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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10316271 No.10316271 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Japanese alleys so cozy?
Am I the only alley otaku here?

>> No.10316286
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>> No.10316288

No, I have spent hours exploring them. (In google street view)

>> No.10316301

I have spent hours exploring them. (In Mishima while I'm studying abroad)

>> No.10316340

I have spent hours exploring you're mom. (In her vagina with my penis)

>> No.10316342

I have spent no hours exploring them. (I'm jealous while at home)

>> No.10316350

I wish I could had spent my childhood running though these alleys ;_;

>> No.10316363


wabbo detected

>> No.10316365

You could always kill yourself. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to reincarnate as a little Japanese girl.

>> No.10316369

Sounds like someone's insecure.

>> No.10316372

Fucking weeaboo get the fuck out.

>> No.10316378

Fucking make me you fucking nerd.

>> No.10316383

I really want to sit on those steps.

>> No.10316389

I've slept in plenty of cosy alleys but some jerkwad always wakes me up by being zany and abusive to impress a friend, usually by shouting or spitting on me. I wish they could place themselves in my shoes. Not to be sympathetic, but to realise it gets really fucking old.

>> No.10316401

I'd like to see more of thoes alleys. I love them! There is a couple of nice videos with them out there aswell.

>> No.10316405

Are you a hobo? How do you get on a computer if you don't even have a home?

>> No.10316406

I didn't alleys could be anything other than housing for crackheads

>> No.10316411
File: 408 KB, 1024x768, misty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I like them, but I spent hours trying to find the way back to civilization.
It was an interesting experience, though.
Small padding fields, old japanese houses, gentle rain and it felt like walking in a ghost town with lots of small jinjas.

If someone saw me from the window I'm pretty sure he was thinking: "What the fuck is this gaijin tourist doing here."

Also getting lost in misty japanese forrests was fun.
I should've taken photos...

>> No.10316417

YAY. Found the videos for you guys!
You will love it OP!


Make sure to check out the channel aswell, and dont forget to turn up the volume and watch it in 1080p.

>> No.10316416

Speak English you fucking weeb.

>> No.10316418

just say shinto shrines u fuggin weeb loser

>> No.10316430

How the hell is it all so clean?

>> No.10316432

i love japan ... the culture, the language, its history and evrything about it. its so interesting to me^_^ maybe in my previous life, i was born japanese...but i've never been there:(

>> No.10316435

Just kill yourself, it's the only good you can do for the world.

>> No.10316436

Where were you exactly? That sounds like a really nice experience. Is that a photo you took or did you find it?

>> No.10316439

omg i get that same feeling to sometimes :O

>> No.10316440

don't bully

>> No.10316441

Do you think you were a samurai? I think I was a ninja in my past life ^.^

>> No.10316444

I'm with you OP. Also in TV shows when people travel places they always come across a random snack place or candy shop run by some old couple. I wish those existed here. All we have are foreign pizza places and burger places pretty much.

>> No.10316447

i kno rite, ill never be japanese :(

>> No.10316450

I found the photo. It's just somewhat related.
It was somewhere place in (or near) Nara, I don't know where exactly.

>> No.10316496

Nope, but you'll always be a fucking weeboo.

>> No.10316500

Watching things like that always makes me depressed.

>> No.10316517

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. Stop using proper punctuation and capitalization.

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.10316518

Don't give up hope.

>> No.10316522

I think the guy is seriously replying to "ironic trolling" or whatever those retards are practicing here.

>> No.10316528

First guy here, no I wasn't, this inferiority complex you guys have is embarrassing, you are literally the bottom of the fucking barrel, scum of the earth.

So what if someone enjoys Japanese culture/geography, as long as they don't act like an actual naruto loving weeaboo fucktard then what's the problem. You are posting on a fucking Japanese Culture board for gods sake, don't try and act like you have any higher ground.

And yes I am aware it is most likely just a mindless shitpost and you possibly don't actually think like that, but if so that is just as bad.

>> No.10316532

correct: otaku culture
not Japanese culture

>> No.10316533

Stop trying to ridicule people who like Japan.
It's not funny to repeat the same joke thousand of times.

>> No.10316537

Perhaps I can do the same once I get the money to travel over there.

>> No.10316539

the fuck are you talking about, he just posted what the weeb in this video said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSyxra4iYro

>> No.10316540

Even worse.

>> No.10316543

I gathered it was copy pasted from somewhere else, doesn't give it a reason to be posted or excuse it.

>> No.10316545


>> No.10316551

I actually feel sorry that you feel that way about yourself. Hopefully you can get past your weird inadequacies.

>> No.10316549

The main point of posting it was to ridicule it for how stupid it was. As >>10316417 posted the video before.

>> No.10316552

Epic. Simply epic.

>> No.10316559

In that case the anon probably should have linked to the post and used who are you quoting arrows instead of just typing it because that was really ambiguous.

>> No.10316571
File: 613 KB, 2000x1600, 626866448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy who keeps posting photos of japanese signposts and other >>>/trv/ shit has got to be in the top 10 worst people on jp

>> No.10316569

Just admit that you baited on it like HELL, because ur a filthy xboarder that doesn't get /jp/ dynamics.

>> No.10316574

says someone posting images of video game and anime crossovers

>> No.10316578

/jp/ dynamics are the worst of any board though, even if anyone got them it still doesn't make them acceptable

>> No.10316589

>seriously replying to serious replies to nonserious “ironical” posts

>> No.10316604


>> No.10316608

second thread derailed 2day, im on a roll

>> No.10316612

it was alright until all the edgy retards turned up and started pretending to be weebs. they do the same thing to every tangentially to japan related topic that isn't shitty media. congrats on keeping your board on a pathetically low level.

>> No.10316623

But how is this entire thread otaku culture?

>> No.10316624
File: 807 KB, 1893x1938, 1351814605755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody needs to update this image

>> No.10316625

>ITT: Genuine thread topic derailed by ironic shitposting mixed with crossboarders/autistic fucks taking said ironic shitposting seriously.

>> No.10316628

These look like great places to get raped.

>> No.10316629

can we get any more ironic than this post?

>> No.10316631

You're the man now dddog!

>> No.10316640

weeb status: assblasted

>> No.10316642

lel who gives a shit weeb shit about japan is forbidden

>> No.10316645

>You are posting on a fucking Japanese Culture board for gods sake
What the fuck are you talking about, crossboarder? This isn't, and never was, a board for Japanese culture; don't "act you have any higher ground" when you clearly haven't been in this board for more than a week.

The internet is full of places to talk about how superior Japan is, go there.

It isn't.

>> No.10316652

>This never was a board for Japanese culture

>> No.10316659

Dumb janny deleting posts instead of the thread itself, just because of how the thread starts with the word "otaku"

>> No.10316666

I don't understand how people find pretending to be retarded fun. Doesn't go into my head.

>> No.10316667

Japanese alley threads have always been a prized tradition of /jp/. Please stop ruining it.

>> No.10316670

Stop with this stupid "non-jp related" meme.

>> No.10316672

/a/ crossboarders don't seem to remember.

>> No.10316674

Nice quads, dude!

>> No.10316677

not otaku culture

>> No.10316678

retarded shitposter who doesn't actually do anything /jp/ related sperging out over a single thread

>> No.10316688

I thought I was the only one that did that! Thank god for that haha

>> No.10316691

Guys. Calm down. What the hell is even going on? Why do you even give a shit. Just relax and watch some of the videos from the channel I posted: >>10316417 Maybe add your favourite music in the background.

Why all these hateful comments? This doesnt lead to anything, anyway, right?

If you like japan or not, If you defend it, hype it or dislike it. The content shown in the videos are some nice street-views from japan and other asian countries.
You know, this thread was supposed to be for OPs alleys. Poor OP.

>> No.10316699

This is /jp/, the board where everyone goes out of their way to not take it easy.

>> No.10316703
File: 978 KB, 1239x707, 学園.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down dude. I'm just shitting on a not related /jp/ thread while reading a VN.

>> No.10316707
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>> No.10316708

I can't take it easy when I take it easy anymore. The only way for me to take it easy now is by not taking it easy.

>> No.10316710

I hope you're drinking some tea too.

>> No.10316717

wow this guy can read japanese
i bet he is a badass

>> No.10316718 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 472x472, 1298591731339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simply post "weeb status: assblasted"
>immediately blocked for 15 minutes

you asked for it janishit

f uck my c ock

>> No.10316719

That alley makes me think of dreamfall.

>> No.10316723

I know that quite well. Been here to long.
I feel like saying something now.
I am one of those guys that wishes for a candy-land earth. You know, no harm, everyone respected and equal. Nice discussion etc.
Obviously this is not reality. This is probably why a lot of us sit in front of the screen so many hours a day. Because we want to flee, kinda.
But even here, in the fictionla world we created for ourselves, we still act like idiots and just dont get along well.

I wonder why...
Ah, forgive me /jp/ler, feeling kind emotional right now.

>> No.10316722

he actually can't read japanese
he just likes to pretend
you know becuase he's a weeb

>> No.10316726

Is WA2 so uninteresting that you tab out and get in idiotic /jp/ arguments in the middle of it?

>> No.10316728 [DELETED] 

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

>> No.10316729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316724 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316738 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316734
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>> No.10316736 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316737
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f uck my c ock

>> No.10316742 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316743 [DELETED] 
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f uck my c ock

>> No.10316744

Why are you so mad guys? It's just like Japan/General again

>> No.10316748

It's okay don't worry. I've only been here for two days but from what I can tell, during the day (I'm GMT+1) people are usually nice and helpful. It's mostly kind of mean at night

>> No.10316749
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f uck my c ock

>> No.10316745 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316746
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>> No.10316754

Well, it's a nice change of pace once in a while. I'll go back to my VN now since the thread seems to be nearing its end.

>> No.10316753

SAEE FAGOTS THIS IS wheat you bread when NO Leitism!!!

>> No.10316758
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f uck my c ock

>> No.10316761 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316759
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>> No.10316768
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f uck my c ockf uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

f uck my c ock

>> No.10316766 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316770
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>> No.10316775
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>>10316766f uck my c ock
>>10316766f uck my c ock
>>10316766f uck my c ock


>> No.10316776

holy shit

>> No.10316779

It all returns to nothing.
It just keeps

It all returns to nothing.
I just keep

>> No.10316781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316790

This board is seriously beyond hope. I wish moot would just delete it.

>> No.10316784 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316785
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f uck yf uck my c ock

>> No.10316795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316797

not /jp/'s fault that you want to discuss weeb shit, it's not like the idol threads or VN General threads get shit on

>> No.10316798
File: 60 KB, 640x480, yokohama-kanon-027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys.
Here a little something for OP.
He probably abondoned the thread by now anyway.

Source: http://punynari.wordpress.com/2010/10/09/kanon-anime-pilgrimage-part-2/

>> No.10316799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316802

You're right, he went as far as renaming the board and still can't get rid of this dumb weeaboo shit

>> No.10316808


>> No.10316804 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 236x236, 1297739892751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well would you look at that.

>> No.10316806

Yeah, this thread is obviously /jp/'s main problem right now. Aside from that Japanese streets threads are ancient /jp/ tradition but you don't even seem to know that.

>> No.10316811 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316816 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316817
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>> No.10316822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316823 [DELETED] 
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Nice dubs but check my 5

>> No.10316828 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316833 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316843

Somewhere Street is great show I like relaxing.

>> No.10316847

A while ago some /jp/er posted a 30min video of himself walking through Tokyo or something. It was really relaxing to watch.

>> No.10316850
File: 24 KB, 704x400, 1289829572541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like the shitposter would disappear. They would just go to other boards.

After all this time I thought I got used to shitposts on 4chan and I don't repond to them, but it's totally out of control now.
I feel sorry for the nice people on /jp/ who just want to take it easy.

>> No.10316860 [DELETED] 

It's too entertaining for me to stop shitposting. Even though I usually do it in threads I don't like, like most of the people shitposting.

>> No.10316861

epik b8

>> No.10316863

Why don't you get a hobby?

>> No.10316871

I read untranslated VNs and watch anime. Just because having a hobby doesn't necessarily mean that I or anyone else would stop doing it.

>> No.10316880

Oh, I wish I would have walked through tokyo myself. But these are not my videos, heh.
Glad you enjoyed them, though. I really like them a lot aswell.

Good to see the nice folks showing up. Sign.

I don't see anything thats being entertaining in shitposting. Only kids probably enjoy this, feeling they are special. I might be wrong.

>> No.10316881

Alright whatever. I'm at the point where I only check the catalog once every second day for decent threads. This board is killing itself.

>> No.10316891

I wish everyone knew Japanese on this board.

>> No.10322712

Where are those from?

>> No.10322712,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmfao bump

>> No.10322712,2 [INTERNAL] 

