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10237130 No.10237130 [Reply] [Original]

When will a new vn translation be done.. I hope a lot come out this break... which ones might we get? Was there ever a vn made for tenchi muyo?

>> No.10237132


>> No.10237134

I don't think most of the translators are high schoolers.

>> No.10237140

Im talking about college break retard.

>> No.10237159
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Can you date Ryoko in these? anybody play them? Also talking about weird vns, did anybody play aoi yori aoshi the vn? how different is it from the manga? does it have more alone time with aoi? or does it foucs on her more? I cant believe this was translated and it seems its very underrated. is it any good or better then the manga?

>> No.10237178

Colleges have breaks? Thought they just had semesters.

>> No.10237187

Gonna watch tenchi universe after 10-12 years.... Why does this series just have such a difference over harem of today. is it the characters and the personalities or world building? i dont know but hes was the only one who was able to do a harem right to this day. I wish they would give him a chance to finish the series from the books. i mean shouldn't he be famous enough to have another chance?
They have a month long break for christmas.
nobody played this? not even one person when it came out?

>> No.10237199

Also i never watched Tenchi Muyo! GXP due to its weird theme is it any good compared to muyo and universe? (Tokyo is just plain bad). also does the manga go even farther then the anime of muyo? does he pick a girl or all of them like the real ending/cannon h manga?

>> No.10237200
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Well since were are talking about Tenchi Muyo. Are there any translations of the Light Novels?

>> No.10237207

I think there are summaries, sadly i always wished to see how it ends in the book. who does he pick (if he picks anyone). Also is muyo based off the book? how are they different?

>> No.10237216

Also is ova 3 based off the books or was it made up and not cannon.

>> No.10237214

GXP is a direct spin off of the OVAs and is directed by the same man who did Excel Saga. I would recommend a watch.

>> No.10237219

oh alright, is the ending any good? does he pick everyone? or one person? when does it happen during the ova(muyo). I hope he picks the milf that i remmber.

>> No.10237221

Does tenchi universe have a decent end?

>> No.10237229 [DELETED] 

My face when weekly good old days-kun depression thread.

>> No.10237230

Shit all the 3 women in gxp look perfect, i hope he picks all 3. Is there implied sex at all?

>> No.10237232
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The books go into waay more detail then the OVAs. They tell you everything from the very begining if you know what I mean.

Here is a picture from the first Light novel. This is Funaho and Masaki just after they first met. Remember they are both married to the King of Jurai Azusa.

>> No.10237240

fuck its just not fair. How does it end? is there sex in the novel between him and the women like rokyo? who does he pick in the end/how does it actually end? did you read every book?

>> No.10237243

Alright its settled im gonna watch universe and then gxp. And the manga, is the manga based off the books maybe? is it worth reading them?

>> No.10237247

Also sorry for the questions but im burning with the need to know what happens in the books/whats different and if it ends with him picking everyone or at least royko or washu.

>> No.10237253
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Does this answer you question?

>> No.10237261

So that really happens? thats awesome if its not just a joke. gonna love this series.

>> No.10237263

I have not read any of the novels although I have plenty of web sites to make up the difference. Still I have want to read the Light novels as well so I can understand where your coming from.

>> No.10237264

please answer >>10237247
you really teased me..
Are you all knowing of the books? if so please answer.

>> No.10237266

has anybody on /jp/ read the novels?

>> No.10237269

Fun fact the lady standing next to Sena in the picture is Yosho's wife.

>> No.10237278

Wait really? does yosho know? or does she know hes alive?
Also i hope that pic is not trolling and he really marries everyone in the end.

>> No.10237288 [DELETED] 

Light novels with animated adaptations belong on /a/.

>> No.10237296
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He knows, and yes he does, thus birthing the trope "The Tenchi Solution" in which the MC marries all the wiminz.

>> No.10237294
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Yeah, he introduces her to then Tenchi in the third OVA series. He also show then Tenchi is not so old looking self.

>> No.10237300

But the anime has nothing to do with the book. Also tenchi has been /jp/ related since it comes from web 1.0 days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh5DbRdU2VU
i miss or wish web 1.0 with geosites stayed, the internet was a bigger place and more fun. its like the internet became more boring and plain. Was the internet a lot more fun to explore back then for you 80s kids?

>> No.10237304

Although Yosho only has one wife. He is not like Sena. Tenchi we still don't really have an answer.

>> No.10237307

guys i will only wacth this if this actually happens, its not a troll right? And does anybody know if in the books that tenchi marries everyone like the cannon h manga? one of the reason why tenchi actually worked was because of the scifi world building and that the harem actually became a true harem.

>> No.10237311

And since that h manga is known to be cannon, im guessing it happened in the book?

>> No.10237308

So even in the books it didn't end with him marring anyone or picking someone or do you not just know? Why are the tenchi novels not translated while other newer shit is?

>> No.10237317 [DELETED] 

Is this the 20 questions thread?

>> No.10237320
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For Tenchi himself we have no define answer at least through all the info I have. We only get stuff like this from the dijonshis.

Although its pretty much confirmed that at some point Tenchi moves to Jurai.

>> No.10237324

We need more info on tenchi, there is just too much unknown about still it and its been 20 years. Its one of the only things that the internet didn't answer from the 90s.
So you dont know how the book even ends too?

>> No.10237334

Technically Tenchi Muyo hasn't ended. Masaki Kajishima, the creator, hasn't said it over. So, I guess he has plenty material to go through.

>> No.10237335

is there a torrent or download where i could get all the h manga. in order too. exhentai is too much of a mess and i want them myself.

>> No.10237338

Wait really, hes still doing the books or something? Whats he doing these days? could there be a new anime? did the books end on a cliff hanger or something?

>> No.10237345
File: 241 KB, 768x768, ae110c6d71fc5428c5df1f423f23966dc59f317a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas break thread? Finally something I can fit in with, all those damn NEET threads making me feel bad.

I've only got 2 or 3 weeks left which is depressing but I've already read 2 manga series and I plan on reading another when I finish my current one. Any recommendations on something action/mystery with a strong female main character preferably

>> No.10237347

This website has the most info on the Tenchi. Check it out if you want.


>> No.10237389

Masaki Kajishima is 50 now, i hope he is able to do one more tenchi anime before he dies.. has there been any news about what hes been doing? it looks like hes actually still writing the novels from >>10237347. Also there are only e novels.. but there was meant to be four or six so i wonder if hes writing those now.
I really really wonder why nobody has translated these when tenchi is just so popular. shit like rail dex gets translated but not this. I really wonder how the 3rd book ends..

>> No.10237605
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Also, War on Geminar follows Tenchi's little brother. Its pretty good, give it a watch.

>> No.10237646 [DELETED] 


>> No.10238674

>Masaki Kajishima is 50 now, i hope he is able to do one more tenchi anime before he dies.

He has about 30 years to do that if we go by average life expectancy for Japan. I wouldn't be overly worried.

>> No.10238760

Lookin good miss Washu

>> No.10238779
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