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10270354 No.10270354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>NEET all over /jp/'s front page
>Watch moot get down on his knees to clean it up

My fucking sides.

>> No.10270362

I get that NEET is your little in-joke for poop, but what does that first line mean? "I NEETed all over /jp/'s front page," or, "There is NEET all over /jp/'s front page"?

>> No.10270368
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Just post 'em, dude.

>> No.10270371

Are you fucking RETARDED or just pretending to be?

>> No.10270379

What the FUCK are you talking about dude?

>> No.10270387
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>> No.10270388

Whoa you must be stupid as HELL!

>> No.10270390


>> No.10270398
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>> No.10270401
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>> No.10270404

Post what?

No? It's actually ambiguous. Is that first line an observation or an action?

See above.

This is not me.

>> No.10270406

Sieg heil, dude!

>> No.10270409

You tricked me!!

>> No.10270414
File: 55 KB, 367x360, 1352257886100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET/NEETing is and always has been a verb.

Now get da *FUCK* out.

>> No.10270433

Maybe in the sense of "being a NEET" or "NEETing it up" but this "I just NEETed all over the floor" thing is a recent gag.

>> No.10270436


oldfag meme

>> No.10270461

the good old days

>> No.10270472
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 1352262579820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I had a hilarious comeback for that but the site's name that is integral to the joke is blocked since I guess they were hustling in on moot's jewbucks.

>> No.10270495

u mean...

a NINE gag? :D

>> No.10270501

Dude. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10270507

Don't give up that easily! Just paraphrase it.

>> No.10270514

Fuck you.

>> No.10270573
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I hope you're not seriously telling me, accel anon, what to fucking do.

>> No.10270605

You better believe it!
Now lets hear that ``hilarious'' comeback of yours.
I'm waiting.

>> No.10270652

I still have 3 episode of Tari Tari left to watch.

>> No.10270791


>> No.10270807

There is already a NEET thread.

Please continue your discussion there.

>> No.10270818

Fuck you

Us NEETs were born to break the rules

>> No.10270820

This is a shitposting thread why would you go over to the NEET thread to shitpo-

Oh you.

>> No.10270836

God I hate this thread so fucking much.

So fucking much...

and all of you, as well!

>> No.10270846

Get out of /jp/, Bruce.

>> No.10270859
File: 5 KB, 128x250, del.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10270859,1 [INTERNAL] 

It should be illegal for a thread this good to be deleted.

>> No.10270859,2 [INTERNAL] 

There needs to be a thread where everyoje can get their shitposting demons out

>> No.10270859,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's called NEET general!
