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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 250x189, 5_2008071721415757963pheas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1024000 No.1024000 [Reply] [Original]

what do u think /jp/?

>> No.1024004


>> No.1024007

lol whut?
wow, korea is almost as crazy as japan

>> No.1024011

Koreans should stick to their Starcraft.

>> No.1024015

Spend your summer elsewhere, neo-/b/.

>> No.1024017

Do you care when europeans burn american flags?

>> No.1024018

europeans dont kill birds

>> No.1024022

..Hey, we don't. We just shit on those.

>> No.1024023

i dunno,
but i think most americans would care if the europeans were beating bald eagles till death on top of the american flag

>> No.1024024

Damn that's one hell of a protest.

>> No.1024025

You're so edgy, bro!

>> No.1024031


>> No.1024035

Torturing an animal to make a political statement is reprehensible, so yeah.

>> No.1024040

You know, Japan's national animal is Koi fish, but who would be outraged at Koreans butchering fish over Japanese navy flags?

If anything, Guyana should be pissed off.

>> No.1024045

If anything, a display like that would just strengthen my resolve to fuck over those goddamn crazy barbarians.

>> No.1024047

No we wouldn't. Stop speaking for us. We wouldn't care if you wiped your ass with it. WE BELIEVE IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH. You can even burn American flags in America.

>> No.1024052

Pheasant is Japanese National bird.
So they kill them.

>> No.1024054

your constitution went out the window when the patriot act was ratified

>> No.1024055

wow, imagine what korea would do if Japan actually DID something

they'd probably shoot all their newborn babies on tokyo in burning missiles

>> No.1024057

I'd care, only because they were killing animals for some bullshit political statement. It's not like they can get bald eagles easily outside of North America, either.

>> No.1024059
File: 130 KB, 500x339, 1216369458015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonstration = National pastime of Korean.

>> No.1024060

I guess the protest was a smashing success?

>> No.1024061


>> No.1024063


>> No.1024065



No, seriously.

>> No.1024066

ofcourse not, what would america be without fear and hysteria?

>> No.1024071


Don't make me laugh. What your constitution says and what you people do are two different things. I remember watching a motoring program a year ago where the presenters were driving through the US south in old cars. They painted each other's cars up to cause problems for each other. One said 'Nascar sucks', another said 'Hilary Clinton for president' and the third said 'Gay pride'. Just for having these logos on their cars, it was around half an hour before a posse of the 'good ole boys' were after them with their guns and they had to ditch the cars and hide. Yeah, freedom of speech....

>> No.1024070

Getting kind of /n/ around here...

>> No.1024074

What I hate is the people screaming about flag burning who then proceed to wave tiny miniature American flags while driving around in their car covered in American flags and wearing underwear with American flags. If you're going to talk about flag desecration DON'T DO IT YOURSELF.

>> No.1024076
File: 37 KB, 640x352, 1216369958638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some motoring program?

>> No.1024077

Shit just got /n/

>> No.1024078

Welcome to the South. They don't believe in freedom of speech. In fact, they're not even human beings. Next time use a better example.

>> No.1024085

Goddamn you're stupid. THE GOVERNMENT can't tell you what you can and can't say. That's why fuckheads like that and the KKK are even allowed to exist. And yes, southern rednecks can be shitheads, but every country has people like that.

>> No.1024092

i hate patriots

>> No.1024099


In Japan, people drive on the wrong side of the road.

Americans drive on the right side of the road. lol

>> No.1024096


Me too, cheating faggots.

GO GIANTS! 18-1 hahahahaha

>> No.1024107

reported, get the fuck out

>> No.1024122

I saw that motoring program. I cannot remember the name of it.

>> No.1024133

We northerns mostly feel it's time to dig up Sherman, hand him a few nukes, and set him back to work.

>> No.1024138

It was Top Gear, and only a moron would think that scene wasn't scripted.

>> No.1024160

Only an american would think it was....

>> No.1024167

Enjoy your delusions.
