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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10303920 No.10303920 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about N3 level in my kanji studies, but now I'm trying to get a better grasp of the language's grammar and kanji readings. I thought a good way to practice would be to attempt to read one thread on 2chan a day (of course with translation tools initially) and write any kanji I'm not familiar with in my notebook. I figured this would be more useful than reading other materials because I would also gain an understanding of the slang, common phrases, and other language quirks not mentioned in traditional Japanese language study tools. Thoughts?

>> No.10303925

I don't habeeb the internet is a good way to learn anything.

>> No.10303935

I think you should ask /lang/.

>> No.10303965

It depends, if you just want to use Japanese on the Internet with otaku friends, go ahead. But if you plan to use Japanese with normal people, especially if on real life, I don't suggest 2ch, or at least avoid random boards like VIP at all costs. They use too much Internet jargon and if you use it in normal conversation you'll come off as a creepy otaku.

Same as people who learn Japanese only watching anime: they end up speaking some creepy and girly Japanese.

And I also think you should use /lang/ for this, 4chan has textboards too.

>> No.10303996

You need to learn the way a language is used normally before you learn the way it is used in a more specialized area, like imageboards or anime or porn or whatever. The reason is that in such areas the language will likely be used in irregular ways, such as speech idiosyncracies in anime, or internet jargon and slang in online areas. If you are learning the language in such a place, you will not be able to distinguish the normal from the abnormal, and thus you will learn in a flawed way. If you go to such places later you will have an understanding of what is normal and then be able to distinguish how the language is being used differently there. Also you are likely to run into all sorts of difficulties that you will unprepared for if you decide to learn in a very colloquial place like an imageboard; e.g., people will make spelling and grammatical errors (sometimes on purpose) and you will have no way to know that they are wrong. Think about how English is used on 4chan. It's something that you'll need to deal with eventually but you should hold off until later.

>> No.10304002
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>> No.10304015

That's the correct answer to OP's question, you idiotic fuck.

>> No.10304068

Play visual novels instead. If you watch/read anything with a translation then try to read it and take note of the discrepancies. Also don't try to memorize a kanji until you've seen it enough times.

>> No.10304095
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thanks, this is very useful advice

>> No.10304103
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points taken, I don't even know where is begin with spelling errors in Japanese

>> No.10304199

Why is yasuna so cute?

>> No.10304222


You need to learn Japanese.
Fuck the "u cant learn japanes from anime or u speak like teh samurai" brigade, they're just trying to sound smart.
It doesn't matter where you learn it from. As long as you're learning Japanese. Stop asking questions in English. Stop taking dipshit advice in English.
Go read Japanese. Listen to Japanese. Speak Japanese. It doesn't matter what kind. As long as it's Japanese. And if anyone tells you you're "wrong" for learning then tell them to fuck off.

>> No.10304278

I clearly explained in >>10303996 why that is a bad idea and you have said nothing to refute it. Anime and such things are useful in learning the language, but you should build up a solid foundation first so that you can understand where they are departing from normal usage. Do you have anything to say about the points that I made or are you just going to call me an idiot?

>> No.10304667
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Oh stop, you

>> No.10304705

I don't study Japanese and I don't plan to so this question might be retarded, but I'd like an answer anyway. How is immersion supposed to help beginners and intermediates who can't understand what they're listening to? At least with romance languages, you can tell where words end and begin and therefore deduce the meaning of most words, allowing you to improve your vocabulary just from watching movies and talking to people on the street. Can you really do the same with Japanese without learning a dozen thousand words first? I get the feeling everything sounds the same.

>> No.10304728

Immersion will be useful as long as you know grammar and already have a very basic vocabulary. If you don't know what は, に, お, or -た mean (generally,) it'll be pointless of course.

>> No.10304759

I think you need a foundation to build on for being able to consume Japanese in a level of being able to get something from it.

In other words, you need a fuckton of vocab practice beforehand, otherwise it'll just be a pain. This also heavely applies to listening because of the sheer amount of homophones the language has.

And obviously you need to know grammar.

So no it's barely possible, apart from jukugo combinations, which is word+word=wordword, so in that aspect it works.

Immersion moreso aids in being able to grasp how words work in different contexts and helps in bettering your grammatical abilities.

>> No.10304813

What does ni mean? And with -ta are you referring to da and data?

>> No.10304817

it means read a japanese grammar book.

>> No.10304881

AJATT certified post.

>> No.10305027

Is that really what AJAAT is like? I've heard of it, but I never looked into it much. Never really had much time for those language guru sorts.

>> No.10305032


>> No.10305073

Why are you idiots confusing 2chan with 2channel is beyond me.

>> No.10305082

Who did that?

>> No.10305114

Why did he even mention 2ch if OP was supposedly talking about 2chan? It's clear that he's too dumb to understand that 2ch =! 2chan. And anyway, if you can understand nip netspeak, surely you'll be able to read anything.

>> No.10305158

Yeah it is, since you can read the same kind of things from AJATT articles.

>Never really had much time for those language guru sorts.
I think it's okay as a motivational boost, for starters. At least I thought it was, before the website turned commercial with the Silverspoon bullshit.

>> No.10305194
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I think all of us knew what he meant, given the context of the post. It's ok though, you'll get the hang of common sense eventually.

>> No.10305202

There always has to be some wiseass who brings up the difference as if they're some kind of enlightened being.

>> No.10305216


Shut your fucking mouth. You don't know me. You don't know the blood I've shed on the field for the ones I love. If you look at me even one more time then you will see the darkness of death embracing you.

So it begins.

>> No.10305221

Except I am a wiseass. Are you fucking joking with me? Ok, now, I misread his post and I assumed by the first reply that OP was talking about 2ch when he said 2chan. My bad, anon.

>> No.10305237
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Stop derailing and leave please.

>> No.10305278

No, thank you. This isn't even the board for japanese discussion anyway. And I'm not the other anon that posted without sage.
