to wait 30 minutes to play a shitty flash game at cartoon network, but damn internet has become accessible to too many, too stupid people. And the government isn't helping at all.

As an anon said above, it could be worse.

>> No.10338227
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>just about everything is shocking or hilarious to them

You know, I was a newfag in the 90s, being shocked by the internet until I got over it but the other thing, I cannot ignore.

The thing I dislike most is how people find out about these ANCIENT fucking memes and fucking spam them everywhere like they are fresh and new, and they don't even understand why they are funny. I mean most of them don't have a reason for being funny, but it's like how most of /jp/'s humor is self referential. It's pointless to post them outside the context of /jp/ but you still see them around 4chan.

Now imagine that with fucking /b/ memes from 2005 being spouted by 14 year olds.

Another good example is people think those damnable finnish bears are entirely some sort of anti-Amerifat meme on other 4chan boards.

Shit I wouldn't be surprised to see people start making references to this one day.

>> No.10338236


>> No.10338248


where's your fucking sybian, casual

>> No.10338264


>> No.10338301

Those tools have been around for a long time, it's just that hardly anybody knew about them back then

>> No.10338314
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It's so fun discuss something on /jp/
everyone is so civilized

>> No.10338315

No, I think the quality decline was visible already in 2007, and that exactly when FB was beginning to undergo massive acceleration in new user accounts

If you're just talking about 4chan, I still believe it's because of these two things

Very normal-accessible joke that didn't take much effort to deploy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
Media coverage on a major jew network - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkAngvkWVkk

>> No.10338327

>underground hacker site

>> No.10338328

Also, you should watch the Otakon panels for 2005, 2006, and 2007 to see how different the atmosphere was in each, they are all available online

The jump from 2006 to 2007 is huge, and really sad

>> No.10338340

I can't take take people who claim everything is always getting worse seriously.

>> No.10338359


>> No.10338368

Everything always gets worse. It's a fact of life.

People are born, grow old, and break down.

Buildings are made, grow old, and get worn paint and covered in vines.

Stars get made, run out of fuel, and explode.

Everything degenerates, especially places like websites and businesses once they expand their user base. Anything with standards will degenerate once those standards are lowered, and even if they're prevented, they'll degenerate anyway as the userbase grows old and has to be replaced.

>> No.10338376


>> No.10338381

This isn't /f/, by the way.

>> No.10338396

I would agree that 2007 was "the year." Things got rolling before then of course but that was when it started to snowball.

>> No.10338398


yeah but that's not the case with human society, especially not now. People are living longer than ever before, fewer people are dying from famine, war, disease, etc. Technology is at its highest stage in the history of life as we know it. And yet still everyone feels the need to dirty the air with all this "hurr durr everything's going to shit...why aren't things as good as when I thought everything was good?" It's fucking nonsense, and nonsense that seems to shit up 4chan especially hard.

>> No.10338403

Society is growing more convenient and technologically proficient, but birth rates are dropping, people are less happy and growing increasingly isolated from each other, etc. Modern progress is a double edged sword.

>> No.10338441


I don't necessarily disagree. There are all sorts of problems that we need to work to understand and deal with. I'm just sick of the huge number of people who go on about "back when 4chan was good" when what they really mean is "back when 4chan was new to me."

As far as the rest of the internet? We're smack dab in the middle of the biggest transition period of the internet yet. We're on the cusp of the internet finally fully integrating with our physical lives, and yet people are pining about some imaginary "golden age?" It's silly.

>> No.10338452

No, give me back 2005-2007.

>> No.10338453
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>quality decline was visible already in 2007
>apple's transition to intel completed in 2007

>> No.10338464

>I'm just sick of the huge number of people who go on about "back when 4chan was good" when what they really mean is "back when 4chan was new to me."

>> No.10338492

but it was better. it's just a given.

>> No.10338515

The internet used to feel special to me, like a home I could go to. Now it feels raped by the mainstream and has become nothing more than interactive television with social networking sprinkled on top.

I try not to think about it much because the internet is all I have.

>> No.10338520

I know this is very un/jp/ of me but I have twitter and facebook accounts because friends want me to be on there but honestly it's really stressful and I get no enjoyment from it but it's the only way I can keep in touch with some people.

I quit once before but people got mad at me because they hated talking on the phone and texting so I made another for them (but none of them ever talk to me unless I make first contact and half of them seem to be annoyed)

I'm thinking about just deleting everything anyway and being free finally.

>> No.10338530

>talking on phone
>having friends

u sound normie as fuck fam

>> No.10338528

No. Too many normals bringing their terrible sense of humor and herd mentality. Too much social networking bullshit. Basically the internet is becoming a web of interconnected youtube-level comments. I miss the old days.

>> No.10338553

The internet died in the early 90s

>> No.10338562

I know sorry I just want to keep the few friends I have. I am actually very anxious when I talk on the phone or text but when it's with my friends I feel happy but I feel like they are getting tired of me...so I try my best to not make them mad at me.

>> No.10338571

4chan was killed by habbo raiding. Everything that brings attention brings shitty new users. Same with /jp/. That faggot Kritzinger and hotglue's later actions in general attracted too much attention from the mmos they were involved in.

>> No.10338575

Think of the internet like a small village that suddenly get a surge of popularity, maybe because someone found a gold mine there.

Before, normal people can't give two shit about the place. People who came, are normally like-minded. There might be a couple of rude people, but there weren't many of them, and old timers can introduce and guide them around. Newcomers slowly adapt to the life there, or leave because they are disliked in general. Life is slow, life is good.

Suddenly, something caused an upsurge of migration from outside. What's worse, these people come without even being introduced to the local 'unwritten' rules. They bring their own ones from where they came from, and do it their way because "that's how we do it over my city, son. It's not illegal according to the law." The rest is history.

>> No.10338575,1 [INTERNAL] 

This was up all day and it's deleted for no reason now?

>> No.10338575,2 [INTERNAL] 

Got sick of this thread.

>> No.10338575,3 [INTERNAL] 

Are you the janitor or the OP?
If you're the janitor, I respect your honesty and overall dickishness.
If you're the OP, you're a faggot.
