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10240653 No.10240653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm trying to get a present for a Japanese friend of mine. She's into woman's issues and has mentioned before that her favorite period of Japanese history was the Taisho democracy period.

Anyways, during that period there was this magazine called Seitō (青鞜). Some of the most powerful leaders of the Japanese feminist movement wrote for it, so I think she'd really like it.

I found what looks like an anthology, but its in english: https://www.cjspubs.lsa.umich.edu/books/list/mono60.php

What I'd really like to find is a big anthology in the original Japanese, since she's mentioned a lot is lost in a Japanese-English translation. Does anyone know where to start on finding something like this?

I don't read/speak Japanese FYI so its hard for me to search for these things.

>> No.10240660

Oh god

I'm laughing so hard

I can't breathe


>> No.10240688

...I would direct you to some other board, but that's probably a bad idea too.

Try asking on reddit.

>> No.10240754


>> No.10240765

This board is about obsessive geeky interests, we don't really discuss Japan here.

>> No.10240775

Is this a fucking joke? I'm going to fucking go insane over here

>> No.10240785

We're really close to Comiket, it's only going to get worse.
