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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 565x833, sanaebg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10311752 No.10311752 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10311765

that's Udonge

>> No.10311769
File: 102 KB, 420x314, 1343835786886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to remind me this shit exists?

>> No.10311773

>Will Sanae stop being such an insufferable little bitch?
Oh god damn it why, I kinda sorta liked this guy.

>> No.10311788

your tumblr is cool

>> No.10311793

What a horrible art style.

>> No.10311807

Is Shock Cocoon still under development, Udonge?

>> No.10311846
File: 77 KB, 255x285, ReisenSWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10311864

A-are you sure....? I really wanted to see more of it....

>> No.10311903

Ask him what are Sanae's 10 desires.

>> No.10311911

I think its cute

>> No.10311917

This used to be an okay blog

Has littleshrimp been taken on as a guest writer

>> No.10311936

so is this littleshrimp or what

>> No.10311948

Bet that question has been asked to that blogger to death.

Don't know how people can handle this stuff.

>> No.10311954
File: 129 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mfxp40ucOt1r1gahfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruh roh.

>> No.10311958

You were going for that 55 weren't you

>> No.10311960

Is this supposed to upset me? It looks like someone having fun.

>> No.10311986

Come back when you're more of an angry elitist.

>> No.10311991

It's called taking it easy.

>> No.10311995


I can't take it easy knowing someone out there is shitting on something I like, and they're popular for it.

>> No.10312005

Welcome to life.

>> No.10312065

I'm the only one who made one of these for himself because of /jp/? I don't use it but there's it, with 2hu.

>> No.10312072

If you mean tumblr then I think its time for you to kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10312080

Don't understand what you're saying. You have a tumblr like that guy from OP?

>> No.10312084

Calm down nigger, it's your fault that I made it and as I said, I don't use it.

>> No.10312089

Welcome to half of all Touhou Project doujin circles.

If you're going to be like that you should simply ignore all secondary creations that have ever been made ever.

>> No.10312105

I believe people should only publicize their doujin works if they are skilled enough to create a decent product, both on the internet and IRL.

>> No.10312111
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1356408815219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10312119

Oh, so by "shitting on" you mean substandard art? There's no shortage of those artists either at Comiket or on Pixiv either.

>> No.10312129
File: 373 KB, 700x700, 1296070081831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people ask sanae

>> No.10312134

Either learn how to use the quote function properly or get out

>> No.10312139

Please leave /jp/, racism is against the rules.

>> No.10312140
File: 96 KB, 323x400, yuyusip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe people should only publicize their doujin works if they are skilled enough to create a decent product, both on the internet and IRL.

Dumb post of the month, congratulations anonymous.
People is allowed to sell and do whatever they want, if it's good people buy it and becomes popular then more is made for more profit, you can't expect everything in the world to pleasant for you.

>> No.10312141

Obviously you didn't click on the link, though I can understand why.

>> No.10312144

I'd take the artwork of that guy who made a doujin for /jp/ for christmas to this.

>> No.10312153
File: 48 KB, 419x263, CAPTAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I ever say my hatred doesn't stretch to Japanese artists as well?

>> No.10312151

I missed it. Could you post link?

>> No.10312152

go cry to the janitor fuggin nerd ass loser

>> No.10312161

I didn't save it, check on the archive for threads made on december 25th. It was with mokou.

>> No.10312167

If you weren't around on christmas to see it, then you are not tru/jp/ and don't deserve it.

>> No.10312185

This thread is as utterly terrible as whoever OP is criticizing. Why /jp/.

>> No.10312186

As if I cared about something a turd like you would say.

>> No.10312193

it's supposed to be "ask what u don't get"

>> No.10312212

Back to tumblr with you, and tell the touhouwiki devs to put away your fearies

>> No.10312414

does he draw porn

>> No.10312424


>> No.10312513

do you have links or downloads?
That looks like it would be dick tingling porn.

>> No.10312547

What are tumblr Sanae's ten desires?

>> No.10312551
File: 23 KB, 800x473, 1311943761146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get killed fast and painlessly.

>> No.10312591


>> No.10312599

please give the porn

>> No.10312611


>> No.10312651

that is the worst color scheme I have ever seen

>> No.10312665

He just went full retard

>> No.10312740

Are there any actual good 2hu tumblrs?

>> No.10312748


>> No.10312749

>Error: You must wait 1 hour 37 seconds before posting a new thread

Is anyone else getting stuff like this? Where'd this come from?

>> No.10312755


>> No.10312756


>> No.10312786

What is tumblr?

I have no idea what newfangled stuff are because I literally do not leave /jp/ except to fap or play games

>> No.10312788
File: 141 KB, 500x304, tumblr_mcyy6kMkOF1r3zknuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He went full retard.

>> No.10312797

It's a blog site that literally promotes not making any new material at all.

>> No.10312799

But he's right. It's mah ree sa, not muh riss uh

>> No.10312819

its where "die cis scum!" kind go to discuss their hate of cis people.
Also lots of cocks, but only black ones. Imagine a reverse /pol/.

>> No.10312820

"Marisa" is pronounced まりざ, while "Marissa" is pronounced the correctly way, まりさ

>> No.10312828

"A" in Japanese is pronounced "ah", so "mah"risa, not "muh"rissa.

>> No.10312835

then you mean mahrissa

>> No.10312847

But the "isa" is pronounced like the sounds in the word "fleece", and the "a" is pronounced "ah".

So, Mah-ree(as in fleece)-sah. Not Muh-riss(as in risk)-uh.

>> No.10312876

I absolutely hate it when people say John like Jonnu. Its written as an English name and should be pronounced that way. Damn japs.

>> No.10312944

I say it muh-ri-sa.
deal with it

>> No.10313080

> Sanae why is your hair green? Do you dye it?
> I'm a god bitch!

But... Sanae is a human shrine maiden... Have I been wrong this entire time?

>> No.10313086

Your mental retardation doesn't upset me.

>> No.10313526

>reverse /pol/

Reverse? In what way? "Die cis scum" and black cocks is exactly what /pol/ is like.
