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10264688 No.10264688 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/.

I come to you seeking information on options (funds/ benefits) available to NEETs. Any information is greatly appreciated.
Also, late merry Christmas (or other holiday).

>> No.10264690


>> No.10264692

From what I see, are you referring to a currency trading website?

>> No.10264699

sent ;)

>> No.10264707

I don't understand?

>> No.10264741

Ride the wave, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10264744

what country are you from?
actually just google it.

>> No.10264745

I'm from America.
I have been doing a lot of research and wanted a second oppinion.

>> No.10264765


>> No.10264790

How would you have them consider you to be disabled?

>> No.10264796

By being disabled.

>> No.10264804

Sorry, let me rephrase. What types of things would fall under a mental impairment?

>> No.10264810

Not OP but I'm in the UK
I know I'm most likely fucked but I want to believe there's a way to have a nice income without kids or working

>> No.10264812

"Not understanding how to find a list of SSI approved mental impairments" should be considered a mental impairment.

Look, you're going to have to go through a lot of steps and alienate a lot of people in order to do this. Just get out now, while you can.

>> No.10264820

I don't mind. It's the only option I have right now.

>> No.10264818

Just be smart about it.

>> No.10264834

No family?

I'd pretend there's a chance for a job, but I know how hard that is by personal experience.

>> No.10264851

I have family but I'd never be able to stay with any of them.

>> No.10264853

be smart about what?
there's no why I'd be able to get on disability and jobseekers would be the worst kind of hell

>> No.10264856

Doesn't UK have better NEETbux than US even without disabilities?

You could have/fake Autism or some other minor mental disability though the latter would be rather risky and need time to build up a believable ruse. Check the archives for Uncle Remus.

>> No.10264890

I'm in the same situation myself, in the UK no job or benefits. For whatever reason my parents are getting taxed for me not having a job and I don't understand why. All I know is that getting a job is impossible for me as I pretty much pass out trying when in crowds.

I was once taken to some mental hospital as they were worried about me not having left the house for a year or so, but it was horrible there so I just pretended I was looking for jobs online and faked normal (I was actually scared to even leave the room they gave me because of the other people there, I just said I didn't want to intrude upon anyone).

I think the most I could manage is job seekers but I don't know how it works, I hear you need to go to a job center every so often and talk to people and I don't like the sound of that. Maybe I should've just played along with the hospital people but really, I could've been kept for a full 28 days without internet, which would truly make me lose it.

>> No.10264900

How/ what do I have to give them to prove my autism?

>> No.10264902

He asked for your country, not the continent.

>> No.10264908

Apologies. I meant the U.S.

>> No.10264913

A doctor's certificate diagnosing you with Autism. It's all in the Remus guide.

>> No.10264916

You automatically get taxed if you are not in the system which is their way of forcing you to be in the jobseeker allowence system which is when you get all the tax breaks. For jobseekers you go to a nasty looking place every week and prove that you have looked for/applied to so many jobs this week.

If you are fucked up like I am and i guess you are cause you have been to a mental hospital you can get ESA which is the disabled/mentally ill version of jobseekers which is very nice.

Once you app for that and after a doctor has a interview with you to see what problems you have they either put you in the job able section which means that every now and then you go to a much nicer place to try and find a job but they dont put any pressure on you or stop your money as long as it seems you are trying.

Or they put you in the support group which is where you go if they think at the state you are in you could not handle a job. For that you don't have to search for a job and are under no obligation to do anything although they will recommend that you try some of their counselling type things.

Both of those situations stop your parents from being taxed and of course you get money to help you live/help your familys living expenses.

It is also possible to get DLA Disability living allowance low tier with it if you do have problems going outside and such although they are much more reluctant to give that and it may take a lot of retries to get it.


>> No.10264918



If you actually want yourself to get better I recommend you getting yourself into the mental health system by going to your GP and telling them your problems. Eventually if after pills and stuff they see no change you can get a support worker who will help you with your benefits and take you out places and it has really helped me

>> No.10264933

Thank you so much, this explains many things. I actually heard about ESA once and asked my mum if she could help me get to an interview because I can't manage to go alone, but she said "I don't want you to end up like that" or something., She pretty much keeps insisting on job seekers but I just don't like the sound of it, more so after what you said.

I think Ill try this ESA thing and maybe go to the doctor again ( I was once on Propranolol to help with anxiety/passing out during school, stopped getting it as I was fine when I stopped going outside). I might have to push myself to go alone but the situation is getting worse so I have no choice.

>> No.10264941


She should realize that ESA still has its own comfy job seeking bit people with similar problems can go to and that just because you are claiming ESA it doesnt mean you can't get a job or they won't help you with finding one.

It's just so much nicer and comfy and the people are friendly hell they even had a free coffee machine at my ESA centre where you could have tea coffee or a hot chocolate.

If you try just looking in a job centre they are really depressing places with strict people. It was actually having to go to that place which made my mental illness worse and got me transfered over

>> No.10264946

Also you get much more money on ESA you get around 230 every two weeks so I am sure she will change her mind when she hears you could actually pay rent or whatever compared to the 50 quid you get on job seekers.

>> No.10264950

The Remus guide looks perfect. How do I know if there have been any changes or revisions?

>> No.10264954

Yeah, she probably has some misconceptions about ESA, I think I'll actually explain what you said about it to her, the part about still being able to get a job with it should be reason enough for her.

Honestly it sounds like I'd get even worse trying to go to jobseeker centre, if the people are anything like the ones at the hospital I was at (loud scary and unpredictable) then it would simply be impossible for me to go there.

>> No.10264959
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I want to go to College, but it starts in September. Until then I want to NEET in my parent's basement, but how should I tell them?

They want me to work all the time, even though I have enough savings, they are your typical middle class worker family. Please help.

>> No.10264963

It may be outdated and I've heard rumors that they've become stricter on who gets on SSI but that guide should give you a general idea on what you need to do. Every little bit that you can bring up which points to your state of mind helps; old documents, prescription history, shrinks and previous mental hospital check-ins, etc.

>> No.10265050

Why don't you leeches just get a fucking job? Not every occupation requires you to be sociable. If you aren't an absolute retard (the only reason you shouldn't work), go to school/pick up a trade. You faggots are so pathetic.

>> No.10265065

I am applying for SSI under major depression disorder, but have a host of other diagnosis such as agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, and personality disorder NOS.

Even with that it isn't an easy process.

If you are determined to try to get SSI you will need to be currently seeing a doctor. They are absolutely huge on that. Their logic is, if it isn't bad enough to require a doctor it isn't bad enough for you to get free money. So go to free clinics, if you have depression and its seriously bad enough that you cannot work get yourself to an urgent care facility, those are easy to get into, say you are seriously considering suicide and spend a few weeks to a month there sitting on your hands. You need medical records if you cannot work. So start getting medical records, if you cannot work you need doctors to say you cannot work.

>> No.10265149

I was, and at times am, heavily suicidal. I spent time at one of those urgent care lock ups as voluntary action a few years ago in Florida(it wasn't the baker act). If I applied for SSI, how well would they look at that, or do I need to go in again?

It was really boring there, but I possibly could use the help since for the past few weeks i've hardly wanted to leave my house or room, and i've been having suicidal thoughts. I read Uncle Remus' guide, and I think I could use a lot of what he said, but I want to know if I absolutely need to.

I currently rent out rooms in my house to a few people for a pittance in money, but I can't just leave my house to the two of them for a few weeks. What would any of you on SSI think I should do?

>> No.10265223


> If you aren't an absolute retard (the only reason you shouldn't work), go to school/pick up a trade

I was thinking about studying art in school since drawing cute girls all day for a living would be a dream come true. And it's the least social job I can think of besides freelancing computer stuff.

>> No.10265309

If you're a good artist, you don't need to go to school. All of my friends that went to art school regretted it. The only thing art school will get you is more debt, and artists usually don't make a lot of money unless they are something special. Sorry to burst your bubble. Find your true passion/skill. I teach English in Japan and I love every second of it.

>> No.10265313

What are the requirements for teaching english there?

>> No.10265339

I think its a masters degree in teaching or english, if you go with JET they are less stringent on education level, but that is only for a few years and then they kick you back to the states.

Thats how I remember it when I last researched it at least.

>> No.10265360

Most places in Japan require a college degree received in an English speaking country. If you don't have that, maybe you could work as a teacher in China for a year or two, get experience, and then switch to a school in Japan. China doesn't have very strict regulations for English teachers. Taiwan only requires an A.A. and an online TEFL (could get one in a week for about $200).

>> No.10265366

Nope. B.A. and you can get a job in Japan. They like experience though because there is a lot of competition. JET is the route most fresh college grads go with.

>> No.10265560


I don't see why not. It's not like community college costs me anything. Pouring money into a special trade school is the whole point of wanting to be something special. School is only what you make of it.

>> No.10265617

Does it have to be an English degree? Do you need training as a teacher too?
I've considered it but an English degree by itself isn't the best thing to invest in.

>> No.10265672


Two points to make : your job might be in a bumfuck small town with nothing to offer at night

If you try to be an ALT with a group other than JET, don't work for Interac as they are a terrible company that badly mistreats their teachers

>> No.10267388

No, any degree works
