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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 769x600, 1231231241244124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10269652 No.10269652 [Reply] [Original]

A master is out.

>> No.10269664

I remember this, but not why it was posted

>> No.10269665

You aren't as oldfag as I am.

>> No.10269669

Maybe I can be your girlfriend today?

>> No.10269672

Epic meme is epic.

>> No.10269674

eww instest fag

>> No.10269697

Nippies have such lame memes. I believe it reflects their lame personalities.

>> No.10269736

Stay mad weeb

>> No.10269733


It's actually cuter then heck, so shut your butt up.

>> No.10270627

a bastion of epic in a ocean of PISS

>> No.10270638



>> No.10270640

You know what I like about this meme?

The fact that when it's posted, people point out that people point out that people point out it's an oldfag meme.

>> No.10270648
File: 111 KB, 402x562, WAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when le /b/ used to have maymays from visual novels?

the good old days

i wish it was 2001 /b/ again

i was there btw

>> No.10270654

2001 /b/ was shit.
1999 was truly the last golden year of /b/ and the internet.

>> No.10270671
File: 21 KB, 400x434, 113327047131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an anonymous website, contrary to Something Awful's I-have-an-earlier-regdate-than-you circlejerk
>every time the issue of age or nostalgia comes up, everyone gets bitter and feels the need to a) qualify themselves as oldfags or b) make fun of the people who do
>mfw 4chan is worse than SA

>> No.10270678
File: 16 KB, 736x736, dat face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw reddit is better than 4chan

>> No.10270682

Reddit is better than 4chan for serious discussion and contribution, 4chan is better for laughs.

Outside of /v/, /jp/ and /b/, there's a lot of crossover with Reddit and nobody gives a shit. The best high-activity boards (e.g. /co/ and /tg/) have a lot of Redditors and they often work together on getting shit done. Meanwhile /jp/ers are getting butthurt because another message board likes some of the same things as them.

>> No.10270694
File: 6 KB, 369x369, 1347646816120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy really needs to fucking leave.


This guy isn't as bad but still really needs to leave.

>> No.10270697

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10270703

Do they have intense loli debates on reddit

>> No.10270706 [DELETED] 

This is my favorite 1996 /b/ meme

>> No.10270711

They used to, but they modified the User Agreement after Goongate. Now you can't discuss children or your subreddit goes the way of /r/lolicon and /r/jailbait.

>> No.10270710

I agree, there is nothing really to add on to that godly statement except that /jp/ is full of austism and they get butthurt over anything such as.
> Making fun of their Action figures
> Flan Fly
> Saying the /jp/ Janitor is a lazy shit
> Making fun of their Onaholes
This page is just troll, because moot got sick of hearing the /b/tards crying about 2hu. This is hell and you should get out before they suck you into their mentally-challenged imaginations.

>> No.10270712


you sound like a faggot

>> No.10270714

dnd is for fags go play around with ur rp shit at ur friends house u homomaster

>> No.10270719
File: 67 KB, 460x288, teen_beer_1358337c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or that otherwise violates any local, state, federal, national or international law or regulation (e.g., drug use, underage drinking)
>underage drinking

Is this picture illegal? Can I not post it on a liberal website like Reddit?

>> No.10270734


>Act Local. If you're in America, I bet there's 20 churches near your home. Each church could have around 100 CONCERNED PARENTS that go to PTA meetings and talk to other parents. Send the "Redditbomb" to local politicians and churches. Let them see that their children are using a website that exploits and sexualizes children.

I can't tell if Something Awful are conservative idiots or expert trolls. Maybe a little of both.

>> No.10270738

>Reddit is better than 4chan for serious discussion and contribution

le downvoted any opinion that disagrees with the hivemind
le feel good echo chamber

What I'm trying to relay behind my veil of sarcasm is the fact that you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10270744

If your posts get downvoted, it's because they weren't very good. People have read them and judged them, and deemed them of low quality. Try to be a better Redditor.

>> No.10270752

>If your posts get downvoted, it's because they weren't very good.

Or because they touched upon a sensitive subject that the majority disagrees with.

>Try to be a better Redditor

I don't go to Reddit. But perhaps you should go back there, it seems you much prefer it to this "shithole".

>> No.10270754
File: 22 KB, 396x396, 1356287130121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you being serious?

Probably just a joke. Atleast that's what I'll tell myself.

>> No.10270765

>Or because they touched upon a sensitive subject that the majority disagrees with.
How is that any different to any other message board? You either get flamed or ignored. Reddit just has a built-in idiot filter.
If you weren't a teenager, you would remember a website called Slashdot that did the same thing, and in its heyday it was one of the most commended sites on the Web. Reddit is like old Slashdot.

>I don't go to Reddit. But perhaps you should go back there, it seems you much prefer it to this "shithole".
I never said this was a shithole. 4chan is a humor website where I can kick back and take it easy.


>> No.10270772

>How is that any different to any other message board?

Your posts don't get hidden on 4chan if people disagree with them.

But it says a hell of a lot about you that you consider everyone who disagrees with you, or the general opinion "an idiot". I can see that you're indeed the typical Reddit user, but it sickens me to know there's scum like you browsing 4chan, let alone /jp/.

>> No.10270777
File: 138 KB, 550x400, k;sfn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you wonder why we hate redditors?

It's because of you.

>> No.10270785 [DELETED] 


I support your right to be an idiot here without being censored.

now get the fuck out.

>> No.10270789

>Your posts don't get hidden on 4chan if people disagree with them.
People have written extensions to hide posts by people they don't like. If anything, that's far worse. What if Anonymous of Yugoslavia says something really insightful for a change?
Again, most people can hide or just ignore them anyway. Worst case scenario, people get upset and you have yourself a pointless flame war. "Nuh-uh, I'm NOT a faggot!" Voila, thread derailed. Reddit doesn't have this problem.

>But it says a hell of a lot about you that you consider everyone who disagrees with you, or the general opinion "an idiot".
It's not I disagree with them, it's that they've been downvoted. Reddit isn't a "hivemind" and it even has a "controversial" tab dedicated to posts that have had a heavy mix of upvotes and downvotes.
If a hundred or more like-minded people have decided a post is worthless, then chances are I'll agree with them. Look at all the ">mfw le ironic derp herp" posts on 4chan that get more attention than the on-topic, interesting or contributive ones (rare as they are). If those were hidden from 90% of users--especially the newbies and morons who reply to them--then 4chan would be a better place.

>> No.10270788

What they said. At least try to hide that you frequent le Reddit next time.

>> No.10270795

>People have written extensions to hide posts by people they don't like. If anything, that's far worse.
There's a fundamental difference between "allowing myself the option to ignore what I want" versus "allowing the general public to decide what I should ignore"

>> No.10270796

Which is why I come here, to be an idiot. It's bottom of the barrel humor but at least it's funny on occasion. If you have something worth saying, you might as well as say it in a setting where it matters instead of amongst other idiots.
This is why websites like Something Awful and Reddit actually make and do things. 4chan has made a few memes and Katawa Shoujo in its 9 year lifespan.

>> No.10270798

>People have written extensions to hide posts by people they don't like.

You're really getting on my nerves. People hiding posts they don't like is their own decision and right, you dumbshit. It's completely different from the userbase itself deciding certain replies are not worthy of being read by anyone.

> Reddit isn't a "hivemind" and it even has a "controversial" tab dedicated to posts that have had a heavy mix of upvotes and downvotes.

Reddit is a hivemind. Your so-called "controversial" posts represent sides of an argument that thread the border of acceptability but do not cross it. If there ever was a truly controversial post, it would be downvoted to hell and beyond and well hidden from the public eye.

>If a hundred or more like-minded people have decided a post is worthless, then chances are I'll agree with them.

Well then congratulations, you truly are a fucking idiot if you let random people you don't know decide what you should see and what you shouldn't.

>> No.10270800

If you want heavily downvoted posts, they're still there. Nobody is stopping you from reading them.

>> No.10270806

I don't even know what to say to this fucking post. So you admit you come here to shitpost, essentially. You are everything that's wrong with 4chan. Get the fuck out and go back to Reddit.

>> No.10270808


You can hide individual posts, posts that use certain words, nd filter trip users. You can't filter or hide any one person posting as anonymous.

You would have to atleast see that anonymous yugoslavian posters post before hiding it.


No it wouldn't you fucking idiot. Adding reddit-esque features would do nothing but make this site worse. There is actually a reddit-fag script for fags like you, it's called 4watch.


Do you know why it's easy to spot a redditor? They always talk about 4chan in third person. Stop it, you sound like a 12 year old when you keep doing that.

They also to talk like civilized people in a pathetic attempt to get respected, but end up saying nothing but constantly fucking stupid shit. Your opinion is unpopular here, the difference is that we don't filter you from everyone, we just say what we want to say to you. If this was reddit, guess what would have happened.

>> No.10270815

>People hiding posts they don't like is their own decision and right, you dumbshit. It's completely different from the userbase itself deciding certain replies are not worthy of being read by anyone.
Can I discuss Hetalia on /jp/? Not really, because /jp/ hates Hetalia. If /jp/ was a subreddit, Hetalia would be downvoted. It's just a more convenient way of filtering out bad posts by like-minded people. It's the same way you use sage: the idea is that the best threads with active contributions are bumped and kept on the front page, and the low quality threads are left to rot on pages 9 and 10. The upvote/downvote system is just a lot more efficient at this.

>Reddit is a hivemind. Your so-called "controversial" posts represent sides of an argument that thread the border of acceptability but do not cross it. If there ever was a truly controversial post, it would be downvoted to hell and beyond and well hidden from the public eye.
If Reddit was a hivemind, the controversial tab would always be blank. You might want to look up the definition of "controversy". It does not mean "something everyone hates" it means something everyone can't agree on. Obviously if you posted "lulz teh nigrs suck my 2 inch dik w/ teh RAPEZ" it would be hated by everyone. That is not controversial.

>Well then congratulations, you truly are a fucking idiot if you let random people you don't know decide what you should see and what you shouldn't.
You're not visiting /po/ right now. You have opted out of visiting /po/ or at least chosen not to opt into visiting /po/. This is no different, except it's a matter of quality rather than topic.

>> No.10270824
File: 103 KB, 484x448, 1353884874473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you just compare the sage feature to reddit upvoting/downvoting?

I've never fucking wanted someone to go back to reddit as much I do now. How can one person just constantly keep saying shit this stupid?

>> No.10270829 [DELETED] 

"Any community that gets its laughs..."

I never believed that quote until now. I weep for /jp/.

>> No.10270828

>Can I discuss Hetalia on /jp/? Not really, because /jp/ hates Hetalia.

Hetalia is /a/ material, that's why you can't discuss it. People can still bump threads to the top with a single reply, completely unlike something downvoted. Sage is a personal choice that is NOT fucking meant to "downvote" or express dislike for a thread, idiot.

>If Reddit was a hivemind, the controversial tab would always be blank.

I'd suggest you reread my previous reply and try again.

>You're not visiting /po/ right now. You have opted out of visiting /po/ or at least chosen not to opt into visiting /po/.

What? How is that in any way similar to what I described? Nobody is stopping me from visiting /po/.

>> No.10270830

You're telling me you don't know what sage is used for?

>> No.10270833

very quality thread

>> No.10270834

Nope. I type properly, I never make off-topic posts (besides these, if they count) and I don't intentionally do anything offensive like spam or troll. However, I openly admit that I rarely put any effort into my posts. Why would I? If I made something good or wrote an interesting argument on a topic that mattered, I would post it elsewhere. 4chan is more like a chat room than a traditional message board.

>You can hide individual posts, posts that use certain words, nd filter trip users. You can't filter or hide any one person posting as anonymous.
>You would have to atleast see that anonymous yugoslavian posters post before hiding it.
Same with downvoting. Posts are downvoted because people read them. I've seen people here share filter lists, how is that any different? You're letting other people decide your opinions! What if you wanted to see that post that everyone agrees was terrible?!

>No it wouldn't you fucking idiot. Adding reddit-esque features would do nothing but make this site worse. There is actually a reddit-fag script for fags like you, it's called 4watch.
Do many people use it? I'll check it out.

>> No.10270835

>Do you know why it's easy to spot a redditor? They always talk about 4chan in third person. Stop it, you sound like a 12 year old when you keep doing that.
I never denied it. What, do you want me to say, "The only things we have made are..."?

>They also to talk like civilized people in a pathetic attempt to get respected, but end up saying nothing but constantly fucking stupid shit. Your opinion is unpopular here, the difference is that we don't filter you from everyone, we just say what we want to say to you. If this was reddit, guess what would have happened.
You're free to walk away and stop replying. You're free to ignore me. You're also free to read my posts and type a response. Reddit is no different, except it has a voting system. It's democratic in a way that does a lot of the filtering *for* the users. No one person can decide a post is shit or good, it takes a lot of people. The result is that posts are sorted by quality.
Meanwhile, 4chan is an anarchic cesspool of shit (albeit a funny one).

>> No.10270839

Hetalia has an anime but it is an online phenomeon first so it SHOULD be on /jp/ just like the Nijiumur Maids and OS-tans are.

>> No.10270840

What year is it?

>> No.10270845
File: 349 KB, 1140x984, Reddit is an abomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit is better than 4chan for serious discussion and contribution,

Tell us more about this reddit

>> No.10270843

sage is used to make replies that are of a low worth, because you don't need to bump the thread and bring it to everyone's attention. The fact that 40% of /jp/'s posts are considered worthless by their authors should tell you something.

>Hetalia is /a/ material, that's why you can't discuss it. People can still bump threads to the top with a single reply, completely unlike something downvoted. Sage is a personal choice that is NOT fucking meant to "downvote" or express dislike for a thread, idiot.
Wow, you people are getting upset by this sage thing. I think you've taken your own mantras too far. I understand what sage is and how it is supposed to be used.
I mentioned Hetalia because it's a webcomic, not sure if /a/ discusses those. I've seen it mentioned here, at any rate. I figured it might be considered doujinshi since websites are self-published.

>I'd suggest you reread my previous reply and try again.
I stand by what I said. If everyone thought the same way (à la a hivemind) then the controversial feature wouldn't exist. Everyone would upvote or everyone would downvote.

>What? How is that in any way similar to what I described? Nobody is stopping me from visiting /po/.
Nothing is stopping you from reading downvoted posts. Do you visit /b/? Why not? It has no set topic, so there's bound to be something you like. Is it because "/b/ is shit"?

>> No.10270844
File: 167 KB, 440x435, Flustered horny slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online phenomeon

Is it really? I've heard of it, but not much ABOUT it. I'm not doubting you, I just don't pay attention to these things.

>> No.10270849

Reddit is terrible for discussion. The only thing it does better than 4chan is attract a decent audience. This site would be hundreds of times better if we had the same people posting.

>> No.10270873

Yeah it started as a webcomic parodying WWII (?) history with countries turned into people (mostly handsome young men) and it got really popular and it has been gotten full paperback releases, games, and is very popular on drawing communities.

>> No.10270885





I hope you're not fucking serious because that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. While we get shitposters here, the average poster is so much better that the average moralfag redditor.

>> No.10270887

Maybe things are better here on /jp/, but all of the boards I frequent have turned to shit.

>> No.10270888

You're delusional. I say this as a full-time /jp/er.

>> No.10270889 [DELETED] 

I think Reddit-chan should become our newest tripfriend!

>> No.10270892

I agree with you to some extent. I mean if there were a way to somehow replace all the shitposters on /a/ and /v/ with Redditors open to 4chan culture, quality would certainly improve because they'd make well-formatted effort posts like they do on Reddit while at the same time slowly accepting 4chan culture and becoming open to posting things like loli, incest, old videogames and other fetishes. The end result would ideally be a much better community.

>> No.10270894

Why is it every time I want to be polemic about something, John Stewart Mill always seems to have come up with better points of contention then me?

>> No.10270897

I used to have an internet friend who was a /jp/sie. He was a great friend and he understood me and I understood him. Then he moved to Reddit, and then he once told me that liking lolis was wrong and that I needed medical help, and that it would be for my own good.
I hate Reddit. I want my friend back.

>> No.10270899

I don't know if you guys know this, but a lot of 4chan's earliest trips moved to Reddit, Shii (ex world4ch moderator/terrible programmer) being the most notable.
That's called going back in time. Every board has a period where everyone's on their best behavior.

>> No.10270906

I remember about two years ago there was an exodus of Redditors to /jp/. They seemed like nice people, probably because they didn't want to be shunned.

Aim to be Gurkhas, not Arabs.

>> No.10270907

I'm just saying there's probably a lot of potential good 4chan posters on Reddit that have yet to realize the joys of being non-normalfags.

>> No.10270917

Shii just signs up everywhere. He was an ``early adopter'' of Know Your Meme, for example.

Last I checked he hadn't posted on Reddit in quite some time. He's probably moved onto Hacker News or his own crappy blog about how DEEP Japanese literature is.

>> No.10270936

Generally, it's happening the other way around. 4channers are moving to Reddit because they're realizing the benefits (to them) of being pseudonymous and earning sick karma points. Which is fine, because I'm glad to be rid of users with that sort of mindset.
I agree with what you're saying, though. I have no problem with newbies coming here as long as they read the rules/FAQ and lurk. Redditors seem like the sort of people who would actually bother to do this and make some effort to contribute. Unfortunately, just as many are likely to bring over bad habits and I doubt many of them would "get" 4chan. I read /r/4chan once and we appear to be this zany website that makes memes for the lulz, not a message board that has discussions and stuff.

>> No.10270951

I don't think it has anything to do with Karma. People are moving because they're sick of their board's newest users chasing them away.

>> No.10270974

Well a lot of older users eventually think "I've been here a while, I know the ropes, I'll adopt an identity!"
They realize the benefits (to them) of having an identity on an otherwise anonymous board, and I wouldn't be surprised if those people decide it might be more worth their while to post in a setting where they're rewarded with points for their contributions and jokes. Pseudonymity and egoism go hand in hand, and egosim and Reddit go hand in hand.

>> No.10270986


Well there you go, but that's not the way redditors are. Imagine your mom liked anime and that was the kind of poster that came here. Imagine highschoolers all over with facebook shit and memes, but they liked anime. That's what you get with redditors. If we could convert the quality posts on reddit to here, with no downvote function, and give them good taste and fetishes, then this would be a better place. But with reddit comes morality.

>> No.10271003 [DELETED] 


>Redditors seem like the sort of people who would actually bother to do this and make some effort to contribute.

Given the frequency that some haughty dork derails a thread by saying "4chan is shit, Reddit is much better" I kind of doubt that. With that, and the /r/4chan nonsense, it's no wonder that reddit is the current hate bait. But it also seems like "we" are in a more esoteric war with "normals" so usually the anti-reddit argument doesn't go very far.

I think at this point 4chan regulars shuffling around their main boards is more common than an influx of new users.

saging as a downvote. eat shit, nerds.

>> No.10271241


>> No.10273270

I'm going to go ahead and admit that I visit Reddit.

I mostly go on very small subforums of the site; Reddit, on the whole, is like 4chan in that it has many boards--many more, in fact, than 4chan does. The subforums (or "Reddits") that I visit commonly have between 500 and 3000 subscribers, and also have active moderation, something that is missing from most other, larger Reddits. Most reactionary hate from 4chan re Reddit is directed at the larger Reddits (like the politics, atheism, and technology boards, which are legitimate echo chambers filled with shitposting).

When you have a small community with posters numbering in the hundreds and active moderation, the downvote/upvote feature is actually a very efficient way of sorting content. Most of the intelligent small Reddits are made up of conscious high-quality posters who don't downvote based on difference of opinion.

I have been on Reddit since 2006, and I've witnessed its explosion in popularity and the decline in the overall quality of the site. I don't often admit that I visit Reddit anymore. Though I would say that many high quality posters have moved onto greener pastures, there still remain some small communities of people who are very intelligent and who make very good posts.

Is a fucking idiot. The community moderation system that Reddit has only works when everyone in the community agrees on how to moderate--which is why after about 2-3000 subscribers, a Reddit starts to go to shit and why the front page of Reddit is shit.

>> No.10274633 [DELETED] 

How come people didn't really understand this meme? I know it's gramatically incorrect and that's why it was a little popular, but I always thought it was some like MODS ARE AWAY/ASLEEP, the japanese equivalent.

But since many people said they didn't get it, now I'm doubting myself.

>> No.10274701
File: 188 KB, 1929x1985, 1356012190255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS: Passes can now be purchased with Bitcoin, and as gifts for others.

>> No.10274744

I read on Know Your Meme that it was their version of a roll call, like "Red Leader standing by!"

>> No.10275258
File: 173 KB, 800x600, 135662130370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10275310

That is some intense shit.

>> No.10275315

I can see!

>> No.10275429 [DELETED] 

I feel like I should be worshiping this dogs image now.

>> No.10275483
File: 213 KB, 746x599, a massam a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10275513
File: 59 KB, 769x451, 1356621303707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cool now?

>> No.10275599
File: 68 KB, 769x600, 4dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10275688 [DELETED] 

I wanna see this be used as a texture in a doom WAD.

>> No.10275730 [DELETED] 


>> No.10275855
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>> No.10280531
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>> No.10283533
File: 115 KB, 843x480, 1355590689517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Rorona is out.
