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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 256x256, Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10317842 No.10317842 [Reply] [Original]

Did you do your reps yet, /jp/?

>> No.10317878

I don't want to learn a dated gook language. I'll wait on shit to be translated before I read it.

>> No.10317916

Who does this shit anymore
i rather fart around waiting for translations

>> No.10317929


>> No.10318455

Why learn a language that's on the verge of becoming extinct within the century?

>> No.10318915

Because you're wrong.

>> No.10318918
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just finished

>> No.10318967

I need a new anki deck. What's the best deck for JLPT1 vocabulary?

>> No.10318972

Have you been to Japan within the last ten years? Pretty much the only time kids 13 or under speak Japanese is when they're at home with their parents, or talking to other adults. When they're out with their friends, it's all English. It's only a matter of a few years before entertainment media catch on, and in another 40-50 years the language will just be a quaint memory, reserved for special occasions only.

>> No.10318999

Wow, cool story, bro!

>> No.10319002

How is it that almost every kid under 13 learned English if everyone above 13 speaks Japanese?

>> No.10319007

What the fuck are you talking about? Everyone knows the Japs are bad at English.

>> No.10319015

There's one guy on NicoLive all the time learning English by reading TED talk transcriptions. I go and hurl racial slurs at him each day at noon.

>> No.10319024

Adult Japanese are bad at English
It has a lot to do with being exposed to the internet from a young age. There's a pretty sharp gap once you get to around 13-14, but 25+ aren't really affected at all.

>> No.10319022

This is the biggest load of shit I've read on /jp/ all night.

>> No.10319033



>> No.10319122
File: 32 KB, 512x482, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'll be able to. I have a lot of cards due today.

>> No.10319308
File: 25 KB, 334x310, dothem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did them all. Feels good, man.

>> No.10319320

I stopped doing my reps. ;_;
How do you stay motivated?

>> No.10319330

A bit off topic, but maybe someone can help me.
I updated to Anki 2 yesterday and now my the text of my cards is centered at the top, not centered in the middle of Anki anymore.

I tried a bunch of html tags and CSS styles, but I can't get it to center vertically / get it to show the text centered in the middle of Anki.
Does anyone know how to do this?

>> No.10319331

>japan in charge of english

>> No.10319334

I remember when people still thought they were being ironic when they did this.

>> No.10319336

If you have se many reps that you can't find motivation to do them, try to slow down. Don't add anything new for a while. Use the "very easy button" more often. Make cards show up less frequently and try to learn (I assume you're learning Japanese) more from eroge and anime etc.

Try to keep it on a level where all reps be done.

>> No.10319337 [DELETED] 

I listen to this once and remember how things are.

>> No.10319341

I just downloaded Anki 2. Which decks should I get?

>> No.10319350
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>> No.10319353

What do you want to memorize? If it's Japanese vocab, and you know your basics, you could try the "Japanese core 2000" decks.

>> No.10319354

The cooking one, the one about Attila the Hun and while you're at it, you can get Classical Literature Quotes 101 as well.

>> No.10319356

I know most kana and some basic kanji. Guess I'll try that one.
> Classical Literature Quotes 101
Seem too high level for me.

>> No.10319358
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I don't have the motivation to start it up again because of this.

>> No.10319366

Drop everything. Do it.
This time, do one thing at a time. And slowly. You can speed up later if you like. But start slow.

>> No.10319377 [DELETED] 

If you can't deal with something as piss easy as kanji, you might aswell quit.

>> No.10319380

And that's why you should do your reps every day. I don't know the routine of Kanji damage, or how many kanji you have learned through it, but maybe you should consider deleting it and start all over? It's either that, or start reviewing.

As for the others: do them! And don't add anything new!

>> No.10319381

If you can't deal with something as piss easy as kanji, you might aswell quit.

>> No.10319383

Deal with this. *whips out dick*

>> No.10319388


>> No.10319387

I wonder what the fail and success percentage on Japanese learners on /jp/ is.

>> No.10319393
File: 37 KB, 250x276, rtkrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my RTK deck.

>> No.10319396



>> No.10319397

Doing finnish because nihongo is shit.

hyvää huomenta! minä olen anonymous. haauska tutostua. puhutteko suomea?

minä haluan asua helsingissä. (Hope I am right.)

>> No.10319403

Something like:

85% manage to go through kana
30% manage to go through kana and kanji
10% manage to go through kana, kanji and vocab(JLPT2 level 6000~ words)

>> No.10319409

You won't ever be fluent if you're learning with vocab decks. They will fuck you up forever.

>> No.10319413

>go through
But you don't even stop ...

>> No.10319414

hausga dudusdua herra ameriggalainen :D spurdo spärde mäkdonalds, coca cola ja friidoms :DDD

>> No.10319415

holy fug

>> No.10319416
File: 496 KB, 500x234, tumblr_maq9f8D5061qmykgv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to get with iluvOP I bet

>> No.10319418

I fucked up your'e mom with THIS forever. *whis out dick*

>> No.10319420

He probably meant before dropping it completely due to loss of motivation.

>> No.10319429

Why would vocab decks "fuck you up forever", as long as you learn the the words in context?
As long as the sentences are correct, I can't see how it could hurt anyone.

>> No.10319435

I hope you're not pulling some AJATT bullshit instead. Looking up words for every sentence is painful as fuck.

>> No.10319466
File: 12 KB, 525x562, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a day off fucked me over. Couldn't remember a lot of kanji.

>> No.10319471

It makes me want to do my reps, seriously.

>> No.10319487
File: 696 KB, 3200x1080, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only doing it like this, right? Feels good to understand 90% of the stuff you're watching.

>> No.10319506

You mean watching stuff with Japanese subs? That would help me a lot, since my reading skills are better than my listening. But where do I get the Japanese subs?

>> No.10319512


>> No.10319522

Subtitled anime? Jap subs are so hard to find for the newest stuff, despite the fact that most anime air with subtitles (字幕放送).

I am fifty cards ahead of you.


>> No.10319528

Software updated and Iost my deck, what the fuck.

Anki isn't even a good software, you can't customise the delays, let alone revamp the interface.
Not in a way that would make sense, at the very least.

And why would they fucking sperg my almost year old deck with their shit update?

>> No.10319530

>I am fifty cards ahead of you.
What deck are you on?

>> No.10319534

This is gonna boost my understanding from 90% to 99%! Thanks, man!

>> No.10319542

If you updated from 1.x to 2.x, you will need to manually import your old deck. File -> Import -> Anki1 deck. The location of this deck varies from OS to OS, but I believe it is ~/.anki in Linux and somewhere in C:\Users\name\ on Windows 7.

>> No.10319547

"Japanese corePLUS", equivalent is the Core6k deck.

>> No.10319548

Ah, same as me then. Felt like I was the only one using it.

>> No.10319584

Do you guys set a card as good, even though you didn't get what the word meant before reading the sentence accompanied with it, and after that getting the meaning of it?

>> No.10319608

Even when I get the meaning I usually redo it a few times to make sure it sticks

>> No.10319611
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, ダメな子.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works great, thanks.

>> No.10319617

i finally set enough time aside in the day so i can (try to) read japanese but i don't do it. it's like i'm scared of using what i've been struggling to learn for the past 15 months

i spent way to much time in front of anki instead of just reading and i wish i had started trying to read at 2k words.

why am i so retarded

>> No.10319624

How many words are you at now?

>> No.10319631

>Even when I get the meaning I usually redo it a few times to make sure it sticks

SRS doesn't work that way.

>> No.10319664

>How many words are you at now?
enough to get kneejerk reactions asking me how am i not able to read everything

>> No.10319665

what you're actually scared of is probably finding plenty of words you don't know that make you feel like you still have a long way to go to reach a level where you can read shit decently
reading shit with less vocabulary than you have now wouldn't have helped and would have only frustrated you more

>> No.10319674

As long as you're at 5000+ you should be fine, at least with moege.

>> No.10319680


>> No.10319707

This is a lie. I'm at ~4500 words (core2k + eroge mining), and it's still way too tedious getting through any kind of VN.

>> No.10319721

Get to 2500 kanji (plus the common and slightly uncommon words associated with each one) and you should be fine for the most part.

>> No.10319728

I find studying by kanji to be impractical. Studying words is a more logical and better method.

>> No.10319736

Not really. You could always just hook it up to a text hooker for unknown compounds.

Either you picked up really uncommon shit from the eroge mining, or you're dumb. It's better to work through vocab within the JLPT and CORE lists.

>> No.10319737

Fuck these onomatopoeia words like ガチガチ. This stupid nukige used a slew of them and I couldn't get through one scene without getting frustrated.

>> No.10319739

Whatever floats your boat, sonny.

>> No.10319740

I'm at ~1000 at kanjidamage. I haven't been able to do reps for a while so I have to do over 400 today. Wish me luck.

>> No.10319753

Be like Nike and Just Do It

>> No.10319754

I think I'm going to start writing the kanji while learning them. Is it a good idea, /jp/?

>> No.10319752

I would have continued with core6k, but it was filled with so much bullshit business terms which I'll probably never see again. I do use Chiitrans, but I was expecting to be able to read at least half of the text without referring to it by now...

>> No.10319757

>writing the kanji while learning them

Wait, what?

Could you elaborate please?

>> No.10319758

For example, I'm now just learning by flashcards, and the mnemonics of Kanji Damage. But I'm also thinking of each kanji I learn, I go and write it several times to see if it sticks longer into my memory.

>> No.10319762

No. Waste of time. People that do it are stupid, because it only takes 2 months at most to go through them if you power grind them, granted that you skip meanings. And you'll still be doing vocab afterwards anyways.

>> No.10319765

But I don't really want to OH MY GOD GRIND 30 KANJI PER DAY. Since I'm learning 10 per day while also searching for sentences that contain the kanji so I fully understand how it's usually used, I was thinking of giving writing kanji a shot, since I don't really mind.

>> No.10319768

>granted that you skip meanings


>> No.10319772

I gave up writing after 12 months of learning to read/write 2k words and ~2.3k kanji. I knew how to read 6k words at the time of giving up. Now I'm a one way street.

All that wasted effort, oh well.

>> No.10319776

>10 per day
Enjoy your slow progress. You'll never learn Japanese that way, especially when you're wasting it on kanji instead of words.


>> No.10319780

Well, what do you suggest then, going through vocab decks? Because most of the people do recommend going through the kanji, and then vocab.

>> No.10319787

You're not supposed to commit to memory too many kanji in one day anyways-that's not how memory works.

>Source: every Psychology 101 textbook ever written

>> No.10319788

No. Power grinding the kanji within 2 months is what I suggest. Don't waste time on kanji and readings like I did, I heavely regret it to this day.

After that you should do grammar if you haven't already, and go on to vocab.

>> No.10319794

It all depends on your own goals. In my opinion, being able to write Japanese by hand isn't very useful if you just want to enjoy anime, games and manga. I think it's a waste of time then.

>> No.10319796

Doesn't matter if you use SRS, and can handle the amount of reviews. I did 50 words a day and I've never had any problems with memory. Although it does require me to do 200 minutes a day of Anki grinding.

>> No.10319812

>200 minutes per day grinding

...I have a job, m8.

>> No.10319821

You must surely have more than 4 hours of free time when you come home. I go to school and do the 2 hours on the train, and the remaining time I can do at home.

Just admit that you're too lazy.

>> No.10319825

>I have a job
Not my problem.

>> No.10319826

Better go to the NEET thread and tell everyone about it!

>> No.10319831

How much time you are willing put into reviewing, really sets the limit for how much can be learned each day.

I added no more than 15~ a day, or I would drown in reviews. I'm lazy.

>> No.10319842

I'm the one that asked if it was a good idea to learn how to write kanji. My fear is heavily overworking myself and not learning anything at all.

>> No.10319848

Not him, but may I ask a few questions?
Were you actually using SRS or were you pressing "hard" most of the time?
How'd you review? Just read/recall the word/sentence?
What's your retention rate for "young" cards?


>> No.10319894

>Were you actually using SRS or were you pressing "hard" most of the time?

Semi SRS, I guess. First I do the daily review(usually around 200 cards) after that I do my 50 new cards, and cram the 50 cards through the cram function on Anki, just to see if they sit for the day.

After that I just repeat the process the next day, So I only cram the new cards for the day.

>Were you actually using SRS or were you pressing "hard" most of the time?
Only use the "good" and "hard" button, very rarely the "again" button. The thing that seperates the two is:
1. "Hard" is usually used whenever I can't recall or pronounce a compound. But still have notion of what it can be, after checking what it means. Or in other words "fuck sake, how could I miss that"

2. "Again" is only used if I don't have a single clue what it means, even after checking.

>How'd you review? Just read/recall the word/sentence?
Recall the meaning and pronounciation of the vocab, read the sentence and translate it.

>What's your retention rate for "young" cards?
Young: 89.37%
Learning: 59.83%

>> No.10319921

>Recall the meaning and pronounciation of the vocab, read the sentence and translate it.


>> No.10319926

>You must surely have more than 4 hours of free time when you come home. I go to school

You can't understand grown up adult issues just yet, but that's ok. When you get older and have to do your own chores, cook and travel after working at a soul destroying job - then you can comment on how much free time a working adult has!

>> No.10319930

Glad I'm doing it this early then, instead of postponing it.

>> No.10319939

I see, thank you. This should help me a lot.
It's hard to have a general idea of how to properly approach learning or what's "good" without seeing what other people did. I couldn't shake the notion that I was doing something wrong.
Guess I should stop writing, then. Really slows down reviewing.

>> No.10319958

I've been monitoring this thread and it got me very interested in this, but I have just only heard of this (even after 2years of taking jap classes) and have no clue how this works.
Can I get some insight on the best decks to download for starting out? Also, what does SRS stand for?

>> No.10319968

Try googling for both questions. It's not that hard, really.

>> No.10319981

Been going through the grammar guide for the second time but this time making notes along the way / making anki cards for conjugation rules. I think I'm typing way to much stuff this document is huge and I still have to go through special expressions and advance topics.

>> No.10320034

You should just get the clozed deck for it instead. It still needs quite a bit of tweaking, but it's not as time consuming as making own cards is.
Conjugation rules are best recalled from example, you don't need to see them spelled out. Typing in, and reading sentences will also give you a general feel of how things come together.

I think example sentences from like 2 or 3 sections are missing, so you'll have to add them manually. Also, be sure to get the clozed deck and not the regular one.

>> No.10320041

The "core 6000" decks seem pretty popular. I'm not using them myself though. It might be too easy for you. You should probably try to download one of the last decks in that series and see for yourself. And don't add too many new cards each day!

>> No.10320058
File: 580 KB, 744x1052, original_unknown_c3223dfa9bf6b1d8f2210104b717e2d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to do them, OP.
Don't have too many reps today so I should probably read something but I don't have any motivation to read.

At least doing my reps has become an habit so I don't forget anything.

>> No.10320078

I didn't like the premade clozed deck so that's why I'm making my own.

>> No.10320111

I downloaded Anki on my phone yesterday. It's kind of confused but I think I am starting to get it. Just recently started studying hiragana.

>> No.10320120


Shouldn't do that.

You should read/listen to japanese all the time too

>> No.10320126

AJATT approved post.

>> No.10320129


Then don't read. Play something.

>> No.10320133


Some of AJATT works. As long as you're actually using what you're learning, you will remember it.

>> No.10320150
File: 3 KB, 222x202, adadadsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miss a day due to sleep schedule shifting past 4am
>This happens

Man, fuck this shit.

>> No.10320157

>tfw listening to SoL romance cds while doing ur reps ;_;

>> No.10320174

寝ボイス CDs make me blush like a little girl

>> No.10320182

I can't listen to any of those without getting extremely embarrassed. And they just released my favorite touhou CDs too. Seriously 2cute4me.

>> No.10320211

Post names so that I can enjoy them in your stead.

>> No.10320235

It helps. mechanic memory.
If no one is around you can read the flashcard aloud too. Try to subvocalise conciously it at the very least.

Making remarks to myself about certain kanji or the way you stroke them made it easier for me to remember a bunch of them. Usually the useful ones as I don't trouble myself for the rest.

Well fuck that, no time for bullshit, starting KD anew 100 kanji and their jukugo per day, and I will stick to it with the discipline of a religious devout.

>> No.10320268

I slept for like 3 days straight, now I have lots of cards to do. Also I feel like I made a mistake in what decks I've been using. I use ones like this:


Where they have like 4 different cards per word, which does help for memorization, but it also makes it annoying to do lots of cards. Should I just switch to something else?

>> No.10320317

where do you get your japanese books for reading? not light novels mind you, those are easily obtainable

>> No.10320320

You buy them.

>> No.10320330

Ha, look at this guy.

>> No.10320336

I look at him. Then I agree with him. Then I look at you. Lucifer laughs. I smile.

>> No.10320341

You wont find any. Similiar to how even books in English are hard to find, unless you have access to some priv tracker like bibliotik.

>> No.10320348


>> No.10320480

I didn't do my reps for half a year, now I need some new motivation to restart, Miyako Route isn't enough anymore.
inb4 lazy cunt etc.

>> No.10320485

How can I reset my decks+

>> No.10320487

Just give up. Only people that have it in them can pull through. Lazy fucks like yourself dont deserve it.

>> No.10320490

Read the manual.

>> No.10320520
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Should I restart or doing the maximun that I can each day?

>> No.10320521

everything worth reading gets translated eventually, learning japanese just for epenis bragging rights isn't worth it

>> No.10320525

I read it and the decks didn't reset. What now, you fuck?

>> No.10320541

At this point I say just quit RTK and go straight to vocab.

>> No.10320538

I'm gonna disable my Internet so I can do my reviews without procrastinating on /jp/. Sounds like a good idea anyway.

>> No.10320544

Just go for vocab.

>> No.10320548

Now you apply the knowledge gained from reading the manual and put it into action by reseting your cards.

>> No.10322026
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>> No.10322397

I already do eroge every day. Doesn't mean I'm going to happen to see all the same kanji I'm currently reviewing. Also (and this is probably my biggest gripe with Heisig) there are kanji I know well but haven't learned to associate with the exact keyword he uses. Guess that's one of the disadvantages of starting Heisig after already knowing quite a bit of Japanese.

>> No.10323016

When you come across a new word, say ありったけ, do you add it as it is or do you add it with kanji ie 有りったけ or 有りっ丈?

For this word, it is commonly written in kana from what tangorin says but there is no stopping a writer from using one of the less common ways to write a word.

>> No.10323034
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>> No.10323047

I add it in kanji if my IME will do it in kanji without me forcing it too (by, for instance, typing 有る った 丈 and then deleting the extra る and た. Plus that's a rather intuitive one.

If it requires shit like that, it probably isn't that common. Although if I see the kanji more than once and still can't read it, I try to force it in.

>> No.10323120
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>> No.10323172

>typing 有る った 丈 and then deleting the extra る and た
Wow that is an awkward way to type it. I just type the masu form, 有り, then っ丈.

It doesn't come up normally though so I'll stick to what tangorin says about the word first and see if my IME can type it without having to jump through 5 hoops.

>> No.10323343
File: 21 KB, 293x70, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I add it as kanji, there's no reason not to know it, it doesn't really make it much more difficult. Unless you like to write the kanji with your reviews (which I do...)

Also, I finally got around to doing this


>> No.10324527

I'll do them later, for sure.

>> No.10324569

What are your "reps"?

Do you just sit there and click through a bunch of characters or is there more to it?

>> No.10324598
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I fell off.

Don't want to do it.

>> No.10324635

Someone post the Japanese learning guide.
Do you guys learn Kana along with vocabulary? Do you grind your kana to learn them or do you use anki?

>> No.10324640


Don't be a bitch.


>> No.10324653

I grinded pure kanji for months and was frustrated I could never read anything.

I gave that up and started learning vocab instead, holy shit it is amazing how things just start making sense.

For me, Kanji is useless, there is very little need to know what a kanji on it's own means since when you see it in vocab you will be able to infer the meaning AND reading neither of which Kanji grinding ever offered me.

>> No.10324655


I personally learned all the jouyou kanji before learning a single kana or Japanese word (not counting konnichiwa), and I'm currently @ about 3-4k vocab and doing fine. It doesn't matter, just do whatever you're comfortable with. Grinding kana to memorize them does seem the best method though.

>> No.10324661

someone explain why heisig deck is so popular?

It only teaches you the Kanji shape and an English meaning - how does that help you learn to read Japanese? It does nothing to teach you the reading...

>> No.10324674

Are you showing off your disproportional progress as compared to mine as an effort to make me try harder and surpass you, or are you just suggesting that I disable my internet to do my reps? Or are you just calling me a bitch?

>> No.10324682


I'm merely saying that if I (an extremely lazy person) can do 1k reps, then you can do 500ish. Get to it.

>> No.10324692


It helps quite a lot to learn to read Japanese, in that you don't have to familiarize yourself with a kanji everytime you want to learn a word. You're already extremely familiar with all common ones, it breaks down that barrier and makes learning vocab less stressful.

>> No.10324694

I lacked motivation doing even less than 200 when it didn't cavalcade into this mess. If I try to do it now, it'll just remind me that I failed myself and I'm an even bigger failure now.

>> No.10324710

Can you give me some sites to use?

>> No.10324718

For me I already had a lot of kanji I could read and recognize as part of vocab (probably over 1000) but could not recall at all if they weren't in front of me. I was also having difficulty separating the individual kanji in compounds and using them as building blocks to aid quicker learning of new words, if that makes sense, so I felt I wasn't picking up vocab as easily as I could be. I wanted to have a much firmer grasp of the kanji and actually be able to write them, so I finally broke down and tried Heisig. About 500 kanji in and it's been working well so far.

>> No.10324733

I suppose not.

>> No.10324730


I guess you just don't have what it takes mate.

>> No.10324740

Ignore that sperglord, anon-kun!

>> No.10324741

For me it just feels like you're doing twice the amount of work than what is really needed, it also introduces bad practise since it hardwires English meanings to Japanese kanji shapes in a person's memory, which they have to unfasten and rewire a Japanese reading (and meaning)

I am guessing this why so many people give up, you are doing way too much awkward learning.

>> No.10324746
File: 1.38 MB, 2956x2318, vocabguide_djtresized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anki reset a few hours ago so I haven't done mine yet.

Also, I made a info picture for DJT earlier today. (I visit /a/ for DJT)

Epwing2Anki creates notes (Anki cards) with definitions and example sentences from a list of words that you make.

I like adding words from my reading material so this helps a lot with cutting down card-making time (especially with non-text files). If you have a .txt file to read, Yomichan seems to be better/easier to use. Hope it helps a few learners.

>> No.10324749


Not really.


I did that with RTK, and I don't associate the English meanings with the kanji at all, I associate the Japanese words, and it never felt awkward.

>> No.10324805

In the first paragraph you misspelled 'example'.
And in the second line under 'Part 3', the word 'to' should not be there.

>> No.10324810

Many thanks. Will update in a few days.

>> No.10327376
File: 8 KB, 379x175, 1KBh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1800 vocab + 300 on-yomi kanji + 250 others that I only know kun for. I'm not too bad at grammar, been trying to read and stuff so it's getting better. Is this good progress for 1.5 months?

>> No.10327385

Ugh, thi sguide looks really complicated. Isn't it easier to just, you know... download the premade decks?

>> No.10327396

You won't learn Japanese with that attitude. You have to be willing to devote years of your life to it. If a simple guide like that is putting you off, you will never be fluent. Just give up now, will save you a few months of boredom.

>> No.10327408

