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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10232494 No.10232494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

otaku is danger

>> No.10232500

Look at how big his shirt is, jesus

>> No.10232506

Am I supposed to know who these nerds are?

>> No.10232507
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>> No.10232513

You meant to say


>> No.10232536

Third from the right in the back did the shooting in Connecticut

>> No.10232539
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>> No.10232554


>> No.10232568
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>> No.10232616
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>> No.10232624


I like how they photoshopped the kid to be as white and blemish free as possible.

>> No.10232625

He's a white child; he doesn't have acne yet, man.

>> No.10232657

Says you, but did you check his dead body to make sure?

>> No.10232661

Why would a 5 year old have acne? Thats not a normal occurence.

>> No.10232667
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If there even IS a body.

>> No.10232672


I wasn't talking about acne, I meant shit like freckles, creases in the face, imperfections, etc. I mean look at him, he's been smoothed to hell and back. Like some porcelain doll.

>> No.10232680

Yeah, how dare they make it look like that picture was taken with good lighting?!

>> No.10232682


God himself must have set up the light for that photo.

>> No.10232697

What are the guys on the left doing? A Stand?

>> No.10232739


People still believe this false flag shit was real?

>> No.10232755

what the fuck??

>> No.10232766



>> No.10232770

Oh man, conspiracy theorists are a hoot.

>> No.10232779

Explain why a man would be laughing and smiling after he just learned his daughter had burn shot to death, and then have to "get into character" to act all sad?

>> No.10232784


Yeah if my kid died I would have a huge grin on my face the next day too. GET DA FUG OUTT TRUFERS

>> No.10232789

maybe she was a step daughter

>> No.10232791


Stupid shit, makes the previous lose it's credibility.

>> No.10232793

I'm curious, how do you people think this is a conspiracy?

>> No.10232794

I totally thought that was going to be some sort of screamer thing.

>> No.10232797

There could be any number of reasons, reasons that can't be inferred from the three second glimpse we get of him smiling in that video.

>> No.10232802
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>> No.10232805

Oh wow. Forget what I said, I didn't watch the video at first.

Holy shit.

>> No.10232812

>Retrieving data from Lanza's computer might give insight into the gunman's behavior or plans, leading up to the shooting.

>Lanza appeared to have left little to no digital footprint. He apparently had no easily searchable profiles on Facebook or Twitter. There is always the possibility that he used an alias for all of his online activities.

>What has puzzled many is how a man who was reported as being into computers could have no trace online.
>He apparently had no easily searchable profiles on Facebook or Twitter.
>He apparently had no easily searchable profiles on Facebook or Twitter.

>> No.10232814
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The truth comes out, brothers and sisters. This was all a ploy by the liberals to pass stricter gun control.

I mean, Obongo already has killed hundreds of children in the middle east, what's 20 more to him? Especially for a "good cause".

>> No.10232817

How does a father of a dead child grinning awkwardly 100% PROOF OF HUGE EVIL CONSPIRACY BY DA EVIL GOBERMENT?

>> No.10232819

Not on facebook or twitter? Your obviously offline.

>> No.10232822

Soon they are going link him to 4chan and then shut down 4chan.
RIP /jp/

>> No.10232824

I'm worried that they're going to find a bunch of loli and guro on his computer.

>> No.10232831

Deleted by NSJ the jewish shill.

Though personally I don't know or care if it conspiracy or not. Would be interesting if it something did happen though...also Iran blamed this shooting and Norway's on Israel. Said that this is revenge for israel due to worldwide palestinian support and Norway's shooting was because of the state acting against Israel.

Outrageous game of propaganda. Who can you trust?

>> No.10232834

I can actually see that happening. I don't reveal my name/personal information online. I don't have a twitter, a facebook, nothing. I'm on the computer from when I wake up - until I go to bed.

D-Do I exist?

>> No.10232838

Grats, you are grouped together with people like Adam Lanza. Welcome to the FBI monitor list.

>> No.10232842

You just want to own guns so you can kill kids you monster! Burn in hell!

>> No.10232844

Iran is a pretty cool guy imo.
It's all about <s> opinions </s>

>> No.10232855

That "nerd gunman" is still hilarious. Fucking nerds.

>> No.10232858
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>> No.10232861

Now people will think twice before they bully me.

>> No.10232865

"If investigators can find what service's Lanza used, they could potentially unlock his Web history. McGroty says, for example, if he was using an Android phone, police could subpoena Google to access his Gmail. There are some things that can't be erased because the data is held by a third party."

Is this what Americans mean when they say "free as in freedom"?

>> No.10232876

So are you guys still using google botnet?

>> No.10232887

Why haven't they said anything about stream? A nerd of his caliber would definitely have an account on there or something.

>> No.10232888

I wonder what Cudder !MhMRSATORI!!fR8duoqGZdD would say about this.

>> No.10232891

I don't.

>> No.10233198

I'm surprised it's this hard for them to find. If he's ever signed up for anything including his email like a bank or a credit card they have it.

>> No.10233227

I imagine the investigations' web experts being practically in tears

"I don't understand... he doesn't have a facebook account, he didn't even use twitter... I just don't... don't understand... how could someone live like this?"
"let's stay rational here, maybe he simply didn't use his real name? Even though they ask you for your RL data... well, he's a criminal after all, he's probably been lying and deceiving people all his life."
"you're too green, rookies, you don't realize what kind of MONSTER we're dealing with here..."

>> No.10233245
File: 47 KB, 500x374, dragon dildo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shopped dood. No one has a face or eyes like that, not even under this "lighting" of which you speak.

You clearly have no idea of the tricks that the jew media use to sell papers.

>> No.10233265

Was the nerd necessary? Gunman wasn't sufficient?

>> No.10233266

Why are brits so ugly

>> No.10233267

not as ugly as your mom nerd.

>> No.10233270

Thanks to him people who have little to no facebook like me will be considered terrorist

god I fucking hate this day an age of computers

>> No.10233274

>nerd gunman


>> No.10233275

Supposedly his mom (who was stocking guns and food for the end of the world) was about to commit him to an insane asylum too. No wonder he lost it.

>> No.10233276
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Don't bully him!

It's not his fault that the CIA abducted him, programmed him with Project MKUltra, and then implanted a trigger inside of the Batman movie.

If he stuck with his Japanese entertainment then he never would have seen that movie and he wouldn't have been the CIA's patsy, but it's not fair to hate someone for one mistake (straying away from Japanese products)

>> No.10233278

British newspapers don't pull any punches.

>> No.10233279

How is it a "punch?" The guy is dead.

>> No.10233281

This is like JFK all over again, but now the war is against the otaku.

Why isn't the media talking about the man in camouflage with the rifle and binoculars that was observing the school from the woods during the shooting? He was obviously an intelligence operative that was spotted by some patrolling officer and then his spook friends came in and covered it all up, but the government's grip on the news networks can't be so strong that they censor something like this.

>> No.10233282

Oh, it's a british newspaper? That explains everything.

Also I bet adam was lonely. The eye witness says that he was not picked on "from what they can see" meaning it is all done behind their backs.

just look at how chri-chan gets bullied at every waking moment in his life.

>> No.10233284

>talking about the man in camouflage with the rifle and binoculars that was observing the school from the woods during the shooting?


>> No.10233286

Whatever, nerd.

>> No.10233287

This whole smell like a planned plot.
I mean the media hiring actors to play victims?
If it is true, it is totally sick what people will do to achieve their politcal goals.

>> No.10233289


>> No.10233291

I bet adam actually knew there was going to be the end of the world.

He anticipated of prolonged suffering for many years to come. So he took out as many people he can and the ones he cared for so they do not have to face the suffering like we all have to.

>> No.10233292

>>What has puzzled many is how a man who was reported as being into computers could have no trace online.

This really annoys me. I love computers and the internet. I always have. I have no Facebook page, no Twitter, no nothing. Do people really think social networking sites are nerdy? If so I have a feeling the idea was spread by the same people who say that people who play games for one or two hours every other day are gamers.

>> No.10233295

>Paul Steinmetz, spokesman for Western Connecticut State University, told the Associated Press that Lanza earned an "A" in a computer class.

>> No.10233296

Given it's America, I can totally believe some guy in camouflage gear with a rifle and binoculars just happened to be hanging around in the woods at the time.

>> No.10233297

my god
he must've hacked the facebook servers and erased all his data!!

>> No.10233299


There was a second man that was arrested at the shooting. He was dressed in camouflage and lying prone in the woods right outside of the school.

>FoxNews reported that this second gunman was "led out of the woods by officers" and then questioned. The original source of this report was the Connecticut Post.

>A local CBS affiliate was also reporting the existence of a second gunman and said "Police believe there may be a second gunman and are looking for a red or maroon van with its back window blown out..."

>ABC News also originally reported, "A second gunman is apparently at large. Car-to-car searches are underway."

>A local CT CBS affiliate was also reporting, "CBS News reports that a potential second shooter is in custody and that SWAT is now investigating the home of the suspect. A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, 'I did not do it.'"

All of this has since been scrubbed and they just completely stopped talking about the mysterious man that was dressed in camouflage. Now the media is completely focused on Adam Lanza, but during the first hours of this there were tons of reports of a second man that was arrested in the woods right outside of the school.

The only thing that makes sense is that it was some CIA spook that got spotted. If it was just some random hunter then the media would have covered it, just like they did with the false arrest of Lanza's innocent brother.

>> No.10233308
File: 17 KB, 121x362, fisherman lanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the news keep using the picture of him where he looked like an emaciated skeleton that's fresh out of a concentration camp?

He looks much cuter in his little fisherman outfit with the droopy hat.

>> No.10233312

me on the left

>> No.10233314

That's a hat? I thought it was his hair for sure.

>> No.10233317

That is definitely his hair. You need to be an idiot to mistake it for some hat.

>> No.10233318
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>> No.10233321
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It looks like a little hat to me. One of these kinds

>> No.10233322


>> No.10233326

So the conspiracy theorists are right. This is just all part of the plan to take away gun rights?
What is there to gain? Arent the jews the one selling these guns?

>> No.10233331
File: 315 KB, 2000x1329, Israeli-special-forces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with 223 (rifle) casings. However, Adam Lanza was found dead at the school with only handguns - a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. He could not have possibly been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders.

This is what happened: The Israeli spec-ops soldiers came in with their death squad. They executed the mother of an autistic and frightened otaku, strapped a bullet proof vest on him and forced him to wear a ski-mask, and then the death squad quickly went through the school killing everyone that saw them. They then executed our otaku friend and disappeared into the shadows like spec-ops operators normally do.

By the time the police got there they just saw a dead otaku that was forced to hold his mother's handguns.

Be careful, /jp/. They might be coming for you and your mother next, especially if you don't have a facebook.

>> No.10233333


I almost forgot the link.


>> No.10233336

Uh, Adam Lanza held two semiautomatics and had a rifle in his car. The semiautomatics in question barely make it to the "handgun" category in that it is possible to fire them with only one hand holding the gun.

>> No.10233341
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>> No.10233344
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What the fuck?
This isnt some fucking coincidence.
I am going to download the batman blueray just to see it.

>> No.10233353

A location appears on a map in a film, and happens to be the location of a shooting. Big deal. You really think that if the "Jews are behind this" and that it's a political plan, that they would drop easter eggs?

>> No.10233373 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 700x600, 1336990339754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plese help
im so scared

i dont want to be killed by the jewish soldiers
i dont want my mommy to die
plese help
im scared /jp/
i put chairs infront of door to block anyone from enter but i dont know how to fight and they might kill me and capture me because im an otaku and i dont have a facebook and i havent gone outside in years someone like me is what they are looking for

im so scared

>> No.10233390

This is truly the otaku holocaust.

>> No.10233393


>> No.10233402

Dont worry. Just imagine me putting you on my lap and stroking your shivering in fear body slowly. then i slowly rub my hands down your pants and touch your peepee and play with it and feel it get harder and harder.

>> No.10233405

Is it a coincidence that the shooting happened right after Batman BD got released.

>> No.10233412


The helicopter footage shows what happened pretty well. The cops were chasing after two of the remaining Israeli special forces guys in the woods outside of the school, but they got away. There's also a few parts of the police scanner audio where you can hear the cops screaming and shouting for backup because they see people coming at them from the woods.

>> No.10233449 [DELETED] 

Why hasn't the media blamed anime yet?

Animu is also violent

>> No.10233453

He was made into a patsy after making one too many negative comments about Jews on /pol/

>> No.10233460

He destroyed his HDD and all the evidence.

>> No.10233464

>a patsy
A what? Is that short for patriot or something

>> No.10233465

If it doesn't name the jew, the message probably isn't true.

>> No.10233468


>> No.10233470

Someone taking the blame to distract from a larger crime.

>> No.10233477

Sandy Hook was also one of the few beaches in New Jersey. It got blown away by the last hurricane. Hurricane Sandy.
