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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10246475 No.10246475 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, realistically, how much longer will it take until robot girlfriends are finally invented by Japan? Will I see one within my lifetime? It's so damn lonely, I so desperately want one, money isn't even an issue either...

>> No.10246492

It won't nerd
Look how shitty the currently AI are

>> No.10246499

atleast 20 years

>> No.10246502

Wouldn't VR be better?

>> No.10246515

/jp/ is da best

>> No.10246524


Already working on it.

>> No.10246535

VR is absolute bullshit. How exactly are you going to send sensory input directly to your brain?

>> No.10246544

like this
*thrusts erect penis into ur unprepared butt*

>> No.10246547


>> No.10246552

You wear a visor and it attaches to your head. Fucking idiot. Science will figure it out.

>> No.10246556

Like I fucking know. I simply said it would be better.

>> No.10246561

>Fucking idiot. Science will figure it out.
/jp/ pls

>> No.10246565

"This powerful ninja warrior will face great dangers and live a great journey to protect his most precious treasure: his virginity."


>> No.10246572

...And what's the deal with airline food?

>> No.10246577

Early gynoids will just look creepy. By the time they past the uncanny valley effect, you will be dead.

>> No.10246580

I can accept uncanny valley.

>> No.10246586

Can you? Look at a corpse.

>> No.10246587

We're a long way off before we can make an AI that could replicate a human and a robot that wouldn't reek of uncanny valley.

>> No.10246593

Looks good man.

>> No.10246594

I get that the robots and shit we have don't look right but it's never bothered me like some people.

>> No.10246596

Who says it needs to look perfect? Just give it a fucking kigurumi head that moves and I'll be happy.

>> No.10246632

It better be perfect. Robots are expensive.

>> No.10246643

I just want to transfer my consciousness into a robot body

>> No.10246651

A perfect robot would be much more expensive than an imperfect robot.

>> No.10246664

Does it really matter? None of you poor NEETs will be able to afford one.

>> No.10246674

The cost will come from the components, not the design. A creepy looking robot will cost the same as a cute one.

>> No.10246678

Good thing I have a well-paying job and only pretend to be a NEET here.

>> No.10246685

I would talk to them at demos and things like that.

>> No.10246706

I remember a thread where a NEET /jp/er said he was working as a freelance programmer or something, and he was making enough money to live without his parents and buy stuff.

>> No.10246713

I was watching "through the wormhole" on science channel yesterday and it had a segment about artificial humans.

Some japanese guy made a robot clone of himself and it looked pretty impressive. I don't think we are very far off to be honest. Maybe something like 30-40 years?

>> No.10246715


>> No.10246719
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 226923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a NEET /jp/er said he was working

>> No.10246721
File: 325 KB, 1114x1600, good luck getting a free one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying stuff and buying a realistic gynoid lover are two separate things.

>> No.10246734

That's an epic reaction pic meme.

>> No.10246763

The first robo-girls that will be released in our later years will be expensive and clunky, sure. But when the technology is perfected and mass-produced for the next generation of NEETs, they will have sleek robo-girls at the cost of a current high-end PC, and who needs one of those when you have the robo-girl of the future?

>> No.10246770

Societal will collapse if that happens.

>> No.10246781

NEETs can't afford top end computers, either, you have to get low end computers from a decade ago.

>> No.10246789

Are you talking for yourself?

>> No.10246815

When I was a NEET, yeah. Now I have a modern mid-grade computer along with a soul sucking desk job.

>> No.10250010

nice pic dude, nice anatomical details, nice ass, upvoted

>> No.10250037

Speak for yourself!
I still have a lot of my allowance from my childhood saved and put away. It's about $8000 total. I never spent my money on candy like the other kids.

I also slaved myself out to Amazon this year. It was degrading but at least I did not have to leave my home and could "work" when I felt like it.

If I'm using what /g/ would consider mid-high-tier gaming setup, then I'm sure I could afford a robo-wife in the future with my NEET lifestyle. An anon can dream!

>> No.10250069



>> No.10250074 [DELETED] 

If you're not a NEET and can actually afford to buy something like this.
Then why the fuck are you a virgin.
Go out and get laid.

If you can't even get laid, then why bother having the job and the money, may as well be NEET

>> No.10250140

You think POOR people are going to get robots??

They have realistic sex dolls that cost like $6,000+, and those contain ZERO electronics & programming hours.

We'll get them right around the same time we have flying cars. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.10250145

I'm well off actually and I haven't worked a day in my life.

>> No.10250163

Must be nice being born rich. Sadly, some us only have the choice to work or starve to death.

And contrary to Aesopp's tale, it is better to be a chained house dog than a famished wild wolf.

>> No.10250171

We'll get working, walking and talking loli sexbots by 2030. Take a screenshot of this post, and look at it somewhere again in 2030.

>> No.10250176

In 40-50 years, maybe.

>> No.10250205

Does it have to be for romantic or sexual relationships?

Couldn't I just turn on some maho shoujo and drama anime that she could learn from and then make her my cute BFF roommate.

>> No.10250271

People, just get a Tulpa.

>> No.10250286

Too much work. It's probably end up like the fucking creepypasta.

>> No.10250476

Normals would never, ever allow something like that to be made. Feminists and jews across the world would do everything they could to get such at thing banned. They already have problems with normal, non-electronic sex dolls.

>> No.10250950

It'll definitely start out as a technology only available to be played with by the powerful elite. Perhaps eventually they'll see a way to control and commercialize it. Maybe put in a mobile kill/off switch? Even with linuxbeard technopirates, the average person will not be up to putting their beloved waifu at any risk and will pay the assfuck monthly fees obediently in addition to the purchase price.

As for feminists they're irrelevant. Men still hold the true power. Say something when the people behind things like project Aiko are assassinated and Cunts Unite claims reponsibility.

>> No.10251030

why don't we try and build one /jp/?

>> No.10251040


I'm going to say 100, for the kind we're after.

>> No.10251089


There are two obstacles.

One is that it's a great deal of work to write the program to make the robot walk and talk like a human. Nothing remotely like this has been done, and something as complex as a compete human is light years more complicated then even the simplest current robots.

The second is that the above program takes huge amounts of CPU resources and diskspace. You need a computer that is fast enough to process the program and the robot's environment.

The first will be solved and is being solved by simply allowing the movements to 'evolve' out of random flailing. I have no idea how long this will take, but can't be longer then ten-twenty years. We already have moving robots that learn to walk this way, and a full human like body is just the same thing on a larger scale.

The second is tricky, because we don't have a precise quote for how much computer power is needed to run a human body in real time. Without knowing how much we need, even Moore's Law doesn't help us.

The body itself is actually not that big of an obstacle. It's simple mechanics, and the only reason it hasn't been made yet is that it would be pointless to create the body without the software and hardware to run it.

None of this assumes sapient AI, only a perfect replica of a human being in terms of appearance, voice, and mannerisms.

I would guess about twenty years. By then, we should have terahertz processing small enough to stick in a body the size of a human woman.

>> No.10251126
File: 36 KB, 664x824, Kurzweil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hard part is the AI. Which can run on a supercomputer initially and be downsized to a cluster in your closet as technology marches on.

But the real conundrum is that once you have an AI kurzweil's predictions could turn out right after all and we get a self-improving feedback loop.

So, what we would need is:

AI running on the biggest supercomputer in the world -> AI running on a mere 100k€ cluster for rich people -> ...

but it could turn out like this:

AI running on the biggest supercomputer in the world -> things we inherently cannot predict happen

As for how long this will take, it's a question of how longer moore's law is going to be fulfilled. We will be approaching some fundamental limits in with semiconductor based computers in a few decades tops. You simply can't make them thinner than a few atom layers.
Of course that won't be the end to progress. We still have room to scale up clock rates using different substrates instead of silicon. And optical computing can help scale things out by providing more throughput between computing nodes.

Anyway, even if we get the raw computing power of one human brain-equivalent relatively soon we'd still have to write the software for it. Modeling AI top-down would require an in-depth understanding how sentient thought works on the emergent level, something we simply don't have yet. Modeling it bottom-up introduces a big overhead since you don't just require one brain-equivalent in computing power but have to simulate the physical/biological processes of brains instead.

2030 seems too optimistic unless we stumble upon some "instant AI, just add exaflops" solution
Within this century on the other hand should be possible assuming that there will only be some smaller stalls in technological progress as we run into limitations or things like global warming become more pressing issues for the whole of mankind.

>> No.10251134


By the time we actually get these things, we'll be using 3D printers to make them in our own homes. The robots will be either designed from scratch by some engineer in his spare time, or modified from designs that are already available. No one will be able to ban or stop it.

There area already CAD models out there for guns that can be loaded into any CNC machine in the world. If those aren't banned, I highly doubt something as harmless as loli sex bots would be.

And before you say that they'll be banned because loli is supposedly banned, go do a search on google for the keyword. You'll find images because the government simply can't get rid of all internet-based loli access without totally banning access to the internet in it's entirety. The future is only going to become more uncontrollable with 3D printing.

>> No.10251157

I hope they make micro battle robots that can fight in plastic arenas. It would be good for gambling.

>> No.10251203
File: 120 KB, 600x800, sample-f0cd2a2e428ae62676928ca3102bca03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> robot girlfriends
> invented by Japan
Japan doesn't invent shit, they'll just put it in mass production and make it popular.
But I don't expect them to appear in less than 50-80 years. Most of current /jp/ anons will be dead by that point, and the rest will be to old and won't even remember what they are supposed to do with a girlfriend.
They can't do anything. Prostitution, porn and sex dolls exist and are rather popular.
The only problem is Muslims, because they can take over the Western civilization by the time such things will become possible.

>> No.10251239

If we didn't mind if it didn't have a human AI the mechinal aspects could begin production today with enough money and effort. I could even make a really basic one with the right parts. It wouldn't be able to walk around and it would be remote controlled but it could preform some of the basic desired actions.

Depending on how well developed you want it to be how long it would take to be made depends on how much people are willing to work for it.

A fully human AI is probabaly a long way off, but remote controlled actions are capible of being made today. Everything else we want lays in between now and forever.

>> No.10251248

Why would Muslims oppose it? 'Dumb' unlearning humanoid robots can be easily controled and assimilate all the fundamentalist doctrine you feed it without question. The extremists would love it. Obedient companion and ready to take in whatever crazy you have to feed it.

No one says we have to make a perfect human replica. In fact, ones that deliberately aren't that smart may be better to avoid a Terminator-style clusterfuck.

>> No.10251251

That's unless we go right into dystopia or WW3, which is highly possible.

>> No.10251256
File: 196 KB, 744x1066, 25740251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why a girlfriend? That would be too complicated, robot or not. I just want a cute robomaid.

>> No.10251263
File: 23 KB, 400x226, SpaceAdventureCobraMovie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want my robot to be cute at all or even look like a fleshy human.

>> No.10251265

It's probably better to have a robot that won't be pondering the meaning of its existence or why you're making it do whatever it's doing. Make sure it can't learn and grow in important areas by itself. Just being able to memorize your preference of tea and when you want it is good enough for me. I'd rather they stay tools than true feeling/thinking companions since the risk of them going apeshit is too great if given too much capability and thinking freedom.

>> No.10251273

As far as i know, Muslims are too conservative(sex included) to allow such things, unless they're absolutely necessary(and robots aren't).
>'Dumb' unlearning humanoid robots can be easily controled and assimilate all the fundamentalist doctrine you feed it without question.
>The extremists would love it. Obedient companion and ready to take in whatever crazy you have to feed it.
Humans can be used(and are used) for everything you described. And humans cost much less that robots and are easily replaceable.

>> No.10251275
File: 202 KB, 1800x1279, roomba560_onfloor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have those.

>> No.10251290

I will collect a horde of the robots, teach them to go apeshit, then release them.

>> No.10251293

I want a cute little shinki that calls me "masta"...

>> No.10251294
File: 741 KB, 707x1000, 30879131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roombas are actually extremely cute! When it can cook and do laundry I'll buy one.

>> No.10251298


>> No.10251306

Then I will cut them all down swiftly with your edginess.

>> No.10251312

Did somebody make a moe anthropomorphism of the roomba yet?

>> No.10251323

Yeah, it works for the floor but, what about windows and the furniture.

>> No.10251328
File: 140 KB, 752x1003, 31897966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they have.

>> No.10251339

Robots must go through the human growth cycle first. Right now it's on the crawling baby phase.

>> No.10251360

Which is better knows as IT"S AWWRIGHT phase.

>> No.10251367
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>> No.10252240



>> No.10253616

Ain't going to stick in Canada. Present regime bows to powerful commercial interests (foreign or otherwise) above all else. If powerful businesses (which are still male-dominated) lobby for it in order to drive more profits, the government will eagerly loosen up. The courts have no real power anyways if the men that control the justice system and government simply don't give a shit, find a loophole, or work in places outside their jurisdiction.

>> No.10253668
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>> No.10253769 [SPOILER] 
File: 192 KB, 540x687, 3718cd4ed5f08f90e03accc5de3dc3e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is everything I want in a robot.

>> No.10255695


Once robots gain AI, there will be robotists that fight for their rights to fuck whoever they want, regardless of composition or build type.

>> No.10255756
File: 537 KB, 872x1200, 1f9bfed065931e121509d98587826517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon I will be able to get my daily dose of doll-joints in glorious 3d.

>> No.10255794

There are already dolls.

>> No.10255798

They aren't very active though.
Not at all like my Japanese animes.

>> No.10255800

The cost might come from the design, especially if artists and fashion designers get into it.

>> No.10255827

>Mil(xration) and Asanagi(fatalpulse) style robitches

>Satoshi Urushihara and Koume Keito style gynoids

>> No.10256035


That's a gorgeous android.

Why don't they give gynoids that design instead of the typical uncanny shit?

>> No.10256038

koreans are the best girlfriends and they don't need batteries

>> No.10256042

If I were an evil mad scientist bent on wiping out humanity, here's how I'd do it:

1. invent robot girlfriends that are better than women in every way
2. invent robot children who are cuter and more fun to raise than real children
3. watch the world population dwindle to nothing while making billions

>> No.10256050

>We'll get them right around the same time we have flying cars. Sorry to burst your bubble.

So pretty soon.

>> No.10256054

Can I get a robot loli with a nice sized penis

>> No.10256057

Most likely, advances in deep brain stimulation tech will render robotic girlfriends obosolete before they happen. Commercial DBS abuse should be available within the next 10-20 years and will make all of us happy.

>> No.10256104

you're too nice to be a evil mad scientist.

>> No.10256105

>Robot girlfriends released despite protests
>They considerably get more and more complex, latest models can recycle frozen ovules and even attain a fakish pregnancy cycle
>Women start to feel even more underwhelmed, massive protests ensure
>Men using robots will be seen as trash, but they don't care as their robowaifu will always and inconditionably shower them with love and affection
>More and more men start using them, unable/unwilling to cope with the complication of a relationships with a strong willed woman when they can litelly have a doll that will never complain
>Women's mentality start to change, to compete with the more submissive robots they also devolve back in the middleages' woman mentality
>Some of them will start using implants to better satisfy their partners
>In a few centuries all women will become as androids subservient to men, with only a few closed communities of "pure breed" women still around
Gentleme, soon.

>> No.10256111


except they will produce male droids as well.

>> No.10256121

Male/Female droids ?
What about gay/postop/etc droids ?
You fucking cis white privilegist.

>> No.10256142


What if biocomputing evolves more rapidly?

They could just implant a human brain in those droids, or transforming a person into a cyborg as plastic surgeons modify existing body parts for aesthetic reasons today.

>> No.10256147


Well I meant biotechnologies, biocomputing is a branch of it and could be useful for it as well.

>> No.10256150
File: 236 KB, 1280x1024, my meidorobo on the left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NWO guys said they'll be able to achieve this by 2045. Please don't fail us.

>> No.10257013

Didn't canada ban loli shit (and seriously enforces it) ?

>> No.10257053

hu u qt ?

>> No.10258112

It is in theory banned, but it's no more "enforced" than pirating. Which is to say, not at all.
