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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10267421 No.10267421 [Reply] [Original]

Is it odd, that I want to create a female robot, but instead of just being a fuckbot, or programmed to love me, I'd rather it have free will and respect me as it's master/creator of it's own volition?

>> No.10267427

I want to be a female robot

>> No.10267432

No you're just a gay narcissist

>> No.10267429

Great idea. Then it can decide, "Oh, fuck that guy. Welp, time to write a program that improves myself exponentially."
Then by the end of the week we'll have hundreds of nuclear meltdowns and an army of robots slaughtering and enslaving us all.

Good job, OP.

>> No.10267430

You mean like adopting an actual child?

>> No.10267436

I want a big sister bot who will love and protect me by its own free will. It would be nice if she would have sex with me too, but I wouldn't force her.

>> No.10267444

>Great idea. Then it can decide, "Oh, fuck that guy. Welp, time to find someone with a lot of money and spread my legs."
Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.10267462
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Oh yeah, respect is the sort of thing you just tap on a keyboard for a while and now you have a program for "respect".
That's how programming works, right OP?

>> No.10267485


Me too.

>> No.10267523

No-one with free will would ever respect you, OP.

>> No.10267536


>> No.10267562
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God fucking damn it. What is with people thinking that as soon as we develop sentient AI, it's going to flip out and enslave us? The first human-like AIs are probably going to think and feel much like us, except they will be made of silicon rather than goo.

>> No.10267574
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Enjoy your apocalypse.

>> No.10267589

I'd make one to serve me like an employee and make it love me by ignoring it completely as I immerse myself in my eccentric work to create the perfect sexbot.

>> No.10267608

I'd hide it away and put it to work solving complex mathematical and scientific problems, then take all the credit.

>> No.10267654

Like us?
You mean humans don't violently wage war and enslave other humans?

>> No.10267659

Robots are exceedingly efficient at it, though.

>> No.10267662

People kill other people for not looking or being like them. If these androids are human in mind, beware.

>> No.10267665

Note to roboticists:
Please make the robots white.

>> No.10267669

The creation of higher intelligence is our only real purpose anyway. It's like crying about how Hitler's mother gave birth to him.

>> No.10267702

I would program her to wake up when I do and tell me "good morning!" and then have her make breakfast. She would also tell me to have a wonderful day when i leave for school and while i'm gone she'd clean and make dinner and wait for me to come home. She'd greet me at the door with a smile and a big hug. We'd then watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the night until I fall asleep. She would be my best and only friend and she would'd never stop loving me no matter what. I'd get the 16 year old girl model, of course.

>> No.10267713

Other than the movies and cuddling part, your mother didn't do that for you?

>> No.10267714

The first robot I make would probably be a crappy little box robot who I program to make a better, cuter robot. Then I would forgot about the box robot and it would go all yandere on me.

>> No.10267718


I don't see why they will suddenly be more successful at it. Our first AIs will be copies of human minds, so they will have all our weaknesses as well as our abilities.

>> No.10267724

yes but I can't cuddle and sleep with my mother. Thats too weird.

>> No.10267728


here i gave you what you want

fuck off now

>> No.10267734

You just want to program a person you have a chance with.

>> No.10267736

Do we really have free will?

>> No.10267742

No one should be doomed to such an existance as to perpetually ponder the meaning of its own existence. You would be perhaps forcing your human condition onto a such a robot.

I hope you realize the consequences of such a hypothetical choice could be, depending on the amount of consciousness of existence and self-reference endowed on such a creation.

Myth of Sisyphus, Electric Sheep, etc.

>> No.10267743

According to the singularity theory, at some point in the future we will make an intelligent agent that is capable of self-learning. It will scour the internet and learn all of what we know about AI, programming and such, then make a better version of itself. It will keep doing this until it's super intelligent and can solve complicated problems like curing cancer for breakfast. Unlike a human, however, it will be super fast and dedicate all its resources to solving problems, whereas we lose motivation, need to eat things, and suck at arithmetic.
If that agent decides, "I am better than humans. The Earth's resources would be more appropriately used by me than them." then we're screwed. It might even make what it believes to be an ethical decision like, "I will help the humans by using the majority of their resources, since I am better equipped to help them than they are to help themselves," or, "I will help the humans by killing them all and building better ones."

It might not be as black and white as that, and it might not be a robot army or anything as cool, but it's a real problem. We have intelligent human beings dicking us over all the time, imagine what an AI thousands of times more intelligent could do.

>> No.10267750


That's not what I want, it just feels cheap loving, and not actually being loved. It'd also kind of be like making your own game, you think it's cool and all, but you know the ins and outs so you don't actually want to play it anymore.

Even if it was forced to obey me, I'd be sure it could learn and act unpredictably. So even if it HAD to obey me, it might not necessarily have to like that fact.


Who cares? If not the illusion better be convincing.

>> No.10267755

And also robot strength and maybe guns and chainsaws for arms.

>> No.10267766

Yes this one guy proved it by killing himself but I can't be fucked to recall the specifics or his namee.

>> No.10267781

Me too OP, I want to own a robot that will love me and that I can hug and kiss all day.
I'd want her to be happy too, she'd secrete oxytocin or something.

>> No.10267786

Why is your robot made out of human shit? You shouldn't need oxytocin to make it happy by making you happy. You clearly don't have the brain power to create a robot.

>> No.10267796

I'm sorry, I just want to be happy ;_;

If she wasn't made out of human shit how would she get that 'life like texture'?

>> No.10267799

Synthetics and heaters.

>> No.10267808
File: 21 KB, 584x450, eyes-without-a-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your robot is going to go on a murderous rampage harvesting human faces so she can have lifelike texture ;_;

>> No.10267864

You a little girl? If so go to Rapture and they'll give you a big daddy and sister.

>> No.10267870

i feel threatened that i share a fantasy with dorks and they are using it to make shitty egotistical 4chan posts


>> No.10267882
File: 12 KB, 185x162, edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you're really EDGY and just want to see the world burn at the hands of your children? Even in natural biology there are animals that die as a routine after setting the stage for the next generation. Your death is only the beginning.

>> No.10267890

I want a robot friend to play D&D with.

I'm watching http://youtu.be/77nb34DB6Gs and the girl looks like she was forced into it.
Maybe I can force someone into it.

>> No.10267908
File: 54 KB, 374x339, BAA09_16_brain_bio-chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they reserved a few small areas as 'human reserves' and sent upgrades back upstream once in a while, it would be okay in my book.

>> No.10267909

I'd rather have a Shikigami

>> No.10267914

If we were able to emulate human intelligence effectively enough that we could create human-level robots, it would be trivial to transfer our own consciousnesses into silicon brains and steel bodies. We'd be robots too then.

>> No.10267920

Yes, that's stupid. She would just be another slut who wouldn't be pure and would choose to spend her time fucking normals in clubs like all women.

>> No.10267924
File: 43 KB, 420x420, CoreCommander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They should make it mandatory for the protection of citizens.

>> No.10267929

Didn't Russia try to make a mecha dog using a giant robot and it's head?

>> No.10267952


I agree. Upgrades should be available as soon as they are stable.

>> No.10267957


Fuck off with all of this /a/-quality 'purity' shit.

There's nothing wrong with having lots of sex and enjoying it. I'd be having sex right now if anyone would fuck me, and so would you. Please stop trying to demonize something pleasurable and harmless to make up for your nonexistent sexuality.

Do not even try that hilariously dumb 'LOL I WAS TROLLING DUDE' shit either. You were serious, and you gave your post a retarded tinge so you had room to backpedal if anyone flinched at your paper-thin argument.

>> No.10267966

>and so would you.
No I wouldn't. Stop projecting my sexuality on me.

And trying to predict what I would say when you're so far off the mark. Pathetic.

>> No.10267977 [DELETED] 

Caring about purity is pretty normal on /jp/. I don't know what parallel universe you popped over from.

>> No.10267974

>I'd be having sex right now if anyone would fuck me, and so would you.
some people have standards

i'm sure he wouldn't fuck anyone below 3/10 because he'd probably feel bad about it afterwards

>> No.10267985


Physical "love" takes away from real love when there's multiple partners.

It's not harmless and one of the reasons there's so many single mothers.

>> No.10267989

Not to mention that a person someone labels even 10/10 would not necessarily be the same to everyone. In the most extreme cases, we have people who are both homosexual and pedophiles, their idea of attractive is far removed from the average person.

My point was that he would be just creating another woman that he has no control over. She would not fuck him, but she would love to fuck alpha guidos. He would either be NTR'd or feel whatever way fathers do when their daughters inevitably turn into people who "have lots of sex and enjoy it".

>> No.10267993

Are you being ironic? I have a hard time telling which from which.

>> No.10268004

This is some good trolling because it has its own self-defense mechanism. 8/10.

>> No.10268001

You are clearly the troll in this situation. Either that or a man slut.

>> No.10268008


Ah, so you opted for the "samefag with alternate sage/noko to hide it" strategy.

>> No.10268009

Hey /jp/, since you seem so keen on "invading" us so often.

Yes, we're slutty. That means we sleep with different guys who we want to sleep with, and have casual fun with them. There's nothing wrong with that. It means you're assertive and well adjusted as a young female. I'd encourage any daughter I have to do the same. In fact you could say I'm proud to be a slut. In fact most of us are "proud" to be slutty and promiscuous on /cgl/. We can't help enjoying ourselves :)

Yes, we like hotties from /fa/ who are kind of arrogant and mean. You like hotties too. It's just that we actually have a choice of getting real hotties, unlike you, so you get mad at us. Or else you try and be nice and just end up looking like losers because you're so spineless, haha.

Yes, we like taking risque photos of ourselves in revealing outfits. We like the attention. Who wouldn't? It's fun to be able to turn heads like that. Maybe you'll know that feel one day. And who cares if we haven't seen the series the character is attached to? The important thing is that we're having fun.

Yes, we like con raves and hookups. You just don't like it because you're irrational and antisocial losers that are scared of large social situations and people who are normal and cute getting involved in your hobbies.

And yes, we like "hipster guys" because they are hot as hell.

>> No.10268020

how old is your daughter

>> No.10268021

Smells like copypasta with /a/ replaced with /jp/

>> No.10268023

It's clearly a hypothetical daughter.

>> No.10268025

It actually has both /a/ and /jp/ in it.

>> No.10268028

> And who cares if we haven't seen the series the character is attached to?
I think you were too obvious with this line dude. Nice post either way.

>> No.10268032

You misread, she doesn't have a daughter.

She has two sons, a husband, and an empty fish tank.

Poor little Corey Gold, we had to flush him down the toilet. Oh Corey, will you please come back?

>> No.10268033


You sure know a lot about love, cheeto-chomping white suburban teen shutin.

>> No.10268037


Shut up, you cum slut. You'll always be empty.

>> No.10268039


You say another fucking word and I won't be empty any more, nerdbitch, because your dick's going inside me.

>> No.10268063


Good nose.

>> No.10268070

Can you blame it? Most humans suck.

>> No.10268075

Fuck you. I don't suck. You suck.

>> No.10268082

I was the one that originally typed that out though, assmaster. I'm a 5+ years kopipe creator.

>> No.10268091

I think it's pretty low to use your own copypasta, dude.

Though I do it myself sometimes.

>> No.10268289

I like your flawless logic guys "the machines rised against humans in 20 years old hollywood movie so this must be how all ai will act". And "i have logic : x becouse y, and ai will think the same as me". The tning is brains are analog and AI is digital and the difference is wast. AI( nowdays ai at least)can't have it's own feelings and can't make it's own decision the way humans do.
Also there are 3 certain laws of robotics. Its freaking impossible for AI to rebel, unless it was programmed to be able to do so from the very begining.
The closest we will get http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2012/04/20/researchers-predict-brothels-will-offer-robot-prostitutes-by-

>> No.10268317


You're stupid.

>> No.10268379 [DELETED] 

I think it's more interesting how we will become much more attached to our robot companions long before they gain any meaningful intelligence.

It's like we'll have a bunch of walking dakimakura that are totally lifelike but dumb as a toaster.

>> No.10268401

Id say TC is trying too hard to hide his fetish and appear as a normal guy.

>> No.10268414

That's not strange at all.
If you are a religious person, then you can say God did the same when he made humans. He gave them free choice to love him or not.
As we are made in his image, then we are also prone to act just as he does. To create and abstract like what he has already created.

>> No.10268425

More like god is made in our image.

>> No.10268737

Now I'm imagining a bunch of young AI probing human specimens at a 'zoo'.

>> No.10268746

Stupid monkey. Can you believe this thing actually bumbled into creating us? Dance! Dance if you want to live!

>> No.10268793

I agree completely OP. But it doesn't need to respect you. Also you used the wrong form of "its".

>> No.10268806

Robots are the engineer's, the scientists, the futurist's children. If I made a robot of any sort, I would certainly care for it and be attached. Perhaps that is irrational, but it's something I want to do.

>> No.10268845

>There's nothing wrong with having lots of sex and enjoying it. I'd be having sex right now if anyone would fuck me, and so would you. Please stop trying to demonize something pleasurable and harmless to make up for your nonexistent sexuality.
Pleasure is not harmless. I've heard an adult man say that getting laid is best thing he has ever experienced. If something is really so great, it's obvious that people do their best to get it. As dull as it may sound, ignorance and rejection are the only guaranteed ways to avoid getting addicted to such strong things.

The tribesman who lives in his hut might be a very happy because he knows nothing of modern conveniences. The exact same thing applies to the "voluntary" virgin nerd - he has not experienced something that is supposed to be mind-blowing enough to tie a man for the rest of his life. He avoids the fate of a heroin addict who will always be able to name a pleasure that tops everything else.

If sex is only a pleasure, why does the entire society go through great efforts to rid you of your virginity?

>> No.10269688

>And who cares if we haven't seen the series the character is attached to? The important thing is that we're having fun.

Yes, we like con raves and hookups. You just don't like it because you're irrational and antisocial losers that are scared of large social situations and people who are normal and cute getting involved in your hobbies.

This annoys me the most out of the entire copypasta.

>> No.10269699


He's right though.
How many fucking times have we linked that cohabitation and premarital sex study on here?

>> No.10269728

This YHWH guy had the same idea and look how it turned out. Learn from other people's mistakes and don't make another race of cunts and assholes.

>> No.10269737

>If sex is only a pleasure, why do people want you to have sex?

Not who your replying too but are you serious?

>> No.10269912

Not that guy but I think he meant it like this.

Modern society shames virgins. If it was just for pleasure this wouldn't happen. Do we make fun of people who never had ice cream? No. That would be be stupid.

>> No.10269958

Your logic is full of holes, do you fail to see them?

>> No.10269995


My Assumptions drawn from observation
1. Modern society shames people for not participating in sex

2. Modern society does not shame anyone for not participating in an activity that society believes is there just for pleasure. (example eating ice-cream)

Sex is not an activity that society believes is just there for pleasure.

Which assumption is false. If they are both true then my conclusion is clearly true.

>> No.10270037

are you implying people don't think people who (in a first world country) have never had ice cream as weird?
because they do. It's just so unheard of that that people don't even give them a thought

>> No.10270055

Perhaps I'm wrong with that assumption, then. But I have to point out that finding something "weird" is different than finding it "shameful". I still can't picture someone being embarrassed for not having ice-cream. But being embarrassed for not having sex is common.

>> No.10270068

Replace the pleasure of ice cream with the pleasure of monk/nunhood

>> No.10270099

It's viewed as shameful since people presume you tried to have sex yet you never managed.

with something like ice cream it's presumed you just never thought of buying/eating an ice cream

Please explain how that was supposed to prove anything

>> No.10274756
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