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10319425 No.10319425 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/.

I'm going to sew a lifesize doll of my favourite touhou, but I need some info on materials.
What do people use to make fumo? sewing machine do and don'ts? Recomended filling materials?

Of course, I will be doing some fumo to acquire some craftsmanship before moving to the lifesize.

I was thinking of making it dual layered, with a harder fabric on the inner side and a softer one on the outter side, as for the filling, different kind for different parts.
I still wonder how I'm going to do jointure, but overall bodyshape shouldn't be a problem. Maybe switchable limbs in fixed positions, or internal polymer skeletton, I'm not sure yet.

Also, this would also enable me to make clothes/cosplay for her, so general tips and info on that part would be welcome as well.

And are sewing machine really necessary, or is hand sewing a good alternative? I'm guessing both are required for something dual layered and lifesize, but what about fumo?

>> No.10319430

jaypee jaypee creativity~

>> No.10319632

This may be of some help to you, I don't know if it is as tall as you would like, there is possibility for creating a larger one by enlarging the pattern. This one is really quite terrifying, but I'm sure there are many other patterns available.

For sure, you are going to need to practice sewing smaller dolls first. Fumo, whilst adorable, I don't think would translate well into life size. The site I linked to had good, smaller doll patterns and tutorials. Sites like deviantart can be very useful too (if you sift through all the horrifying ones) I don't know what kind of look you are going for in the end, maybe fumo is fine practice!

I believe fumo are made from a minky fleece fabric. This, whilst lovely, can be very expensive. If you want to use this then do a few practices in another, cheaper fabric before attempting minky. As well as this, once you have found a pattern you like, try it out with different fabrics to find the one you like the most, again, what works for the look you are trying to achieve. The site I linked you to uses flannel or even broadcloth, so whatever works the best for you!

As for filling, I would look into craft sites for making stuffed toys, a polyester filling would work fine.

For jointing, I am not sure as I have never made any jointed dolls or plushies. However, deviantart and crafting sites are a great resource. I have seen this kind of thing before http://www.crscraft.com/products/vProduct3.asp?pid=Armature&L1=1&L2=8&L3=0&L4=0&V2=1&V3=1&V4=0&cat=doll+supplies&sub=Fasteners&class=
It comes in long strips which I believe you put together? I am really not sure, but as I said, craft sites and deviantart would be very useful to you.

Clothing and such is a whole other subject, if I have time I will make another post on that.

You will need a sewing machine, really really will. Do you have access to one? You are right, both machine and hand sewing will be needed for this project. For fumo too.

>> No.10319705

Here also is her information on fabrics and such.
For hair, I don't think the wool looks very good, I would instead try sewing a wig to the head, but this would have to be figured out at the end. At least, if you are as lazy about planning as me.

Clothes- depending on the size she turns out as, you could buy her real clothes! This would probably be easier and cheaper to do online, ebay isn't top quality, but I'd imagine the clothes would have to be altered to fit her anyway. Making her clothes from scratch is certainly possible, but altering existing ones would be a lot simpler (although I'd imagine at the end of all this you would be quite proficient in sewing) For example, if a top was too big around the waist, taking an existing one in is incredibly simple and a lot less time than creating a new one.

I must ask you, how much experience do you have with sewing? It is entirely possible to do this, and I hope you do because it's a great and exciting idea, but you must understand that it is going to cost you quite a bit and that it will be a lot of work. The main thing that could go wrong in this is ending up with a bit of an odd looking doll, so practice more than you think you need to!

If you do mess up and get frustrated, there's the Obitsu 150 hopefully coming up
I don't want to think about how much that+ shipping will cost

>> No.10320191

Wow, thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed.

>I must ask you, how much experience do you have with sewing?
Appart from modified inflatable dolls made with glue and scrap PVC from other dolls? Absolutely none, but by the end of this, I might be able to open a small business ww.

>It comes in long strips which I believe you put together?
It looks too bendy, Honestly, some pvc pipes, some screws and some metalic pivoting mechanism is all I need. Hell, even wood, screws and some metalic wire would do the trick. It shouldn't be hard to make an ugly looking bone structure, it's going to be surounded by stuffing anyway; the only problem might be weigh repartition, but if the stuffing is well packed, it shouldn't move around, and in case it does, then just make layers inside - but I doubt I'd have to push it and make internal layers.
Maybe if I really want to go crazy I will use a homemade realistic bone structure made out of fiberglass and epoxy polymer w.

IMO bone structure is a good bonus, it makes a two-phase internal structure as well; only one kind of filling would be either too hard for comfort or too soft for structure. It also makes weigh repartition better, except maybe for the torso. There is an alternative, but it require more intensive blueprint design and a lot more sewing.

>> No.10320200

>You will need a sewing machine, really really will. Do you have access to one?
No, but it sounds like a better investment than an electric guitar I'd never practice with. And probably cheaper.

>there is possibility for creating a larger one by enlarging the pattern. This one is really quite terrifying
His pattern is really bad, in my opinion, the filling will suffer from compression after some time, and the structure is way too loose.

>I don't want to think about how much that+ shipping will cost
It's not as customizable, though, no matter how good their polymer and structure are.

I guess I will be making hip replica and torso with onahole insert first, as this was my original goal; but why stop there and not make a lifesize doll?
And If I ever fail there, I will just open a business to sell hip replica with onahole socket.

>> No.10320445


Ah, and there I was thinking this was just to look pretty, dress up, and cuddle! In that case, I suppose it will be a little different to make...

Well, practice does make perfect! These prototypes sound interesting

You certainly sound a lot more experienced with armature than I, and the idea of a bone structure sounds fun to put together, effective too. I wonder, if you could find a medical skeleton for a really accurate and gruesome frame. If you were very serious about the business, you could make moldings from it and cast others! But this is me getting carried away. That is a lot better of an idea than the link, especially if it was going to be used in that way.

A sewing machine is a great investment, I recommend looking at review and finding a good one, they aren't always expensive. I have a couple of older models myself and they work just great if you don't need anything fancy. If you get halfway into the project and discover you don't want to do it anymore, you can always sell it again. I have a guitar and I never play it, always go with the sewing machine w

Yes, I see now, for that purpose it really isn't appropriate! Another bonus of that internal structure is that she will be easier to prop up

Very true, not quite as lovely and squishy either. Have you looked at their other smaller dolls?
They have lots of pictures of the internal skeleton they use, which may be of some reference value to you

I wish you luck! Will you be showing your progress anywhere? I would be very interested in how this turns out

>> No.10320488

I am interested in working in one of these. A full size doll with a slot to place your onaholes on.

Where can I start and what kind of materials would I need?

>> No.10320501

You may ask /cgl/ as well. They're the best when it comes to sewing and doll/plushie making.

>> No.10320558

Hey this is actually a cool site. I'm considering making the nekomimi one.

>> No.10320579

No problem, glad it's of use to you


The information here is pretty good, best place I'd start is looking at cloth dolls people make and then messing around on a small scale with cheap cotton and fiberfill. If you wanted to make a full size doll then you would definitely need a machine, even for small scale I'd recommend it.

like >>10320501 said, /cgl/ are really knowledgeable on materials and such, there's usually a plushie thread floating around and someone will know how to properly put something like this together.

I've never made a full size doll and this is all just theoretical, I'm considering making one now though! If anyone does make one, please update somewhere, this is a really cool idea

>> No.10320610

>Will you be showing your progress anywhere?
I might as well post it on /jp/ from time to time.
I don't think I will start today, I still have to gather informations and deal with some bureaucratic mishmash, but within the next three month I should have started already if not held back by money.

>I was thinking this was just to look pretty, dress up, and cuddle!
But I intend to do that too, of course.

>experienced with armature
Not really, I just studied materials science, and have some DIY experience, but not with armature in particular.

The only problem with bone structure is that it should be able to switch position easily but also be able to remain in one.
You can achieve that with wingnuts and rubber washers if you get the friction right. I doubt there's a more user friendly solution to that considering the weigh and that we're working on the axis of rotation. Unless you put a press switch on the forearm to release the shoulder joint and rotate the forefarm and the joint re-locks on switch release, but that's beyond my capabilities. I'd need a drill press for this, not a sewing machine.

>They have lots of pictures of the internal skeleton they use, which may be of some reference value to you
I'm more concerned about weigh repartition in the torso area, but I could just use some heavier filling.

>I wonder, if you could find a medical skeleton for a really accurate and gruesome frame
I doubt I will go for realistic and fully articulated hands feets or god forbid, shoulders

Before trying a full scale bone structure, maybe I will try a 1/3 scale, but that doesn't come until long hours of practice.

Except I know I will try it right off the bat and change parts as I get better.

>I wish you luck!
Thank you, I will need it.

>> No.10320615

You are both making me want to make my own.

I love plushes in general and own a couple made by Gift, they are so cute.

Maybe I'll head over to /cgl/, but are they interested in fumo-like models?

>> No.10320662

There were a bunch of people on /jp/ trying to make their own plushies, but they seem to have disappeared.

>> No.10320675

You should, I promise you'll love them
They're interested in all sorts of plushies! I'm not sure if there is a thread up now, but those threads are always very helpful

>> No.10320693

Fumos took over. Also fucking Pedonymous why did you never post pictures of your Nue.

>> No.10320844

I was wondering can I use a wig for my doll? I don't really like how this site has done the hair on the dolls.

>> No.10320894


I would think so, I would wait until the end to find out exactly what size the head is, then buy one and sew it to the head by hand with an invisible thread. If you want to change the wig then you could carefully snip the threads and sew another on

>> No.10320901

Is stage 4 midboss seriously your favorite touhou?

>> No.10320957

not OP, but I would like to make a suwako one, actually I would like to be able to change characters with minimal effort.

>> No.10326730

How are things?
