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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10283611 No.10283611 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/, I've decided to begin frequenting this board since /vp/'s community is going to shit and I'd like to know: is there any basic stuff I need to know before frequenting this board? Sorry for bothering you and have a nice day.

>> No.10283627

Don't begin your threads by mentioning another board, just say you're new.
Please try again after comiket, we're more bitter than usual right now.

>> No.10283642

Every 2pm is an amazing time

>> No.10283643
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>> No.10283651

First you start by killing your fucking self and never coming back. After that, do whatever you want, turbonerd.

>> No.10283654

Hello, welcome!

First things first:

1 - Sage is not an insult in /jp/. It just means we don't think our posts are worthy enough to bring the thread to the top of the frontpage.

2 - Lurk a lot.

3 - Don't use greentext except for quoting. /jp/ers are going to call you out on it and it will shit up a thread.

4 - Don't reply to trolls. We try to take it easy here. Ignore posts that make you angry.

5 - If you don't like something, just hide it. Don't make things worse by complaining about them.

6 - Be respectful of other's interests.

>> No.10283658 [DELETED] 

I like the contradictions in this guide.

>> No.10283660

Considering OP's pic, I'm sure he'll agree.

>> No.10283661

None of these things are specific to this board, m8.

>> No.10283662

Not sure wether or not you're serious, but thank you nonetheless.

>> No.10283665


You didn't list ass once

>> No.10283670

What are the ten commandements

Also >>10283654 forgot something.

Don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.10283672 [DELETED] 

Delete your thread

>> No.10283675

They're both serious.
Sage really isn't an insult here, you can look up the archive if you doubt it.

>> No.10283679

The sage part is if you compare it to the other boards. /jp/ uses it for 30% of its posts, while other boards are typically lower than 5%.

>> No.10283678 [DELETED] 

You can ignore this guy. That's just a personal vendetta of his.

>> No.10283707

I like to pretend that everyone on all of the slower boards has been here long enough to know the proper use of sage.

>> No.10283711


Enjoy your FUCKING stay, ASSHOLE. Now sit down; you're blocking my view.

>> No.10283713

I would add a couple things to this

People sometimes post things that are untranslated or in Japanese. Sometimes their post itself is in japanese. A fair number of people here can and will write in it. Respect that, and don't ask for translations

Never ever ask for translations

Don't shitpost for irony, don't shitpost at all

You must hate flan, no exceptions. UN Owen was Her was shit, even if it was great.

>> No.10283714 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10283725 [DELETED] 

Uh oh.

Somebody go tell accel anon that some asshole just used one of her images.

>> No.10283722

/ic/'s one of the slowest but sage is rarely used.

but then again /ic/ started getting shit probably last year so whatever

>> No.10283734

play a touhou preferably any pc-98 title

pic a touhou waifu, if someone talks shit about her defend her

if someone bullies you assert your authority by telling them to suck my cock dude

>> No.10283733

Go back to /vp/ while you still can. 2013 will be hell for this board.

>> No.10283732 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah?

What's she gonna do to me?

NOTHING - that's what.

>> No.10283740

well, well, well, what have we here? another faggot neckbeard (most likely american) shitting up the place with his /vp/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the /jp/ mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting *the entire thread for additional proof* and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking otaku culture board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound piles of shit. your days are *fucking numbered*.

>> No.10283750


This is American board please leave.

>> No.10283754

There's no way I'm going back there, the community's almost as bad as /v/ now.

>> No.10283761

/vp/? are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.10283763 [DELETED] 

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk sex.
Well my first gay experience happened like this:

I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him.

Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his faggot friend and I quickly finished them both off. I rolled them into the bushes and finished my walk. That was only my first of many such gay encounters.

>> No.10283767


Don't say I didn't warn you. It will be all puppies and rainbows at the start of the year until early spring.

>> No.10283772

Well no one wants you here either so get the HELL out.

>> No.10283776


>> No.10283777

Just maintain a good netiquette, Onii-chan. You can do it. Enjoy your stay!

>> No.10283785
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What happens early spring?

>> No.10283790


>> No.10283792 [DELETED] 

lol wtf man :D Real OP here.

Anyone want to share their first Gay Experience. Was it good? Bad? Exciting? Boring?

Mine Was in Highschool with my friend who was quite ugly (not to be rude).. Kinda forced himself on me but thats the past..Turned me off totally for awhile.. ha ha ha..

But the second time in university, which i consider to be my true first.. now that was a bloody brilliant time!

>> No.10283796
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>> No.10283801


>> No.10283943

Shut the fuck up and just lurk. Every time someone can't keep himself from posting a retarded introduction thread I literally get sick thinking of all the nauseating bullshit he must be spewing elsewhere on the board.

>> No.10283971
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The first test will be whether or not you delete this thread. Good luck, OP!

>> No.10284019

keep in mind that for every new thread you make, you bump content away. Think before you make

>> No.10284078

I laughed.

>> No.10284258

good end

>> No.10284706

You need to know how to RNG, how to EV train, how to breed, have at least 5 different shinies (excluding Red Gyarados) from random encounters in gold/silver, finished all the Touhoumon games and beat at least 20 different Japanese players in Random Matchup double battle. Otherwise kill yourself out of /jp/.
