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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 216x239, 1354620572003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10242275 No.10242275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think that /jp/ is the cutest?

/jp/ can seem pretty mean on the board, but if you put a bunch of /jp/ posters in an MMO or anything like that then it's adorable. They get all shy and nervous because of their social anxiety and stand around not saying anything. When they do say something then it's quickly stuttered out in this terrified girly voice.

All of you are SO CUTE.

>> No.10242278
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>> No.10242279

I'd suck a dick

>> No.10242290

I hate cuteness so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.10242291

Wich /jp/er would you <s>kiss</s>?

>> No.10242294

This guy.

>> No.10242295

Would you suck mine?

>> No.10242296

As with any homosexual community, /jp/ is comprised of both "tops" and "bottoms"

The tops say things like, "frig off nerdlord. lmao spergtastic. ill bully ur ass"
The bottoms say things like, "pls dont im scared. pls no bully. pls..."

>> No.10242297


>> No.10242301

Check your faggot privilege.

>> No.10242302

i want to play video games with /jp/sies

>> No.10242308
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>> No.10242314

Nice job

>> No.10242315

cute thread dude

>> No.10242320

thanks, wanna' fug?

>> No.10242326

I dated a guy from /jp/ once and he was very cute, but after awhile I started to feel like I was the man and he was the woman. It was unsettling.

He would get scared so easily and holding hands was the most he could do without panicking and apologizing repeatedly. He always stared at the ground and stood behind me when we talked to people too.

I broke up with him since it was making me feel like a pedophile to date someone that reminded me so much of a timid child (even though he was technically older than me) and he said "I'm sorry. Bye" and then started crying and ran away. I called him and tried to message him on the internet, but I never heard from him again. Sometimes I think about him and wonder what he's doing.

>> No.10242329

I have never played anything with /jp/.

Been really close sometimes by installing and having everything ready for some game but then chickening out.

>> No.10242344

He's dead and it's all your fault.
I hope you learned your lesson.
Love is not a game.

>> No.10242355

He probably killed himself because of what you did to him.

>> No.10242359

Should've just been fuck buddies and helped him release all that repressed sexuality.

>> No.10242365

btw I'm a girl :3

>> No.10242382

Want to play something together?

>> No.10242389
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He is the lonesome otaku now.

He roams the hilltops with a violin in his hand and plays songs from Legends of the Fall while staring off into the distance and wishing that he wasn't 2 qt 4 luv.


>> No.10242391

online /jp/ communities outside of /jp/ are always filled with insufferable jackasses that just can't seem to let go of their horrible imageboard etiquette when speaking in a proper chat room.
you all turn into complete buffoons when you venture outside of this board, I might as well be playing games with /a/ or /v/ because I can't tell you apart anymore.

>> No.10242394

>horrible imageboard etiquette


>> No.10242395

You aren't missing anything.
Unless you are the talkative type already, it will be like playing solo.

>> No.10242396

Its best to just keep 4chan on 4chan, even if some people seem reasonable here, they always end up acting out elsewhere.

>> No.10242400

I think /jp/ is very cute, yes, but they're not just cute in games. They're really cute on this board, too!

You just have to remember that there's a lot of shitposting and bullying to sift though here. We do it because sometimes it's just funny and adds to the atmosphere of /jp/. Of course, there's genuine shitposters, but that's neither here nor there

A-anyway, the point is when you get past all that shitposting and bullying, sometimes you get to see /jp/'s softer side, and it's really really cute! /jp/ is like the ultimate tsundere. All antagonistic and shitposty one minute, then all wistful and endearing the next

So cute!!!

>> No.10242407


>> No.10242409

Yes, cutest imageboard on 4chan

>> No.10242430

Shut up, cow. We aren't cute we're badass. We're the mob boses of 4chan, the anarchists, the punks. we don't need to be loved, only feared.

Captcha: evel lelpol

I was also going to post Dante but my post reached too high level of badass and the system rejected it.

>> No.10242433
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>> No.10242435

Can I be cute and badass?

>> No.10242438
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>We're the mob boses

Speech impediment! So cute~~

>> No.10242474

That sounds awesome. Was his penis cute? Did you bully it with your bigger penis?

>> No.10242487

I want to bully a /jp/er's butt with my penis.

>> No.10242495


>> No.10242588
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x900, 1351986025104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is NOT CUTE! /jp/ is mean and though

dont say im cute you dont know me

if you think we will be gay friends having a blast (in the ass) YOU GOT IT WRONG

i dont want you to be my boyfriend OR girlfriend


>> No.10242611

/jp/ molested you.

>> No.10242639 [DELETED] 



>> No.10242679

He obviously meant no homo.

>> No.10242684
File: 183 KB, 635x478, 1354167124859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ im scared

please hold me

the wind just got very fast, my house is shaking, trees are hitting the house, the rain is making the windows sound like they're about to shatter

im so scared
this is the mayan's return
this is it

>> No.10242687

/jp/ is full of stupid oversexual teenagers. Everyone has a shitty taste in everything and no one even browses this because they like the place, only because its a habit. RIP good old days of /jp/, back then you were the best. Now you are all dead to me.

>> No.10242690
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there

>> No.10242691

Don't worry, close your eyes, think of happy things, and try to go to sleep. It will be okay in the morning!

>> No.10242692
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>> No.10242696

I'm not cute. You need to see the truth, and that is what is true.

>> No.10242698

You're cute in your own way!

>> No.10242701


It's nice of you to say such things but there's no truth in it.

>> No.10242702

no we are not, I don't care wether I'm cute or not.

I am happy being me.

>> No.10242718

What the FUCK
That's happening by my house too!

I prepared though, I'm not gonna sleep. I'm gonna wrestle the shit out of the mayan reptilian aliens and consume their flesh to steal their powers!

>> No.10242726

You'll die in like two seconds.


>> No.10242731

I'm terrible.

>> No.10242734
File: 47 KB, 500x333, 1340943353001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not some puny mortal like you.

>> No.10242739

<s>You are.</s>

>> No.10242743
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Nothing is happening here, not even any UFOs.

>> No.10242753
File: 811 KB, 700x800, future-superhuman-2300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't even understood's

>> No.10242755
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>playing MMO with /jp/


>> No.10242760
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I just wanted something to happen

Maybe it was too much to ask for

>> No.10242765 [DELETED] 

fuck off, 2kike

>> No.10242769

UFOs don't land in Europe.

>> No.10242772
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You can't escape my sight.
I know.

>> No.10242775
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>> No.10242778

What's wrong with her?

>> No.10242785

Nothing, she's enjoying her nuts.

>> No.10242786

shes 'aving herself a giggle

>> No.10242787


>> No.10242797

I want to actively play with /jp/

>> No.10242802
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>> No.10242819


>> No.10242856

I'm hugging a pillow and pretending that it's you, /jp/. At least we can be together during the last hours in my mind.

>> No.10242860

I'm too big and hairy to be considered cute.

>> No.10242871

Someday I'll find a cute and small boy on /jp/ to talk to on skype and we will love each other and live happily ever after.

>> No.10242873

You are too cute to be considered big and hairy.

>> No.10242880
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>> No.10242884
File: 550 KB, 800x733, 26083883_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am alpaca otaku and I am enjoying this thread a lot.
It's fun.

>> No.10242881

epic reaction image br/a/h

>> No.10242882


Love and kindness is always otaku culture.

It's like a hug. You can't reject it because it's a pure expression of love from one human to another.

>> No.10242886


No it's not. This is a /soc/ thread.

>> No.10242889


>> No.10242890

So you passed Board Police Academy, then?

>> No.10242897

I played a MMO with /jp/ once and they laughed at me because I was bad at it.

>> No.10242898

Trying to hard to fit in, dude.

>> No.10242902
File: 885 KB, 480x270, 1352979287436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick and tired of trying to play MMOs with /jp/.

You are all a bunch of autistic cunts. The most inconsiderate, the most selfish, the most tactless bunch. I can count on one hand the number of /jp/ anons I've played with that are able to take it easy. Everybody else is pissy little princesses who think they deserve everything.

You do favors for /jp/, they don't even say fucking "thanks". And still they feel like you should continue doing things for them. It's like you've never been around people before, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I shouldn't expect an autists to understand group dynamics.

>> No.10242908

You're pissed that they didn't say "thanks"? Wow, what an autistic cunt.

>> No.10242914
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>> No.10242920

Its not that hard to simply say "thank you," after someone does something for you, don't be so rude. I wouldn't be to hard on /jp/ for that one specifically though, autistic people don't generally know how to react in situations like that.

>> No.10242923
File: 101 KB, 472x472, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all passive-aggressive, always pulling out stuff like quitting the game because you destroyed the rune he was gonna pick with bottle, even though your team is 34-2

>> No.10242924
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, hotgru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since AIKA, I have never met these players again ;_;

>> No.10242926
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Hotglue pasta aside, thanking someone is pretty hard. Why is it so much harder than apologizing or receiving a thank you?

>> No.10242936
File: 253 KB, 1000x812, a89b5ea4f59917fb7d4b53102f4fdd1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play MMOs with /jp/ few years back.
I am not sure I remember the name but I think it was mabi or something. So it was all good and so and I even lurk in the IRC channel. Then one day, some dude with a vocaloid name posted a link with a new game called AIKA. So of course I clicked on the link to try to join them.
Now that was the biggest mistake that I did in my life.
I saw tens of thousands of dollars worth of charges to Gpotato, NTreev, Nexon, Cancun, tenga.net, amiami & DRAGONDILDO.COM. When I try tell everyone in the channel about the scam, they called me an idiot and laughed at me and then proceeded to ban me.

A word of warning to all of you, never trust /jp/.

>> No.10242943


Wow, look at this faggot. What an ungrateful fuck.

May you get stripped from any valuable thing you care in your life.

>> No.10242944

You don't feel like thanking someone after they helped you out? What is that? You're not even happy that they took their time to help you do something? I could see it if it was some random that you joined with, but a guild member? Please show some common courtesy you dill weed.

>> No.10242949

I didn't say that, I said it's harder. I thank people when I need to and I mean it, but it makes me feel really uncomfortable.

>> No.10242963

I always thank people when they help me out. I just don't understand why you would get so mad if someone didn't.

>> No.10243002

You guys are all just a bunch of faggots.

>> No.10243006
File: 17 KB, 186x219, 1272153992192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday, one of my online friends said I had a cute voice. I felt fully cute for like half an hour.

>> No.10243013

Post a sample on that vocaroo site, you could even read out the OP if you can't think of anything.

>> No.10243019

Sorry, I don't want to wake up my little sister. It's not that cute anyway.

>> No.10243022

Oh, if thats the case then thats alright.

>> No.10243246


See? SEE? This is what I meant when I posted >>10242400 !


>> No.10243278

I love /jp/ and I always feel safe and happy because I know I have friends who care about me.

>> No.10243468
File: 56 KB, 180x269, 1347997982865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like /jp/.
