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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10257312 No.10257312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10257330

Go to /mlp/ retarded average mid grade consumer of local products.

>> No.10257334

Me on the left.

>> No.10257337

why do loose socks look like shit

>> No.10257345

I wish I liked trains. It seems like a nice hobby. I just don't get it, though.

>> No.10257346

You're a train?


>> No.10257347

It's not the socks. It's just nips only look decent in 2D.

>> No.10257348

they're called leg warmers

>> No.10257350

No, they're loose socks you stupid fucking idiot. Go back to /a/.


>> No.10257355
File: 9 KB, 187x157, 1356382060739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10257359

they look the same, go f**k yourself

>> No.10257364

Why are we talking about sluts when there is a delicious pure train?

>> No.10257370

Doesn't matter, idiot. They aren't the same thing.

>> No.10257371

now that I think of it trains are very pure.
they do as they are told and always follow the track they are given unless derailed.

trains are very nice :)

>> No.10257373

Are they bullying him?

>> No.10257377

But many people enter them on daily basis. Compared to them, Sanae is a pure girl.

>> No.10257379

Every day many people brush up against each other in the street. Only the Driver enters her Cabin.

>> No.10257400


>> No.10257404
File: 77 KB, 760x461, truNEETs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10257411

This looks shopped.
I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time ;)

>> No.10257417


>> No.10257423
File: 245 KB, 1080x574, 1356308557669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent ;)

>> No.10257423,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10257423,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because it was derailed.

>> No.10257423,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10257423,4 [INTERNAL] 

Take a guess. Why would the janitor delete this tread while clearing the report queues every 5 minutes for daily doses such as http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/10256662 or http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/10256913
among other inane threads?

>> No.10257423,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10257423,6 [INTERNAL] 

Get drilled nerds, my touhou thread is still alive ^________^

>> No.10257423,7 [INTERNAL] 

Most >/jp/ threads get deleted.

>> No.10257423,8 [INTERNAL] 

What's the point in reporting threads nowadays if even blatant daily spam is considered on-topic? But at the same time, if somebody proxy-reports your genuinely on-topic threads, they get immediately deleted.

I don't have a pass so I have to type the captcha to report something.

>> No.10257423,9 [INTERNAL] 

/ghost/ - Shitposting/General

>> No.10257423,10 [INTERNAL] 

What this style of moderation says to me:
``Don't bother making high-quality non-Touhou or non-VN threads, but do feel free to spam shitty threads and maybe one day they'll be a part of board culture.''

>> No.10257423,11 [INTERNAL] 

In all honestly, I think ">/jp/" is much better than Gaia/Booru/Reddit level of tryhardness like here http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/10257452

>> No.10257423,12 [INTERNAL] 

What about the consistency?

>> No.10257423,13 [INTERNAL] 

It's the catch-22 of making a thread: keep it textless or use a quick catchphrase, the janitor thinks you're shitposting. Sacrifice brevity by explaining your thread, the janitor thinks you're taking the piss.

>> No.10257423,14 [INTERNAL] 

What consistency are you talking about when daily doses and NSFW content get the report queue cleared?

>> No.10257423,15 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy or get out, barely of age ``anon".

>> No.10257423,16 [INTERNAL] 

You can't really take it easy when shitposts take priority over on-topic threads.

>> No.10257423,17 [INTERNAL] 


Go away.

>> No.10257423,18 [INTERNAL] 

How to shitpost on /jp/:
1. Use a Touhou picture.
2. Don't be completely obvious with your OP text. Better yet don't write anything at all.
2a. You can shitpost in Touhou threads as well, the janitor only babysits LN threads out of personal spite (and now they are forbidden) and the VNTS thread.

That's it. Now have fun!

>> No.10257423,19 [INTERNAL] 

I'd take a textless touhou thread over the janitor sponsored hoopdog, japanese bird, lucky item or the daily proverb any day.

>> No.10257423,20 [INTERNAL] 

Not necessarily shitposting for the sake of shitposting, but if you want to discuss something off-topic, I recommend this:

1. Post a relevant Touhou picture, maybe some related catchphrase or broad question.
2. Wait a minute or two, then reply with something like, "This reminds me, what did /jp/ think of the new Hobbit movie?"
3. Enjoy your thread about anything you want to discuss with your friends.

Note that this is at its most effective if your reply is the first one, since that's the one everyone reads.

>> No.10257423,21 [INTERNAL] 

>Don't bother making high-quality non-Touhou or non-VN threads
you probably meant to say "shit-quality off-topic garbage threads"

don't worry its a common mistake

>> No.10257423,22 [INTERNAL] 

I can guarantee this will work unless you start posting anime screencaps or Saten fanart.

>> No.10257423,23 [INTERNAL] 

Posters who close with '' are even worse because they're the type who spam their shitty /prog/ memes unironically.

>> No.10257423,24 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a /prog/ meme, it's a technical standard. Here are some examples from people who know (or knew) their ASCII:


They're not following a /prog/ meme, they're following a standard. It's not too different to how some people write an em dash as - and some people write it as --. ASCII had a lot of limitations that still apply with modern computer keyboards, so people keep on typing as they always have.

>> No.10257423,25 [INTERNAL] 

It's a deprecated technical standard which is only used by people from /prog/ to show off their ``expertise." Half the links you've posted include regular quotations. ALL CAPS IS ALSO A TECHNICAL STANDARD. WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS. IT'S STILL FUCKING STUPID.

>> No.10257423,26 [INTERNAL] 

20 THE
40 UP
50 GOTO 10

>> No.10257423,27 [INTERNAL] 

i hate nerds

>> No.10257423,28 [INTERNAL] 

