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10252975 No.10252975 [Reply] [Original]

Would you buy her c83 doujins /jp/?

>> No.10252978


>> No.10252981

i heard that most doujin artists are females

how true is this?

>> No.10252984

Yes I would

>> No.10252987

I'd steal the plushies.

>> No.10252991 [DELETED] 


I wouldn't buy a touhou doujin from anyone.

At this point the shit is just unoriginal and the same old overplayed shit.


Probably pretty true, same with manga.

Did you ever notice how many homo-erotic shoujo's with really gay looking guys there are?

>> No.10253001
File: 860 KB, 600x866, at_chirei_2_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just suck at finding good artists

>> No.10253002

I don't know, but they conform an important part of the total.

And, what was the name of that female artist that used the reflection of her naked body as a base to draw ero scenes?.

Indecent, improper, etc.

>> No.10253006

No, cosplayers are disgusting

>> No.10253010

Yeah. /cgl/ and all cosplayers should be lynched, like literally, man.

>> No.10253015

>at chirei
So good.

But wasn't the hard translation for still being worked on? Or was the first book finished?

>> No.10253018 [DELETED] 
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You seem upset /cgl/-chan.

>> No.10253021

No, i was being serious. We need to literally lynch them and distribute their bodies to the people.

>> No.10253035

I wouldn't mind more of his stuff getting scanned, her table looks really cozy.
I wouldn't mind just sitting next to her to shoot the breeze.

>> No.10253042

I call dibs on stinky vagina.

>> No.10253044

Pick better Touhou first.

>> No.10253097

No, I hate girls.

>> No.10253110

We'll just lynch you along with them, no problem

>> No.10253259


>> No.10253412

Me too.

>> No.10253433


>> No.10253443

3D women are annoying, stupid ,selfish and don't care about you. I don't hate 2D though.

>> No.10253449

not all of them

>> No.10253456

They're mean, and they're liars.
I don't want anything to do with girls.

>> No.10253459

Women are gross

>> No.10253492

Only the ones we had meet, right? So what's the difference?

>> No.10253499

I hope you'll find a good girl one day, anon

>> No.10253530

who said pic related is a girl?

>> No.10253536


>> No.10253565

They don't care about you the same way you don't care about them. If they still spent their time making a cute doujin you should atleast acknowledge it.

>> No.10253584

So much hate for women, it's like I'm in /a/.
If art was good and it involved some fetishes i like (or if it's non-h and it had some kind of nice plot), why wouldn't I buy it? Only because she was a girl?
While you all here spit hate and contempt, she is there to share joy and to bring fun to others. And she probably gives a sincere smile to every buyer because she is happy that someone enjoys her creation.
The cosplay is pretty bad though. I hate when people depict Satori's 3rd eye as a some kind of ellipsoid. In the end it's an eye, which has eyeBALL, it should be spherical.

>> No.10253588

Lewdness is a disease.

>> No.10253864

>i heard that most doujin artists are females
>how true is this?

The last time that Comiket released figures, they said that a majority of circle members were female, but a majority of the leaders were male. You can probably still find the figures on their website.

>> No.10253913 [DELETED] 

>So much hate for women
I don't hate women, I hate cosplayers

>> No.10253925

I don't hate women, I hate cosplayers

>> No.10253939

>she probably gives a sincere smile to every buyer because she is happy that someone enjoys her creation
No, she is happy that she got some money.

>> No.10254051
File: 44 KB, 302x155, najimi_smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't most doujin artists be lucky to recover their losses, unless they were actually good?

>> No.10254065

Most doujin artists lose money unless they're really big name. Most aren't (initially) in this for the money, especially if it's an actual story as opposed to sex (even then, some people truly dedicate themselves to drawing a particular character they love regardless of popularity).

>> No.10254134

Why are there so many female artists

is it just because women are better at drawing or because they don't actually have responsibility so they can practice all day

>> No.10254181

I took a loss of ¥6,000 and I even cheaped-out on printing. I knew a guy who spent over ¥1,000 per copy getting it bound properly and sold each copy for ¥200.

It's a labour of love

>> No.10254185

Just by curiosity, what proportion of artists who make shota doujins are females? It would feel weird to fap to something made by an adult man.

>> No.10254193

Not very high. Shota isn't popular among women.

>> No.10254200

Well, shit. How come they don't like it?

>> No.10254222

You know abgrund is a female artist, right?

maybe SS isn't females drawing it, but yaoi or trap shota has a lot of female artists I'm sure.

>> No.10254238

Because women aren't attracted to little boys with no money, status, or dominance in general? /ss/ is a fetish that is pretty much exclusive to men?

Though >>10254222 is right, I can see yaoi shota artists being female, but not /ss/.

>> No.10254239

Do you think she would let me stick my fingers in her pussy

>> No.10254244

>little boys with no money, status, or dominance in general?
But I don't care about that. I'm attracted to them because of their looks and personalities.

>I can see yaoi shota artists being female, but not /ss/.
That's good. I prefer yaoi shota.

>> No.10254251

Then you're safe dude.

It's still ony a minority of female artists, though.

>> No.10254279

>Because women aren't attracted to little boys with no money, status, or dominance in general? /ss/ is a fetish that is pretty much exclusive to men?

Child abuse statistics say otherwise.

>> No.10254290

Are you implying our society is able to see females sexually abusing young males?

>> No.10254297

Most female child abusers abuse female victims.,

Women aren;t attracted to men who can't do any of the things women expect men to do.

>> No.10254332

tenmou kaikai so ni shite morasazu

>> No.10254356

is that a boy

>> No.10254367

Probably. Most touhou cosplayers are.

>> No.10254394

so whats the name of this artist

>> No.10254402

That's kinda hot.

>> No.10254404

Does any one have those homo erotic videos of those two male cosplayers going at it?

>> No.10254424


>> No.10254444


>> No.10254454

Awesome. Phimosis dicks are so hot. And I'm not being sarcastic.

>> No.10254470

Nevermind. It peels back.

>> No.10254489

>because they don't actually have responsibility so they can practice all day

I'd guess most of them became artists because of this, saying from my experience. I know a girl who does absolutely NOTHING but play MMOs and draw all day, while her boyfriend of seven years works and keeps the house going. And he still speaks proud and happy about how they're going to get married soon and all that. Well, good for her for having a pussy I guess. And good for me since she can be my support all day while I kill shit.

But I digress. Point is, I wouldn't doubt it if anyone found proof that most female artists have a guy allowing them to live the dream.

>> No.10257014

Are doujin artists usually talkative and truly friendly? Or do they only try to put on a friendly face and try to subtly get you to leave if you keep standing around not buying anything, but want to discuss favorite Touhous?

>> No.10257071

Don't be "that guy"

>> No.10257074

They only have a limited time to sell what they have to as many people as they can. It's not like some comic shop where you can talk to the fat fuck there all day because he has nothing better to do. Please don't bother artists. If I was an artist and you pestered me about what my favorite Touhou was or some other bullshit I would have security remove you.

>> No.10257194

Doujin artists are normal people, so we can assume that just like normal people; they come in different varieties and flavors.

>> No.10257212


Yes in-fucking-deed.
