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10239546 No.10239546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Africa says goodbye to you, /jp/

>> No.10239554

I missed this otaku dog meme first time around, is there anything important I should know before shitposting

>> No.10239560

I wish I could say goodbye to Africa, but it doesn't seem immigration is going to be closed off any time soon.

>> No.10239563

Africa is a medium-sized dog.

>> No.10239595

Is he a good dog?

>> No.10239640

Africa is cute.

>> No.10239643

I wish I had a pet and a good camera so I could make a meme on /jp/.

>> No.10239647

How old is she?

>> No.10239683

No, don't leave. ;____;

>> No.10239677

Goodbye Africa

>> No.10239692

RIP Africa

>> No.10239733


>> No.10239742

Put Africa to sleep so Africa doesn't have to suffer through doomsday.

>> No.10239761
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Africa is 3 years old. She is really small, one could say she is a midget dog since she did not develop like her siblings. Africa lives in Miami and likes to go wan wan when the black guy from Fedex comes to drop the mail. She hates the water, loves to chase geckos and lizards. She also hunts rats and racoons; she does not kill them.

Africa has been feeling down lately. Will post more if we manage to survive the prospective doomsday.
Meanwhile http://www.terriblefate.com/

>> No.10239797

>Africa has been feeling down lately

That's the saddest thing.

>> No.10239840

> She also hunts rats and racoons; she does not kill them.

Maybe she just wants to be their friends?

>> No.10239846

You should cheer her up

>> No.10239868

She defends her territory.

I must add Africa starts panicking when a tropical storm ensues. She comes trembling to the marrow looking for solace, opening her eyes widely as a sign of defenselessness. It is endearing.
Africa likes to drink liquor. When my father throws party she sneaks and tackles the tables to take glasses down. Africa loves wine and beer.
Although Africa seems lazy she is pretty swift. When my brother and I play violently with her she uses hit and run tactics. One could say she fights like a Doppelsöldner since she defends two flanks simultaneously like a prodigy.

>> No.10239988
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She'll be back.

And if she doesn't, I'll just go after her.

Because... Because she's a precious dog?
