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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 700x991, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10273336 No.10273336 [Reply] [Original]

Chapter 19 out: http://boonscanlations.blogspot.de/2012/12/molester-man-19.html

Discuss the story so far, your preferred girl, etc. Keep your spoilers within a black bar.

for ch.19 I'm seriously seriously wondering what Molester would have done if he was able to catch up with Kansai in her house.

Loli is goddamn troublesome. I hope for a happy ending.

What would you have done if you were in Molester's shoes? I... have no fucking idea.

>> No.10273341

ah yeah, previous thread is >>10268358

>> No.10273350 [DELETED] 

The other thread is still far away from the bump limit, though.

>> No.10273353
File: 224 KB, 1024x614, 4f8c51ef0fd0f251609005da81f45aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is going to be sachiko end right.......
Time to leave /jp/ for 2days. See ya guys on new year.

>> No.10273379

I think this is why the OP of the previous thread posted it in /jp/. His intention would probably have been to have a proper discussion cause you know /a/ is cancerous, full of faggots who spoils other for their fun. In /jp/, there is more sense of camaraderie and we generally have civilized discussion as well.

>> No.10273518

This last chapter has me on the edge of my seat, I really hope it has a good end

>> No.10273552 [SPOILER] 
File: 322 KB, 700x991, Chikan_Otoko_19_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must we do this only in the dead of night? Oh well.

How I feel so far I like that both big major demonstrations of guts and bravery end up in nothing. It's part of why I love this so much. No, a big event doesn't solve a complex emotional situation and you don't win the girl just by running until your body can't handle it. As for lolijugs, I think I get it now. It's not about losing MM since she never seemed to care THAT much about him and just sought him as an alternative to the previous assholes and a warm body in time for a christmas date. I'm over simplifying it, but my point is that she probably feels more betrayed by Kansai going for sushi and getting even closer to MM right after she told her how she felt and how she was treated, even though she left out the crucial information of why MM did it.

Hopefully MM will wise up eventually and face the real source of the conflict and talk things out with loli. That's the only way we'll get our happy END.

As for chapter 19 YARANAIKA it was an emotional ride and MM becoming more honest to himself and his feelings is always a good development. Just wish that Kansai's position hadn't been coerced like that, and that the sex hadn't been out of pity and guilt.

Only 2 chapters left. I salute the brave fool that is working so hard for everyone's sake. It certainly has made my lonely holiday week a lot better. Would dump the latest chapter, but I still have the feeling that most people here haven't caught up yet and it'd be pretty bad to ruin it for them.

>> No.10273556 [DELETED] 

i thought /jp/ didn't...

>> No.10273582 [DELETED] 

- Crossposted to /a/

>> No.10273583


You have a point. That's likely the only way to end things right.

Also, I think we can all agree by now that lolijugs is just your average s̶l̶u̶t̶ shoujo. Huge fucking props and respect to MM for repressing his libido.

With that decision, he was able to make love to the girl he really has his heart for. And that's sky high fucking awesome.

>> No.10273587 [DELETED] 

>(keep anime/manga in /a/ though)

>> No.10273603
File: 180 KB, 414x1377, 1282743418609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>* Doujin works and music
>Doujin works
>Doujin works

>> No.10273604

I'm really glad he did. Someone mentioned it in the last thread, how they wouldn't be able to restrain themselves, just like any other man.

In many ways, the MM that tried to get closer to Miss Understanding just because she was a pretty girl that paid attention is long gone. He's focused and more in touch with how he feels. Earlier MM would just have pounced on lolijugs because a cute girl saying that she loves you and offering herself is hard to reject after 20+ years of wizardry.

>> No.10273639

Gonna start watching the movie if anyone wants to watch along

You pretty much got it, even though Lolijugs doesn't actually know Kansai went to get sushi with MM for a chance to interrogate him about his reason for rejecting lolijugs. She also assumed Kansai knew about MM's feelings when Lolijugs broke down and cried to her about being rejected by MM. There's a little more to it in the next chapter, but that's most of it.

>> No.10273643

There is a movie?

I don't care for watching it with a bunch of other faggots, but I would appreciate a confirmation of its existence, if not outright spoonfeeding of a download link.

>> No.10273647

There's a goddamn link in the post

>> No.10273654

Isn't that a streaming site or something? I don't know I didn't click on it.

I already said I don't want to watch it with a bunch of faggots, so...

>> No.10273657

china youtube is fucking shit.
Someone reupload it on MF please.

>> No.10273659

I think he misunderstood and thought it was a stream+chat site like twitch or something.

Don't worry, it only has some comments in chinese that you can ignore, it's not a live thing. Also from what I hear the movie is not that good anyway, so it's not worth the effort to hunt down or translate

>> No.10273663

>Also from what I hear the movie is not that good anyway, so it's not worth the effort to hunt down or translate
Yep, so I hear. I'm already annoyed by MC actor's voice. Only watching because best girl is played by Nao Nagasawa.

>> No.10273671

Oh, but the 2ch segments are pretty hilarious

>> No.10273676

I'm more upset over MM looking like a highschool freshman. Yeah, he's a bit baby faced but this is just ridiculous.

Only saving grace so far, it was a good choice from the producers to do that.

I should watch Densha Otoko one day.

>> No.10273680 [DELETED] 

This is not doujin works, it's a manga, just like you called it in your last thread.

ps. a thread that reaches the image cap doesn't automatically make it fine.

>> No.10273681

Agreed on both counts

>> No.10273684


Someone synchtube that.

>> No.10273686

We're not going to do this.
No meta derail.
Up to janitor to decide if they should delete this.
Report and hide it if you have to, but this argument ends here.

>> No.10273688

Let's not. It's really no fun at all.

>> No.10273689


Yeah, just read about that. Not bothering now.

>> No.10273692

lmao now it devolves into anime discussion

>> No.10273718
File: 232 KB, 700x990, Chikan_Otoko_8_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramas are /jp/ related too. Drop it already.

Stopping with the movie here, it's just too painful. Any sympathy and goodwill towards MM is gone with such a bad actor. This is probably why this never got as huge as Densha Otoko did.

>> No.10273730

I'm half an hour through it but at this point I've abandoned any hopes of it being a good drama and instead am just watching for the laughs.
Both from the 2ch convos and MM being so beta. They should've labeled this adaptation a comedy.

>> No.10273734

it's terrible post etiquette to try to justify if something belongs in x board if you can just discuss it on another one.

>> No.10273738

Why does the art style remind me of megatokyo?

>> No.10273744

Sketchy pencil greyscale instead of the clean patterns you see in most manga. Most people think OMK instead of megatokyo though, since there are noses and proper facial expressions.

>> No.10273756
File: 94 KB, 427x441, 3414613452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what i can tell in the movie after chap 19...
Molester scolds/reasons with loli, loli makes up with Kansai, Kansai accepts Molester
Still....Kansai putting her friendship first over her love is telling....

>> No.10273780

Was Kansai a virgin?

>> No.10273785

Probably not
Such is reality, but it doesn't mean they're a bad person. Just flawed like any of us

>> No.10273809


Even with the spoiler, I could guess what you were intending, it was that obvious. Anyway no, but MM said she was tighter than the average.

>> No.10273845

If this doesn't end happy I wont be able to take it.

>> No.10273887

Would you read a VN based on Molester Man /jp/?

>> No.10273912

Just finished the movie. It started off hilarious then after maybe the halfway point got more and more pathetic.
I went from laughing at 2ch's antics to scoffing at how beta movie MM was.
They also didn't develop the story/relationship nearly as well as the manga.
A lot of parts are condensed and not nearly enough substance between MM and Kansai to make Kansai returning MM's affections seem believable.
Oh, and the usual bad Japanese acting.

>> No.10273938

Sup guys, I'm late to the fun but did this really happen in 2chan? Are there any threads or any proof? Thanks!!

>> No.10273951

>MM said she was tighter than the average.
just wow

>> No.10273953


It can't be proven, unless the participants want to expose themselves. Same with Densha. As for me, it doesn't matter a fucking single bit whether it's based on a true story or it was a complete fiction. A great story is still a great story and the fact that it's hugely relatable is more than good enough for me.

>> No.10273960

well, usually good threads are screenshooted.

>> No.10273963


The point is whether it was fabricated or not.

>> No.10273982

All the threads are archived. Is it proof it happened? Not necessarily. And there probably never will be proof.

>> No.10274016

Anyone here familiar with the Japanese boards? What would be the equivalent of vip here?

>> No.10274022


>> No.10274048
File: 140 KB, 1599x926, no u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best 2ch manga ever, Like fucking ever.

>> No.10274056 [DELETED] 

Terrible /a/-esque thread. Why don't you stay on your own board?

>> No.10274080 [DELETED] 


Terrible shitpost. Why don't you mind your own shit and ignore this? We're having a legit discussion here which is fucking miles better than the "wich 2hu wud u fuck" threads that's cluttering up the board. Why don't you fuck off and go join them? You don't have to butt in in every single thread there is in /jp/.

>> No.10274093 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 850x850, tenshis..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But srsly, Wich 2hu wud u fak?

>> No.10274098

It's a doujin, sorry man.

>> No.10274099 [DELETED] 

the 1 u posted

>> No.10274105 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 500x461, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the best fuckin guy out there.
I love you, man

Tenshi Hinanawi ;)

>> No.10274115 [DELETED] 

A doujinshi that's popular on /a/.

>> No.10274116

Oh my god, this manga gives me so much FEEL. I don't know who I like better, Kansai or Loli.

>> No.10274117 [DELETED] 

Are you going to force this on /jp/ every day?

>> No.10274124

You better believe it fagnut
y u mad bro?

>> No.10274127

Maybe 2chan still have rl photo of Sachiko?

>> No.10274137 [DELETED] 

Feels general? Feels general.

>> No.10274143

what is the difference between manga and doujinshi?

i honestly don't know

>> No.10274148

Sure, let's see how much you can samefag.

>> No.10274153 [DELETED] 

"Self-publishing" bullshit. It's the same shitposting arugment as with video games where "indie games" are "doujiwork" because "self-published".

>> No.10274211
File: 170 KB, 700x1037, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking manga... Has some of the gayest shit in it

>> No.10274216
File: 58 KB, 501x725, resemblance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont you see the resemblance?

>> No.10274238

i read molester as "mole star". stupid autocorrect brain.

can't wait for the last 2 chapters.

>> No.10274341
File: 173 KB, 700x1040, DAT FACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat face

>> No.10274361

yaranaika is way back from 2004?
Some of these shit is old as fuck. Also can someone explain to me those doraemon reaction image with jojo pose? How did they become popular? Looking at how old these 2ch jokes are, how come they are any barely any new material after nico nico medley(2006)?

>> No.10274386

The author is American

I hope this explains everything

>> No.10274393 [DELETED] 

There's lots of threads that can be discussed in a multitude of boards. Stop it already. VNs get discussed on /a/, /v/, /vg/, /jp/ and /u/.

>> No.10274406 [DELETED] 

Look at this thread. It's just OP trying to force his crap on /jp/ because "if you don't like my /a/b/v/ threads then you should go back to your 2hu shitposting" nonsense.

>> No.10274408 [DELETED] 

What part of "this is a doujin" don't you understand?

>> No.10274442 [DELETED] 

Not that guy but...

Saying that something is a doujin is wrong. The word doujin means independent group or person. Literally the same meaning as indie. Doujinshi is probably the word you are looking for, which means indie work.

This thread is about an indie manga and should therefor belong on /a/ but because of all the 2ch inside jokes and the fact that it originally is based on a thread makes it ok to have it here.

>> No.10274443

From what I understand things changed once 2ch became more popular and mainstream. Not unlike /b/ ceasing to be a source of net culture once things became more popular. To an outsider, roughly after Chanology no new material was created.

In other references, I'm really amazed at the whole RUB IT thing in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiO8a9ErCBg
Love it, Rub it and Rabbit. That's some quality wordplay

>> No.10274450 [DELETED] 

i thought /jp/ was anything japan related?

if we strictly follow board rules. what would be left?

>> No.10274458 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's called Japan/General for a reason.
Am I rite?

>> No.10274483 [DELETED] 

Anything Japan related that doesn't fit anywhere else.

>if we strictly follow board rules. what would be left?
Only /jp/ related material would be left.
If you hate /jp/ topics, but like anime, manga and video games, then you probably should considerer visiting other boards instead of bringing everything here.

>> No.10274500


Oh wait a moment ...

I assume there's a REAL photo of ...Sachiko ... somewhere on the Interweb?

That photo?

>> No.10274513

You should realize by now that it is fiction.
Were the even any famous character named sachiko back then?

>> No.10274515

/a/ has been trying to find it. Nothing but dead links so far.
Posting in 2ch about could be an option, but they might not care about an 8 year old story.

>> No.10274519

They are more likely to laugh at you, I should think.

>> No.10274521
File: 68 KB, 466x229, 1098200192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww.... meido makes me so blush. I love you meido!

>> No.10274532
File: 99 KB, 801x601, chikan_118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They remind me of laughinggirls.jpg.

>> No.10274541

Oh, i see.

I hope that Anon will try to ask anyway

>> No.10274548 [DELETED] 

how is this /j/ relted ?
wtf meido

>> No.10274578 [DELETED] 

Why are you so surprised that anime, manga and video games take precedence over core /jp/ material?

>> No.10274601 [DELETED] 


What the hell are you talking about? That post was a praise to the hardworking meido who actually does her job by removing stupid shitposts. And with that, good job for creating another one.

>> No.10274684

Doujin works

>> No.10275011

Could some /jp/sie try to ask on 2ch for the photo?

I tried this:


But I can't get through the proxy

>> No.10276156


I just started reading this manga because of this thread and I saw pages from the same manga being used in another thread and it caught my interest. I'm enjoying it so far (only on Chapter 9).

Is it based on a true story?

>> No.10276193

It's based on a real 2ch thread, if it actually happened is anyones guess.

>> No.10276204


So they say, but things like this can never be proven.

>> No.10277435

I stopped on Chapter 4 yesterday. It's still too early to say anything, but it's interesting. I'm reading it on batoto.net.

>> No.10277672 [DELETED] 
File: 919 KB, 170x196, 1332502439856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when I read shit like this and then reflect on how shit my own life is and all the missed opportunities.

It also gives me false hope for 3D.

>> No.10277688 [DELETED] 

thanks for the update

please keep us posted :)

>> No.10277768


It has the oppossite effect on me instead. It makes me lose hope for 3D as I know I'll never have a Kansai in my life.

>> No.10277780

I read three chapters, found it too boring and stopped.

>> No.10278022

It gives me hope and confidence I can find a girl.
It makes me lose hope for finding one like Kansai.
It doesn't help that this video is pretty much the norm there.

>> No.10278081

Holy shit, the latest chapter. So much feel...

>> No.10278113

reading this really brought me out of depression and made me feel like maybe someday I'll be able to meet somebody nice and etc.. but now I feel really sad, I just want to see him succeed, I want to know that someone like us can do it.

That's the main reason why I find this a lot better than densha otoko, because MM isn't a great person, he's clearly done some not so great things, but he means well, and if things can go his way maybe we all have a shot..

and yes, I know this is from 2004 and the odds of it being real are pretty debatable but hope is hope

>> No.10280097

Chapter 20 is out!

>> No.10280114

That was fast

>> No.10280156
File: 6 KB, 145x507, 1GR6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing it's because of the holidays he's able to put out the last few chapters pretty much once a day.

>> No.10280365

Don't be dumb. The chances of us meeting somebody like that are pretty much nonexistent. It's the same as hoping that some day a pretty girl would just turn up and tell us that she'll cure us of our hikki habits.
We'll all just die alone, the sooner you accept it the better.

>> No.10280617

I wouldn't say the idea is too far-fetched, but the situations that MM went through to get here are the kinds of things we'd never experience in life anyway.

Hate to just blog here, but in the past couple of years I've had two girls who were apparently interested in me, found out that I was somewhat of a shut-in, and made a few attempts to "help" me with that. One of them did eventually confess to me, but I didn't feel the same so I rejected her. She even did the silly shit like text me occasionally about small things happening in her life (something MM does to Kansai; something I would never do to someone else, mostly because I feel like I would be annoying).

The reason we all love Kansai so much is (aside from the fact that she's the only female character with real depth that we see) because she's assertive. In a way, she imposes herself on MM's life for a bit and MM had to decide whether he wanted to respond or turn her away. And I don't think many of us would be willing to take that risk of responding, hoping for a story like MM and Kansai. Fake story or not, if the opportunity arises, you either have to take it or don't.

As you pointed out, the chances of these opportunities arising is "pretty much nonexistent." But even if you were faced with this opportunity, would you really put yourself out there and go through all the steps MM is in hopes that your story would end up even remotely the same? That's a risk I don't think many of would be willing to take.

>> No.10280668

>even if you were faced with this opportunity, would you really put yourself out there and go through all the steps MM is in hopes that your story would end up even remotely the same?

Yes. I'm a jaded man that has tasted the sour taste of adult life. Still, even the small possibility of finding someone special makes me move forward, not rejecting everything in life and shutting myself into closed bubble. I don't really socialize, date or in other ways, "mingle" with people but I'm not absolutely dismissive either. And in the end, there's no inherent "risk" to me because I was raised with enough information about people, relationships and socializing so I know what makes a good significant other for me.

>> No.10280734

>That's a risk I don't think many of would be willing to take.

You forget that MM had the full backing of all the anonymous fuckers in his multitude of threads. If this situation miraculously arose for a denizen of /jp/ and he ran a full blog here about it(somehow breaking through all the sages and reports,) then I'm sure he can blunder his way through just as well.

Well, provided he wasn't complete and utter autism. Or ugly.

>> No.10285445

If it was 8years ago, you can will find the same kind of threads in /b/ but sadly the internet have changed and is no longer the same. You are going have to settle with /r9k/ nowadays.

>> No.10285512

No, /r9k/ has been worse than /v/ for years. /r9k is total, unmitigated shit now.

>> No.10285527

We almost had something similar a while back, yet much more subtle. There was some guy making cookies for a shut-in girl in a tea thread or something. I don't remember how that turned out, but he posted at least one or two updates in that thread.

>> No.10285538

Oh I remembered that one. The one he met while throwing garbage? I think the most convincing story one was the anon that posted about how he met his childhold friend who was working on the train station and then proceeded to backstab him a few days later.

>> No.10285574

It seems to have improved over the last few months.

>> No.10288901

Believe me, I look in once in a while. It hasn't. It's fucking shit. It was good years ago, had a rapid decline in quality (fueled by moot, FUCK YOU moot) was deleted, and then brought back into an even worse state.
The decline was rapidly accelerated with the first sitewide "come check out R9K" message and every major event after that only drew more shit and drove the good posters away faster. There is not a single good poster left on R9K anymore.

As an example, you used to be able to find intelligent political discussion on that board.

Political discussion on R9K now is facebook-tier.
R9K is basically a conglomeration of all the weakest willed, whiniest stupid little shits on 4chan.

>> No.10289100

I'm not a frequent browser of /b/ or anything, but I did see a series of threads about a guy who wanted to fuck his (adopted?) sister, and had /b/ giving him advice for how to get into her pants via facebook or something.
