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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 192x192, 4653734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10252227 No.10252227 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that they sell used pantites in Japan vending machine? So messed up

>> No.10252228

ribbit ribbit!

>> No.10252235

kero kero

>> No.10252236

You only say that because you've never had to go to school and realize that you forgot to put your panties on.

>> No.10252244

I always go commando

>> No.10252261

kero kero suruna xd

>> No.10252284
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>> No.10252287
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>> No.10252293

Stop this kero shit

>> No.10252308
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>> No.10252314
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>> No.10252317


That looks like Nanashi in Gensokyo.

Does he fuck Suwako?

>> No.10252322

source now. Reverse search does nothing.

>> No.10252326
File: 30 KB, 400x267, lolichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg Anon is it true that you masturbate to Japanese cartoons?

>> No.10252325

but of course

>> No.10252327


Is there something that Nanashi wouldn't fuck?

>> No.10252333

Yeah, when I'm not masterbating to you- I mean, You'll understand when your 11.

>> No.10252340

How do you know what masturbation is?

>> No.10252344

>your 11

typical stupid pedophile

>> No.10252347

Kids grow up fast these days.

>> No.10252364

Yes. Although, I once watched a movie where Yakuza put adds into the news papers saying they had a wide range of panties used by a 1990's famous idol and other such girls, but the Yakuza just put the panties on themselves to make it seem like "That smell" was genuine.

My thoughts are most of these panties are not really worn by women at any point at all. I am sure there are some Yakuza that pay small fees to girls who turn in panties though too.

>> No.10252387


>> No.10252389

Ugh fine *you're eleven*
And you wonder why I hate adults...

>> No.10252393

cuz u have the brian of a 6 year old

shit lol i bet u st;il need some1 to hold ur hand wile crossin teh road L,MOA

>> No.10252394

Please don't abuse the ironic shitposting function.

>> No.10252396

I'm crying now, n-not because you're post offended me and I'm very emotional or anything

>> No.10252397

Ironic shitposting is a fundamental human right

>> No.10252400

So is fucking you're mom.

>> No.10252404



>> No.10252410


I unfortunately never saved that photo...

>> No.10252420


>> No.10252425

Please stop saying that, it's making me think of greasy food and I'm getting sick.

>> No.10252449

Yes, it's true. When I spent a year studying abroad in Tokyo, one of my numerous Japanese friends took me on one of their panty harvests.

>> No.10252453

I would pay big money for pantsu of my favorite loli idols

>> No.10252468


>> No.10252470
File: 28 KB, 614x402, keine shitposting ms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10252530

That is one of them. Thanks you!

>> No.10252540

I read on a cracked.com article (something like 5 facts about japan) that they only do that next to sex shops and places that sell pornography.

>> No.10252565

As if that propaganda site knows anything about Japan.

>> No.10252610 [DELETED] 

Makes sense to me, it's just a niche of pornography after all and the guy didn't deny it.
Why should I take your opinion over theirs?

>> No.10252828

it's a priviledge, not a right. and moot just revoked it.

>> No.10252852

It's illegal.

>> No.10252873 [DELETED] 


>> No.10253794

Why is it illegal to sell underwear?

>> No.10257552


what if i have a pantsmergency, LOL

>> No.10257581

/jp/ - Japan/General.

>> No.10257588

Don't quote me on this, but I heard Japan thinks it's not China.

>> No.10257587


>> No.10257607


>> No.10257691

>Don't quote me on this
I'll do whatever I want, nerd.

>> No.10259514

All of this. Why did moot even change it. fuck man. Shit. I am so fucking heart broken over it. I', even abngery, really I am really honestly angery. Damn it. I could punch a damn wall and yell at the top of my fric'on lungs, but I am limited to just posting through shit words!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10259525

Go away Sean.

>> No.10259539

Okay. Good night. Merry Christmas. I'll stop posting for the next month then.

>> No.10259591

To be fair, those panties are perfectly fresh. Sometimes they're even chilled.

>> No.10262772


>> No.10266881


>> No.10267330


>> No.10267394

>Sometimes they're even chilled.

How refreshing!

>> No.10267431

kero kero

>> No.10267442
File: 4 KB, 363x187, chi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of making a new thread:

Are you allowed to write the 'chi' in the same alternative way as you are with 'ki' and 'sa'?

Thank you, /jp/

>> No.10267499


>> No.10267506

Thank you!

>> No.10267569

I've been laughing at this post all fucking christmas. Even during dinner, I was like "man, that was a good post!". Everyone thought I was crazy.

>> No.10267912

/jp/ - Just Pedo

>> No.10268272
File: 689 KB, 1280x800, tumblr_m6aohsdy6S1qjr1g1o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10269287
File: 164 KB, 600x600, 32285863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
